The Third Child - Journey

Story by Nikothraa on SoFurry

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#2 of The Third Child

Darkness was everywhere. He tried to look around, felt the contraction of the muscles in his neck, but still saw nothing. He felt the inner workings of his throat move as he called out, but heard no sound. He made an attempt to move forward, but his body would not obey. Just like the last time. A faint light appeared behind him, warmth touching his bare scales. He was naked again! A hand was gently placed on his shoulder, the scales a deep navy with a slight violet tint. His heartbeat began to accelerate.

"Do not be alarmed, young one. I will not harm you." a familiar voice reassured him. The figure? "Turn. I would like to get a better look at you."

Nico obeyed, inhaling sharply as he immediately recognized who was before him. He threw himself to the ground again.

"Lord Bahamut...I...what--"

Bahamut held up his hand, silencing the young male. "Shhh...we only have so much time. First, and foremost, you carry a special gene inside you. This gene only reveals itself every few hundred years, and now it has revealed you to me."

"You mean..."

"Yes. You are the Third Child of Bahamut. And as such, you can no longer stay where you are. That is why you must journey to the Citadel so I may aid you in developing the skill to defend yourself." Nico's expression changed from confusion, to worry.

"I have to leave? But my parents--"

"Nico, my son. They love you, they will understand. Do you?"

Nico lowered his head. "Yes, sir...alright, I'll pack and leave as soon as I can."

The larger dragon pulled Nico close, embracing him. Nico felt a warmth on his back, directly between his shoulders at first, then it rapidly spread throughout his body. He blinked, confused as Bahamut pulled away.

"I have placed a seal on you to prevent you from using magic until you are in my presence. I have also left my mark on you." Bahamut indicated a small design on Nico's chest; a red crescent moon behind a navy rose. "Show this to anyone under my command and they will escort you directly to me." He grasped the young dragon's shoulder. "It's almost time for you to begin your journey. But, before you go, know this. Do not tell anyone - not even your parents - that you have spoken with me. No matter what."

Nico nodded. "I understand. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Good boy."


A loud thud resounded in the room as Nico fell out of bed, a muffled yell coming from a bundle of blankets. He groaned and righted himself, untangling from his covers, throwing them back onto the bed. He looked down and saw a strange symbol on his chest, briefly recalling his dream before he noted that he had a full erection. He grinned, a light blush spreading across his cheeks. He knew his parents were out at this time of day, so he decided to have a bit of fun with himself.

He stood and stretched, looking into his mirror and growling in admiration of his toned form, flexing and watching his erection. "Mmm, the past few years have definitely been kind to me." He slid his hand over his pectorals, gently squeezing his nipples before slowly dragging his fingertips over his abdomen, and down to the base of his penis. He gave it a squeeze, watching himself in the mirror as a drop of clear precum formed at the tip. He tipped the whole shaft upward, watching the bead slowly dribble down the underside of his dark penis. His shaft throbbed in response, the urgent need of release winning over. Nico let go of himself, then moved over to his bed, sitting down and spreading his legs a bit. He decided that he'd try something new.

He leaned forward, bending at the waist, his face moving closer to his groin. Mouth open slightly, he paused, his lips brushing against his tip, his warm breath washing over himself. A rumble formed in his chest as he moved forward again, opening his mouth a bit wider. Throwing all caution to the wind, he sealed his lips around his glans, taking the first two inches into his throat, and the last six into his mouth. He rested there for a moment, eyes closed as he rubbed his nose against his heavy balls. He hadn't had release for a full week.

He coughed a bit as he pulled back too quickly, regulating his breathing through his nose before resuming, settling into a slow rhythm. He smiled around his mouthful, pleased with himself that he was able to pick this up so quickly. He began to swallow around his member, shuddering as his throat squeezed tight around him, drawing more precum. He coiled his tongue around his glans, deftly dragging and undulating the soft ribbon of flesh under the sensitive ridge. A muffled moan sounded around his dark cock, a tingle racing up his spine from a spike of pleasure.

Nico was amazed at how close he was to his climax with just a few minutes' worth of work. He slid a hand over to his balls, gently gripping and squeezing the orbs as he worked himself. Freeing his glans, his tongue snaked out and dipped into his genital slit, shuddering and moaning once again as his tongue teased the ultra-sensitive flesh inside.

He felt a pressure build up in the base of his cock and knew he would only last a few more seconds. He settled into a more comfortable position, taking as much of his penis into his throat as he could before driving his tongue into his slit. He choked back a potentially loud moan just in time as a large rope of hot, thick semen burst from his tip. The young dragon squeezed his eyes shut as waves of pleasure washed over him, frantically swallowing jet after jet. He kept coming for a full thirty seconds, eagerly gulping down whatever he could. The substance was thicker than cream, but just as sweet, if not more so. He pulled off himself, panting a bit from exhaustion, grabbing his still-erect shaft and quickly stroking it, coaxing another, smaller orgasm from his body. He groaned, letting himself loose again, small strands of cum shooting onto his face, chest, and stomach. Once he was finished, he flopped back onto the bed, panting heavily.

"Shit...I need to clean up before my parents get home."


Nico sighed as he looked over the things he had packed; spare clothes, a blanket, silver and dinner ware, as well as his armor and weapon. He was capable of catching his own food along the way. He heard the door close and looked up from what he was doing. Vekh and Shari entered the common room, their discussion about the market interrupted as they saw what Nico was doing.

"Going somewhere?" Vekh asked, raising an eye ridge. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.

"I've decided to go to the Citadel and join the military. Derek's been saying it's getting more difficult to teach me himself, so he's recommended I look there." Nico bent down to double-check the bindings. "I know it's a little...sudden, but I have to do this."

Shari stepped forward, laying her hand on Nico's head. "We understand, dear. You're about that age, aren't you? Time to go make a life for yourself?"

Vekh nodded, a wide smile on his muzzle. "I know I'm not your biological father, but I'm still proud of you all the same. If you go, you have my blessing. I don't need to tell you to be careful." Vekh moved next to his wife, laying his arm around her shoulder.

Nico stood up to his full height and embraced his parents, holding back tears. "Vekh, you are my father, now. Even though I'll be gone, I'll still think about you. I love you both. I'm not going to say goodbye, because I will make sure to see you again." He stepped back, looking first at his mother, then his father. He would miss them greatly. Vekh helped Nico pick up his things, holding the door for him. Before Nico walked through the doorway, Shari gripped his arm.

"Wait, I have something for you." She hurried off, loud banging and the occasional curse could be heard from the inside of the house. After a minute, Nico's mother reemerged, holding a small box. She opened it, revealing a simple silver ring. "This was your grandfather's. I'm sure he'd want you to have it."

Nico smiled, taking the ring from the box and slipping it on. He pecked his mother on the cheek, giving her a big hug. "Thanks, mom. I promise I won't lose it."

Derek looked up from his desk as he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." He smiled as Nico entered, then quickly became confused as he saw the dragon. "Going somewhere?" he asked.

Nico laughed and nodded. "Vekh asked the same thing." He set down some of his luggage. "I'm going to the citadel to join the military. It might sound a little extreme, but I've decided. I figured I'd run it by you."

A look of shock briefly showed on Derek's face, before he burst out into laughter; a loud, raspy bark. "Boy, I was wondering when you would finally get off your ass and do something like that. I was beginning to lose hope. I can't think of anyone more qualified for the military than you, Nico. I'm sure they'll accept you when you beat half the officers. If you like, I can write a recommendation for you." A broad, toothy grin was plastered on the wolf's face.

Nico shook his head. "Thanks, but no. I'd like to do this on my own...every step." He reached out and gripped his instructor's forearm. "I'm...very grateful for everything you've done for me, sir. I don't think I could have gotten so far if you hadn't pushed me."

"You're welcome, my boy. You should be off. The sooner you arrive, the better."

As Nico exited the office, he suddenly found himself facing the ground. He rolled over and saw Seth standing above him, a smirk on his face. "Hey there, lizard. I see you're not as good as you think you are."

"Damnit, Seth, I don't have time for you right now. Get out of my face." Nico righted himself and stood, hefting his baggage. He tried to move past the horse, but Seth intercepted him and shoved him back.

"Don't think so, lizard-boy. You have to deal with me now."

Nico was beginning to lose his cool. A deep growl emanated from his chest as he stared daggers at the taller mammal. "If you don't move, I'll MAKE you move."

"The same way you made your daddy hate your slut of a mother?"

A bolt of lightning rent the sky, slamming into the ground in front of Seth. Dirt sprayed everywhere as the horse was thrown backward like a doll. Nico simply stood, growling before he realized he'd lost control again. A look of horror was on Seth's face as he saw Nico wasn't affected the way he was. "D-d-demon! Monster!" He flipped himself over and scurried away, screaming like a lunatic.

Nico took off, running as fast as he could. "Shit...that damn horse is gonna tell everyone, and I can't exactly cover the evidence. I'll have to skip visiting everyone else if I want to leave here alive."

Having stopped a good mile after leaving the village, Nico was doubled-over, panting heavily trying to regain his breath. His legs wobbled, but held. As soon as he recovered, he looked around to see if he could spot a signpost or someone who could give him some directions to the Citadel. Seeing nothing but an empty road, he shrugged and headed off away from the village. He'd find the Citadel eventually.