Forever loved, Ch 2- uncertainty

Story by Hasuki on SoFurry

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#2 of Forever Loved

Always Loved, Ch 2- uncertainty

By InuHasuki

Disclaimer: Not 18, don't like gay furries, don't read. Simple. Enjoy ^^.

M/M yiff, Husky, Cat, coming out, relationship, plot advancement (see bottom of page)

Although it is not necessary, I recommend reading 'innocence' first.

And now, on to the story =3:

It was dark outside. I blinked slowly, shifting my leg. Only a tiny bit of moonlight filtered in the window, dimly illuminating the room. I was lying on my bed, still in my clothes. I rolled over, feeling a furry mass by my side, and the afternoon's events came rushing back to me. It had finally happened. Jason had told me how he felt and I'd realized something I should have known all along; I'd always loved him. More than anything I could have imagined. With those thoughts fresh in my mind, I had just held him in my arms until sleep overtook us. I glanced to his gently sleeping form, the soft moonlight from the window highlighting his features. He looked so cute, lying there, curled up slightly, a big grin on his muzzle, one soft lock of blond hair over his face. I lay back down, wrapping my arms around him, and snuggled closer. I'd never felt so at peace as that moment, with him in my arms. I glanced at the clock and cursed silently. Mom would be home any minute. I sighed and untangled myself from him, standing and stretching, my tail wagging at our newfound relationship and what it represented for the future.

It really was getting hot in here, I thought, slipping off my shirt, exposing my white-furred belly and chest. I glanced at him once more, before sitting at my computer desk, flipping to the sketch I'd inadvertently started in class. It was strikingly good for a drawing I'd paid so little conscious attention to. Or too much, judging by my... reaction that day. I ran my paws over the page, where Jason's body met mine. Why hadn't I seen it before? It seemed so obvious. I heard him stir, and turned to smile at him brightly. He blinked a couple times into the semi-darkness, before sitting bolt upright, glancing left and fight frantically until he saw me and I saw his shoulders relax. I stood and set me sketchbook down, grasping his paw in mine. "Sleep well?" I asked, and he placed a paw on my cheek in response. Just then the front door slammed and we both jumped. My mom called up the stairs to me and I sighed, releasing Jason's paw and slinking out of the room.

She placed the pizza on the table, setting down her shopping bags and asking "Is Jason still here? Ask him if he wants some pizza." I grinned and scampered up the stairs, sliding into my room where Jason was putting his books away. "My mom got pizza. Want some?" I asked him breathlessly. He blushed and said "Only if it's a date." We both laughed, and I said, "You're on."

"Come on," I called to him, collapsing on the sofa with a satisfied sigh, and he plopped down beside me, wrapping his paws around my waist. We were both contentedly full of pizza and I laughed "Silly kitty, how're you gonna watch the movie?" He just snuggled his cheek into my chest and purred, and I giggled quietly, turning on the TV and wrapping my arm around him. It was a longer action film, nothing but many overacted and extravagant (and most certainly evpensive) stunts pieced around a flimsy and unrealistic plot, but I'd never enjoyed a movie more than with Jason's head buried in my chest. I ran my paw through his hair, gently petting him. He was purring softly and steadily, I could feel the soft vibrations through my body. I bent down over him, resting my cheek-ruff on his head, the movie now forgotten as I hugged him close, feeling his warmth against me, his body against mine.

After what felt like an eternity, I sat up again, and he lifted his head to look up at me, his paws still clasped tightly around my middle. I laughed, and kissed the tip of his nose gently, and his muzzle broke into a huge grin, as if I'd given him the world with the simple gesture. He leaned in closer to me and I could feel the hot breath from his muzzle on my nose, and I felt our muzzles meet, the connection sending tingles up my spine, at this first kiss. I opened my muzzle slightly, my long tongue pressing at his mouth, and he eagerly opened his own to accept me. He murred slightly as our tongues meshed, his arms moving up my back as he pressed deeper into the kiss. I turned my muzzle slightly, our mouths meshing as I pressed forward insistently with my tongue. I moved it about, exploring, tasting the warm interior of his muzzle, running it over the roof of his mouth, his teeth, his soft gums. His tongue was soft and alive as it moved against mine, the surface slick and slightly rough. My paw found the back of his head, pulling him to me as my mind filled with blissful emotion. I felt so close and connected to him as we shared the first kiss of love.

He shifted, moving his leg over mine, so that he was sitting on my lap, facing me as we pressed together eagerly. I felt one of his paws slide to my chest, his fingers running through my short, soft fur as he caressed my abs, his paw moving slowly downward, and I moaned softly into the kiss, my hips shifting slightly as his paw reached my waistband and I could feel him fumbling with my belt. The anticipation of where this lustful expression of our love could lead was driving me wild. I lifted my hips as I felt his paw reach into my pants, softly murring into the kiss as my own paw found his ass, squeezing the cheek gently, as I felt his paw wrap around my sheathe as it filled at his touch. I could feel his bulge against me. I was wagging my tail slowly behind us unconsciously as his touch sent me slipping into a spiral of love and desire I could never hope to describe, my mind clouded with blissful sensations as the kitty I loved gently gripped my lengthening sheathe. My hips shifted slightly as he pulled my pants and boxers down, under us both, and I kicked the clumsy garments off, feeling his soft furry thighs against mine, his thin shorts failing to hide his obvious arousal. I was now naked under him as he cradled my softly furred sheathe in his paws, my tip now exposed and a drop of clear pre appearing at my slit. He broke the kiss, his soft tongue slipping from my muzzle, as he slid down my body, until his muzzle was level with my throbbing member. His tongue lapped out and scooped up the pearly drop, and I moaned loudly, my hips pushing up at his muzzle slightly. I began to pant slightly, as his paw wrapped around my length, slowly drawing my sheathe down my shaft, exposing the pink flesh. I was throbbing with anticipation now, my heart racing. I pet his head as he licked his lips at the sight of my exposed shaft. He glanced to my balls, and he rolled them gently in his paw, weighing and feeling their warmth and texture. His other paw squeezed my ass and he began to purr deeply. He paused, my hips shifting as he merely looked at my cock hungrily, taking in every contour and shape, and I began to whine softly, my arousal pulsing in his paw, the wait almost unbearable. I desperately wanted to see Jason's lips close around me, and to see my shaft disappear into his muzzle.

I knew what was coming, even before he touched me, but it was still a surprise when he gave my entire length a long lick, from base to tip. I growled deeply and lustfully as my eyes closed, and my other paw gripping the cushion tightly as I tried to keep my hips still. His muzzle wrapped around my tip, the warmth surrounding me, his tongue caressing the underside of my cock, and I barked softly, eager to feel him continue. He swirled his tongue around my tip, drawing out another moan and a drop of pre. My short claws were digging into the sofa, as my muzzle hung open slightly, my tongue lolling out at his ministrations. He moved his muzzle downward, till I felt my tip hit the back of his throat and he gagged slightly. He moved me back and forth in his muzzle, all the while driving me crazy with his tongue. I was softly growling, my head thrown back, as I felt him begin a slight suction, the sensation adding exponentially to the exquisite feelings of his warm muzzle and softly caressing tongue. It was better than anything I'd imagined, the sensations of his muzzle alone felt like they would push me over the edge. His paw continued to toy with my balls, gently weighing them and matching the motions subtly with his sucking and slight bobbing motions. His paw began to caress the exposed inches of my shaft and my hips bucked wildly for a moment, a soft bark escaping my muzzle. He gagged slightly on my tip hitting his throat, but fell immediately back into rhythm, a grin forming around my shaft. My knot was fast forming on the exposed part of my length, slowing his stroking until he switched to merely caressing and squeezing my knot. He could feel that I was close.

I was rapidly nearing my peak, my hips now pumping rhythmically of their own accord, the leak of precum forcing him to swallow regularly, and I gripped his shoulder gently, signaling my approaching climax, wondering if I should pull out, or tell him aloud, but he smiled and sped up, eager to taste me, not ready to let this opportunity to express his love go to waste. I tried to hold back, to suspend these unimaginable feelings, but he slid his paw down and found my tailhole. I felt him push gently, his pad spreading me ever so slightly, and I felt myself pushed over the edge. I groaned loudly as the waves of my climax came crashing over me, my head thrown back in ecstasy as my shaft pulsed in his muzzle, the first spurt of my seed seeming to go down easily as he swallowed rhythmically, his paw squeezing my base, and his rough tongue gyrated around my shaft. I was rocking my hips like mad, my muzzle clenched tightly as I emptied my balls into his throat. He was gulping down my thick seed, the feeling warm in his belly as I continued to moan with the feelings of the climax he had given me. Finally, I felt my spurts subside, and his tongue probing my tip, searching for more of my fluids.

He pulled off my softening cock, a string of seed trailing to his muzzle, till he licked his chops and looked up at me, his eyes shining, and by far the happiest look I'd ever seen on his muzzle. I bent down and kissed him, tasting my remnants on his lips, my tongue delving into his muzzle, him opening eagerly to accept me, and I felt the taste multiply, feeling it all over the inside of his muzzle, my strong slightly salty musk permeating the kiss, and making me moan as his tongue wrestled with mine. Suddenly an idea crossed my mind. The one thing I could do to show that I loved him back. It was perfect.

I reluctantly broke the kiss, my paw caressing his cheek. I kissed his nose and stood, turning to face the wall that held the television, bracing my paw up against it, my legs slightly spread and I lifted my tail. He stood still for a moment, just staring at my exposed tailhole, before stepping up to me and nuzzling his cheek into my back. "Are you sure?" he asked softly and I considered my position. I knew beyond any doubt that it was what I wanted, to give myself so completely to my love, I nodded and pushed back against his hips with my ass.

I could feel his length pressing at his tight shorts, the silhouette clearly visible, and I reached one hand back to help him pull them down and I saw his erection bounce into view, wrapping my paw around it and stroking it gently a few times, before helping him finish removing his shorts, along with his boxers, and he stepped out of them. He smiled widely and I felt his tip press against my virgin hole. I whined slightly hiking my tail and waiting nervously for the long anticipated penetration, for Jason to make me whole. His paw found my now throbbing erection and he milked it slowly, collecting my pre on his paw, and moving to press his well lubricated finger at my entrance, his length now pressed against my cheek, hot and throbbing against me. His other paw found my length again as he teased my hole with his finger. I yipped softly as he pushed it inside me, moving it about, spreading me and making my tailhole slick and ready. I whined softly as I adjusted to the object within me, pushing back at him gently. I gasped slightly as a second finger joined the first, the stretch making me clench my jaw, yet my hips pushed back to feel more of him in me. I whimpered as I felt the fingers leave me, moaning again as it was replaced with the tip of his member, and I whined as he pressed slowly forward, the head spreading my hole gently, and he whispered in my ear "I love you, Chris," as he pushed in the first few inches of his member. I moaned aloud, feeling him spread me, my cock jumping in his paw as he nudged my prostate, a squirt of precum coating his gently stroking paw. It was a new sensation, his warmth entering me, spreading me as his hips met mine, I moaned slightly, and I felt him lick my neck gently as he began to rock his hips forward, pressing on my prostate, eliciting a slight moan with every forward thrust.

It hurt, a slight burning pain, but it was a good pain, an expression of our love, and his gift to me. The pain and pleasure were one, and I slowly felt the first give way to the warm fullness of the second. His tip bumped against my prostate with each forward motion of his hips, causing me to make quiet noises of pleasure, my shaft jumping with each new motion, my precum now spurting into his paw, the occasional drops landing on the floor or the wall against which I was braced. He was pumping his hips regularly, my tight ringed muscle squeezing down on his base with each clench of my system of muscles. It was a kind of pleasure I had never felt before, and I would certainly have gone off long ago, if it weren't for the fact that Jason had already made me cum, allowing my pleasure to be drawn out. He was purring deeply, his head and muzzle resting on my shoulder, and his eyes tightly closed as he pumped into my tight passage, my walls clenching around him as he probed my intestines with his hot member.

I was moaning nearly constantly, the small kitty completely filling me, and I submitted completely to him, letting him take me. He was getting close. He didn't have actual spines on it, like some feline anthros do, but he did have a bumpy texture passing through my ring, telling me that he was close as well. I focused on squeezing around him, his touch on my prostate causing my hips to buck into his paw, my muzzle hanging open, and my tongue lolling out at the waves of electric pleasure that rocked my body. Despite his earlier attentions, I was nearing my own climax, the feelings building upon each other, signaling the size of the coming release.

As much as I wanted to feel this forever, my body yearned to tip over the edge. He could feel my knot hitting his fist which tightly gripped my cock, and he pumped faster, pushing me slowly over the proverbial edge, the pleasure mounting and multiplying upon itself until I thought I would burst. My vision was lost as I succumbed to the crashing waves of pleasure, my tailhole clenching around him like a vice, the sensation sending him into his own orgasm. A loud mewing sound escaped his throat as he pushed all the way into me, his thighs resting hotly against my ass, his member twitching and jerking within me, a feeling of warmth within my tailhole causing me to moan deeply. My own seed spattered wetly against the wall in long ropes as he stroked me, my hips moving of their own volition. After what felt like an eternity, our sweaty furred bodies warm against each other, I felt myself slump against the wall, my knees almost giving out beneath me as he rested his weight atop me. I felt him slip out of me with a pop, a trail of his cum running down my leg. I turned to face him, kissing him deeply, thanking him for making love to me, an expression of our love, just as the one we had just completed. We stumbled back to the sofa, and he sat nearly atop me, and we kissed, the both of us lost in the afterglow, as the TV played in the background, long forgotten.

After a few hours of lying together, our sweaty bodies meshed, we reluctantly moved to clean up our... mess and he decided to call his parents and he slept in my bed that night, my arms around him, and we held each other close till morning.

He had a family reunion on that Sunday afternoon and we parted reluctantly with high hopes for the following day at school. Being separated from him, if even for only a few hours was excruciating. Monday morning couldn't come quickly enough. I woke up early, for once, and had my pants halfway on before the phone rang. I picked it up and said immediately, "Jason?" He laughed we fell into our usual morning routine; him talking as he ate breakfast, the phone held with my shoulder as I dressed, agreeing to meet at my place at seven, our friendship transforming into a mateship so easily. This time, I actually did collide with Jason bursting out the front door. We stumbled and I caught his arm, pulling him to me. He regained his balance, leaning in closer to me, his muzzle nuzzling my chest fur softly. I blushed, glancing around before giving him a brief hug and we resumed our regular walk to school. About halfway there he grew quiet, and he clasped my hand in his, glancing up at me with his eyes shining in that cute way of his. We walked a short while like that, before I stopped. I pulled him to me, and looked into his eyes.

"Jason, I love holding paws with you, but we'll have to act normal at school, okay?"

He glanced at the ground, "yeah, I understand." I lifted up his muzzle and kissed his nose softly. His eyes lit up and he released my paw, saying "I think we can last six hours." With that another day filled with the monotonous sameness of school began, only this time, all my sketches were of Jason.

As soon as the bell rang signaling the beginning of lunch, I had to keep myself from running to our usual spot, and he looked like he was ready to pounce on me there, and I laughed silently at his eagerness. We settled down like usual, this time the contact of his side against me sending shivers up my spine. He wrapped his arm in mine, and we fell into the easy flow of conversation that always seemed to occur when I was with him. He giggled softly and I saw a shadow pass overhead. We looked up and Alex and his jaguar friend, I think his name was Josh or something, were standing there smiling softly at us.

I nodded to them and he suddenly burst out "Are you guys a couple or something?" I froze, paralyzed at fear that people would all find out. If one of those gangs found out... furry bashing from the humans was bad enough, but the threat of more discrimination, this time from both sides, sent my brain into a spiral of panic. My mind flashed back to that night, the dull thud of the baseball bat against Jason's head, the blood spattering the shiny surface of the instrument.

"What?" I stuttered; my mind lost in a haze of confused feelings and the fears of the past.

"Are you guys going out, you know, a couple?" my heart was racing, it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.

I finally managed to stutter unconvincingly "no... no of course not."

"Oh." He responded "my mistake. Sorry." He walked off slowly, Josh close behind, his tail swishing behind him. I sighed in relief, sinking lower beside Jason, and I felt him tightly grip my paw in his. He was looking at me sadly, a worried frown across his muzzle.

"I thought we were going out. You said..." I squeezed his paw in mine, "Of course we are, cutie, we just don't want everyone thinking we're gay or something." I laughed shallowly, and he responded softly and simply "but we are." I blinked at the truth of his statement. We were gay. I told myself that for the first time, and there were no question in my mind, and I knew he'd never doubted it for a minute in himself. I nodded, "but if they..." I trailed off and we both turned to look away, and the rest of lunch passed in silence, for the first time...

It was the longest three hours of my life. I stepped out of class, and turned to see Alex and Josh hustling through the halls towards me, calling out my name. "Hey, Chris, wait!" I grinned, stopping and waiting for the pair to reach me, Alex panting noticeably at the effort, he looked up, his eyes shining as he gripped my arm gently, saying "I knew it, Jason and you, you two ARE a couple! You're gay, right?" I froze, panic gripping my mind as I turned to look franticly around to see who might have heard. "No. No, don't call me that. I... I..." I was panicking, faces popping out of the crowd, people I'd seen in class, and he looked at me questioningly, saying, "Hey, man? You alright? It's okay, really." I wrenched my arm from his and bolted, turning and running for the door, their calls falling on deaf ears as I ran, my heart racing, I burst out of the door, Jason's confused face a blur as I sprinted past. It was all mixed in my mind as I sprinted, not caring where, tears flooding my eyes. Why did I react like that? I knew I was gay, at least I think I did, my thoughts were clouded with fear and warped with confusion. It was too fast. I loved him, so very deeply... but to everyone, if they knew I were gay...

I came to a stop, panting, and looked around. I was at a playground that Jason and I frequented when we were younger. I made my way over to the worn concrete benches that sat in a short row alongside the path that skirted the park and sat, my rump hitting the bench with a thump. After a moment I opened my wallet and took out my picture of my ex mate. It was creased and slightly faded from being in the wallet for so long, near forgotten. Her name was Katie. A pretty cheetah girl I went out with for a time two years ago. My paws trembled as I held the picture. My mind flashed beck over the years; my feelings for Jason, my relatively quiet cub-hood. I remembered our violent episode in the deserted parking lot that still sent shivers down my spine, and Katie, my feelings for her... no. They weren't there. Just like Jason had been so prevalent, so vividly -there- in my memories, she was a gap, no emotion, nothing. Just another face out of a hundred. I hadn't even chosen her, merely accepted her innocent affections. I sobbed as I realized my mistakes... I had failed Jason. The one person who had truly loved me, and I had treated him so... I heard a startled gasp and looked up to see Jason, staring at the picture in my paw, a pained look on his muzzle. He looked up at me, tears streaking my cheeks, and he turned and ran, and I could see his tears staining the pavement in his wake. "Jason! Stop, it's not like that!" but he was gone, the wisp of his cute crooked tail around the corner disappeared.

I collapsed back onto the bench, deep sobs raking my body. I pulled out my lighter and lit the corner of the picture, the flame catching the old film, spreading slowly as I dropped the burning remnant of my past. I sat, watching it curl with the flame and turn to ash at my feet. I blinked at the remains of the photograph, the smoldering paper that seemed to represent my past lies and uncertainty, and I ran, directly towards his house, towards our future, my mind truly set at last.


Part 3- future <>

Author's note: Well, this is the continuing saga of Jason and Chris's budding relationship. Where this chapter deals primarily with Chris' struggle within himself and with his past, the next chapter will deal with the aftermath, and Jason makes a rash decision in his grief that could end very badly for everyone. They'll face the biggest threat to their relationship, as the situation intensifies and new allies and foes unearth themselves. Chris has become a character loosely based on myself, his emotions and experiences similar to some I've had, some of which I'm not too proud of. Anyway, I like to hear comments, so e-mail me your comments and suggestions or just post them below. I'll ignore you if you flame me though, so don't waste your time. [email protected] thanks for reading!

Full Disclaimer: This story deals with homosexual relationships between anthropomorphic characters. It also contains graphic descriptions of the above mentioned act. If this sort of material offends or disturbs you, please do not read this story. If, however, you can appreciate a cute, sweet story, enjoy ^^

All characters, concepts and story are copyrighted 2005 by the author, please do not modify, repost or redistribute this work without the author's express permission. Thank you.