The Experiment

Story by ropistike on SoFurry

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An older story, but utilizing an unwilling predator theme that I like.

Dien, Jory, and Aras stepped into the white building, drawn in by the offer posted on the window. $1,000 cash for all those willing to partake in an experiment. Dien was a 19 year old human, his friends Jory (a 22 year old brown dragon) and Aras (a 20 year old gray fox) were very enthusiastic about the free money.

They were led into a small room with a table and sever other doors. A lizard man welcomed them and asked for their names and ages, not writing anything down. He left for a moment and returned with five small glasses. He placed two in front of Dien and Jory (one yellow and one clear), and just one for Aras (one yellow), explaining that he was the control. Without hesitation, the group downed their drinks, and moments later collapsed.


Jory coughed as he woke up, gripping his head. He blinked as he scanned his surroundings. Large white figures were moving around him, and he looked up, wondering what they could be. His jaw dropped. The figures were men dressed up in white clothes. The lizard that had administered the test was among them, looking down at him, a grin on his face.

Behind the lizard, Aras caught his eye. Apparently, the clear liquid was what did the shrinking, because his fox friend was as big as the men in white. He was also bound to a chair and struggling against someone placing something within his mouth. The lizards massive claws pinned him down and forced his arms behind him. Jory tried to fight but was still a little woozy from the drugging and could do nothing against the strength of his gargantuan captor.

Jory was resigned to allow the lizard to tie his arms up being him, the string (that was like a rope to him) was tied very tightly around his wrists, but the whole situation was still a little too unreal for him to react more than staring around in disbelief. Without warning, his body was lifted into the air, he yelped pitifully as the large claw held him above Aras' head, allowing them to meet their eyes. Aras had an apparatus in his mouth that parted his jaws, seeming not allowing him to close his gaping maw.

The lizard then moved him away from Aras', prompting him to sigh in relief, for a second he was afraid that he was going to be fed to his friend. The lizard placed him in a large bowl and he tried to get onto his feet, but his balance was off so he just sat there, naked. The lizard returned with a bottle of brown liquid and poured it over him. The thick liquid was very sticky and the lizard took the time to slide it all over his body, Jory caught the scent of it, it was maple syrup.

Jory whined as the lizard coated him in syrup, sliding it all over every inch of him, under his arms, under his tail, between his legs, and etc. Once he was coated in the stuff, involuntarily licking the sweet syrup off of his lips, the lizard lifted him up, one finger under each arm. He brought Jory back over to Aras, placing him over the open mouth and lowering him inside.

Jory tried to struggle, but realized how pointless it would be, so he could only stare in disbelief as his body was placed in Aras' mouth. He caught Aras' gaze at the last second, his eyes wide with terror, and it was that moment when the seriousness of the situation hit him. Jory screamed as he was dropped in. His body hit the tongue and bounced back, hitting the roof of Aras' mouth before the tongue pinned him there. He kicked as the tongue held him in place, trying to lunge back up toward the light of outside room. The didn't last long though, a man in white soon lifted the apparatus out of Aras' mouth, and the maw was shut closed.

He could hear Aras protest, as the sound of his moaning was coming from the dark dank pit below his feet. His arms being pinned behind his back, there was not much he could do to keep himself away from the throat. The humidity of Aras' mouth was getting to him, the syrup that was coating his body was being slowly washed away by the saliva that was dripping onto him. Aras shifted his tongue around his body causing Jory to cringe with the alien sensation of his gargantuan friend licking the syrup off of his body.

His world shook violently as Aras coughed, his mouth staying pinned shut. Aras' swallowed the pool of saliva and syrup while keeping Jory pinned to the roof of his mouth. Jory felt a surge of gratitude for his friend for keeping him alive. There was nothing Jory could do but remain still and hope.

After what seemed like ages he could feel the pressure that held him above the hungry throat weaken and his body slide back. He raised his voice in protest, pleading to Aras to keep trying as he slid down a little farther. Aras coughed again and his body dropped, his legs plunged into the fox's throat as his friend kept coughing, trying to keep him up. Jory struggled and kicked, trying to grip at the slick muscle behind him with his bound claws, but couldn't grasp anything.

Aras kept the coughing up, gagging to prevent Jory from being eaten. The coughing stopped for a moment and Jory hung there, being held suspended by the back of Aras' tongue, the esophagus tugging at his toes. A moment later, Aras swallowed.

Jory screamed as the esophagus loosened and his body dropped in. The muscles pulled at him, squeezing him into the throat. He felt Aras cough as he slid down, the force keeping him from sliding in too far, he struggled violently, hoping to get him to cough up more, but it wasn't enough. After a moment, the coughing didn't do anything but send tremors down the esophagus as it squeezed Jory's body down. The flesh gripped his body tightly on all sides as he slid. His body moving against the slick walls, filling his ears with squelching sounds and coughing that seemed more and more distant as he slid deeper.

Jory thrashed as his body was pulled down, the muscles squeezing him deeper and deeper until his feet felt a hard ring of flesh. The muscles worked his body through the ring and he plopped into Aras' stomach. His screams echoed around him, as he splashed in the shallow acids that pooled around him with saliva and syrup.

Jory sat there after his initial bout of struggling. The shallow acids crept up his body a couple of inches as he sat there, gasping in disbelief. How could he get out? He tried to scream to Aras for help, but there was no chance he could hear him. If he could get Aras to vomit him back up...

Jory writhed as violently as he could, slamming himself against the slimy walls of the stomach and being sprung away splashing back into the acids. He kept it up until he could no longer easily breathe. The string around his wrists snapped then, Jory felt at the string and found it nearly dissolved. His fear spiked then, he couldn't scream anymore, so he settled with pathetically feeling around the stomach walls for the sphincter. The walls shifted and churned at him as he did so, easily toppling him back over, falling back into the acids.

This time, he lay there, sputtering at the acids that were digesting him. All the hope had leaked out of him, he lay still, curling himself up in the pool of acid as the walls worked at him. Hoping to knock himself out from lack of air before the pain of digestion got to him, he began screaming once again, getting short of breath as he did so. He felt a strong tingling and irritation as he gasped for air, drifting out of consciousness in his friends belly.


Dien woke up with his head pounding. He rubbed his forehead and started to sit up, only to find that he had been stripped naked and seemed to be on some sort of glass surface. Covering himself, he stood up, about to ask what was going on, when he hit his head before reaching his full height and painfully fell back to the ground. Confused, he looked around and his heart plummeted.

It was impossible, but everything around him was gargantuan. It was the room he was in earlier, he could see the door, counters, lights, all in the same place as before, but 20 times bigger. It was then that he realized where exactly he was. He had been placed inside a glass flask, looking above him he could see the opening, just barely the size of his body. A loud noise echoed into his flask and he turned to see the door nearby him open and a group of men dressed in white walked in, the lizard at the head.

The lizard lifted his flask and began walking, ignoring his screams. They walked through a door and ended up in a room he had never seen before. In the center of the room was Aras. His friend had been stripped of his clothing as well but was still the same size. He had been bound into an off chair, he was on his back, his arms tied behind him, under the chair. His legs were parted and his ass was pointing straight up. His tail, which was unrestricted, was lashing around him.

They placed his flask on a table near Aras' head, their eyes met, his expression dismayed upon seeing him. His friend began thrashing on the chair but was unable to do anything against the bonds. Dien looked up and saw the men in white holding a bottle of yellowish liquid and a narrow glass tube. They approached the two of them, one man taking the tube and standing in front of Aras.

Dien watched in shock as the man dipped the tube in a similar looking liquid near him and position it above Aras' exposed behind. His jaw dropped as he pushed the tube into Aras' tailhole about a quarter length in. Aras groaned as this was done, closing his eyes and thrashing his head. The man pushed until the tube stuck out without falling and stepped back. Dien looked up in time to see the other man pouring some of the liquid into his flask.

He yelped and tried to jump aside, but the man simply lifted the flask and twirled it. Dien felt himself get pinned to the side of the glass as his body slid around. The smell of the stuff determined that it was plain olive oil. The oil coated his skin as he slid around the glass, the spinning stopping after a few moments, and he sat there in the oil, dazed. The flask tipped and his body slid out, his arms pressed against his side as he passed through the glass opening and into the gloved hand of the man in white.

He tried to struggle, but the grip was firm, it was only when he saw where he was being taken that he began to realize his fate. Aras saw it too, and they struggled together. He was being positioned above the opening to the glass tube, he looked down. The tube was sticking out of Aras' tailhole, he could see the pink exposed flesh pressing against the side of the glass before it retreated into darkness.

It took only seconds for the man to restrain his flailing legs together and stick them in the tube, he met Aras' dismayed look one final time through the glass as he fell the short distance. He tried to grip at the glass walls but his oiled hands slid uselessly across them and he braced himself for the sensation ahead.

His feet struck warm flesh and plunged into the tight muscles up to his ankles. He was, in reality, up to his knees inside his friend's tailhole, but the glass tube kept the flesh parted at the top. He turned frantically, pushing his arms out to his side, trying in helplessly to keep himself from sinking down. Aras seemed to be doing something similar, Dien was met with the alien sensation of the tight muscles tightening fast around him, pushing him back up against gravity.

He tried to lift a foot out of the tight tube of flesh, but only felt his other foot sink a little as he did so. He looked up, shouting at the men in white to free him, that he would do anything. He was met with a sprinkle of oil being dropped on him. He sputtered, the oil dripping down his body and the glass walls of the tube and pooling a bit around his ankles. The added oil made him begin to sink a little, despite his and his friends combined efforts to keep him out of the tailhole. The anal tube claimed a few more inches of him before Aras managed to keep him from sinking any farther into the warm tightness below him.

He remained there, suspended in the flesh slightly above his ankles, trying not to move. Any movement he made made him feel like he was sinking again, the squishing sensation around his feet unnerving him. Luckily, it seemed he and Aras had reached an equilibrium, Dien wasn't sinking any deeper than this. Unfortunately, the men in white noticed this as well, and one approached holding something in it's paw.

Dien looked up to see something being placed in the top of the tube. Whatever it was, it was big and fell fast, colliding with Dien's head. The impact was soft, but it puched him deeper into Aras. The slick oiled flesh rushed up to his knees, pinning his legs together. Dien shot his hands up, the giant object above him felt like rubber, it was about as wide as the tube, and it was heavy. Without thinking, Dien pushed on the rubber and his body responded by sinking fast into the flesh. The tight anal muscles were halfway between his knees and his genitals, and now he was sliding in slowly. Aras was trying as hard as possible to push him back out, but the forceful tightening around his legs could only slow his descent each time, while he sank farther in between pushes.

Dien was panicking now, and by the feel of it, so was Aras. Dien whimpered as his genitals made contact with the soft flesh that was claiming him, he cringed at the sensation, his penis sliding into the tightly gripping flesh. He writhed involuntarily at the feeling and his body was pushed in deeper, the rubber weight pressing down on his head, a relentless pressure forcing him deeper and deeper. His legs were pinned together, his feet leading the descent down the fleshy tube, any attempt to part his legs was met by the flesh forcing them back together. The oil that was poured in earlier was pooled around his stomach, his body slick and slimy from the coating. Aras' pushing no longer seemed to be helping, and they were becoming less frequent, an feeling of helplessness washing over both of them, there was nothing they could do to prevent it.

The rubber weight above him pressed him deeper into the tailhole. His light almost completely cut off as his head dipped below Aras' anus, the glass tube keeping the flesh away from his body, but the pink tailhole walls tightly gripping the glass around him. The narrow flesh was clenching him up to upper chest. Aras was still trying as hard as possible to push him back out, but he could tell that the efforts were becoming more and more fruitless as the rubber weight shoved him deeper and deeper into the tailhole. Dien tried to kick and push himself out of the flesh, but his feet slid uselessly against the side of the tailhole walls.

As the dark rubber breached the anus, Dien was plunged into darkness. The small space his head and arms now occupied, flesh below him, glass around him, and rubber above him, was warm and humid. He tried again to grip the glass walls at his sides, but the position he was in now gave him no way to hold him up with friction. He could only really reach the bottom of the glass tube now, the rest of his body tightly gripped by unwilling flesh as he was shoved in deeper, the warm flesh walls rubbing against every square inch of his skin, every nook and cranny of his body, squeezed tightly by the tailhole.

Just as Dien's mouth breached the tight flesh, the rubber weight seemed unable to reach him and the men in white pulled it out. Dien felt a twinge of hope as he squished around the tight tube, trying to force himself back up, when he saw the massive paw of a man in white grip the end of the glass tube. Dien's heart leaped in fear, he thrashed violently, trying to scream, his shout muffles by Aras' tailhole muscles as the glass shifted. The tube slid out fast and the flesh snapped against him, plunging him into darkness. His arms became pinned ahead of him, the tips of his finger just feeling the cool air when he moved them. The anal walls slid against his face and ears as he shifted, trying to breath despite the flesh pressing against his mouth and nose.

Aras' pushes began again once the tube was pulled out, but for some reason they stopped and Dien lay suspended. He tried to shift his body, his skin sliding against the flesh that gripped him. Dien felt himself sobbing as he remained unable to get any air. He resigned himself to his fate, clenching his fists and trying not to think about the tight muscles that gripped him from all sides as he slipped out of consciousness.


Aras woke up with his head pounding. It took him a few moments to discover that he was strapped naked to a table. He tried to scream for help, but his mouth was gagged. The lizard in white was standing above him. He lurched in shock, blinking to clear his vision.

The lizard turned away from him them, his attention on something on the table behind him. Aras looked around in fear, dreading what was going to happen to him. A man in white approached him and shoved a gloved hand into his mouth, he gagged in protest and tried to fight back, but his arms were bound under the chair beneath him.

The man was placing something metal in his mouth, Aras tried to fight it, but was too weak to do much of anything to prevent it. The metal gripped his upper and lower jaw, prying them apart and holding his mouth open. It was then that the lizard turned around and presented what was in his hand, and Aras' eyes widened in shock. It was Jory, the small brown dragon in his hand was unmistakably Jory, struggling feebly in his grip. The lizard turned him away again.

Aras tested his bonds again, trying to find a weakness, anything he could do to get him or Jory free, but there was nothing, no weakness. After a few moments, they brought Jory back, his body coated with something glossy looking and him looking shamed and defeated. They placed him above Aras' mouth, and with him unable to close it, he widened his eyes with fear. The lizard let go.

Jory plopped into Aras' mouth and he quickly caught him with his tongue, pressing him against the roof of his mouth and trying to push him back out. The lizard then removed the metal from his mouth with one quick motion, pinning his muzzle closed and wrapping his jaw shut with a piece of cloth until he was unable to open his mouth, with Jory squirming inside.

Aras widened his eyes as he realized that they had coated Jory with maple syrup, like he was nothing more than a piece of food. He was even more ashamed that the taste was making his mouth water, getting more saliva to pool at his throat until he started coughing. He felt Jory slosh around in his mouth with the drool and syrup. He was able to hold Jory in place as he swallowed the sweet saliva in his mouth, trying to find a way to free Jory.

The lizard then leaned in close to him place one hand on the top of his head and one on his neck. He shifted his tongue around, sliding it along Jory's body in the process of trying to push him farther up. The lizard pulled his head back and began gently stroking Aras' neck. He was trying to get him to swallow Jory. Aras fought with all his might, he closed his eyes and concentrated on keeping Jory in his mouth, he couldn't swallow him, he just couldn't...

Time passed like this for a while, it becoming more difficult not to swallow the delicious taste in his mouth. The lizard then placed his hand over Aras' nostrils, not letting him breathe. The fear in his chest blossomed then, there really was no other choice... Regardless, he held Jory there as long as he could until the lack of air caused him to cough, and moments later involuntarily swallow.

He couched again in shock as he felt his friend slide down his throat, trying to keep him back up, but the lizard was forcefully stroking his neck now, pushing Jory deeper, until it was too late to salvage him. Aras kept coughing anyway, hoping to get himself to vomit, but nothing happened, he felt the little dragon squirm inside him, with nothing he could do to get him back out.

It did not take long for the lizard to bring in Dien. Aras saw with sorrow that his other friend was also tiny, and he was determined to keep his mouth closed before he could be force fed his human friend as well. This time, however, the men in white were going for a bottle of oil and a long glass tube. Aras met Dien's eyes in dismay as the men in white started working around his exposed behind, one of them gripping the glass tube and coating one end in the oil.

Aras cringed as the tube was forced into his tailhole, he grunted and tried to fight, but once again it was no use. He had lost his motivation to flight against the men in white, he could still feel Jory squirming around in his stomach and knew he could do nothing to save him. He was dismayed when Dien was lifted above the glass tube and met his eyes before his friend slid out of his view, the small human pressed into his tailhole.

He felt the micro feet slipping into his anus, and pushed to try to keep him out. He could feel Dien struggle as one of the men dripped some oil into the tube. The oil was warm and he felt it pool at the end of the tube, Dien's struggles forcing some into his tailhole. The men in white moved around him, one of them holding a thin piece of rubber and placing it above the tube. He slid the rubber in and began slowly pushing it in. He could feel Dien slide deeper into this tailhole, his legs parting the flesh as he was pushed in deeper. Aras grunted at the feeling, trying to push against the force that was sliding his friend into his anus.

Time passed as the man slowly forced Dien into his body. Aras kept fighting with the pushes, but he knew it was no use, Dien was as doomed as Jory was. The man then pulled the rubber out, and soon did the same to the tube, trapping Dien inside his anus. Aras tried to push then, but the man in white noticed and cupped his paw over Aras' tailhole, shaking his head at him as he did so. Aras gave up and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the squirming inside his butt and his belly, and after a few more moments, both movements slowed before they stopped. Aras sobbed as the lizard in white removed his gag.

The lizard leaned forward and offered Aras a cup. Upon inspection he saw that it the clear liquid that Dien and Jory received. The lizard explained that it was the shrinking solution and that it was his choice whether or not to drink. Aras gulped the liquid down without a second thought, and the lizard grinned widely, licking his lips.