Second Night Part 1

Story by Blotta on SoFurry

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So I finally finished the continuation to the Sleepless Night story, tonight Riley has a newfound foot fetish for his younger brother, but is this because his mating season is coming close or is it something he had never paid attention to and suddenly surfaced? I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I promise more feet fun for the next part.

The day had gone by faster than Riley could imagine, before he knew it he was laying on his bed again, staring at his laptop's screen while he surfed the web looking for anything interesting. He intermittently lifted his eyes off the screen, to see if Feuros had come at his door. During the entire day his brother had been minding his business: he had gone to school, had returned for lunch and then he had been left to his own for the whole day until dinner time when they saw each other but didn't talk about what had happened last night. Warmth ran through Riley's body as he remembered how he had woken up that morning, with Feuros cuddled against his chest like a small child.

"If it only had been Saturday... but tomorrow we'll have the whole day to ourselves." He thought for himself, another rush of warmth coursing through him as he realized he was looking forward to Saturday morning more than he had ever expected it in his life. He felt a small tinge of shame, he had never been so close to his brother before this business trip his father had taken, what was it that was making him feel all warm for his sibling? He returned his sight to his laptop, noticing it was 9 PM. He put down his laptop, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower before turning in for the day. As he made his way to the shower, he passed by Feuros' room. He thought of taking a quick peek inside, silently pushing the door and taking a look inside.

He found his brother laying on his bed, focused entirely on his laptop screen as he was but on the opposite side of the wall. He hadn't noticed he was looking at him, so Riley stepped back a little, and kept looking at his brother: his wild red hair a mess over his horns and falling loose behind his ears up to shoulder length, his eyes kept going down following his curvy slender neck, a loose but tight enough to contour his torso t-shirt and then a pair comfortable sweatpants... Riley suddenly gasped and hopped away from the door, as he covered his mouth with one of his hands. He looked down at his groin, surprised by the sudden hot erection already poking out under his sweatpants. He rushed to the bathroom before Feuros came out to see what happened and locked himself there.

"Could it really be... that he was getting attracted to his sibling? Why did the mere sight of his brother's feet set him off like that?" He stripped himself alone in the bathroom, and stared down at his hot erect penis coming out from his sheath, slick with sticky precum and with huge veins pulsing all over it. "Or was just looking at his brother what made him hot?" He kept staring at his erection, he then looked at himself on the mirror. "Oh no... but that's not right... not at all!" The image of Feuros' feet came back to his mind, his light blue soles, toes wiggling while he watched at whatever was on his laptop screen. His rock hard penis pulsed again, and Riley then hurried in the shower and turned the cold water tap, he had to deal with this before it would become a problem.

Feuros by the way was still in his room, looking at the door from his bed, his laptop next to him as he wondered whether he had heard a gasp or if it had been just his imagination. He stood up from his bed, and swung his door open looking out in the hallway. "Riley... are you there?" He took a few steps outside, heading to Riley's bedroom. "Hey Riley... you there?" He stopped before the door, he knocked twice and when the door didn't open he went in. "Hey it's not funny... oh... he's not here." He looked around the room, then threw himself on Riley's bed stretching his legs and his whole body on it. He closed his eyes as he comfortably laid on his side on the bed, looking at the wall. "All of a sudden... I feel so sleepy..." he thought to himself while he yawned and laid is tail over one of his legs.

When Riley was done taking his cold shower, he carefully stepped outside to the hall, he carefully stepped past Feuros' door, he had decided to not take another look at his brother so he wouldn't feel aroused again. Which was of no use because the simple thought of Feuros made him remember his light blue appealing and tender looking soles. He made his way to his room, and shut the door behind him closing his eyes and panting. "Well... I'll just wait for him to come over to sleep... or maybe he won't even wake up in the middle of the..." His train of thought skidded to a stop when he opened his eyes again and noticed Feuros already on his bed with his back facing him.

Riley couldn't help but look at Feuros feet, his raging erection coming out of his sheath again. "Ugh... why does it have to be like this?" He looked at the clock, it was a few minutes past 10 PM. He knew Feuros probably wasn't in deep sleep at such a time, so he picked up his laptop, and sat on the desk near his window on the corner of the room, from where he could see his bed out of the corner of his eye. He had to distract himself with something, he went back to reading the webcomic he had left open. But it still was no use, he could feel his hot penis leaking precum. He closed his laptop. And then he let his head fall on the top of his desk. "What should I do?" he whispered to himself.

"Hey Riley... gonna sleep now?" Feuros had turned around when he heard his brother thumping his head on the desk, he patted the bed invitingly and smiled at Riley. "You said I could sleep here!" Riley nodded, and stood up with his wings folded over his body, attempting to cover his groin. Feuros quickly huddled up to Riley when he laid down on the bed. "Um... I can't hug you with your wings in the way brother..." Riley shivered, if he folded back his wings his brother would surely feel his raging boner. So he covered his brother with one of his wings while the other one kept his groin covered. "How is it like this Feuros?" Riley shivered as he felt him coming closer, he wanted to hug him just like last night, but he was not sure of what would happen if he touched his erect penis. Feuros fumbled about on the bed, "No... I'd like it more if I was closer to you."

Riley sighed in his mind, he complied with Feuros, and could hardly contain a moan when he felt the wave of pleasure when Feuros touched his penis even beneath the layers of fabric. "Is something wrong?" Feuros asked naively, to which Riley just shook his head after the feeling stopped "No, t'was just a muscle cramp I felt..." Feuros placed one of his legs over Riley's legs, the sole of his foot gently caressing one of them. Riley closed his eyes, and Feuros buried his face in his chest as he did last night. "Oh... good night then." Feuros whispered, Riley caressed his hair "Good night."

Riley remained silent for several minutes, feeling Feuros breathing against his chest, in his mind the image of Feuros' feet. It was strange he thought, he had seem them before but he had never felt such a compelling desire for them, something else must have set him off. Suddenly, the thought hit him. His mating season was coming close. "But... but I've been close to him before and never had any sexual desire even in my mating season..." He said to himself in his mind. He shook the thoughts off his mind, the less he thought about it the better.

Feuros on his part had begun thinking that his brother somehow seemed off, with his eyes closed he tried feeling Riley's body. He was sure it felt a little warmer than how he felt last night, also for some reason he was covering his crotch and now was keeping it away from him, he hadn't done that last night he thought. But he was also happy he was sleeping with him another night, and that this time he'd stay with him until late in the next morning, it was going to be Saturday. "I could sleep like this always..." he thought, adjusting his legs and brushing his soles against his brother's skin again. This time, he felt his brother's body warmer, so he inched much closer to him. He heard Riley moan softly as he brushed his cock again. This time Feuros himself had felt Riley's boner under the clothes. He waited for him to say anything, but since Riley didn't say a thing he stayed quiet and tried to fall asleep again, brushing off his thoughts.

"Oh crap... what I'm gonna do?" Riley questioned himself, attempting to fall asleep much earlier than he always did. He was sure he wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon, and he already felt tortured by having Feuros' feet so close to his own. In the dark he gritted his teeth, "Why all of a sudden the feet?!" he questioned himself. He had seen those feet a myriad of times, yet until now he felt aroused by them, there had to be something wrong about that he thought. He carefully came closer to Feuros, who apparently was already asleep. "Well... if he's asleep now I should try too..." He thought as he closed his eyes again.

And this time he succeeded, but not for long. He managed to sleep, but then he found himself waking up in the wee hours of the morning. The wave of pleasure had been so intense, he was sure he felt the pre leaking out and staining his underwear. He inched away from Feuros, afraid he may have felt the jerking of his hips. But he jumped when he felt Feuros pulling him back close to him. "Riley... what's the matter?" Feuros mumbled in the dark, Riley bit his lip trying to suppress a moan of pleasure as his younger brother brushed with his body the very tip of his penis. "Oh no... he's too close... and I can't handle this anymore..." Riley clenched his teeth, and tried again to ease away from Feuros, but Feuros this time got up on the bed, and pinned him down with his body, the resulting rubbing of his penis was too much for Riley and he let out a pleasure moan. "Ooooh... Feuros stop that... I... I..."

To be continued.

Second Night Part 2

Riley pulled away from Feuros, falling to the floor on his back, he opened his eyes and met with Feuros' eyes staring at his intently, "...Riley what's wrong with you?" Feuros peered down from atop the bed, Riley sighed, and sat up on the floor "It's...

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Sleepless Night

"Gosh... another sleepless night..." Riley thought as he looked with eyes wide open at the open window in his room, a cool wind blew through it in his room, while he unwillingly picked up all the menial sounds of the night: the clock slowly and...

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Never wake again.

"Rui" The name was all that occupied his mind... it echoed inside his skull. Resonating until it was only but a distant whisper. "Why... why?" was all his lips whispered in the solitude of his dark room. Ian stared up at his ceiling, the only place in...

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