Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifty-fifth Entry

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#56 of Pathfinding-CYOA

The lead-in to the end of the orgy, and the beginning of the next phase of our journey to unite the peoples of the North against the forces of the Warlord. And finally, we're back to tallying up votes.

Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Fifty-fifth Entry

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Additional Votes

* Skaeth is up to something - 9

* Shara gangbanged (all-female and all-male both suggested) - 8

* Give Kyte to the Valkyries for taming - 1

* Rufus bottoms to Windtooth (his father, the Blue Feather alpha male) - 9

* More F/F scenes - 1

* More M/F scenes - 3

* More non-consensual scenes - 3

* Bring back Goro, the panda heavy - 2

* More smooth-skinned males - 2

* More Kyte scenes - 1

* Kyte/Rufus - 5

* Kyte/Skaeth - 4

* Pairing between Urtan and Jonna (long-term) - 2

* More Hanaro sex scenes (Rufus and Urtan primarily) - 8

* Imogen develops a spanking fetish - 3

* Fix Urtan's throat, let him talk - 11

* Reveal the Warlord's name - 2

* Don't reveal the Warlord's name (perhaps only if the Warlord is defeated) - 1

* Brief genderflipping for Rufus and/or Rael - 5

* Introduce a female character who's not into Rufus - 3

* NC scene for Rael (Rufus seeking revenge afterward likely) - 1

* Gryphon encounter - 1

* Warlord throws slaves to her feral pets - 1

* Romance scenes (Rufus/Adel most likely) - 2

* Bring the succubus imp back (she's in the summoning orb right now) - 1

* Skaeth/Jonna epic sex - 2

* Find a dragon and get it on our side - 1

* Have Rufus magically lose his knowledge of sex, and need retraining - 1

Vote Options in Progress

* Urta/Rael/Adel/Rufus scene; family dynamics in action

* The Steampunk Trio start work on sex toys...and use them on Spark!

* Shara and Padmini learning flesh magic and non-lethal skills (sex quite likely)

* Rufus/Urtan scene, where they finally go at it

* Share Calanon and Durion with the Valkyries (will take place at the Valkyrie city)

* Spark becoming a size queen/interested in Horse

* Lesage's gradual sexual corruption

* Dominate Skaeth: put the bull in his place

* Challenge Jutta to a contest of strength, and the loser submits to the winner

* Get the Valkyries to join the Blue Feather camp (may tie with the vote above)

Author Notes

And now back to the voting portion of our story.

Pathfinding Fifty-fifth Entry

Hanaro's cheeks were deeply flushed as she watched the erotic proceedings before her. It was the noises being made that were an especial turn-on for the teenaged samurai. Already, Hanaro had set aside her helmet, hanging it from a low tree branch, freeing her long black hair, and her armor was swift to follow (or as swift as her armor ever followed, since it took this long to get it off), leaving her in the simple shift and skirt she wore beneath the lamellar plates. Glancing to one side, the dark-haired girl noticed Lesage slowly moving backward, her wings moving ever-so-slightly with the movement. The youthful-looking angel girl had a blush on her face that was at least as bright as the one Hanaro was sure was on her own cheeks, and her expression was one of deep confusion. Lesage's expression made Hanaro curious, but she was far too polite to ever question the actions of an angel, or why Lesage, for all her prior protests, didn't put up any more staunch rejoinders against such immoral behaviors as those taking place here and now, or even why she didn't at least look away.

"She's still sorting out her feelings," said Jonna suddenly, resting a large but gentle hand on Hanaro's shoulder. "Poor thing - she probably belonged to some celibate order devoted to learning when she was a mortal, so she hasn't got any practical experience with sex. She's also probably never been tempted by it before, either, cenobite orders being what they are."

"Celibate..." Hanaro said, blinking as she looked at the much taller she-minotaur. "But, won't that mean, if she doesn't resist such temptations, that she'll become a fallen angel? Isn't she in danger of being corrupted?" The human girl's eyes widened, her relative youth, so easily forgotten considering her quiet and mature nature, becoming obvious in that brief moment. "Shouldn't we do something?"

"Sex isn't bad, Hanaro," Jonna responded gently, stroking the girl's back through the soft silk shift. "It can be used for bad, but just like magic, it's not bad by nature." The muscular female shrugged. "There's a lot of religious and academic orders that shun sex, though, because they don't want it to distract them from their devotion to a chosen deity or subject of study. Just how it is, I guess. I've always thought the choice was a foolish one, though - it leaves an empty spot in your development, a place where you never really mature."

"So...Lesage may be growing up?" Hanaro asked, her expression serious as she considered the possibility that an angel might still be capable of maturation.

"Yes," answered Jonna, before she turned her back to Hanaro. "Could you get those straps there, please, Hanaro? I'm feeling overdressed, and what I'm planning will be a lot easier to do without clothes on."

The blush on her cheeks spreading to the rest of her face, Hanaro nevertheless did as Jonna requested, and within moments the heavy, badly-dented breastplate fell away, followed by the light bit off padding the she-minotaur wore beneath. Jonna sighed in contentment as her body was laid bare above the waist, stretching slowly backward, making Hanaro's eyes feel as though they must be as large as saucers, the human girl finding herself completely unable to turn her gaze away from Jonna's genuinely epic breasts, which appeared larger than they really were (though they weren't small by any stretch of the imagination) thanks to the she-minotaur's well-developed pectoral muscles. Hanaro's eyes only strayed from Jonna's breasts when the she-minotaur bent forward to push her silk loincloth down, stepping out of the brief garment, leaving her beautifully-muscled body completely naked.

"Come, Hanaro," said Jonna with an inviting smile, offering her hand to the younger girl. "I'm going to do some diplomacy now, and I'd like you to be with me."

Taking the other woman's hand, Hanaro let herself be led to where the two centaurettes stood, the sandy-haired filly's legs trembling as her own mother pressed her equine body tightly against the younger female's flanks and barrel, her human hands stroking and caressing the girl's human breasts and belly, kissing her exposed neck. The mare looked up as Jonna approached, taking the lead, her expression questioning, obviously not at all embarrassed by such openly sexual and incestuous behavior. Her daughter, on the other hand, blushed furiously at the approach of the two-leggers, and covered her petite breasts with her hands, her tail curling protectively around her exposed flanks.

"My name is Jonna," greeted Jonna, pressing a hand over her heart in greeting, before leaning forward, the chestnut mare doing the same, the two resting their foreheads together, nostrils working; Hanaro suddenly realized that they were sharing breath, just like you were supposed to do to earn the trust of a horse. "This is my friend, Hanaro," she added as they broke contact, motioning to the human girl, who promptly bowed respectfully, as she'd been taught since she was a little girl.

"Mine is Kabula," the mare greeted the pair with a broad, friendly smile, obviously quite comfortable in her nudity, her breasts, which Hanaro had seen pressed against Jonna's in their greeting, even larger and more epic than those of the she-minotaur. "And this is my daughter, Loshada. I was training her in wood lore when we were so rudely interrupted." The mare's eyes strayed to where Rufus was snarling over Erlend, the buck's teeth grit, his cheeks flushing as his cock spurted yet again, another orgasm breaking down his will just that much more completely, before Rufus pulled out with a snort, letting the spent male collapse to the ground in a daze, breathing heavily...and still not seeming to sense Urtan, who was now kneeling right behind him. "That is your stallion, is it not?"

"That is Rufus," Jonna agreed with a nod. "He's our leader, and a powerful warrior. He saved me from the dungeons of Belthin, and broke the sorceress' power as well. He bids you greeting, and wishes honor to your clan."

"Honor?" Kabula said with a teasing, questioning tone, arching an eyebrow. "Hmm, I suppose he would, if he weren't indisposed at present." Then she giggled, brushing her daughter's hands away from her somewhat conical breasts, teasing their pink nipples between her fingers. "I also suppose that I ought to show him honor in return, shouldn't I?"

"Mother," the filly, Loshada, whined to her mother in extreme teenage embarrassment. "Everyone can see!"

"As well they should," Kabula answered with a laugh, then nudged her daughter forward. "You're certainly a beautiful filly, and I'm no slouch myself, even after four foals before you. Come, this is as good a time as any for you to learn the pleasures that males can bring." She smiled at Jonna as she started walking forward, her added equine height letting her look the she-minotaur in the eyes without trouble. "And females as well - which I would have gotten around to teaching you sooner, if those silly bucks hadn't interrupted us while we were taking our bath."

Not far away, Rufus stiffened slightly, breathing in with a startled hiss as he felt a strong hand on his muscular rump. That hand was followed by another, and he glanced back, looking into the face of Urtan. The broad-shouldered gnoll's eyes were turned down, his tongue extended as he admired the alpha wolfen's bottom, both his powerful hands squeezing and rolling the well-formed wolfbutt. Normally, Rufus would have shoved another male in such a situation away, and if they were friends, made a few jokes to laugh it off, and if they weren't, left the other male with a black eye or some cracked fangs. But right now, after all he'd been through with Urtan, and still basking in the relaxing afterglow of having raped a fresh male into total submission, Rufus' expression softened as he looked at Urtan, and grew softer still as Urtan's eyes met his own, the gnoll's gaze a combination of questioning and pleading. There wasn't any demand in Urtan's eyes, no sense of domination or usurpation. No, Urtan loved Rufus...and Rufus loved Urtan, he realized with a start. With that realization, Rufus started to bend forward, shivering slightly as he felt Urtan's blunt muzzle rub against the back of his neck, felt the other male's thick brown erection nudging against his roundly-muscled rump.

"Rufus," came a voice, and Rufus promptly rose to his feet, doing his best to ignore the straining erection that bobbed between his legs, and the reason why he had such a powerful hard-on, a reason that remaining kneeling on the ground behind him, an expression of resignation on his strangely attractive, blunt features as he looked up at Rufus and the ones that were addressing his alpha. No, Urtan wouldn't force this issue, not here, not now. He would wait...and he knew his waiting would be amply rewarded.

"Rufus," Jonna continued, smiling pleasantly at the tall wolf, her scarred-yet-beautiful nudity promptly apparent to the hoary-furred alpha, making his erection throb, but for quite different reasons than before, a throbbing that only intensified as his gaze strayed across the beautiful bare breasts of the two centaurettes. "This is Kabula, and her daughter, Loshada. They wanted to give you a more formal thanks for saving them."

"Very formal," said Kabula, stepping forward to run her hands through the soft fur of Rufus' well-muscled chest, before making the alpha male wince, his rump and legs tensing up as she flicked her tongue over one of the stiff nipples normally hidden beneath his thick fur. "I was out here with Loshada to educate her in the deeper secrets of the ways of nature before we were interrupted. Considering the surroundings," she motioned with her head toward where the bucks were being ravished, and then toward where Wicker was crying out loudly in orgasm as Ryg squeezed her breasts tightly, riding the beautiful reindeer boy with a will, while Adel and Rael watched eagerly from the corners of their eyes, the two younger females caressing each other while they watched, sharing a long kiss in the meantime, "this seems like as good a time as any to complete her education on nature's more...intimate ways."

Rufus grit his teeth as Kabula took his erection in her skilled hand, then arched his eyebrow as he looked between her and the sandy-haired filly.

"You want me to mount your daughter?" he asked, then chuckled. "I'm not opposed, of course, but what does she have to say about it?"

"Mooo-ther!" the filly exclaimed, obviously deeply embarrassed, her expression at once aroused and pouting with teenage reticence and rebellion. "He's not even a stallion!"

"Really?" asked Kabula in moch-surprise, stroking Rufus' quite ample erection. "He feels like one to me. Just give it a chance, dear, and I promise you'll start liking it very soon."

"Hold up a moment," Rufus said, reaching out to grip Kabula's bounteous breasts in his hands, making whatever else she'd been about to say end quite quickly, ending in a moan of arousal as he squeezed her perked nipples between his fingers. "That's better. Look, it's Loshada's first time, and she's obviously a little shy about it. I don't blame her. I'm not turning you down, miss Kabula," he added, seeing the look of disappointment on the mare's beautiful features. "I'm just saying that, um," he looked around, then shrugged, "maybe a change of venue would help."

"What did you have in mind?" asked the mare, her own legs now trembling as Rufus continued to handle her bosom with exquisite skill, her juices leaking down her hind legs already.

"Adel!" Rufus called over, making the chipmunk girl break her liplock with Rael for a moment to look at him questioning. "Bring Rael with you, and come with me; we're going to the lake." Then he glanced down at Urtan, his smile softening to something almost tender. "You too, Urtan. If you're up for it, I mean." Urtan's smile made it clear that he wasn't objecting at all, as did his continuing erection as he got to his feet, then glanced questioningly at Erlend, still lying face-down on the ground, his expression dazed, nearly unconscious. "Yeah, bring him too. I'm not finished punishing our new boytoy yet. Besides," he grinned at Kabula, making her tense up as he did something positively obscene to her rigid nipples, "he's gotta make up for being so mean to these beautiful females before, don't you agree, miss Kabula?"

"Oh, definitely," the mare got out, the strain of arousal clearly evident in her voice.

"To the lake, then," said Rufus, finally releasing Kabula's breasts, then giving her muscled equine rump a light swat, deliberately angling it over her juicy, humanlike quim, making her 'eep' in surprise. He glanced at Hanaro and Jonna, then gave a toss of his head, making it clear they were invited as well, before he started off, one hand resting on Kabula's flank, the other on Loshada's, his fingers slipping deftly beneath their tails, making both mother and daughter grow quite flushed in the face, and very juicy between their hind legs.

Path Choices

1) Campfire scene: Which of the following should get a spotlight in the next campfire scene? Only pick one per person - screentime will be given to as many characters as possible, starting from those with the most votes to those with the least, until there is no more writing time remaining.




Imogen & Wisselfleur (the pair count as one vote)










2) Next, when we get to "proper" actaeon territory to drop off our prisoners, should we simply leave them, or should we engage in diplomatic relations? This is a retread of former votes on the subject, to give folks a chance to restate their position, with the addition of a percentage chance of success - after all, the actaeon might not take well to us plundering their bachelor bucks, however cute they might have been. Though it can be argued that they deserved it by the Old Law's strictures.

A - Leave 'em and scoot (80% chance of escape without detection)

B - Deliver them personally and explain the situation (60% chance of success)

C - Deliver the bucks personally, and get the actaeons on our side (30% chance of success)

Feel free to make additional suggestions. If an idea provided by someone is popular enough, and good enough, it might provide a bonus of 5% on our roll. If multiple good ideas can stack, they will.

3) Also, in case the diplomatic choices win out, select one of the following people to actually do most of the talking (the ones listed are the only ones willing to speak on our behalf); each of these people has a hidden bonus or penalty, ranging from 5% to 20% - use what you know about the characters in question to make your choice:








