Chapter 7 The Sarah Sandwich

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#8 of Fox Hunt

The Sarah Sandwich

Chapter 7

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

On paws and knees on top of Dick, Sarah rocked as the male's thick phallus punched between the pink, swollen lips of her sex. Moisture splashed with each jerk of his hips. His powerful body, tight with muscles, flexed on every thrust. It was almost supper, and Dick knew he had to hurry before Charles sent someone up looking for him.

"Oh - oh, m'lord!" Sarah cried shrilly and her long lashes fluttered open wide when Dick's thick erection punched in hard to the base.

Dick smirked. Sarah was the prettier of the servants on his cousin's estate. She was a beautiful Afghan hound with bright golden fur and a long golden mane that shimmered in straight tresses along her pencil-thin body. Her build was narrow and petite, thin legs and slender arms, a tiny waist and shivering mosquito bites for breasts. Dick watched her pink nipples rolling as her young body rocked from his thrusts and felt himself get harder. He was a male who liked a big rack, but there was something suckable about Sarah little breasts. She blushed prettily when he caught her pointy nipple in his lips and tasted it.

"Shit!" grunted Haskell. He sat fully dressed in a cushioned chair beside the bed, his greedy eyes fixed on Sarah's tight lips as they clenched on Dick's erection. His trousers were unbuttoned and his penis standing up from the nest of fabric, hard and pulsing with veins. He didn't touch it, however. Just watched with his hot erection throbbing against the air. Haskell was such a big male, the amused thought passed through Dick's mind that he made the chair look downright miniscule. His erection, meanwhile, was the width of three bananas.

"M-M'lord?" squeaked a voice.

Dick lifted his head and looked beyond Sarah's hooded eyes and gaping mouth. Hadly was standing in the doorway of his bedchamber, blushing to her chocolate brown bangs. She was a light brown Cocker Spaniel, sixteen years old, and the youngest maid there. She was a virgin, fascinated by what she was seeing and at once paralyzed.

As Hadly stood frozen in the doorway, Dick glanced at Haskell for an explanation.

Haskell bit his lip. "She wanted to watch, m'lord. I told her she could . . . I'm sorry."

Dick gestured with two fingers for Haskell to come to the bed, then nodded at the girl. Both leapt like children who'd been offered candy. Haskell shot up and dropped his trousers. Hadly hurried into the room and dropped into Haskell's abandoned seat without taking her eyes off what was happening.

"M'l-lord," Sarah stammered as Haskell climbed up behind her. She looked down at Dick pleadingly. "Must Hadly watch this? You said only Haskell - a-ahh!" Sarah cried out with something between horror and surprise, and Dick knew why: Haskell had just plunged his enormous organ in the tight pink knot under her tail.

Dick felt himself harden further as his personal servant smiled with dark satisfaction and began to thrust. Sarah's cries were choked and weak. She was crushed between the hard bodies of the males, her breasts shivering. Haskell sniffed her neck and suddenly bit her, growling as he punched inside. She rocked helplessly, tail thrust aside, breasts thrust out. Dick squeezed her breasts in both paws and licked her nipples.

"Ah - ah! H-Haaa - ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Oh, Sarah . . . so tight . . ."

"Mmm . . . mmm. . . ." Dick sucked Sarah's nipples carefully, smoothing his paws along the slight curves of her thin body.

They thrust until she was bouncing between them, crying out in rhythm with the jerks of their hips.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Oh, yes, darling, that's it . . . so wet. . ."

"M'lord, she's so tight . . . I don't think . . ."

"Then finish it. We'll be late for supper otherwise."

Sarah's eyes fluttered open wide to hear Dick's words. Before she could protest, Haskell pressed his hips to her and released inside her anus. The hot rush of his fluids paralyzed her as he choked a weak cry in her ear. She looked at Dick helplessly and knew he was about to release as well. She was right: the marquis gritted his teeth and cried out. His paws fumbled to pull her close, smashing her little breasts to the sculpted pectorals of his chest.

The males sagged, softening with satisfaction inside the girl's tight crevices. She sagged between them, filled with their hot seed and blushing with horror and humiliation that a child of one her friends was sitting in a chair and watching: Hadly's mouth was open and her nipples were pressing hard through her tight apron.

"Run . . . along, girl," Dick panted to Hadly. "Get cleaned up. And tell the duke we'll be along for supper shortly - shit!"

Everyone froze when Charles stepped into the room, lips tight with fury as he adjusted his small spectacles. At a glare from him, Hadly ducked her head and flew from the room as fast as her legs could carry her. Haskell, meanwhile, practically fell off the bed in his scramble for his trousers. Sarah sprang up, snatching her dress and apron from the floor and holding it over her slender naked body as she ducked her head and murmured apologies. Casting Dick a look of longing, she blushed bright and ran from the room with her mane and tail streaming.

"Why am I not surprised?" Charles said derisively and folded his arms.

Dick slowly sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed. Charles tried to ignore the sight of his tight back and soft brown penis as he leaned his elbows on his knees, glancing around tiredly for his trousers. Haskell leapt forward with his master's breeches and leapt back again, keeping his head down as Charles took a few steps into the room.

"Where the hell is my sister?" Charles demanded.

Dick pinched the flesh between his eyes. "Not tonight, love. I've got . . . the worst hangover right now."

Charles snorted. "Don't give me that excuse. Your head didn't hurt enough to fuck the servants - something I asked you to stop doing! You are not here to party, Dick, you are here to win the heart of my sister --!"

"I don't want to marry your bloody sister!" Dick snapped, and when he looked at Charles, his eyes were blazing. He swallowed miserably and his throat flexed. His eyes slowly died of flames and darkened with sadness. He turned his face away and started pulling on his breeches, heavily and miserably.

"You can't marry me," Charles said in a softer voice. "So suck it up and marry my sister. This is what's best for all of us --"

"Do you really intend," Dick said over him, his lip curling, "to sit back and watch as I have pups with your sister?" He looked at Charles incredulously, his handsome face twisting. "Really? We both know you couldn't."

Charles went to the window, purposely keeping his back to the marquis. They had been lovers since they were sixteen. They were twenty-five now and nothing had changed. Dick was still an insecure party boy, screaming "queer" at other males even as he secretly screwed males, and Charles was still foolishly trying to save him from himself.

"Evie could never want me," Dick said in a miserable undertone. "If I had any delusions, she cleared them up for me this evening."

"Where is she?" Charles demanded. "I sent Nana for her and she found a bed sheet hanging out the window. Furniture was upset! Clothes on the floor! You're lucky I don't knock your fangs into the back of your skull! What did you do to make her run away?"

Dick rubbed the back of his neck and could not meet his lover's eye. "I acted like a drunken bastard, what do you think I did? When you told me she was considering the marriage, I thought maybe she'd finally . . . I came to her room. I remember grabbing her and getting hit." He winced at the memory. "Hard."

"We have to find her," Charles said, frowning anxiously as he gazed out the window. "Daisy left her this morning. I've never seen her so . . . I'm praying she didn't run into town after the girl." He shook his head. "_Assuming_you can even remember what happened," he said in a strained voice, "any idea where she might have gone?"

The marquis was half dressed now. Haskell stood beside him, adjusting his master's breeches and boots as Dick held his arms out, waiting for his shirt and waistcoat.

Dick laughed mirthlessly as Haskell pulled his shirt on for him. "Where do you think she went?"

Charles looked out the window again, his eyes settling wearily on Crinnington Forest.

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