Unicorn Federation (UNF) Negotiations

Story by padfootsm on SoFurry

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#8 of Story Pad

A Story Pad that was done last evening.

Ensign Joseph Gare, Squirrel, and Communications Primary on a space vessel, serving his time in the Coalition's Navy. Or something like that.

What happens when you run into a supremely powerful space race that are completely ditzy and hot? Well, that's where the Unicorn Federation (UNF) comes in. Let's start the negotiations.

Thanks to WolfKidd for the help with the race specifics. He helped me lay the groundwork.

Once again, this was a Story Pad tale. I write these as often as I can to improve myself and my writing. Feel free to comment or critique!

"Commander, we...um...This is going to sound absolutely crazy, sir..." The small squirrel hesitated as he gently spun his chair around to look over at the center of the bridge. Sitting in the captain's chair was Captain Tom Varg, one of the most cunning fleet commanders. He was known as a hero for his bravery in multiple space fire fights, including the famous Galeen Engagement. He was also an imposing figure when he turned his stare on you, almost seeing past the fur and into the soul. That's how the communication ensign felt at that very moment.

"Ensign Gare, I believe you have the entire bridge's attention right now," the white wolf drawled out carefully. "I highly recommend you share whatever it is, crazy or not."

"Um, yes, sir," the squirrel managed to squeak out. "We're...uh, being hailed, sir."

Varg chuckled and shifted one paw on the floor to spin his chair to face the other side of the bridge. "Scanners, are we picking up any ships currently?"

"No, sir. Scanners are showing nothing. I can attempt to change from wide-frequency scanning to something more specific if you like, sir?"

The 6'1" wolf waved his hand dismissively, "That won't be necessary. Ensign Gare..." As he said the title and name, he swiveled to glare back at the squirrel, who gulped involuntarily and tried to shrink into his chair. He wished he could curl up into a ball and die.

"Yes...sir...?" He only got the words out because he knew the commander would want a reply.

Varg watched the squirrel carefully for a moment, then gave a small chuckle and shook his head, "Ensign Joseph Gare, age 27, entered the military academy at age 22, graduated 5th in his class, majored in Foreign Language studies, minored in Foreign Cultures. This is your second space voyage, but the first time you've held a primary staff position." The white wolf held up a single claw, "This is an excellent learning opportunity. While it could happen, as I do not dismiss the possibility of anything, it is extremely unlikely that we would be hailed before Scanners picked up any foreign ships. Understood?"

The Ensign wasn't certain when his jaw had fallen open, but he quickly closed it an enthusiastically replied, "Yes sir! My apologies, sir!" He had no idea that the commander knew his name, let alone any of the details of his education and career thus far.

Varg grinned, "I suggest calling maintenance to fix your board. I'm sure it's just a glitch inside the system..." His voice trailed off as the main screen on the bridge lit-up unexpectedly. It was white with weird lines and shadows all over it. Captain Varg got on his feet, perturbed, and demanded, "Who turned that on?"

The white lines shifted and a huge eye filled the screen, mostly purple iris and long lashes. The bridge's speakers clearly transmitted, "Are you receiving? Hello? I don't know the protocol when the one you're hailing doesn't answer, so I just bypassed your ship's communication array."

The commander stood stock still, his mouth moving, but no words coming out, for a whole four seconds. Then he glanced back at Ensign Gare, "It seems I owe you an apology, Ensign. We'll address that later." He quickly returned his attention to the screen, "Greetings..."

A feminine voice replied, "Greetings, everyone! Am I coming through clearly?" The eye moved and there was the sound of muffled things moving over the speaker, like the user didn't realize they were sliding over the transmittal space.

"Uh, yes, miss, I'm Captain V..."

He was cut off quickly and the eye returned, "Oh, I know who you are! I've already heard so much about you. Mostly through the minds of your crew, but their thoughts echo loudly about you. Especially that Petty Officer on the Engine deck! My, he has quite an active imagination about you!"

For the second time in the crew's time with Captain Tom Varg, they watched him stand there, stock still, his lips moving and nothing coming out. Once again, he regained composure, "Ah...I...see. Well then, may I ask who I am speaking with since you seem so well acquainted with me?"

"Oh, how silly of me. I just thought you would have heard of me by now. I'm Janeelianedra-Abrah-Dlian! I know that your kind have trouble with the names of my people, so you can just call me Jane. It's such a wonderful name, don't you think? So small and cute."

"Um, yes. Rather. Well, Ms. Jane, may I ask if you're the commander of your vessel?" The entire crew was on edge, watching the odd interaction.

"Oh, you're just so silly, commander!" She gave a very girlish giggle that ended in some sort of whiny. Varg quickly assumed she was some of equine. "Now, I'd like to meet with you immediately, Captain, or whomever you believe to be the best diplomat for foreign relations among your crew?"

"Diplomat? Does the Coalition have an alliance with your people, uh...Captain Jane?"

"Just Jane, no need for titles." She paused, her large eye blinking on the screen and moving about. "My, so many young and hopefuls. It's really quite endearing to see you all."

Captain Varg blinked and shook his head. This felt like some kind of terrible dream. Yet he was the current ranking representative of the Coalition, so he had to do his best to put the best face forward. "Well, if you dock, we can escort you to our guest quarters and arrange a location for you to meet with someone. Perhaps we can offer you a meal in our dining facility...?"

"Oh, Captain, who did you want me to dock with? I wasn't expecting this so soon." Her eyelashes fluttered rather obviously. Varg pondered if this was a test. There had to be someone competent on her ship, perhaps he just had to get past her in order to meet the proverbial 'brains' behind the operation.

"Ms. Jane, can I speak with the person in charge of your vessel? We're not picking you up anywhere on our scanners..." He glanced back at the Scanning station, but there was a head shake there confirming that nothing was showing up on the scanners.

There was a huff, "Now Captain Varg, you're making me upset. Choose a location and a representative. I will be there in ten minutes and I expect to be handled with proper protocol and procedure as befitting my station of Ambassador of my people. Humph!"

The commander visibly relaxed slightly, mostly in the shoulders. A title meant a rank and he knew where she fell in the hierarchy of things. "If you give me just a little more time, I can send a request back to the nearest Base Station, I can get an Admiral to bless off on this meeting, Ambass..."

Once again, he was cut off, "Unacceptable! Ten minutes. Jane out!" There was a pause and more crinkly sounds. Then a muffled, "Oh, how do I turn this thing off? This? No...this?"

The crew watched in utter fascination as the view screen shifted over some sort of uniform, the eye again, then that white scene once more. Finally, the main screen turned off. Captain Varg slowly turned around and walked back to his chair, which he slowly sat in and steepled his paws.

"I will give everyone once chance. Just one. Was this some kind of prank?" The entire bridge was silent except for the operational sounds of the ship operating. "Well then, we need someone to meet with this crazy ambassador, try to negotiate peace, and probably ensure we don't start a war. Any ideas?" Once again, no one said a single thing. "Excellent, thank you for volunteering Ensign Gare. So glad to have your expertise in this situation, Joseph. Get to the Command Conference room and wait for the ambassador's arrival immediately."

The squirrel's head shot up at the mention of his name, "Uh, wha...um...sir?"

Two very dark eyes looked back at his, "Were my orders unclear, Ensign Gare?"

"No...No, sir!" He shots to his feet, snapped a chest salute, then quickly ran for the vertical transport. He actually had to go up two floors to get to the Command Conference room. He stepped in and tugged his tail in behind him, ensuring it didn't get caught in the closing doors.

On the bridge, Captain Tom Varg, decorated war veteran, considered one of the best field commanding officers in the Coalition, slid further into his chair and let his entire posture fall apart. Today was the day for firsts. The commander's voice spoke up, weak and shaky, "Can...can anyone tell me what just happened? Please?"


Joseph sprinted into the conference room. It was a spacious room, with a large table that stretched from one side to the other, just wide enough so there was space on both sides for someone to sit and have some elbow and tail room. As soon as the door slid shut behind him, a hand landed on his shoulder, causing him to spin to try and see who was here. The only issue with this maneuver was his forward momentum, which carried him 'forwards' as he tried to face backwards. The result was that he fell over his feet and landed on his bushy tail.

A giggle echoed around the room and a long face appeared in his vision. "You should know better than to try to break the laws of physics, Joseph. That's only something my people can do." Before he could argue that he was fully aware that he couldn't break the laws of physics, he was lifted up by some force that somehow moved under his back. As he was lifted up, he got his first view of the "Ambassador". He blinked a few times, rubbed his eyes, and checked again. She was still there. He began to run his hands over his head.

"What are you doing," she asked, leaning forward, while her hands were behind her back.

"I'm checking for bumps, miss. I must've hit my head."

Her head tilted, causing the long spiral horn to tilt with it, "Why do you say that?"

"Ma'am, I have studied over 100 different species, cultures, and languages. I've never heard of unicorns in space before."

The ambassador sighed and shook her head, "The state of the education system these days. How terribly dreadful."

Gare did a mental double-take, "No, that's...what...? I didn't mean..."

A white hand waved, "I know, I know, you didn't mean to criticize the very education institution that you studied at. It's completely understandable that you haven't heard of the Unicorn Federation. Or UNF for short." When she said the 'acronym', she didn't say it as individual letters, but as a sound. 'Unf'.

"How do you...?" He began, but paused. She was holding a single hand to her chin and smiling at him. "Can you...read my mind?"

"Read your mind?" She gave a loud whiny of laughter, her whole head tilting back and shaking. Aside from her very equine facial features, she had a body unlike anything Joseph had ever heard. Her hair was long and cascaded all the way down to just above her hips. It shimmered pink, but he could've sworn it had been blond when he had first stepped into the room.

She wore a robe that reminded him of a very traditional eastern culture that he had studied from a planet called Earth. He believed it was called a Kimono. Her white fur was pure and clean, not a single blemish on her body. Her hooves had thick tufts of fur around them, that grew long and puffy.

Yet not even the beautifully deep green kimono was what made him think that this had to all be a dream. It was the insanely deep cleavage that his eyes kept coming back to. Jane's bosom looked like something out of some nerd's comic book, except even more over the top. Each breast was easily bigger than his head, possibly his body, and they seemed to somehow be perky and held up perfectly.

He was pulled out of his mental reverie by her voice, "I can't read anyone's mind. I just sort through all the images and impressions you have and pick out the information I need from your recollections and knowledge. Read...ha! As if anyone had the time for all those letters and numbers."

She crossed her arms on top of her bosom, around her neckline. Joseph stood there, staring. He wanted to say something, but his thoughts had fled him entirely. He went with the first thing that came to his mind, "Weren't you not supposed to arrive for another five minutes?"

"I got bored after one," she replied glibly.

It had to be a dream, he reasoned. There was no way she could have even known to come to the Command Conference room, unless she had read his mind. Sort through his mind. Whatever it was that she did. He decided there was only one obvious way to prove this was a dream and he had just knocked himself unconscious when he had entered the conference room. He reached a hand out and grabbed her left breast, squeezing it slightly. It was warm and soft under the kimono. "Oh, I didn't realize we were beginning negotiations already! I apologize, Ensign Gare. Now, UNF is ready to accept your surrender now. Can you speak for the entire Coalition?" She reached her hands out and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him close to her body.

"I...uh...I don't think..." She hadn't felt like a dream. He really wasn't certain what such a bosom should feel like, since he had no time for that when he had been at the academy, but he was kinda sure it should feel like that grab had. It was squishy and his hand had sunk into it.

"Excellent, I'm glad we've got that out of the way." She suddenly pressed her lips to his and kissed him. The kiss sent sparks down the squirrel's spine to his fingers and toes. Sure, he had dreamed about situations with sexy alien women when he had been studying, but his time in the fleet had taught him that those were just fantasies. Yet here was a busty unicorn who was kissing him. She pulled back, looking at him with a sort of intensity, much like the commander.

"Hmmm...A tough negotiator, eh? I hadn't expected such resistance." She released his shoulder and stepped back, putting a hand to her chin as her hair cascaded a new color, going from pink to blue.

Joseph got enough of his mind together to ask, "Where did you learn these...uh...negotiation procedures from?"

"Oh, we found one of the Coalition's deep range scouts. He had been lost for months, alone. He quickly began to teach us how to negotiate with his people."

The young ensign's brain began to work for the first time since this conversation had started. The last deep space scouting mission had been sent out two years prior. Most of them had come back with tons of charts and data. A few hadn't.

"Alright, let's see if this works instead." Ambassador Jane turned herself around and bent over, the kimono getting pulled tight as she did so, tightening around the curves of her butt cheeks. They were flawless half-moons each. She turned her head, "Go ahead and smack it if you like," she offered.

"I don't think...that would be...appropriate." Joseph felt like he was grinding his teeth getting those words out. He needed to figure out how to negotiate for some form of treaty with her race.

"Fine," she huffed. "I'll smack it for you." Her hands didn't move, but something had to have struck her backside, because each began to ripple and shake in concentric circles. "Is the Coalition ready to agree to the terms of the surrender that the UNF is recommending, lest we destroy them?"

"How...how are you doing that," Joseph asked, his eyes following the ripple outwards and then back inwards. Her hands were still in the front, holding up her bosom he imagined.

"Oh, magic. My people are immortal and very powerful. That's why it's better for us to be in charge. We can take care of things that you're just not ready for. And honestly, you can't stop us anyways."

Jane stood up and turned around, her front facing Joseph, her bosom swaying the other way and then back and forth when she stopped. "You're...you're beautiful. Flawless, really. But even for that, I can't sign any such document. I just don't have the authority."

"Ooooh," she squealed, stomping a hoof. "You're going to make me work for this, aren't you? Fine!" She undid the front of her robe and flung it backwards, exposing a body that had zero undergarments on. "You're making me bring my A-game. Are you sure you're up for this?"

Joseph wasn't sure if he was drooling or not. The kimono hadn't acted as a bra for Jane. Her breasts were still perky and mostly circular in their shape, with a slight hang to them against her body. Her nipples were huge pink nubs that looked to be the size of golf balls. "Have I died and gone to heaven," the squirrel asked.

"You are not allowed to expire until we conclude our harsh negotiations!" Her hair cascaded colors again, going from blue to a bright red that almost glowed against her white body. "Normally, I wouldn't engage in sex with lesser beings, but since there is a good reason THIS time..."

"There...there is," Joseph managed to sputter out questioningly, noticing the little fleshy bumps around the areola of her breasts. His eyes drifted down to her nether regions and found her slit, clearly visible through her fur.

"Well, you said there was, didn't you," Jane asked, suddenly uncertain. Her right hand reached around the girth of her bosom to hold some of it, while her left hand went to cover her vagina. She had gone from sensual goddess to timid school girl in a matter of moments.

"Uh, I thought...were...um...maybe we can continue the diplomatic relations in a more professional manner," he suggested as politely as he could, trying to reflect the Coalition's values instead of diving headfirst into a sexual session of intercourse.

"Is that what you call it? That sounds right." She quickly clomped up to him and pushed him back onto the conference room table. "Let's...diplomatically relate." Her hands slid down his from his neck to his chest to his groin, sensually dragging themselves over his body.

"That isn't what I meant," Joseph tried to protest, but she didn't seem to want to hear it. Her hands were vigorously rubbing over the erection that he had been sporting for a few minutes. While his uniform did hide it well normally, pressing against the fabric like that tended to reveal pretty much everything.

"Just surrender for me," the ambassador said lustily, her fingers digging into the fabric on either side of his erection and sliding up and down it.

"We can't do this," the ensign yelled, doing his best to put her back into her more timid self.

She paused, giving him a respite. "You're right...we can't. Not with that uniform on!" She snapped her fingers and Joseph felt the sudden feeling of his hard-on springing free of the confines of his clothing, because he wasn't wearing any now.

"What...how...?" He glanced to left and right and spotted his fleet uniform laying on the floor, folded-up neatly.

"Oh, you're going to give in. Just you wait." She flicked her hand and the squirrel was slid further back onto the table. She mounted the table and lowered her body on top of his. The pressure of her bosom against his groin was unbearable. All he wanted to do was begin thrusting into her cleavage.

"Ambassador Jane, what...!" Her lips cut off any words he might have gotten out. Resistance was quickly eroding to nothing. She kissed him with a passion that said she wanted him. Her tongue slid into his mouth and met his and a fire began to erupt inside him that he hadn't known existed before.

Jane broke the kiss, "The surrender? You won't sign it? Well, I guess we'll just have to negotiate what kind of relationship the UNF will have with the Coalition then." She began to lift her body off his, but it was too late.

Joseph had decided that he was going to embrace this fantasy fully. His hands slid down to her hips and grabbed them, tugging her back down. "I...I want you," he told her.

"You want...me," she repeated, a surprise crossing her face. He nodded and she smiled, "Excellent. Let's begin anew!" She followed the tugging of his hands and positioned her hips. A slight adjustment was required as she lowered herself, but without any more words exchanged, he slid inside her. Her inners were warm and moist and like nothing he had ever experienced before. They moved over his member, squeezing it at one spot, then another. "Give yourself to me," Jane yelled as she pushed her hips all the way down onto his.

Joseph chittered in pleasure, his hips moving up to meet hers. He was in nirvana, his body moving and acting of its own accord. He moved one hand to the insanely huge knockers that were casting such a shadow that his entire upper body was in the shade and he slid his fingers over the soft, supple flesh. "No, Jane. You'll give yourself to me," he yelled, his breath short.

"Oh, Ensign Gare, I don't know if I can do that," she snorted back, her body arching forward so his hands could find her sensitive spots. Soon, his hand found her nipple and begin playing with it, causing her to moan and neigh in pleasure. "No, no...oh...yes! There!"

The words tumbled out of his mouth, "I want all of you, Jane. Every bit!" He pulled her entire breast down with his teasing, squeezing and pinching the nipple. Warm fluids squirted out onto his fingers. In excitement, he kept milking her.

"I can't, no...! Not there! Don't make me...!" She gave a loud scream of pleasure and grinded her body down on top of his, gyrating her hips.

Joseph didn't know how long the hips bounced up and down on his. He just knew that he was quickly approaching his climax, "Jane, I'm...! I'm gonna...! Oh...NUTS!" He gave a final yell and his whole body trembled, thrusting as deep as he could, all his muscles tensed.

Jane gave a final scream and shrieked out, "YEEEEEEEEES!" Both slumped down to the table at the same time, their body sweaty judging by the way fur clumped to their bodies in patches. Joseph panted under Jane, completely worn out.

"That...that was amazing," he managed to get out.

"I'll say," Jane replied rather sullenly as she lifted herself off of him. "I can't believe you got me to agree to your terms."

"Huh," he asked, bewildered.

"Per the terms of our negotiations, UNF is officially a part of the Coalition. We'll try to work with you as best as we can. I thought I could break you, but you...you broke me." She stepped off the table and her kimono flew up and held itself out for her to put back on.


"You wanted me, as a representative of UNF as a whole, in you. I...broke down and agreed. Oh, your commander is about to arrive here to see what's going on." She turned towards the door, "You might want to get off the table, Ensign Gere, you have only thirty seconds."

Joseph threw himself physically off the table and stood up, searching for his uniform. Before he could find it, he felt the familiar feeling of fabric against his body. Jane had somehow put it back on him without him noticing. "Magic indeed," he whispered.

He quickly stepped next to Jane and cleaned his fur up as best as he could. The door opened and Captain Tom Varg stepped in, "Ambassador, Ensign Gere. I came by to see how the...discussion is going?"

He paused as he took in the unicorn, his eyes going noticeably wide for a moment, then attempting to settle back into its normal 'tough' demeanor.

"Well, Captain Varg, your Ensign has negotiated a basic treaty between the Coalition and my people. We will join your Coalition, but the details are still rough at this time. We will have to work on the trade and how we'll fit into your government. It will obviously take some more time."

The commander looked at the squirrel, who still felt himself wither under those eyes, "You did? That's...well, that's wonderful, Ensign. I knew you were the right man for the job. Ambassador Jane, I feel that my presence would be beneficial here for future negotiations."

The unicorn tapped her chin, "Really? Is this also normal procedure for negotiations?"

"Quite," Varg replied, bouncing his whole body up on his toes for a moment.

"Perhaps that could be an interesting negotiation as well. But right now, I believe I need some more private negotiations with the Ensign, Captain. Will that be an issue?"

"Uh, I suppose not. I'll check back on you two later, if that's... What the hell is on my conference table?!" He tilted his head over Joseph's head, looking past it. The squirrel glanced back and saw a mess of white fluids, some thicker than others.

Ambassador Jane shrugged, "Negotiations are a messy business. My apologies, I'll clean that up." She waved a paw and it was gone.

The commander glanced back at Ensign Joseph Gare, staring past his flesh and into his soul, paused, then shook his head. "Nah..." He turned and left, muttering under his breath as he left.

Jane turned to Joseph, "Ready for trade negotiations?"


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