Good Mare

Story by Scorndog on SoFurry

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Another old story for a friend. Further adventures in horse on human hypnosis this time with a nice tongue bath. Poor humans just don't stand a chance.

Dave sat in his car with his map held aloft, comparing contour to hill and road to road and finding nothing that could help him discern exactly where he'd ended up. Map reading was never a skill he'd happened to pick up in his life, and his notion that it probably wasn't that difficult anyway was now being thoroughly and humbly put in it's place.

With a sigh he set the map aside, grabbing the neck of his t-shirt and fanning it, hoping to cool himself somewhat from the increasingly uncomfortable midsummer heat that had been sweeping the part of the country he was now visiting. He cursed himself the idea to travel out here to the middle of nowhere in the first place, or more precisely doing so without a proper guide. But when the wanderlust struck him and he heard a coworker speak lovingly of a festival held annually at a town nearby, he had immediately redeemed a week of holiday and set off to attend.

He sighed again, trying to push the thought of how he should right now be at his hotel taking a refreshingly cool shower and enjoying the festivities out of his head as he again started the car engine, resolving to drive some more until he could find something or someone to tell him where the hell he was.

It was a surprisingly short time later that he came across such a thing: a small farm nestled between the hills he had been so desperately trying to place on the map. Hope flared within him again. If there was a farm there had to be people tending it! And any town or village they might trade and sell with couldn't be too far off.

He pulled up outside of what he assumed to be the main house and approached the door, knocking loudly a few times. He waited, receiving no response, before knocking again. 'Must be out working, I guess' he though as he moved to look around the house at the fields. Sure enough, it didn't take long before he saw someone stood in one of the fields, shoveling at the ground.

Moving toward the figure he could make out more details. It looked like a horse, judging from the tail and head shape. He wore a pair of jeans that seemed to have long since settled into a state that could be described as 'well worn'. His top was bare, showing off the brown coat of fur that seemed to glisten in the sunlight from the sweat coating it. On his head was, of all things, a cowboy hat. The human was about to roll his eyes at how stereotypical it was before realising he'd be quite grateful for a hat of some kind in this sun for the shade it would provide. 'Fine, I'll give him that' he thought 'But if he says 'Howdy' I'll lose it'

Once he was withing earshot of the horse he spoke. "Uh... excuse me."

The horse turned to face him, wiping the sweat from his brow and examining him for a second before smiling. "Well, ain't this a rare sight. Lemme guess; y'came up for the festival and done got yerself lost?"

"P-pretty much..." Dave rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, trying not to look at the horse's bare chest. He was quite well built, though that made sense. Working on a farm was hard work. "Don't suppose you could give me some directions?"

"Sure thing, guy," The horse said, pushing the shovel so it stuck into the ground then pointing back toward the house. "Why don't ya come on in? Yer lookin' mighty hot."

Dave started to follow the horse. "Thanks. You look hotter though." It took him a second, but when Dave realised the implications of what he said he just about passed out from the embarrassment. The horse didn't seem to notice, though. Or if he did he was taking it in stride.

Back at the house, Dave was led into the kitchen and sat at the table as the horse took some lemonade from the fridge and poured a large glass for both of them. Dave drank gratefully as the horse sat across from him, and he couldn't help but stare as he gulped down his own drink. His Adams apple bobbing as he swallowed each gulp. The sweat visibly running down his pecs... Dave shook his head. What the hell was he doing ogling this guy? He'd been on the road too long.

"Enjoyin' the view?"

The question snapped Dave out of his thoughts and he felt panic flush through him. Shit, he'd been staring? Dammit...

"Ah... no I was uh... Just thinking."

The horse chuckled, a deep, rumbling baritone.

"Thinkin'? 'bout me?" The horse stood, walking over to Dave. He struck an imposing figure, towering over the seated human. Dave could feel the heat coming off of him. "I'm awful flattered."

Dave swallowed nervously, trying to gather his thoughts. 'Hey man, I don't know what you think but I'm not... I'm not gay."

"Me neither," the horse said, placing a hand on the table so he could lean down and look the human in the eye. "But it gets miiighty lonely out here. A stallion's got his needs, y'know."

Dave couldn't muster up a response. This close to the horse he could smell the musk clinging to him from a long day working in the sun. Looking right into the horse's eyes, something felt... wrong. He couldn't quite place it though. His mind failing him, instinct took over and he turned his head away. The horse simply grabbed him by the chin and turned his head back, forcing him to stare back into his eyes.

"You have needs too, don't you?" The voice rang in Dave's ears as he stared into his eyes, the scent of his sweat somewhat distant but still noticable. It was hard to think about anything else.

"Need... I need... to go."

The horse chuckled again. "Go? Oh no, boy. Everythin' you need is right here."

The human could only moan as his chin was released, unable to remove his eyes from the stallion's.

"Now, you gonna be a good lil mare and do as yer told?"

"Yes..." The human drawled. Something about the word 'Mare' stuck out in his mind. Something... wrong? No...

The stallion turned, breaking eye contact as he moved back to his own seat, reclining himself with his arms behind his back and his stance wide. The human watched him as though in a haze, unable to do much else.

"Alright, mare. Why don't ya come get what you need?"

Without thinking, the human was off his chair and on his hands and knees on the floor, crawling his way over to the stallion. A tiny, distant panic started within his mind as he approached the horse's crotch.

"I... I don't think..."

"Good." The stallion interrupted. "Mares don't need t' think. They jus' do as they're told, right?"

"Right..." That sounded good. Mares didn't think. They existed to serve the stallions. He existed to serve this stallion. Without further hesitation, he buried his face into the crotch of the stallion's jeans, sniffing deeply to get at the musk. He heard the stallion chuckle and felt his body surge with pride, happy to be bringing his master such entertainment and pleasure.

The stallion grinned down at the mare so eagerly rubbing it's face on his crotch, grinding his hips forward to further increase the pleasure he took in seeing the human reduced to such a sorry state. Already he could feel his horse cock begin to swell and leak pre from the attention. It had been so long since he'd had a mare to use, stuck in the middle of nowhere, he was fighting the urge to simply tear his jeans off and shove his dick into the mare's mouth. He knew he'd find it to be a more than welcoming receptacle to dump his load, but no. He wanted to enjoy this much longer.

Reaching down, he gripped his mare by the hair and pulled him off of his crotch, almost laughing at the lust addled expression on his face. "Tha's good, mare, but I've another job for ya" Keeping the grip on his hair, the horse pulled the human up to his feet before letting go. He patted at his chest.

"I've gone and got all sweaty from workin' so hard. Why don't y'come clean me up, mare?"

The mare wasted no time, stepping over to the horse and planting his face into his chest, sniffing at the musk. He stuck out his tongue, already shivering from the small taste of the sweat he was getting, before dragging the broad of his tongue up the horse's chest between the pecs, moaning lustily as the earthy, sweaty taste assaulted his taste buds.

"Y'like that mare? Maybe I should keep you as my sweat towel."

The mare moaned again but didn't reply, much too busy making sure to clean as much of the stallion's chest as he could, desperate to be a good mare and taste more of the sweat he now craved like a drug. He wanted more than anything right now to be kept as the stallion's towel, given the chance to serve and clean him again and again., tasting more of that wonderful sweat and inhaling that musk...

He kept lapping at the sweat soaked chest everywhere he could reach, reveling in the stallion's every moan and jeer. Nothing else mattered to him right then but the scent and the taste of his master.

The stallion reached down to unbutton his jeans, his cock now uncomfortably hard inside them. Once freed, it sprang to attention, poking at the mare still licking at him with a fervor and coating his shirt in pre. Gripping his mare by the hair again, the stallion pulled him off, before resting his other hand behind his own head to expose his armpit.

"Missed a spot, mare." He said, shoving the human's face into his pit, who whined lewdly as he was enclosed in the overpowering taste and scent. He thought the chest was good, but this was paradise. Everything was much stronger here. The scent was overwhelming and the sweat clung to his face, marking him with more. Marking him as his. The stallion's hand remained gripping his hair, keeping him firmly in place, not that he would have wanted to escape from such a wonderful prison, but the mare liked The reminder of his place. So he did the only thing he knew how to do and began kissing and licking the pit like a good mare.

He wasn't sure how much time passed, trapped in the darkness and heat, licking and licking desperate for more of the sweat which was now the only thing he could remember tasting or ever wanting to taste, but when the stallion pulled him out and into the fresh air, he found himself panting and whining needily for more, only to be shortly given exactly that as hands changed and he was forced eagerly into the other pit, ripe for cleaning dutifully like the good mare he was.

The stallion growled as his mare got to work, his growing arousal evident before him. He wasn't sure he'd ever been this hard before, and his sizable shaft was coated with pre. He wanted nothing more than to jerk himself to completion, and he was sure it wouldn't take very long, but he held back, partly because both of his hands were currently occupied but mostly because he had a better idea of what he wanted gripping his cock as he came.

"Alright, enough." He growled. Much as he was enjoying having the mare clean him, his patience was wearing thing. "Come with me." He said. The command was moot as his grip never left the human's hair, but his captive was more than willing to follow regardless.

The trip ended in a bedroom, a small affair with just a bed and bedside drawer, but it would serve the stallion's purpose well enough.

"Strip." He ordered, releasing his grip to move to the bedside drawer and begin removing a couple of items. When he turned back his mare had done as ordered and stood before him naked waiting for his next task. The stallion's cock flexed, a glob of pre hitting the floor as he thought about what he would do next.

"On the bed on all fours, mare." The stallion grinned menacingly. "S'time to get bred."

Rushing to do as he was told, the mare positioned himself so his ass faced the stallion. He was shivering with excitement. To be bred by the stallion... to have his big dick inside of him and shooting his load in his ass... his own relatively small dick was rock hard, but he paid it no mind. His master's pleasure was all that mattered.

The stallion dropped the two items he took from the drawer onto the bed before lifting one-- a bit gag with reins-- and moving to his mare. After ordering him to open his mouth he slipped the bit inside and fastened the straps behind his head, then took hold of the reins and gave then a tug, pulling the mare's head back a little.

"Much better. Should give me better control while breedin' that ass. And keep you quiet, too."

The mare whined and wriggled slightly, so desperate now for the stallion to use him, who didn't fail to notice. "Don't worry, mare," he chuckled. "Just need t' make sure I don't break ya too bad."

He lifted a bottle of lube from the bed and squeezed a liberal amount into his palm, massaging it into his large shaft, before squeezing another copious amount onto his mare's hole and using a finger to coat the area before pushing his way inside. The mare moaned into the bit and pushed back onto the large digit, imagining in his head he was riding his master's dick and hoping that would soon be the reality.

Repeating the process with another finger, the stallion took great pleasure in making his mare shiver and whine as he tried to fuck himself, watching the pre leak from his small human dick. Still horny himself, though, the fingering didn't last much longer.

The mare moaned as the fingers slid from his hole, leaving him feeling empty, but it didn't take long before he felt something else pressing at the entrance. Hands gripped his reins, and the stallion spoke. "Ready to get bred?"

He didn't have to answer, the way he pushed his ass back into the stallion's dick was evidence enough of his desperation, and the stallion was more than happy to oblige him. Pushing forward, his tip pressed against the hole, slowly stretching it open to accommodate the lube slicked dick. Finally the head pushed in and the mare whined, his ass stretched further than it had ever been before. He loved the feeling. He needed more.

"Goood mare..." The stallion growled, struggling to retain his composure with such an eager bitch taking his dick below him. Readjusting his grip on the reins, he began to push further in. He'd almost made it to the medial ring before encountering any real resistance, his progress halting as the mare began to pant and whine below him. He growled slightly. Looks like he wouldn't be going balls deep this session. Well, half way was good enough for what he wanted.

Slowly he began the process of pulling out of his mare and pushing back in again, holding himself back so as not to finish too early, pent up though he was. After time he'd built up a steady rhythm, fucking the mare into a stupor of whines and moans as he was thoroughly bred.

"Such a good mare..." He growled. "Bet ya love having this big horse dick in yer ass, right?"

The mare let out a long, shaky moan in response, not really in any state to be formulating a coherent reply. He was in paradise, being used by his master and filled with his seed as the large horse cock pumped it's way in and out of his ass, shaking his entire body with every thrust. This was where he belonged. He didn't want to be anywhere else but here. The constant thrusting was too much and, Biting the bit in his mouth and gripping the bedsheets below him, he felt himself shoot his own modest load onto the bed below him, whining as he came.The orgasm racked his body, making him clench more around the stallion's dick in his ass. Reaching his peak, the stallion began to increase his pace, fucking him in earnest.

"Ffffuck, tight lil mare..." He said between pants. "Gonna... dump my load in yer ass."

He was moaning loudly now, so close to climax, the mare's tight hole felt so good gripping his dick as he plowed into it. Gripping the reins, he tugged them back, pulling the mare into him as he thrust one last time.

The mare yelped as his head was pulled back and he felt the stallion's cock flare and begin to pump cum into him. Exhausted after his own orgasm, he could barely support his own weight, relying mostly on the grip on his reins to stay upright as the stallion leaned over him and shot his load deep into his ass.

The stallion growled through his orgasm, feeling the months of pent up need flood into his mare as he shot spurt after spurt of his seed into the welcoming hole. It felt like it lasted minutes as he stood there half slumped over his mare with his dick half buried in that ass and dumping his load, but finally the feeling subsided and he drew himself out, dick trailing cum out onto the bedsheets. Whatever. He'd get the mare to clean it later.

Exhausted, the mare could only hang limply as the stallion lifted him from the bed, carrying him somewhere. He could feel the cum leaking from his ass and did his best to clench it shut and keep the precious load inside, but it was a futile task given how the stallion's dick had stretched him. He was vaguely aware of being placed somewhere-- a bathtub?-- and feeling a steady stream of cool water hitting his body. It felt good. He was still warm, he realised. And tired. That was the last thing he thought before drifting off to sleep.

He woke up in confusion. He didn't recognise the room he was in. Or... perhaps he did. Why couldn't he remember? Was he drinking last night?

A vaguely familiar scent seemed to cling to him, and he did his best to ignore the arousal it somehow stirred within him as he tried to figure out what was going on.

Stepping from the bed, he looked around hoping to find his clothes to cover his naked form, but they were nowhere to be found. A deep, somehow satisfying ache seemed to resonate in his ass each time he moved. The hell was he doing last night? Draping himself in the bedsheets, he followed the faint sound of humming to the kitchen, where he found a stallion sat at the table who looked up form the newspaper as he entered. Now he remembered. He'd gotten lost and ended up at the stallion's farm. And then...

"'Bout time you woke up." He said. "Why don't ya make us some breakfast? And drop the damn sheet. Y'don't wear clothes 'round here."

Dave didn't need to think about it before doing just that. The bedsheets fell to the floor, revealing himself entirely to the stallion, and he continued making his way to the fridge as naturally as ever.

"Hey uh... what happened yesterday?" He asked as he opened the fridge, bending over to look inside. The stallion watched him intently.

"Don't remember? Y'got lost and ended up here, then decided to stay here for the week rather than that ol' hotel in town."

"Oh, right. That's right." Now that the stallion mentioned it, it did sound right. He could have sworn he saw the stallion smirk. It probably wasn't important.

"Oh, by the way, my nam--"

"It don't matter, mare."

"Okay." Of course his name didn't matter. "What about your name?"

"You can jus' call me Sir."

The mare nodded. "Yes Sir."

The stallion grinned, reclining in his chair. This would be a fun week.

Horse Play

Waking up to find nothing but darkness, the human begins to struggle, His panic intensifying as he finds his his movement restricted, able only to wriggle slightly back and forth. "Shit, awake already?" The voice makes him jump. It sounds like it's...

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With tired, heavy steps Mint made his way to the locker room. The now almost empty gym was mostly silent but for the grunts and groans of the dedicated putting in a few more reps before finishing. A session at the gym wasn't a regular occurrence for...

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The dog whined apprehensively as his naked form was tied to the bed via the cuffs on his wrists and ankles. Unable to do much else, he watched the husky, his master, work, pulling rope through the loops on each cuff and tying them to the bedframe with...

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