A Romantic Yiff from PDem

Story by Project_Demise on SoFurry

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The smell of crushed grass permeated the night air as the wolf held the vixen in his arms. They lay atop a blanket in the yard, gazing up at the stars and moon. It was chilly out, and the cold was more pronounced when the wind blew over their bare fur. They were waiting for a special moment. A moment that had been foretold on the news. And soon enough, the event occurred.

First one, then another. Then more. A rain of meteors streaked across the sky, their fiery dance in the heavens a signal to begin a fiery dance on the ground.

The vixen rolled on top of the wolf, then sat up, her sex straddling his the way she herself straddled him. She smiled warmly down at him, even as his tongue lolled out of his smiling mouth. She reached down a black-socked paw and gently guided his penis upwards. Her hips rose and fell softly as she took him into her body. She sighed softly as her lover whined beneath her.

Normally he was on top, since they both enjoyed what he did while in the dominant position. However, tonight was special, and she wanted to make sure. Thus, for now he would be beneath her. Not that he minded, of course.

Her tail wagged softly as she rose and fell upon him, her paws stroking his belly as her inner muscles stroked his member. His paws came up to grip her hips, not to speed things up, but because he felt they needed to be there. He rubbed her sides softly as she thrust herself upon him. She leaned over and pressed her lips against his, rocking her hips now, no longer thrusting, simply stirring him around within her. He returned the kiss passionately, his paws traveling up her sides to rub her breasts. She murred as he played with them, then gasped as he rolled and pinched her nipples. She tilted her muzzle up, breaking the kiss, then whispered something in his ears. He looked surprise for a moment, then he whispered something back. She nodded. He returned the nod.

His paws slipped back to her hips, then he gently rolled them over, putting her beneath him. She smiled, then rolled her head back, exposing her fluffy white neck. A show of submissiveness and complete trust. He leaned down, hips thrusting gently, and began to nip at her throat. She murred in pleasure, a smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around his back as he began to thrust faster. She rubbed her muzzle against his as his hot breath on her neck made her sweat.

During the day, he was the pants-wearing male, the breadwinner of the family. He worked all day, then came home at night to a clean house and a warm meal. But unlike other males in the same position, he wasn't an asshole about it. He didn't automatically expect there to be dinner on the table when he got home. He didn't expect her to be barefoot and pregnant (though pregnant was what they both wanted). She knew she could have a job if she felt like it. But she'd always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, taking care of the house, the kids, and her mate.

Sure, there were other males out there. Ones with bigger ‘tools', ones who made more money, ones who were more intelligent, and ones who were more romantic. She'd been with guys of each type. But he fell into an altogether different class. He was fairly large without being huge, he made decent money, he wasn't anywhere near stupid, and even though he wasn't extremely romantic, he still showed her his love with each of his actions. Everything he did, he did out of love. Just like now.

Oh yes, just like now.

Each thrust was tender, loving. Each grinding thrust stroked her most sensitive spots deliciously. She writhed as he bit down on her neck, not piercing her flesh, but close, his teeth on either side of her carotid artery. With a single tug, he could rupture that artery and kill her. Thus, letting a lover put his teeth there was a sign of absolute trust. It didn't hurt that being bitten on the throat was an erotic thrill for her. And his tongue lapping along the line generated an even greater thrill. A slight twinge of fear that was immediately erased as her mate's thrusting slowed down, becoming harder.

She could feel his swollen knot against her lips. He wasn't trying to force it in. Not yet. Just letting her feel the knot that would be inside her soon enough. She let out a needy whine, and he released her throat. She nuzzled his chest and closed her eyes. It wouldn't be long now...

His thrusts became harder and harder as the instinctual imperative to tie with his red-furred mate slowly overcame the wolf's desire to make their coupling last all night. And she wasn't helping his control, her nuzzling and her licking of his nipples made it hard to concentrate, and her needy whines only added fuel to the fire.

With every thrust he made, her hips rose to meet his. She too felt the instinct, though it was the instinct to be tied, rather than to tie. She had told him many times that he needn't hold out so long. That once they entered the tie, she would ‘get hers'. But he still tried. Still attempted to push her to orgasm without tying. They'd been together for almost a year, but he hadn't quite managed to cause her orgasm without his knot. But this time...

She could feel it. It was welling up within her; that overpowering feeling of pleasure that threatened to erupt. Each thrust added to it.



She whimpered and bit her lip, trying to keep from calling his name. Twenty feet of forest land separated their yard from the yard of their nearest neighbors, but at midnight there was nothing to dampen her sounds.



She took a paw from his back, made a fist, and bit down on it. Her body was shaking now, her pleasure level reaching critical mass.



He felt it. Her insides clenched and her fist fell from her mouth. He quickly pressed his mouth to hers and muffled her with a kiss. She cried out into his mouth, flooding him with used air. She wept tears of joy as her body was rocked with orgasm.



He pulled away from her lips as his knot passed into her rippling passion. His body shook as he took one last look at her, his mate. He drew his hips back a few times, then threw his head back and howled.


Yip yip yip yip!

She followed him, having her first multiple orgasm, shaking as her claws dug into his back, eyes filled with stars that had nothing to do with the sky. She could feel his knot inflate within her, tying her to him, closer than most couples could ever come to their mate, his seed spurting from his twitching cock and passing through her inner gates, which had been thrown wide on this day.

Her mate's arms shook as he lay down atop her, nuzzling under her chin as his seed continued to flow into her. It would be thirty minutes or more before his knot deflated and they could move again. She stroked his back while he sighed, waiting for yet dreading the time when he slipped free.

Perhaps now...now she could truly be a stay-at-home mom.