Memories of A Dragon (Chapter 1)

Story by librios on SoFurry

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Day 1

I'm not sure what I did this time to get sent to prison again. The last time I remember being here was assaulting one of the Military Instructors. This time our government put me in maximum security prison, which I have no clue why. Do my own people see me as a threat? I don't understand why they would.

Pretty much everyone on Aerious knows who I am, but this was long before I first came to prison. Being born under loyalty by the King and Queen of Aerious, I was supposed to take the throne once i became of age. However, since i was born differently than the majority of my brothers and sisters, the government denied me rights to the throne. The parents were not happy with the government's decision. It's ironic, even though my parents rule Aerious, It is not under their power. We had no choice but to accept it. If we were to question them, My parents would be sent off to prison without question.

In a few minutes I will be sent into interrogation for questioning. Though I have a strange feeling that this will be no interrogation session, but something more serious. Normally I don't worry about little things like this, but after being sent to maximum security for no reason, it's got me worried. I will continue writing down on this journal once i come back from interrogation. I just hope that nothing bad is going on here.

Day 2

I just got back from interrogation. It took much longer than I expected. I'm afraid my instincts were right. I was expecting to be interrogated by one of the council members. As soon as i entered the room, Officer Liekias was waiting for me. And it's rare to see him these days, considering that the military officials have him busy as hell.

As soon as I sat down, I knew something was wrong, knowing that he only looks concerned when something bad was about to happen. He pretty much got to the point and told me, "That it was a possibility that somebody was going to attempt to assassinate me. The only problem is that he did not know who, or how they planned to do it. Instantly my mind started racing. It was clear that whoever was planning the assassination, would not stop until I was dead. Officer Liekias plan was to evacuate me to a different world, where I would be safe.

After i left the room, I started to worry about my parents, and how they would react to the news. But at the same time I knew Officer Liekias was trying to keep me safe. Plus he was also a very good friend of our family. Put it this way, ever since I was born, He has been watching my back. Not from just the council, but from the citizens as well.

My past isn't something that I call perfect. Since I'm the only one of my kind that has suffered these types of changes. I'm not welcomed here in my planet, even if I am born with royal blood. It pretty much began when i was born:

When I was born, I was very much different than compared to most of my race. My parents aren't sure how the mutations happened. They just know that it happened when I was still in her womb. All dragons that are born within the Libteraus race, have red eyes, black scales, feathered wings and a dragon head. The second the doctors saw me, they labeled me as forsaken. My left eye was green, while the right eye was blue with a strange marking under it. My skin was blue with a black underbelly. I was also born without wings, but I can levitate. What I don't understand is the strange marking on my chest. Not even the scientists or elders were able to figure out what it was.

I owe my life to Officer Liekias since he saved my life when I was born. If anybody here born on this planet is born different, they are terminated quickly. The quickest way the government disposes of imperfect babies was grabbing the baby by the leg, swinging them around, and smashing their heads on a metallic pillar. Liekias somehow managed to convince the government to spare my life. Though he never went into detail with it with me.

Growing up here was extremely difficult. Even though I was born within the royal family, I was treated pretty bad. I never knew what discrimination meant until my people started to put up signs saying that I was not allowed in, due to being imperfect. I wasn't even allowed in school because of it. Luckily Officer Liekias taught me everything I needed to know about our planet. He also home schooled me.

Even if I wasn't allowed in school, I was still required to attend the training sessions. I hated going to the training sessions, only because the military instructor was an ass to me, due to looking different than everyone else. I found it really funny though, within starting the training sessions, I outdid everyone, even the instructor couldn't believe how i was doing better than everyone. It wasn't until one day, the instructor decided to take it up a notch, and started to harass me much more than usual. For 5 hours, I put up with his bullshit, until he decided to slap me on my head for making a mistake on the training. I pretty much lost my shit, and I grabbed him by the neck, tossed him up, and punched him in the chest. The impact sent him flying all the way to the Elders Hall, which is a pretty far distance from the training area. Immediately I was arrested for assaulting a higher military rank officer.

I really don't like remembering this specific area when it comes to reflecting my past. Because it also showed me the darker side of my race. I was arrested and was immediately taken to prison for attacking the instructor. Now I know why everyone tried to avoid prison. The place literarily smelled like death. Upon entering, It pretty much left a huge scar on me, on what the higher rank officials do to the prisoners. Nothing but torture, as far as my eyes could see. I was to be put in here for the rest of my life.

During those few days, I saw the true colors of my superiors. From being honest and loyal war heros, to complete sadists and masochists. Every day people were ended up murdered here in the prison. The laws were so strict that you had to be careful. If you were to look at a female naked and you were caught, you were castrated. If a female did prostitution, her uterus would be ripped out. And the list would go on and on. I think what got to me the most is that one day during the afternoon. I heard a scream come from the next room by me. It was a female scream but the scream was bloodcurdling. The next thing I know, part of the wall collapses. The dust clears and I see a woman, nude. Upon getting a closer look, her breasts look like they've been ripped out, as well as her right eye was missing as well as her uterus ripped out. I noticed something in her arms, and my heart instantly stopped.

She was holding a bloody baby in her hands. She must of gave birth to him while in the room. There was a rule here, if you were female, and you were pregnant in prison, they would kill the baby once it was born. When i looked closer at the baby, I noticed a feature on his chest. Then that's when it freaked me out. It had the same strange pattern that I had on my chest. She ran as fast as she could to escape the guards. Somehow she lost her footing and accidentally tossed the baby up in the air. What happened next was anything but pretty. As the baby was falling, one of the guards was carrying a spear pointing upward, and it pierced through him head first. This took the guard off by surprise. The mother just stood there, crying. For two minutes she cried over the loss of her son. Without warning, she grabbed a shotgun that was on one of the guards, loaded it, pointed it at her head, and pulled the trigger. Brain matter was everywhere. Her body twitched one last time before it became lifeless.

It started to bother me why that baby had the same mark I did on his chest. Was there something going on that I wasn't aware of? I went to sleep that night, freaked out, and trying to prepare myself for whatever was coming next.