Weights and Scales

Akuro is copyrighted to his player, and is used with permission. * * * A mechanical chime sounded from the alarm clock, announcing a new hour. Nico looked up from his textbook, sighing as it displayed eleven P.M. "Five more minutes." he...

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The Third Child - Journey

Darkness was everywhere. He tried to look around, felt the contraction of the muscles in his neck, but still saw nothing. He felt the inner workings of his throat move as he called out, but heard no sound. He made an attempt to move forward, but his...

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The Third Child - Nico

"Nico..." the voice said. It sounded so soft and inviting. He could listen to it for hours, given the time. "Nico," it persisted, "you'll be late for your studies if you continue to lay there. Get up." Nico groaned and rolled over. The voice no longer...

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Weights and Scales - Chapter 2

Deep grunts sounded up the stairs as the two dragons descended, Nico raising an eyebrow as he listened. "Did dad leave the basement door open?" the younger asked. "He wouldn't do that. Probably watching T.V." Akuro answered. As they stepped into...

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