Beast's Origin

Story by Bunny Hops on SoFurry

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#5 of Beasts

This may be the fifth installment of by Beasts series, but it can easily be read without any knowledge of the other stories. This is Luther's origin story, set in London in 1861. It's a fair bit longer than the other stories, but it was so much fun to write. I'm seriously happy/proud of how this came out. Still, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Beast's Origin

By Bunny Hops

Luther, 18 year old human male

London, 1861

Heavy billowing smoke rose in stark columns from ever chimney in the packed city, mingling into the clouds so effortlessly no one seemed to notice how the falling snow always seemed to have an ashiness to it. It looked ashy, smelled ashy, felt ashy, and tasted ashy. But that ashy snow all added to London's quintessential charm.

Luther would have very much liked to be in his humble abode as well, with his mother and brothers and sisters, but it would also have meant being in the same household as his father, and Luther couldn't bear that right now.

His shoulder and ribs ached from his father's most recent outburst towards him, but the black eye his father had given him a week ago still painted his cheek with shades of black and purple that would have been much more at home on a cadaver than on him. Luther's father deserved to be that cadaver.

Luther's father was a resentful drunk, well known around the neighborhood to beat his wife and children on the slightest of whims, and there was a rumor circulating around that on more than a handful of occasions he had succumbed to carnal temptations with his young children. Luther knew this to be true as he had recently walked in on his father and younger sister in bed together. He also knew another sister had gone discretely to the doctor to fix her "delicate condition" when she missed her monthly blood at thirteen years of age. No one doubted her father was to blame, but no one had the courage to raise their voice.

Luther knew it was past time to end this menace, but he was too scrawny of a child to do anything about it. He had just celebrated his eighteenth year, but he still commonly told people he was only sixteen since he looked even younger than that. His father sported a manly beard of coarse hair that covered his face from the top of his cheeks down to where it disappeared beneath his shirt. Under his shirt he had coarser curly hair that covered his arms, legs, and chest. His pubic hair ran up to his belly and intermingled with the hair covering his chest so gradually Luther couldn't tell where one began the the other ended.

But Luther, in stark contrast, could barely grow any facial hair to begin with. His pubic had only the sparsest of hairs spurting out of it, and his arms, legs, and chest were as bare as a babe's.

His body lacked any sort of muscle tone and the only job he managed to find was an apprenticeship with was with a bookish old clerk for a couple of corrupt lawyers who didn't require any loads to be hauled around the office. His single apt skill was discretion, but it wasn't all that needed. It was well rumored that the two lawyers were buggering each other behind their wive's backs, so even though he now knew it to be true there were plenty of juicier stories running around than any truth he could provide.

Luther was a failure as a man, but that was about to change. If other rumors were as true as the ones about the lawyers, and he had no reason to believe otherwise, he stood in front of the solution to his problem at that very moment.

Luther opened the door to The Goose Feather, the most exclusive brothel in all of southern London.

Even through the coat room the smell of pussy covered up with flowers hung heavy in the air; it was a much needed respite to the smell of the Thames. All at once his trousers began to tighten, but that was not why he was here. He had to tell himself that again, but still his mind became intoxicated by that lovely, raw feminine scent. Some likened it to day-old cod, but Luther imagined himself a connoisseur of the feminine allure and knew the boys who thought pussy smelled of fish had only ever enjoyed well-used, under appreciated women of sub-par brothels and darkened alleys.

Luther's boyish looks and musculature may have it's many downsides, but attracting naive women was not one of them. Robbing a girl of her maidenhood came with dire consequences, but his apprenticeship allowed for travel to the far reaches of London and allowed him to master the art of the quick courtship under relative anonymity. And then, if he happened to get overly excited and spill his seed inside of her, he had to pray that none of them quickened with his child.

So far it seemed he had been incredible lucky.

"Hold it right there, boy," the burly man in the coatroom stopped Luther as he hung up his jacket. "Where do you think you're going."

"I'm going to see Madam Ulrica," Luther responded matter-of-factly, handing his coat to a man behind a half-wall, receiving a ticket in return.

"What makes you think she'll want to see you?"

Luther produced a gold coin from his vest pocket and allowed the doorman to see it. "If she doesn't want to see me, I'm sure she'll want to see this."

It had taken two full years of cooking his employer's books to come up with enough loose cash to turn into that coin. Luther hoped this would all be worth it; if Madam Ulrica was who everyone claimed her to be, it would be.

The doorman allowed Luther to enter. Immediately he was greeted with light atmospheric music, all the various shades of rouge known to man, the strong scents of the female form inadequately covered up by the delicate femininity of floral smells, and the undeniably attractive sight of women in tight fitting bodices and thin lace; more than half of the women had their full breasts hanging loose and heavy.

Luther had been to plenty of brothels already, but none this fancy. There was a small, rundown brothel near where he lived that he and his friends had gone to all the time when they were younger. The Velvet Hand, it was called, and it had a weekday special for boys under sixteen to go for a show and were encouraged to openly pleasure themselves to completion for a single pence. Judging by most of the working girls there, this was a robbery, but they were just thirteen and didn't know any better. Hell, he only found out later that they advertised to a certain male clientele to come in through the back way and hide amongst the rafters to watch the young men jiggle their fancies for a premium price. Although Luther didn't mind too much being watched like that, and he would still be able to easily pass as under sixteen, he chose to spend his hard earn pounds on tastier affairs when he wasn't struggling to court some naive maiden.

But this place was entirely something different. It smelt clean, and the only scent of sex in the air was that of women, not overly horny men who spent themselves early in their breaches and struggled to get another one off in time to justify the coin they just spent. Luther had half a mind to blow his golden coin on six or seven of the most voluptuous women and forget his troubles until morning. Well, judging from the look of this place it would be more like two or three women, but it was still enough to make he reconsider his plans.

Luckily a rather slim young lady with petite naked breasts came to greet him, "I hear you're looking to see the Madam."

"That is correct," Luther replied, desperately trying to fight off the yearn to suck at the girl's neck and have his way with her on the piano in the corner.

"Right this way, sir."

He followed her upstairs, only taking his eyes off the small of her back to glance down past the thin lace that attempted to cover her ass; once the lamp light caught it just right he could see everything. By the end of the night he just might have to find a cheap brothel or alleyway prostitute to relieve the tension building inside of him.

"The Madam will see you now," the girl said, ushering him through the ornate door at the end of the hall.

The room was dark, with only a handful of candles lit, but Luther could sense Madam Ulrica's presence before she even spoke. She had a fragrance about her that he had not smelled before on a woman. The only way yo describe it would be "animalistic." Perhaps she was what others claimed her to be.

"What brings you here, young man," she said from the shadows. The flickering of a candle illuminated pieces of her: a shoulder here, a finger there, but never enough to give Luther a picture of her in his mind.

"I heard you could help me be more...," he paused, not knowing exactly what to say.

"Go on, dear." The Madam had an endearing motherly quality to her, but not coddling enough to make Luther think of his own mother, which would have definitely put some cold water on all the fantasies running wild through his mind at the moment.

"I want to be more manly. Stronger, tougher, hairier, meaner, more...more--" he began.

"...more wolfish," she finished for him.


"Let me see that coin of yours," she reached out for it, bringing her hand into the light while the rest of her stayed in shadow. He handed over the coin. A desk separated the two of them, but the electric tingle he got from her when he laid the gold into her palm was as if they were mid-coitus.

She flipped the coin over, examining both sides. Luther had made the mold for the piece himself and weighed out the gold precisely. One one side of the coin was the profile of a snarling wolf. One the other was the body of a man interposed with that of a wolf. This was what the rumors told to be the price of admission.

"And where might you have gotten such an expensive piece of currency?" She asked in a wistfully sensual voice.

"Does it matter? As long as you can do what has been claimed of you, it's all yours."

"And what have others claimed I can do?" she said, putting the coin in her desk drawer. She knew exactly what the rumors were, with her accepting the coin the both of them knew the rumors were true.

"That you have the power to turn mere men into ferocious beasts capable of transforming themselves from man to wolf at will, and any in any form between the two. That these wolf-men were stronger than any man alive, and could not be cut down by the weapons of man or God."

She smiled a grin that could only be described as "wolfish." "Sounds about right. I hope you know what you're getting into, though. You seem like a bright young man, I'd hate to see you waste your old life or the power you're asking for. Now, why do you wish this gift upon yourself?"

"My old man needs to be stopped," Luther began. "He beats my mother, he beats my brothers, and he fornicates with my sisters. Try as I might, I cannot stop him. I could run away and his beatings against me will stop, but I cannot leave my family to his torment. I mean to kill him."

"Why don't you just stab him in his sleep, or poison he drink? Either of those would be cheaper than what you're asking -- in more ways than one."

"He has life insurance on him that wouldn't be claimable if he was murdered, but a wolf attack is another story. I could also tear up my place of employment, stealing the money in the safe and making it look like I was attacked as well. I could leave my family some money, then ship on out of the country."

"And head where?" She was obviously intrigued by his story and plans. Luther hoped he wouldn't disappoint her.

"I will board a ship for the States. The little war they've started over there is the perfect opportunity to blend in as inconspicuously as possible, and the immortality granted to me would ensure a stray musket round would be the death of me."

"Since you brought it up, why do you wish immortality?"

"Honestly? I've seen too many friends and neighbors succumb to cholera or syphilis or the Spanish flu that I don't want to die like that. Besides, with enough time on this earth maybe I'll be able to do something significant instead of shuffle papers for some corrupt lawyers."

Madam Ulrica thought for a moment in the darkness before speaking, "I'm dubious of your intentions, but your will seems resolute. I'll grant you your wish, but you need to promise me you won't question anything I tell you to do during the procedure. You'll do as your told, or this won't work out in anyone's favor."


"You need to promise this now and be sincere, because in the heat of the moment you might lose control."

"Okay, yes, I promise."

"Good," she twisted up the dial on an oil lamp and the flame grew, illuminated the room and finally revealing herself to Luther. Of course the first thing Luther noticed was she was completely naked; her breasts were as healthily full as the rest of her frame, but perkier than any others Luther had ever seen. She had long wavy black hair that draped over her pale white shoulders. She didn't have the look of a prostitute. She didn't have the look of the working class. She had the look of royalty. She was the most strikingly beautiful woman Luther had ever laid eyes on. She smile an intoxicating smirk, "Let's begin."

She walked around the large wooden desk and placed her hands on his vest, slowly unbuttoning the garment before draping it off his shoulders and onto the floor.

"First thing's first: we need to get you naked," she squeezed his erection through his trousers. "It doesn't seem like you'd object to that."

She was right. As he tugged at his shirt and allowed her to unbuckle his belt he wanted to ask if all this was necessary, but he had just promised he wouldn't question her methods. He wasn't one to be nervous having sex, but at the moment his heart was racing and felt like talking to the Madam to ease his anxiety.

"So, how did you come to possess this power?" Luther asked, tossing away his shirt as Madam Ulrica dropped his trousers to the floor. She tugged off his shoes and followed through with the pants, leaving Luther in his skivvies, undershirt, and socks.

"Some say I made a pack with an old pagan demon," she began, yanking off his socks for him as he tossed his undershirt into the growing pile of clothes on the floor. "Others claim my mother had a torrid love affair with a wolf and I was their cursed offspring. The truth is far less interesting, so please allow your imagination to run wild. And if you come up with something especially engrossing, please pass it along. I enjoy hearing the tales."

As Madam Ulrica stood back up, Luther dropped his shorts and kicked them away. The shorts were already wetly speckled with his precum, and as he stood there in front of the lithe and busty Madam Ulrica, a silky warm glob fell from his outstretched prick to land on the floor.

"Now don't go making a mess in here, son," she cooed, smearing the speck into the floorboards with her big toe. "We'll do this in my personal chambers across the hall."

She tickled his balls briefly before leading him out into the hall. Some girls were milling about and one was bringing a client into a room, but none paid him any mind. Luther was sure this was nothing any one of them hadn't seen multiple times tonight alone.

Luther couldn't help but notice the Madam's chambers had an extra thick door with strong iron locks. Presumably the walls were just as thick. The room itself wasn't very ornate, consisting of a long leather couch which the two of them could lay down or sit up on depending on the mood. A little alchemist work-bench-cum-laboratory was in the corner, and that's where Madam Ulrica made a beeline to.

"Make yourself comfortable," she said, not looking at him. She immediately went to work tossing herbs into a mortar and grinding them to a fine powder with the pestle.

The room was a little cold, but a small fire smoldered in the hearth so he made his way there. Despite being cold and naked, and subject to a rather official transaction so far, Luther's erection just wouldn't subside or stop producing the little droplets of warm lubricant. He rubbed a droplet around the head of his penis, making it glisten. Something was in the air in this brothel, something he couldn't precisely detect but still drove the carnal side of his mind wild. He didn't know what was going to happen next, but a few good tugs on his fancy would be all he would need to satiate his urges.

Madam Ulrica pressed her large, spirited beasts into his back and offered him a cup of some oily liquid that smelled of weeds pulled from between the cobblestones of a busy street. However, he could feel her perky nipples poking into his back, so he gulped down the vial substance in one go and without objection aside from an involuntary grimace. He allowed himself a slight sense of pride at not gagging on the liquid.

"That's a good boy," she said rubbing the peach fuzz of his otherwise bald chest. Only now did he notice that his nipples were as pointed and eager as hers. It could have been from the cold, but considering how stiff he was right now he doubted it was anything other than his own excitement.

"What happens now?"

"First, I'm going to rub this over your little pecker," she said, turning to him and holding up a jar of balm the color of bee's wax with a slight case of jaundice. "And then we'll have a little fun and grant you your wish."

"Am I allowed to ask what was that liquid I just drank? Or that balm you're going to slather me with?"

"The balm is to make sure you're clean; it's basic procedure here at The Goose Feather to insure our girls and clients remain safe from the unsavory aspects of sex. The liquid is for higher paying customers; it'll keep you going longer. I figured you'd need it since otherwise you might spill your seed all over the balm before we've had a chance to get warmed up. And before the transformation."

"Will the transformation be painful?" Luther asked and she rubbed the balm over her hands.

"Oh, yes, very much so," Madam Ulrica chuckled as she rubbed his member with the balm. It gave him a warm tingle wherever it was applied.

"If I decide later to reverse this," Luther swallowed nervously as the balm's warming sensation began to heat up, "how would I go about doing that?"

"This isn't a curse, kid," she said, wiping the excess balm from her fingers onto his relatively hairless balls. "Curses can be broken. This is a gift. You can't return it, but you can share it with others, if you so choose."

"How would I do that?"

"In the same manner you receive it. Now then," she kissed his neck, "shall we begin?"

His cock burned from the ointment, yet it made him feel cleaner down there than he had felt in a good long while. He wondered how well the drink was going to work, since he was still at peak arousal. Madam Ulrica twisted his nipple; some of the balm was still on her fingers, sending the warm tingle about his chest to intermingle with the pain.

Luther's legs grew weak and he allowed himself to be ushered over the couch, were he plopped his bare arse down hard enough to crush his balls a little bit.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'," she said, straddling her legs on either side of his thighs. Her large heaving breasts were in his face and he couldn't resist nipping at a nipple, holding it gently between his teeth while he suckled at the areola.

"You're into biting, I see," the Madam grinned wolfishly again. "That's good to know."

She eased her warm, inviting slit so it rested on his upward-pointed penis, teasing it in just slightly. His prick was already heavily coated in his own lubricant, but Madam Ulrica was wetter than any girl he had ever been with. She was either very good at her job or the prospect of giving him this gift was simple overwhelmingly amorous to her.

She relaxed her thighs and allowed him to slide up into her; she was tighter than a girl ought to be, especially a sex worker. He knew that the liquid she made him drink was working, otherwise he would have spilled his seed inside of her on that very first thrust.

As she rocked her hips, sliding his member in and out of her with more grace than Luther thought possible in the act, he cupped her rear with both hands and helped her pace her rhythm. It wasn't like she needed the help, he just wanted to feel her firm bare arse while he kept his face buried in the cleft of her bosom.

He licked at her, enjoying the taste of her skin. It tasted sweet and citrusy, like lemons coated in honey. He moved over to her brown nipples, which were more savory than the skin between her breasts, but still had that sweet flavor.

As he was moving his head back to between her mounds he received a mouthful of fur. Even before he could pull his head back and look up at her Luther could feel her body changing. Her fleshy arse became hard with muscle and soft with fur; her thighs did the same, but squeezed his legs together tighter. Everywhere she was touching him became soft, warm fur.

He hazard a glance at her just as her face heaved and contorted from that of the attractive woman to that of a a beast. It was somewhere in between a woman's and a wolf's, and her eyes stared down at his with hunger as drool dripped from her vicious fangs.

Despite the wolf creature sitting on top of him, still rocking her legs back and forth to pleasure his cock inside of her, Luther was terrified. Even more so when she lunged her muzzle suddenly at him like a dog going in for the kill.

He tried to squirm away, but her thick legs and muscular arms pinned him down as she dug her teeth into his chest. His scream of pain at the bite was only drowned out by the scream of pain as fire coarsed under every millimeter of his skin.

He groped around uselessly, managing to grasp her tail in one hand while the other fell to her abdomen where he discovered she had grown more breasts--not as voluptuous as the original pair, but impressive no the less. Oddly, Luther would the two extra pairs of breasts more intriguing and disturbing than the tail.

All the bones in his body felt like they were being stretched, one by one, until they would eventually snap. He happened to gaze upon his hand as it cupped a tiny wolf breast. He length of his hand stretched out, as did his fingers. Fur grew thick from his flesh until he could no longer see and skin, and could no longer call his appendage a hand: it was a paw. Only when it fully transformed did he get some relief from the pain of transformation.

He wanted to look at the rest of his body in panic, to see how it was changing, but the extreme discomfort that would have been called "pain" if he wasn't in so much pain already that was coming from his rear demanded his attention. Still holding Madam Ulrica's tail in his paw it didn't take much mental acuity to know what was going on.

He pushed against Madam Ulrica's wolf form and was surprised he was able to move her. When she had transformed she had become so strong, but now he was her equal. Once he was able to get his rear free his tail popped loose and swung around. It was bushy and chaotic, and it made him feel strong.

Luther looked at his body and realized how strong he was. He was taller than he had been as a human, and hairier for damn sure. Where once there was scrawny flesh he now had fur that overlapped in the deep chasms created by his muscles.

His face ached as it stretched out in front of him. By the time his nose grew into a muzzle and his teeth grew into fangs Luther was strong enough to endure any more pain that would come his way. He had never felt like this before: he was no longer a weakling boy that looked three years younger than he was; no, he was a lycanthrope.

He pushed the she-wolf to the couch and on her back. He looked down at himself, still inside of her. At first he had just thought she grew tighter around him, but now he could see his shaft had grow larger and thicker with the transformation. And so did his sexual appetite.

He used all of his newfound strength to push himself deep inside her. All of her bosoms shook and she cried out a animal growl that made the thick walls tremble. Luther could not smell her--smell all of her--and knew where all his excitement had come from. She had filled the entire brothel with her alluring scent. No wonder this was such a high class establishment: no other brothel could compete with Madam Ulrica's pheromones.

Even in human form she was able to release sex pheromones into the air that drove his libido wild. He couldn't help himself; he just kept pushing himself into her deeper and deeper, at a faster and faster pace. It didn't seem like she wanted him to stop, either, since each animal thrust was greeted with another burst of pheromones than dug deeper into his mind.

Luther bit into her shoulder at the apex of a thrust, tasting her fur, flesh, and blood in his maw. His taste buds had changed and he could taste a much wider range of flavors, but this bite was to satiate his animal's sexual urges.

Madam Ulrica cried another growl, but only briefly before she returned the bite. Luther growled into her shoulder, not releasing his jaw. The she-wolf dug her claws deep into his back, causing rivulets of blood to drip down his spine and ultimately onto the couch. He didn't mind, even as she racked her claws down to his tail. This wasn't like the pain his father dealt him and his family. For some reason the pain felt good: another animal urge that needed release.

The thought of his father bubbled up rage in Luther that he didn't know he had. Sure, he wanted him dead, but the beast inside was now finally willing to deliver that death. This was what he really wanted: not the capability to murder his father, but the wherewithal to actual go through with the task. Human Luther would never be able to do that, but the lycanthrope he now was definitely would. The immortality was just a side effect.

But first he needed to deal with more pressing matters. The rage could wait.

He dug his hips into Madam Ulrica, driving his member hard into her silky slit, allowing her raw warm insides to shoot needles into his animal mind. He was pounding her body with enough force to cause her to curl around him, raising her canine legs up over his back. She finally released her bite so she could howl her pleasure loudly in the empty room. Luther took the cue and released his teeth, letting the drool and blood drip from his fangs as the pace of his hips increased.

His lyconthrope mind focused his attention at finally climaxing, but it would not come. In the moment all he wanted to do was release his seed inside of her, knot her good and tight, and then once he was done he would go out and kill. He had a specific person in mind, but anyone would to do calm his newfound bloodlust.

Damn the drink, though. He could feel its affects all to clearly, now, and all he wanted was release. Madam Ulrica gushed wetness with each of his powerful thrusts. She howled with ragged breaths and he could feel her slit contracting again and again as he continued his rhythm.

The drink seemed to raise the bar of his ultimate his climax, not just cause it to plateau and deny him his release. Each time he went deep inside the orgasming Madam Ulrica he clicked a little closer, like a gear slowly turning. His brain fogged with the unprecedented pleasure coursing through it until he finally felt the telltale signs of the point of no return.

His ejaculation came more suddenly than he had ever known, almost catching him unawares. Luther was able to drive himself deep one last time before he stretched his neck out as far as it would go and screamed something guttural and inhuman, spraying the walls with spit and blood as he sprayed his seed inside the she-wolf.

It felt like a dam exploding under the immense pressure of an overfull reservoir. As a human he would usually tense a little and in three or four spurts he'd be done, but as a lycanthrope the first contraction stayed with him. Every obscenely strong muscle in his body contracted and he came inside his lover in a long, steady stream. At the tail end of the gush the base of his animal cock swelled, locking him inside the wolf and allowing none of his semen to escape.

He only had the briefest of reprieve before another contraction seized his body and more seed spilled from his balls. It wasn't forceful as the first blast, but it still sputtered more spunk into Madam Ulrica than Luther could have ever hoped to accomplish as a human.

His peripheral vision blacked and his limbs grew cold and tingly. The only other time he climaxed this hard was his first time with a girl, and that was over with and done in a heartbeat. This just kept going.

His body continued to heave and dispense more seed into the wolf, who wriggled her body happily under his weight as he filled her up. Even after he was so physically spent he collapsed on her, he still could not control himself. His full body no longer contracted, but his loins still did, spurting a load every second or so. Madam Ulrica licked his face and nipped gently at his ears, soothing him to a state of near sleep as he laid tied to her. He breathed heavily, letting out crackling growls with every breath until they turned to snores.

By the time he woke the fire had burned out and both Luther and Madam Ulrica had returned to their human forms. Sometime in the night, probably when he transformed back, he had slipped out of the Madam and some of the mess he had spilled inside of her now covered both of their thighs and the couch.

He didn't mind though. Nothing a quick bath wouldn't fix up, and maybe he'd be able to entice Madam Ulrica to join him. Maybe they could have a little more fun together.

He knew it wasn't likely. This was all business for her, and now that the transaction was complete he'd be on his way. All of his clothes were locked away in her office, however, so it wasn't like he'd be able to sneak away now while she slumbered. He'd been known to do that with other girls, but this night he merely put another log on the fire and curled back up with the woman, resting his head on her breast and quickly falling back to sleep.


Six weeks had passed since his meeting with Madam Ulrica, and two since he left the shores of his home country and on his way across the pond to the States. The little war over there was heating up and he was easily able to find some rich Yankee who was willing to pay his trip over to the New World in exchange for Luther honoring the rich sap's draft card.

Funnily enough, the night that Luther set sail was the same night his father was reportedly torn to shreds by a vicious pack of mangy wolves after stumbling quite drunkenly out of a bar. The lawyer's office was also torn up, and Luther was expected to have fallen prey to the vicious animals as well.

Must have been sheer coincidence, for sure. Either way, the two lawyers Luther used to work for would make sure his family received the full amount of life insurance both Luther and his father.

Luther smiled and let the salty air prickle at his flesh. Soon he would be in the States and able to start a new life, completely fresh from his old one. He felt like a new man, he he could be called a man at all anymore.