The Appointment

Story by nameless_wolf on SoFurry

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Just a little quickie, an idea I had that I wanted to crank out. Short, sexy, and to the point ;3

"Eric Fox, please report to the main office." an unenthusiastic voice cackled over the school's intercom system. Eric looked up from his desk, giving a little half smile. This happened so often it was practically routine. His father came to school on almost a weekly basis to pick him up for doctor's appointments. Little did the school know, these appointments were actually for something much more intimate.


Eric climbed up into the car and looked up at his smiling father, Paul. "Sorry boy, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." the older fox said, reaching his paw over and rubbing the boy's thigh. Eric smiled back, reaching his paw down and taking his father's paw in his, moving the older fox's grip down to his crotch instead. Paul gave a shiver of pleasure, squeezing the boy's already aroused sheath through his pants and then murring as his son began slowly unzipping the front of his jeans.

The boy's soft clean white furred sheath came into view. Eric never bothered wearing underwear, especially around his father. It was only another obstacle in the way of pleasure. The glistening pink tip of his young foxhood poked out as he made a seductive little whine. Paul's pants were tented in a massive erection. His son loved to tease him like this, and Paul loved to be teased. It just made him want it that much more.

Paul instinctively began stroking his son's sheath, enraptured by its beauty, not even stopping to consider that he was still in the loading zone in front of the school. "Oooh, daddy you better get home first or my school's going to find out this isn't a doctor's visit after all. The older fox groaned as he pulled his paw back, fighting the massive urge to go down on his son right then and there. A wet spot began forming on his pants as he drove off down the road.


The second they got in the door, Paul began tearing off his son's clothes. His shirt first, then ripping down his pants, pushing the boy against the wall and dropping to his knees, wrapping his muzzle around his son's warm furry balls. "Oooh, daddy!" Eric gasped, bucking toward his father's muzzle as the older fox began worshiping the boy's sheath.

"Oh fuck yeah, let your daddy take care of you, boy." Paul moaned, reaching around to his son's ass and squeezing it while he took the kit's tip in his mouth. Eric's boyhood cock grew hard and fast, and quickly he began muzzle fucking his father, moaning out in pleasure.

"Oooh, I love you daddy." he gasped, pre-cum already leaking from his boyhood.

"I love you too boy." the older fox gasped out as he took his teenage son's cock deep in his muzzle. Paul used his skillful experienced tongue over every inch of his son Eric's member. Genetics had blessed Eric with a sizeable cock just like his grandfather. Ten inches of hot throbbing foxhood thrust into Paul's muzzle like a piston, the older fox licking up every drop of spilled pre-cum and swallowing it with a moan. He worshiped every bit of his son's cock, ravishing it with his tongue and letting the boy fuck deep down his throat.

"Ahhh! You're going to make me cum already!" Eric gasped out, his body shaking in pleasure.

Paul pulled his lips back off his son's cock, licking the pre-cum off the corners of his muzzle and quickly standing, unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants to the floor in a rapid shuffle. "Cum in here son, fill your daddy with your load!" he moaned out, bending forward over the kitchen table as he stripped off his shirt. Eric was on him immediately, using only his heavy pre-cum to lube up his father's tailhole as he thrust inside. Paul groaned loudly, feeling his rump getting split and filled with his son's member. Not using any proper lube was very rough, but Paul didn't really mind. He'd do anything to please his boy, and Eric fucked him twice the previous night so he was already a bit loose.

Eric moaned and bucked, hammering his father's ass just as hard and fast as he had the older fox's muzzle. His climax quickly building as the lust for his father swelled. Paul was panting and moaning beneath him, taking every thrust like a good subservient bitch, keeping his soft orange tail curled high. He held the older fur's hips tightly and delivered blow after blow as far as he could up inside the older fox. "Daddy, I... I... " the young fox gasped, slamming his hips forward as he blasted a huge load of cum inside his father's tailhole.

"Good boy, good boy!" Paul praised "Use your daddy for your pleasure, son. Get it all inside me." Paul moaned and shivered in pleasure, not even realizing that he'd sprayed his own seed all over the kitchen table. Eric delivered a few more hard, deep thrusts into his father as he emptied his load, panting heavily when he eventually pulled his cock back out. A sticky string of spent cum hung between his cock and his father's asshole until it finally broke and splashed back on both of them. Eric turned his father around and pressed his lips tightly against Paul's

"I love you daddy, you're so good to me." the younger fox said, withdrawing from the kiss and looking into his father's eyes.

"I love you too, son." Paul replied, caressing his naked teenage son in his arms.