Starting A New Tribe

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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I attempted to tell this story from the view of the male character in this one. I may try more of these in the future.

Anyway, in this story, you're a male raichu during the heart of your mating season and you come across two female pikachu who wander into your territory.

Starting A New Tribe (M Non-Anthro Raichu + 2 F Non-Anthro Pikachu)

NOTE: This story is intended to be told from the perspective of the male character.

After gorging yourself on a fresh batch of early season berries, you decide to take a nap underneath a tree with the warmth of Early May all around you. It's now been a whole year since you left your birth tribe to strike out on your own, establishing a territory that is ripe with sweet berries and insects for you to fill your chubby raichu belly and leave plenty left over for others. It seems that you hit the jackpot when you were searching for a plot of land of your own, any male raichu who was in the area would fight you over its fertile landscape and the fresh water from the river that runs through your 2 square mile area of land. However, those who do challenge you over the land do so at their own risk as you have successfully fought off a couple of younger male pikachu over the past several months, who had tried to jump the claim. Fortunately, these were just nomads, much like how you were when you first left your tribe. They didn't pose a serious threat that a dominant male and his tribe would if you ever did come across one, though it was rare for tribes to migrate once they had been established.

Nonetheless, you have almost everything you need to be happy with your life as you dream about what it was like for you to wander the woods and find that perfect spot of land to settle down in. But while you may have plenty of food and water, there is one need of yours that has still yet to be answered...building a tribe of your own. Ever since you struck out on your own and reached sexual maturity, each pikachu you've encountered thus far has been another male. You need to come across a nomadic who would be willing to let you mount her and have a family. However, given how your luck has been ever since you started living independently, there's always the risk of having to leave your territory to find a mate, which could leave it open to a rival male staking his claim to it.

You cannot risk letting a rival male get his paws on your paradise. The land that you claimed is ideal for creating a large tribe consisting of you, your future mate, and all the sons and daughters that would follow in the coming years. So, in order to protect your land, you continue to stay close to home, patrolling the perimeter of your territory and making sure no male gets in without a fight. It would be far easier if you had some sons and daughters to assist you, but at the moment you're all alone, just waiting for that moment where a fertile female pikachu enters your domain and decides that she wants to be your alpha female.

While you nap underneath a tree, you think about what it would be like to find a willing partner. It's not like you don't know what a female pikachu or raichu looks like down there. After all, your own mother was the one who showed you what mating felt like when you were still a pikachu...much to the discontent of your father. He didn't seem to like the prospect of having his sexually mature son mounting and possibly impregnating his own mother, so that was why he chased you off and how you became a nomad in the first place. Regardless, you can't stop thinking about how it felt inside your mom's vagina while you were able to be on top of her. Her insides felt very wet and warm, and her vaginal walls rippled with a strong electrical charge that tickled each part of your penis with a loving touch. It seemed as if she didn't care if her own son was inside her, she seemed to love you quite a bit...especially considering the fact that you were her first-born son (out of eight).

The thoughts about having sex with your mom have an effect on your body, combined with your natural hormonal surge during the Spring as you reach peak fertility, showing off your interest by having your thick and red raichu shaft extending straight up and dripping precum from the tip as you sleep. It seems as if it needs to be relieved of some of this sexual tension soon, otherwise there's no telling what might happen. However, before you can drain your balls and get the pleasure you want, you need to find that willing partner. Stroking your shaft until it erupts with your seed might've been fine last spring and summer when you were still trying to find a home, but now you need to pass on your seed. So, you simply continue to dream about how good your mom felt and let your penis twitch to these thoughts, also wondering about when the moment will come where you'll get to experience what sex felt like first-hand once again.

Several minutes later...

As you continue to rest underneath a tree, fantasizing about your mom's loving touch, your ears catch the sound of playful giggling coming from somewhere close-by. From the sounds of it, it seems as if it is coming from a pikachu, which causes you to wake from your nap and go investigate. While you walk through the woods, you follow the sounds with your ears, continuing to hear the sounds of giggling as it now appears there is more than one pikachu in your territory. The only question in your mind at the moment was whether or not these were males or females, which would dictate what kind of reaction you'd have towards them.

Within a couple of minutes, you arrive at a small bush at the edge of a clearing near the middle of your territory, not too far away from where you have your den. You are still able to hear the sounds of giggling, but now also a wet and squishy sound in addition to it. From the tone of the giggles, you're able to determine that there is at least one female pikachu in your territory, the question was who else was with her as you peeked out of the bush a little and saw the intruders for the first time. When you do so, your mouth hangs open at what you see and your raichu penis immediately becomes very active.

There wasn't one female pikachu in your territory...there were TWO of them. One of the females was laying on her back while the other female was busy licking her sister's vaginal slit with her own rear end and tail raised proudly in your direction.

With your mouth still wide open, you watch as the two sisters engage in some 'bonding', watching as the darker furred female was using her tongue to caress her lighter colored siblings sensitive outer folds, making each of them feel good. In addition, your eyes focus in on the outer lips of the darker furred female, seeing them become a bit more prononuced and glazed over with her juices. They also spasmed a little, moving upward briefly as she was completely unaware that you were watching them play. From that, you easily able to tell what was going on here and it made you reach down and touch your erect penis with your paw.

They both seemed to be in heat and we're likely acting on a combination of instinct plus the closeness of their bond as littermates. You couldn't tell for sure if they simply preferred the attention of other females or if they were also searching for a male, but needless to say you definitely have an interest in them. It is very rare for a male to have more than one female to breed with and since it seemed as if these two got along together it was possible that maybe you would be one of the lucky males to have more than one alpha female, leading to a bigger and stronger tribe than most in the coming months and years. However, it all depended on how they'd react once they saw you, and you weren't going to find out by staying behind the bush while quietly pawing yourself off to them.

Slowly, you make your way out from behind the bush, resisting the temptation to come up behind the females for the moment, even as your shaft continues to throb strongly and drip precum onto the ground. You need to approach them carefully since you aren't aware of how they would take it if they saw you. So, you approach them from the side and wait a few feet away from them for the moment, laying down low in an attempt to cover your erection for them, feeling your length throb against your belly and leak precum onto it. You hope that they let you mate with them, but you won't know if they will until they notice you.

For a few more moments, the darker colored female continued to lap as her sister's vaginal lips with her tongue while the lighter colored female had her eyes closed and submitted to the ticklish feeling. The lighter colored female was also producing sparks from her cheeks, showing that she was becoming very aroused sexually. This makes your shaft even more eager to get inside them, to feel the electric buzz of a female pikachu's climax work throughout your length and produce a potent load of semen for her. However, as much as you want to mate with them, you need to let them make the first move. You need to wait until one or both of them actively present themselves to you, showing that they're willing to receive your maleness and your sperm.

Eventually, the darker colored pikachu female lifted her head up from her sister's loins and happened to catch a quick glance over at you. When you see her notice you, your legs tense up and you wonder if you should get ready to run in the opposite direction. While fighting against a rival male would be perfectly acceptable behavior, fighting against females was not. They had the freedom to choose whoever they wanted to mate with and if she showed resistance then there was little you could do about it.

But, there was no resistance this time around. The dark colored female pikachu had a cute smile on her face when she noticed you and came over in your direction. At the same time, her sister also flipped over so she was on all fours and made her way over to you, seeming to be just as cheerful as her sibling. When you see them act like this, it's apparent that they don't want to be hostile towards you and you carefully stand up on your hind legs as the two females approach. By doing so, you reveal your erection to them, hoping that they'd see it and be interested in being your mate. However, once again, that was a decision that they'd have to make.

The darker furred female reaches you first and softly rubs one of her red cheeks against one of your yellow ones. She exchanges her spark with you, making your cheek tingle happily as you return the favor by giving her a bit of your spark from your cheeks. Of course, with her being a pikachu and you being a raichu, you can't quite give her a full strength charge, but you can still give her enough to show that you want to be friendly towards her. Soon after that though, it becomes apparent that the two females want to be more than friendly with you.

While she rubs her cheek against yours, the darker furred pikachu places one of her handpaws down on your erect penis, touching it very gently about halfway between your tip and your balls. At the same time, her lighter colored sister seemed to show even more interest in your shaft as she was actually licking it near the tip, making your entire length tremble with desire and making you pant just a little bit. They seem to know what you want and it seems to be the same thing that they want as well. Furthermore, they didn't seem to fight with each other over you either as two females might do over a male they showed mutual interest in. They seemed as if they were willing to share a mate and since they noticed that you were interested in them, you would be the one they'd want to pair up with. You happily accept the two females into your newly formed tribe, deciding to give both of them alpha female status. The only thing left to do now was to make your family grow.

Once it is apparent that they both want you to mate with them, you explain to them that you're willing to let them stay in your territory and wish to breed with both of them. The two females seem rather eager to accept as they quickly get in front of you, each of them presenting their rear-ends towards you with their tails raised high. You see two very excited females in front of you, getting a look at both of their vulvas while your penis throbs very strongly and spurts precum several inches from its tip. Each vulva appears rather damp on the outside and has puffy pink vaginal lips. From the way it looks, they've probably also got the electric buzz going inside their canals, which is a typical trait of a female pikachu or raichu in heat, meaning that once you got inside either one of them, you're certain that they'll be able to milk your swollen nuts fairly efficiently.

Each female looked quite tempting in their own way, but the problem is that you aren't sure which one you want to mount first. They both seemed equally horny and they were both ready and willing to reproduce. However, after a couple more moments, the lighter colored female gave you a sign that she was the more aroused of the two as her vulva spasmed briefly and electricity sparked from her opening. This gave the impression that out of the two of them, she was the closest to being ready to ovulate and she needed your sperm first.

As such, you make your decision to mount the light colored female first and come up behind her. Although the darker furred female feels a bit disappointed that you didn't choose her to begin with, she knows that you've got more than enough sperm for each of them and decides to wait until it is her turn. As she does, she takes a seat a few feet away from you and her sibling and begins rubbing her handpaw against her vulva.

Meanwhile, the light colored pikachu fem drops her tail off to the side as you approach, giving you full access to her from behind while her vaginal opening sparks a second time, along with her cheeks and tail tip. She wants you inside her badly and doesn't waste anytime to show this by moving back towards you, making it easier to climb on top of her back.

Once you're close enough to her, you use your handpaws to grab her around her hips, pulling your body up over her while your aroused penis goes towards her opening, touching against her outer lips. With your tip aimed at her vulva, you tighten your grip on her hips and pull her in closer to you while pushing forward, causing your maleness to go towards her opening and gradually slip inside.

The instant you feel your penis go inside the light colored female's passage, you feel your cheeks spark with electricity and your tail raises up high. Her vaginal passage feels quite inviting to your maleness, feeling very tight around it while copious amounts of moisture makes it nice and slippery. In addition, the soft electric buzz is also present, caressing your length as it moves in deeper, making you throb happily and introduce your precum to her receptive passage. Meanwhile, her insides start to spasm around you as her cheeks spark with electricity and she has an excited look on her cute face. She likes how you feel inside her, but she also knows that the feeling will get even better once you have had a chance to enjoy her.

As you slip deeper inside, you don't put your entire length into her passage...not yet at least. You save the last inch or so of your penis for when you feel like you're close to your climax, since you believe that you could reach her cervix that way and deliver your semen directly to her womb, maximizing the chance of a successful breeding. However, once you've given her a chance to feel your length and you feel ready, you begin to hump her, moving at a moderate pace while you hear the sounds of your penis and her vagina squishing against each other.

You can feel her insides contract and expand around you rhythmically as you move through her passage, giving you a tighter squeeze every few moments while her electric buzz works through the meat of your shaft, coaxing a fresh spurt of precum out of it. The feeling also makes you throb quite strongly for her, growing thicker inside her vagina and pushing further against her wet and reactive walls. This sensation makes you pant and tighten your grip on her hips a little more, adding a bit more power to your thrusts.

Meanwhile, her sister continues to watch you two mate, getting a good view of your thick raichu shaft going in between the swollen outer lips of the light-colored pikachu fem while juices and sparks freely flow from the spot where you two are joined. While the dark colored pikachu watches, she continues to rub her handpaw across her own vagina as you take a brief moment to look in her direction. By now, her own vagina is beginning to act a lot like her sister's, showing that she was just as interested in breeding with you as much as the female you have your shaft inside right now. All of the waiting has been worth it. You now have two willing females that want to breed with you, the only question left was how fertile were these two pikachu fems?

Like all rodents, you have no shortage of active sperm ready to be delivered into each female. You're determined as ever to mate with them as many times as it would take before they conceived and make sure that only your sperm reaches their eggs. You already feel a strong churning in your swollen balls as you hump the lighter colored pikachu fem, feeling all of that thick seed inside your body being mixed together, preparing to enter the fertile body of the female while your tip keeps probing just a little bit deeper with each inward thrust. More electricity sparks from your body while you mate, now coming from your cheeks, ears, and tail from the outside, showing your arousal towards the darker colored female. In addition, the lighter colored female also senses it from your maleness as it moves through her, adding to the warm massage you're giving her and making her tighten around your length.

You know you won't be able to hold back for long, she feels way too good around you. Besides, with the way your body is designed, it doesn't take you very long to reach orgasm anyway. This means it's a good thing that you can have more than one orgasm with one erection.

If the lighter colored pikachu had been the only female you wanted to breed with, you'd devote all your time and energy on her. You'd probably want to cum inside her a good six to eight times before you pulled out and took a break to eat and drink...then you'd be back on top of her again as long as she was still receptive. However, with two females to mate with, you had to devote your energy to both of them, therefore it wasn't fair to spend all of your energy on one and then make the other wait for you to get it up again. You'd have to take turns with them, giving each female an initial dose of your semen and then giving them more as you went along.

You start to feel the grip around your shaft grow a bit tighter as you keep going as her vaginal walls tighten and the electric buzz from them strengthens. This causes you to tighten your grip on her hips and give her even more than what she was already receiving. You start thrusting with your entire raichu cock, reaching all the way to her cervix where your tip pokes up against it several times. As it does, you can feel the entrance to the female's womb contract and expand a little bit, seeming as if it wants to open up so that you can deliver your payload directly where she needs it the most.

By now, you and the light colored pikachu fem are exchanging sparks from your cheeks, as you feel deeply connected to her sexually. You can feel the insides of your balls tingling and churning, absolutely loaded with sperm, ready to burst forth from your tip and seek out the many eggs that are undoubtedly waiting to be fertilized. However, you don't want to shoot that load inside her too early, it would be better if you could enter her cervix and let it all fly into her womb, rather than having some drizzle back out of her vagina.

As such, you keep humping her at full speed, feeling her vaginal canal tighten and the charge from within grow stronger by the second, working down your entire length and caressing each part of your balls gently. It was as if she was telling you that she was ready to be filled and she didn't feel like waiting any longer. The temptation to cum inside her continues to intensify, as you feel your tail raise above your head while your tailhole seems to twitch a little bit from the stimulation. You try your best to push that tip into her cervix, feeling it continue to spasm as it opens little by little, still not quite able to go inside of it. Then, the moment you knew was coming finally hits.

The light colored female calls out loudly with pleasure and clamps down hard on your maleness while a rush of her feminine goo soaks each part of your maleness. At the same time, strong electrical impulses rush through your reproductive parts from hers, giving them the signal that it was time to deliver your seed. With your own orgasm imminent, you try one last time to penetrate her cervix before your sperm starts flying, finally managing to poke enough of your tip through it to get the job done.

A second or two later, your own climax hits as you feel your semen rush through your balls and your shaft before exploding into the female's body, splashing up against the top of her uterus. Your semen is very sticky and warm to the touch, spreading slowly through her insides as more of it rushes in while hundreds of millions of your tadpoles wildly swim around inside her. For most species, the dose of electricity that she gave you to stimulate your climax would have rendered them at least temporarily sterile. However, your sperm are immune to her electrical charge. In fact, it further energizes them, giving you an even greater chance of creating a family.

Now that you're shooting your pent-up semen into a willing female, you feel a lot happier about your own life. Your thick cream is blasting happily into a cute female pikachu, and in about another month she'll be giving birth to the first of what would hopefully be many litters of future sons and daughters. As such, you lick her sweetly as you cum inside her along the back of her neck, showing that you will care for and protect her with all of your might. Each little pichu that you create together will be considered as precious as gold and if anyone or anything tried to threaten your future family, you'll fight them until you're not able to fight any longer. However, you realize that you're not even close to done starting your new tribe yet. You still have another female to breed.

After about a minute, the flow of your seed stops and you pull your thick and throbbing maleness out of the light-colored pikachu female. As you pull out, the vast majority of what you just pumped into her remains in her uterus, with only a little bit of leftover semen dribbling out of her still twitching vagina. You can tell that she wants more and if she were the only female present you probably wouldn't have pulled out of her in the first place. However, she'll have to wait for the moment, as it's now time for you to breed with her sister.

Soon after you pull out of the light-colored pikachu fem, the darker-colored one notices your erection immediately and promptly realizes that it must be her turn now. She quickly gets on all fours and presents to you as her outer lips both twitch and spark, showing how aroused she was on the inside as you waste little time coming over to join with her. Within a matter of seconds, you climb over her backside, grabbing her hips with your front paws and bring your throbbing raichu penis towards her vaginal opening. It pokes against her a little bit before finding the target, slipping into her passage fairly easily as you get comfortable on top of her. While you start to penetrate the darker-colored pikachu fem, you notice that she feels a bit different around your shaft than her sister did.

You notice that her vagina seems to hug your shaft a little bit more tightly than her sister did. The difference is a bit subtle, but it definitely feels like her hole is giving you a bit more of a massage as you hump her. Of course, it could be simply that your shaft has thickened since you began mating with the two females and it only seems tighter because of it. However, there is another difference between the two females, one that is definitely noticeable to you.

The electrical buzz inside the darker-colored female's vagina is considerably stronger than that of her sister. You can feel her energy ripple through your entire length and tickle your swollen nuts quite strongly as you move, making your cheeks sparkle with life and your precum freely spurt into the tight passage. Given that her fur is golden-yellow in color, versus the traditional pikachu yellow of her sister, you wonder if maybe the darker-colored female would soon become a raichu, and probably the dominant female in the relationship. But then again, it could just be simple genetic variation, you are well aware that there can be significant differences in electrical charge between littermates, as all of your siblings have had charges that were weaker than yours, even back when you were still a pikachu.

Nonetheless, the darker-colored female feels really good around your shaft and you hump her happily, letting your precum spurt far into her reproductive tract as she contracts tightly around your length. The feeling within her passage quickly becomes warm, wet, and very tingly, coaxing your swollen raichu balls to churn wildly, preparing another batch of semen to be released into the darker-colored female's uterus. She seems to accept you rather quickly, moving back towards you a bit while you're on top of her, placing the tip of her tail against one of your cheeks.

Her willingness to breed makes your maleness throb very strongly and your tongue hang out of your mouth a bit as you give her every bit of effort you have, plunging your entire length in and out of her tight pikachu hole, creating a very audible squishing sound as you do so. Your shaft quickly becomes very sensitive to touch and you feel the pressure in your balls build rapidly, feeling a second wave of your semen getting close to coming out into another fertile female. Naturally, you want to deliver it directly to her uterus, just like you did to her sister and you make every effort to get that tip into her cervix before you climax.

You hump her wildly, pressing your tip against her cervix each time your shaft goes all the way in, feeling her tightness and electrical charge massage your maleness all over. The insides of your balls churn wildly and you feel your tailhole quiver once again, sensing the intense pleasure working throughout your sensitive penis and eager balls as thoughts of giving the dark-colored pikachu female a belly full of pichu rush through your mind. At the same time, she keeps leaning against you, doing her best to get your seed as deep into her as possible, maximizing both the chances of her becoming pregnant, as well as making a larger litter.

After several more tries, your tip finally pokes into her cervix just before the buzz and tightness of her vaginal canal become too much for you to resist any longer. Your semen starts to leave your body again, this time flowing into the darker-colored pikachu's uterus, clinging and pooling inside of her on contact while countless millions of your tadpoles actively swim around inside your cream.

During your second climax, both you and her have electricity sparkling from your cheeks, enjoying the sensation of the moment where the two of you conceive your first of what promises to be many litters and securing your mateship. Just like with her sister, you are determined to protect your new mate with everything you have. If a rival male wanted to try and take them for himself, they'd better be ready to fight to the death over them, because that would be the only way they'd be able to steal either of them from you.

As was the case with her sister, you cum inside the darker-colored female for about a minute, until the freshly prepared batch of your raichu cum is delivered to her uterus. Then, once the job is done, you pull out of her, leaving the majority of what you gave her inside the womb, with only a small amount dripping from her still active and sparking vagina. Upon pulling out of the darker-colored female, your raichu cock remains fully erect and swollen, ready for another round of sexual activity. This was when the lighter-colored pikachu female came back over, presented herself to you again, showing that she was more than ready for a second dose of your semen inside her.

Upon seeing her twitching, sparking vagina, your raichu cock twitches favorably and you smile eagerly, deciding it was time to mount her once again. From then on, you alternate between the two females for the better part of an hour, filling each one with more sticky semen and making both of their wombs look a bit swollen after the third time. In all, you cum inside each pikachu female a total of four times before the strong tingling sensation in your balls finally stops and your penis finally relaxes.

Following the repeated matings, you feel tired, hungry, and thirsty...but also very proud of what you had done. Each female was filled quite nicely with your sperm with their vaginal openings dripping with leftover semen as the two females licked each other down there. Although it appeared likely that what you gave them would be more than enough to get the job done, you wouldn't be fully satisfied until you knew for sure they were carrying your sons and daughters. Besides, as long as each of them remained fertile, they would be more than happy to lift their tails and present to you, taking in as much sperm as you were willing to give.

For now though, you needed some time to rest and rebuild your load, so you take a trip to the river to first have a drink and then indulge on some sweet early-season berries and a few fat grubs that you dug out of the ground nearby. Then, once you feel full again, you gather some berries and a few grubs and bring them back to your new mates. They're going to need plenty of food these next few weeks while they're carrying pichu in their wombs, so it was only fair that you did whatever you could to make your sons and daughters grow healthy and strong. Later on, you figure you'd show them around your territory, show them where all the prime berry bushes and grub hunting spots were, as well as the river. However, for the moment, your focus was on giving them something to eat and show them that you would be a devoted father to your offspring and a loyal mate to each female.

When you come back to them with the food, the two females eagerly accept and begin to fill up on the sweet berries and protein-rich grubs, providing a good start for the litters that each of them would surely have. Then, following this, you bring them over towards the river where they could get a fresh drink of water. While the two of them are drinking from the cool river water, you relax by a tree stump nearby, still feeling full after having a meal of berries and grubs earlier. As you watch over the females, you see that each one of them continues to be in the mood to receive your shaft inside them some more, with each of their vaginal openings twitching and sparking with desire, calling out for you to fill them even more.

The sight of this does cause you to grow somewhat aroused again, making your penis grow stiff and thick to the thoughts of sex. However, your balls need a little longer to reload, you feel as if you might have enough sperm ready to mount one of the two females, but you want to make sure you have enough to mount each one. Until this happens, you simply have to wait and fight any urge to breed, even though it's difficult to do so with two fertile females having their tails raised and their swollen vulvas facing towards you. Building a tribe from scratch is very hard work, but after you and your mates have created a couple of litters, it'll get much easier for you to be able to defend your home territory and have your older sons and daughters assist their mothers in caring for their younger siblings.

The End.