The Dragon and The Steed Part 7 - Vore, stuffing & naughties
2 days to finish a chapter must be a record for me! :D
This is my first mature post ever, as well as my first story ever to include vore, so I would really appreciate it if you guys could let me know what you think, and maybe suggest some improvements! :3
Enjoy the naughties >:3
Art by Nixx
Part 7
'Go ahead; get in the cave!' Katal gave the horse a shove, and with a pathetic whimper he trotted in to the mouth of the cavern.
Getting into the entrance was not as easy for the large reptile; the cave itself was big enough for him, and in an ideal location as well, but unfortunately the mouth of the cave narrowed towards the main cavern. Katal got down to his haunches and crawled on his distended belly until he felt the side of the cave narrow around his middle; with a heave he pulled himself through the narrow hole and landed ungracefully with a thud on the uneven floor, winding himself in the process.
'It's dark in here, I can hardly see!' Fray complained.
With a sigh, Katal let out an asthmatic jet of fire into the pit in the middle of the cavern and the whole den lit up with a warm glow.
'Wait, won't we suffocate in here with that going?' Jared said anxiously, pointing at the fire.
'Well you might, I certainly won't.' Katal said, half paying attention; he was still recovering from fall.
'Are you serious?'
Katal was starting to regret bringing the loud Kangaroo with him. 'Of course you won't suffocate, there is ventilation! Just stay away from the entrance.' He had never fully explored the cave; a lot of the passage ways were far too narrow for him to explore, but a constant breeze; not entirely noticeable, though just enough to carry the fumes from his fire out of the entrance ran through the entirety of the cavern; keeping the air fresh.
The kangaroo climbed down off the horse's back, who promptly dropped to the floor and lay on his belly and let out a tired whinny. As Fray lay down to rest, the Roo followed; sitting cross legged with one arm draped over the stallions back as some sort of symbol of comfort.
'What is your name?' Katal asked the Roo, who was currently glaring at him with intensity.
'I felt sorry for you, you know.' The Kangaroo replied.
'I did not ask for your pity Snack, I asked for your name!' Defenceless, frail and trapped; who was this little creature to pity him?
'Jared.' Was the noise uttered by the Kangaroo.
'And why should 'Jared' feel sorry for me? I can assure you that I am more than content.'
'Because you are lonely, and you are taking it out on us, and that town.' Said Jared.
'Lonely? I have done quite well by myself for a long time now, that town owes me for the trouble they have caused!'
'You have done well for yourself, and how is that exactly?'
Katal rolled onto his side and gave his belly a slap with his paw. 'This is my success!'
'Seriously, because you are fat; that is how you have done well for yourself? I'm pretty chubby, and I bet you don't consider me successful. You live in a cave, you have nobody, and everybody around you either hates you, is terrified of you or both! That is why I felt sorry for you.'
'You better watch your tongue, or I might just have myself a chubby little snack.' It was seriously tempting too.
Jared shifted uncomfortably on the spot and ran a paw through the fur on his head, pushing his ears back. 'It is hard to even feel sorry for you when you talk of eating me, and hold the two of us captive like this. Honestly you may as well just eat us now, because I am sure as hell not sitting around waiting for the inevitable.'
Fray made a nervous whinny as Jared shot up and marched right up to the nose of the giant dragon. His tall ears barely reached the bottom of Katal's Jaw, even while the dragon was lying down.
This was not going how he had hoped, he could compel the hot headed Roo to stay in the cave, but it appeared nothing would shut him up, except perhaps eating him. 'Well' Katal growled. 'If that is what you insist!'
Katal lurched forward and grabbed the obnoxious marsupial fully in his jaws. Jared kicked and let out a muffled cry as the dragon tipped his head backwards and let the Kangaroo slide fully into his maw. He tasted of unwashed cotton, this is why things that didn't wear clothes were always better eats.
Just as he leant back to let his victim slide unwillingly down his throat, his ears perked up as the tell-tale rumbling and creaking of cartwheels rolled up outside of his cave.
With a cough, Katal spat Jared out onto the cavern floor; his fur a mess, and his clothing dripping with warm saliva. 'Saved by the humans. You are lucky I have bigger things to swallow, and hopefully after a few meals you will be one of them!'
The stallion anxiously got up and went to comfort the shivering Roo as Katal turned to the exit to inspect his haul.
With much huffing and sighing the villagers dragged the carts; brimming with various meats, and fruit and vegetables for the horse.
'You are making some effort out of this, just drag the damned carts in and leave them; quickly!' They didn't argue, as soon as they dragged the carts over the rocky floor, they dropped the handles and fled with haste.
As the last cart rolled in the cavern was already swimming in the smells of succulent meat. Katal's mouth was drooling with anticipation, it had been less than 24 hours since his last kingly meal, and his belly was still somewhat stuffed, but how would he be able to eat more and more without testing his limits? With some frequent gorging he could stretch his stomach, and regain the appetite he had once had.
The last man stopped briefly to wipe some sweat from his brow, but Katal was impatient. 'Boo!' was all it took to send him scurrying out of the cave, leaving the three of them in peace.
Some divine aroma drifted across from the carts, had they brought his favourite meat? On closer inspection they had; two whole cart of sausages lay before him, urging him towards them like plump little sirens. Before he knew his whole maw was buried in them, his jaws snapping hungrily at every juicy little morsel.
They had even fried them as well, that was new! Each sausage burst pleasingly as his teeth pierced the outer skin to release a plethora of flavours, he was sure he could detect a hint of spice in there.
Even for a dragon of his size these were big meals, he could still smell the horses outside that had heaved the carts through the forest up to his cave. Horses... The dragon wondered if it would be too much with Fray still in his company if he snuck out and snacked on a juicy cart horse later on. Probably. Best save the best meal for last.
It took a forceful gulp to push the last of the sausages into his already over-stuffed belly. Lying down and blissfully rolling onto his back, he grasped his swollen stomach with both paws; his claws digging into the taut flesh.
With a laugh the dragon turned to look at Jared. 'Nothing to say now do you?'
Jared has resumed his cross-legged posture and once again glared angrily, his clothing still dripping wet.
'I didn't think so.' He said, pleased with himself. 'How about you Fray, would you not like to try an apple or a hundred? After all they were brought here especially for you.'
Fray gulped audibly. 'I don't think that I...'
'Oh come on now, don't be shy about it; I hear all horses love apples!' Katal skewed an apple on a claw and waved it in front of the stallion's nose.
With an intense hesitancy, Fray pulled the apple off of the dragon's obsidian claw, munched it briefly and swallowed hastily.
'They look freshly picked to me, of course; not that I would know. Surely they are good?' Katal asked.
The horse nodded sheepishly. 'T-thank you, Katal.'
'There you go, it is nice to have some manners around here.' He said glancing sideways at Jared, who was still glaring angrily. 'Well since they are good, you may as well have them all; I wouldn't want them going to waste.'
Fray looked taken aback. 'Wait, what? All of them?'
Jared broke his brooding silence. 'He is a horse you stupid reptile, he is not designed to take on food like you do; you'll kill him!'
'Of course you are right!' Katal was not exactly sure if feeding the corpulent stallion all of those apples would kill him, but it was an awful lot of fruit for one horse. 'Perhaps then you should share them with him.'
'No, no! I am not going to allow this; you can't treat us like this!' His fist was shaking, but not out of anger; the dragon's sharp ears could not help but notice a quiver in his voice.
'Well if you think that Fray here will come to any harm, which I'm sure he won't; through those delicious apples, surely you would want to help him?'
'I... I don't think that I...'
Katal leaned in close enough to see the Roo's ears shaking. 'Let me put it this way, if you don't join in on this; I'm sure I could squeeze in some after dinner desert.' He was sure that after his last encounter with the dragon's maw, this threat would keep him in his place.
It almost looked as though he was going to argue some more, but Katal's looming stance got the better of him and he leant back quietly against Fray's side, reassuringly stroking his mane.
'Well then, no time like the present!' The dragon buried his massive paw into the cart and scooped out a heap of red apples, and let them roll towards his victims.
'I suggest you eat fast, the men will need their carts back after all!'
Jared picked up two apples and started working his way through them at a tolerable pace, Fray on the other hand only daintily picked at the nearest one.
'You can do better than that, here let me help you.' Katal picked up a bunch of apples and forced into the stallions mouth. 'Now chew and swallow, there that's a good horse.'
It took a few forced mouthfuls to get him to pick up the pace, but he was quickly getting up to speed. The horse barely got to chew anything in his mouth before it was time for another batch to be presented to him. After a while the dragon did not even need to force them upon him, Fray almost eagerly grabbed the awaiting apples from his paw.
The stallion's belly bulged sideways in both directions, swelling slowly with the steady pace of fruit that he gorged upon. Every now and then he stopped to make a little belch which made the dragon chuckle, anything that made room for more would help after all.
Jared's own belly was starting to peek through the gaps of his buttoned down shirt, his brown fur seeking freedom through the spaces that had been stretched open by his growing middle.
With only perhaps a few dozen apples to go, Fray's pace slowed dramatically. His paunch had ballooned into a tight round fall, his glossy white fur carrying a sheen over the overstretched flesh underneath.
It really was quite a site to be hold, in truth the dragon did not think that he would have been able to stomach so much fruit. Watching his belly heave up and down was somewhat hypnotic, he had to feel it. With an outstretched paw Katal gently stroked along the stallions bulging flank, his flesh was stretched so taught that even the layer of fat, normally several inches deep; was compressed and gave way almost immediately to his dangerously stuffed stomach.
'Just a few more left now, it couldn't hurt just to finish them off.' The dragon said reassuringly, though truthfully he was not sure whether or not the rotund stallion could manage even one more bite, let alone a dozen apples.
Fray nodded conservatively, and Katal began feeding him the last few apples one at a time, being careful now to keep a slow and steady pace. The horse winced with every swallowed bite, his stomach tight at a drum. Jared would was not in any position to argue for the stallion's health as he lay unconscious on his back, his brown furry belly poking out of the popped buttons on his shirt; an ear twitching as he dreamt of somewhere safe and far away.
Just as he was down to the last apple, Fray lurched forward; his stomach heaved, and for a moment it looked as though he was going to be sick. Katal quickly crammed the last apple in his mouth and the gorged horse quickly forced it down with a half satisfied, half pained expression on his long face.
'You have made me proud Fray, I thought you were going to be sick there for a moment!' Katal chuckled.
'Horses can't be sick.' Fray hiccupped, before letting his head slump to the ground, and allowing himself to fall into a food induced coma.
Katal shifted uncomfortably on his own bloated belly. 'You can take the carts away now, we are done.'
'But surely you want your main course great one?' Came the high pitched squeak that he did not want to hear right now.
Volebus, the town mayor; draped in a ridiculous fur coat far too thick for the mild chill of the evening, sauntered into the cave as if he owned the place, and in his footsteps followed a rather nervous looking cow.
The gorged dragon found it difficult to conceal his surprised expression. 'You brought me a cow as well? Great, leave it tied up outside of the entrance and I shall feast on it tomorrow!'
'Ah but you can't be sure the wolves won't get it while you sleep, after all they are growing bold around these parts.' The mayor said with a grin. 'Or was I mistaken about your legendary appetite?
'I can assure you that there around no wolves around here...'
Volebus' grin only grey wider as he stood there with a kind of undeserved vanity.
With a sigh that he could not stop himself from letting out, Katal decided to play along with the idiot man's game. 'Well perhaps I could do with another bite or two.'
'Only another bite, why let the whole thing go to waste? Unless of course you are not what we thought you were.'
He had had enough, anything to get this man to leave without resorting to killing him (then he would be back at square one with the town). With a lurch forward that made the Mayor jump with fright; Katal surged towards the cow, straight through the fire pit; sending charcoal, ashes and smoke flying in all directions. He hooked his jaw out of place and forced his maw around the entirety of the cow's front end.
It did not have the chance to so much as 'moo' before the entire front half of the cow was being forced down the dragon's throat. He had not time to savour the meal, with his overstuffed paunch already complaining about his last meal; the quicker he got the bovid down his gullet the better.
The cow was not going down easy, it was a particularly large one and required the assistance of both gravity and his front limbs to force it in its entirety into his maw. The beast's back legs still kicked some as he forced the last of its rump through his dislocated jaws.
Katal stopped for a moment and took a deep breath through his nostrils. He could do this, he had to do this. With enormous effort he took a gulp and began forcing the entirety of the cow down his throat. His belly groaned violently in protest as its unwanted prize was forced upon it. The flesh around his belly stretched painfully as the cow settled in its entirety in his belly.
With a belch that echoed throughout the cavern at least a dozen times before it ceased, Katal lay back across the crackling fire pit in a victorious splendour. 'Well, I think you can be on your way now. I want fresh food brought by sunrise!'
The mayor left in a hurry, the smugness wiped in its entirety off of his face and katal stretched and yawned in utter bliss. Looking forward at his gorged mid-section, he could not recall the last time he had eaten so much in so short a time. His mountainous gut heaved up and down, his taut hide threatening to burst open with each breath.
Katal stroked his belly with paw, though it needed no soothing; this was a belly fit for a king of dragons. As he rubbed his hide with his paw more sensually, his dragonhood slipped from its sheath and stood tall and hard against his trophy paunch.
His arousal only grew stronger as he shifted, and his hardened cock rubbed lovingly against his taut underbelly. Katal let out a moan, and shifted again to repeat the experience, once again his loins throbbed with lust, his arousal growing ever stronger.
He cursed as he unsuccessfully leant forward to try to stroke his throbbing cock. With both paws he grabbed his paunch and pressed it downwards again and again, each time getting slightly faster until the pent up lust grew too strong, and he roared as his loins exploded with orgasm, showering his belly and face in thick semen.
As he finally rested his head back to rest, he licked the sweet juices from his chops and checked his captives, to find that they were still unconscious, and in a state of total bliss, he too fell into a deep sleep.