Wrong Bride, Right Groom (part 3, section 2)

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#5 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

This is my very first story series, and I would like it if you wouldn't mind giving me comments and constructive criticism at the bottom. All responses are welcome, fully appreciated, and will be taken into consideration for my next story. And you can reach me by email if you have any ideas or suggestions you would like to tell me, I'm at [email protected] And now that we have finished with the formalities, just enjoy the story that I have created for you, the loyal reader. I hope that the tale I have weaved will keep you on the edge of your seats be it for suspense, or for....other reasons. (hint hint....wink wink)

and like in all the others, these characters are copywrited to me. and with the lull in the law division, my pack of lawyers are getting pretty hungry for legal flesh, and i woe anyone who steps into their crosshairs.

This story is dedicated to one of my best friends Soul Hunter. I wish you only the best and that Jason, who was tragically taken from us, will be missed terribly. I only hope that you will be able find a sense of peace at some point, for I'm sure that's what he would have wanted. Please always keep a smile and that sparkle that has touched so many. And to all my other friends who gave me the courage to do this...you know who you are.

Sincerely an enthusiastic writer,

Cyan Spirt

p.s. i know it says bathing up there on the keywords, but like the previous one this is also grooming....and since they didn't have that word i used the next best thing. i'm glad we all understand eachother and without further delay...the next installment!

Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Maxi took in a deep breath as he used a paw to brush back strands of his mane that floated over in front of his eyes. He looked back and noticed the dim light that was barely reaching down to Jason's light as he stood once again to quickly adjust the shade on the cracked lamp fixture. Once Maxi had set it to the proper angle, he returned back to his position of standing by the right side of the bed as he was better able to analyze at what the situation was under the frayed black jeans which hugged the canine's legs firmly.

The lion's eyes gazed over the frayed and stained vestment as he mentally cataloged each rip, preparing for having to line up each cut with the scar underneath. The material had been worn down by the knees where you could almost make out the fur that was hidden under the black surface. The shiny metal snap remain in place, though it was barely keeping the pants secured to Jason's waist, as the belt loops around the jeans had all been snapped and now hung like small useless tentacles from the rim. There were many scratches, cuts, holes, rips, and tears all along the length of each leg. But as Maxi's lens's traveled over the sorry excuse for a pair of pants, he noticed that the bottom cuff of each leg to about and inch upwards, was instead of being a deep black, a pure white that he didn't remember being there last time he had gotten a good look at the dog.

From the angle at which Jason's head rested against the bed, he watched as the feline examined every inch of his clothed lower body. As Maxi's paws traveled over the jeans, he felt the pockets and could feel some items or objects stored within as he turned and gave the dog a sweet smile. "Let me get this stuff out...then I can resume the bath, okay?" though before the canine could even nod he had stuck his paw in the pocket. From the little pouch closest to him he pulled out about 35 cents in spare change and a couple of breath mints that he set down on the floor. His tail wavered back and forth behind him as he placed his right paw against the edge of the bed to brace himself as his left paw dug into opposite pocket. He could hear a small rattling from within as he squinted his eyes, trying to think of what that was.

Shrugging, he pressed his paw deeper into the pocket as his entire naked form gave an obvious shiver when his sensitive pads came in contact with a cold metal substance. Not even bothering to ask, the cat grasped the object and pulled it free from the confines of the jeans as he stepped backwards into the light of the lamp to get a better view of the little trinket. Carefully in his claws, he lifted it up as he found out the small object was attached to some sort of chain as it refracted the light around as a small red glow filled the small space.

Lifting it to his face, Maxi stared at the small charm which held a particular design on it's front. It was a small pendant in the shape of a large canine paw-print, and from his experience around all things associated with wealth, he could tell right away that the base was pure sterling silver. The pads on the little paw were small polished stones of obsidian placed in carved out groves that gave an elegant shimmer to the piece. He then saw the culprit of the red glow was actually a small heart shaped red stone placed in the middle of the paw, though he noticed that unlike most jewelry, this heart was broken down the center in typical jagged fashion. The separated gem appeared to have been cut on purpose only to be placed back together as he turned the expensive chain and charm over in his paw a couple of times before over to Jason. "Hey...you happen to know what this is?" the feline asked as he moved over to the dog's head and let the trinket dangle before the Jason's somber auburn colored lenses.

It took a few seconds for Jason's eyes to focus on the shimmer piece of metal before they went wide as he gulped. "Oh that...ummm...it was my mothers. She gave it to me before I left home....guess I forgot it was in there...hehehe" he chuckled nervously. Quickly the canine shifted focus from the necklace as his eyes traced around the room searching for something else to concentrate on. He tried so hard to avoid looking at the lion's direction that he failed to notice as Maxi bent himself over the canine's face.

Jason's attention only snapped forth when he felt the coldness of the chain slip around his neck as he heard the clink from the clasp at the back of his neck. "I think it looks good on you, and I think your mother would be happy." Maxi said with a smile plastered on his face before adjusting the position of the charm so it laid right in the center of the exposed breastbone on the pink furless chest. He couldn't resist giving the chain a small rather as the clanking made him revel his fangs before purring slightly, his head cocked at an angle before talking again, "ready?"

Silently Jason gulped as he saw the trinket so perfectly placed around his neck before looking up at the feline and giving a small nervous smirk, "sure...anytime you are ready." Which resulted in no fluids being forced from his mouth as he found that he was able to breath and speak much better since his chest and neck had been so thoroughly cleaned. His eyes refocused on the feline as he watched him shift own the bed until he was once again standing by his waist. He watched the shimmering golden fur on the top of the lion's paw as it patted him on either side of his hips to make sure there was nothing else in each pocket as he inwardly grimaced from the added pressure of his bruised body.

Feeling nothing, Maxi sighed a bit as his he bent over and placed his fingers on either side of the small metallic snap. Throwing any last caution to the wind, his claws nimbly undid the snap and dragged the small zipper down to the base of the seam. He then folded back the small flaps of the pair of jeans as the sky blue boxers that Jason wore underneath the black fabric came into view. The solid blue fabric was plastered to the canine's legs with sweat as the outline of the tight curls of his brown fur could be seen through the thin material. The lion relaxed a bit as he let forth a small sigh, "so far...so good" he said under his breath and out of earshot of the dog.

Jason knew what was coming as he felt the soft paws pf the lion attempting to slide themselves under his rum so that he could be lifted just high enough to get the rim of his jeans out from under him. He groaned as his spine, still not relaxed yet by the feline's tongue, was bent at an angle. "Slow there...Maxi" he spoke through gritted teeth as his weight was shifted from being held up by two paws to only one paw. He then felt a the soft breeze on his rump now clothed in only thin boxers as the jeans, with some struggle, slipped off enough to get them loose enough to move. Slowly the curly furred male was lowered back onto the bed, with both the mattress springs and his throat giving off moans of discomfort.

Now with the rim of the pants off of the canine's rump, Maxi slowly slid his fingers delicately over the fabric as he griped it tightly and slid the jeans down to the middle of Jason's thigh. He then noticed, which was hidden from view before, that there were large boot and paw prints stamped out across his boxers in what looked to be black grease. The smell of the oil still present on the thin fabric, as the imprints seemed to be only on the front, though he didn't get a chance to peer under the dog before he laid him back on the bed. He let his breath go in one large huff as he placed a paw to his forehead as he stared at the sky blue boxers, which he now saw were not a solid color and had little clouds painted over the legs that were partially hidden by the ink marks. "Well...glad to see your hips are alright" as he once again gripped his pants and prepared to lower them the rest of the way off his body.

Absentmindedly, the lion didn't even watch as he concentrated on Jason's face to make sure he wasn't hitting another sore spot and only adding to his companions discomfort. But when he felt his paws glide over the ankles and then the footpads of the dog and off his body, he looked back in order to calmly fold the pair of pants and lay them on top of the front of the shirt that was already on the mangy floor. As Maxi held the pair of pants in his arms and let the legs of the garment dangle over his well-formed body, he turned to view the dog's curly pelted legs as he was struck speechless; the jeans slowly slipping from his grasp as they plummeted to the floor and lay in a crumpled mess. He looked back at Jason who had turned his head to avoid the lion's stare and instead glared across the room at a blank wall.

Shaking his head, the feline turned back to the legs that were covered in scratches, from the bottom of his ankle to all the way up the thigh, and he assumed under the boxers as well. But these red lines, he could obviously tell were made by claws...feline claws, and that these weren't just a random assortment of cuts and gashes, but had a pattern to them. They were like small tally marks that were in a strait lines down the entire side of his leg, even having small cross scratches to mark off groups of five. "Five....ten...fifteen...twenty..." he counted slowly under his breath as he looked down the length of the one leg facing him. "Sixty-five...seventy..." Maxi continued as he only reached the knee and then peered over at the other leg, noticing the exact same types of his marks and couldn't even bear to count them all. There were no other marks on Jason's legs other then the layers of scratches, which explained why it was so hard for the dog to remain standing, and he was surprised that the canine was even able to walk at all.

Jason closed his eyes hard as he tried to force the pain from his head as the lion ran his fingers over the river of cuts that ran down his legs. He angled his head so that he could shove his face into the pillow as he used the fabric to muffle his whimpers and screams, which came out as only stifled moans. "G-god Maxi...I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I-I...I knew how you would react....and I couldn't do that to you..." as he raised his muzzle from the folds of the pillow and stared at the feline. The dog then took in a quick gasp of air as he felt the first lick of the wet tongue brush against the bottom of his foot as he began to breath a bit faster.

Disregarding whatever the canine said, Maxi started on his laborious task of getting the dog's legs clean and relaxed just like the rest of his body. He had decided on starting at the bottom and working his way higher since he wasn't ready to peer under the thin sky blue fabric and take witness of any injuries under there. the strong, agile paws of his brown patient had, had their claws cut and filled down to almost nothing more then tiny stubs. But down here, he noticed that the fur wasn't matted nearly as bad as what he had experienced on the upper torso, but instead gave out an acidic small and the tips of all the curls seemed to have been singed. Slowly his tongue worked over the right paw first as he lapped in-between the soft, but now quite bruised pads. Knowing nothing but time could restore Jason's lost claws, the lion simply licked past them and moved on as he was determined to relive his feet from all tension.

Finishing with the right paw, Maxi simply leaned over and repeated the process on the other set of toes and pads. His wet tongue sliding between the aching pads as it glided over the constricted muscles. Slow, soft murring left Jason's slightly parted lips as it flowed down to Maxi's acute ears, which swiveled to better center on the noise, "you alright up there?" he called softly, taking a break from cleaning the fur. While he lifted his head and waited for a response, his paws slowly attempted a massage of the stiff foot-paws in order to further relax them. He knew that there would be a lot of distance traveled tomorrow, and that Jason had to be in the best position that he could so there would be less things to worry about. Expertly, his fingers worked between the pads, gently rubbing and smoothing them out as he let the left one slowly drop back to the bed and picked up the right paw in order to continue keeping Jason's tension at an all time low.

"Hmmm?" murfed Jason from his position at the head of the bed, his cheeks flushed from all the attention. He had barely even heard the lion's words as his mind was in a mix of both subdued pain and wonderful pleasure. "Yeah....I'm good" he finally spoke as his one un-bruised eye opened and focused on the feline's head angled between his feet. His whole body then shivered as he felt the renewed pressure of the rough tongue lap against his swollen ankles, which he received simply from all the walking he has gone through. His mind couldn't even fathom at the distance he had traveled over the past couple of hours, and he himself was amazed that in his present condition he was able to travel it as fast and with as few stops as he did. But right now, his mind couldn't focus on anything other then the wet tongue and the cold nose the constantly were brushing against his curly brown fur and made him squirm in childish amusement.

Once completing with both ankles, the rough tongue gently began to move up higher onto the lower calves of the dog. Maxi could feel the lines of scabs under his tongue that made it seem like two pieces of sandpaper were rubbing together. But determined none the less, the lion continued in his sense of duty, his nose every so often nudging the leg in a sign of endearment to the one whom he was licking. His tail flickered back and forth high above his head as seemed to complete the cleaning process with gentle swipes to the wet fur in an attempt to dry and condition it, to bring it back to it's wonderful sheen the Maxi had so adored. "Soon....soon..." the cat said between laps of his tongue, thinking of when this night can be finally put behind him and he can start looking at his future....at their future...together.

Higher and higher the tongue climbed upon the overly scratched legs. Some of the cuts became reopened at the rubbing from the rough tongue and reopened, allowing small trickles of red to once again drench the curly fur. Taking deep breaths, Maxi licked a the blood and cleaned off each and every wound that he could easily reach. Jason felt the lapping move along each leg until the cold nose was moving against the rim of his thin boxers as he was relieved he could finally move his legs. He waited until Maxi had stood back and was staring at him from next to the bed before he flexed the muscles. "Oooohhh..." he groaned as the joints moved next to each other, and he gave a small stretch as his entire body became taught, "that really....did the trick." His mouth curled into a smile as he watched the lion take a seat on the edge of his bed, making sure not to sit on the dog's fur or body.

Yet again, the lion's nervous laughter filled the room as his paw gently reached behind him and massaged the clothed thigh of the dog. "Hehehe...looks like it's time for me to finish the job..." as he looked to the dog from conformation, which he got in the form a small nod before turning his body at an angle so both of his paws gripped the rim of the blue boxers. Without another word said or another idea thought of between the two males, Maxi began to lower the grease covered undies and was instantly blinded by the glare that came from the shiny metal hidden under the light garment. He was forced to cover his eyes with one paw as he used the other to stumble it's way to pulling the rest of the boxers down to the dog's ankles till he could slip it off of him and get a good look at what was gleaming so.

Not unlike many times this evening, the feline was left with out words as he found the source of the high sheen hidden under the boxers. For there, piercing Jason's furry sheath, was a large metal ring that looked freshly put in, merely hours before. He was simply astonished by the size of the piercing, which was as thick as smallest finger and had the diameter of one of the newly made silver dollars he had seen so often in his family's treasury. It shown brightly against the dark curls of the canine's crotch, and stood strait up compared to the laid back pelt of tangles. The feline could only sputter unintelligent words in disbelief as Jason was the first to make actually conversation, "p-please...don't blame yourself."

Horrified at the obviously unwanted mutilation of his lover's most sacred place, all Maxi could do was flick a claw against the metal ring and hear the chime like noise reverberate throughout the room. His face, while hidden by his mane, was twisted an distorted in shock, his ears were burning with the sound. "Why....why didn't you run...run away....I told you to run." Then slowly he lowered his muzzle and began to groom the canine's thighs, which he noticed that unlike everywhere else on the male's body that he has seen so far, was un injured and completely mess free. And without all the stuff to slow down the grooming process, the lion quickly sped through cleaning Jason's thighs and pelvis, still steering away from the actual sheath though.

Knowing this was something hard for him to do, knowing this was something that is forbidden by the lion handbook, knowing all of this and more, Jason was surprised to feel the nuzzle of the Maxi's cold nose nudging his sheath. Taking a deep breath, steadying himself with his knees on the floor while leaning over the bed, the lion gently extended his tongue as he licked the place where the ring was imbedded into the flesh. He got the instant smell of Jason's musk in his nose as he got excited and could feel his own sheath pushing against the side of the bed. His mind floating back to the only other time he was in such a situation, and remembered the intense musk of the gray wolf, yet this one seemed....so different...so divine.

Maxi could feel the shiver running along the dog's spine from the single lick as he stifled any giggles he was getting from the amusement. The metal tasted cold and bland in his mouth as he looked it over seeing if he could find a way to take it out, finding none he sighed and continued on. Seeing as how this area was sparsely messed up with anything more then a couple fluffs of fuzz from the boxers, the lion's tongue quickly grazed over the rest of the sheath in mere moments; ignoring the involuntary stiffening his attention was causing it to do. To him this wasn't some action of mere heated lust and passion towards the other male, but a sincere ability at showing the degrees to which he would go to comfort Jason.

Attempting to wiggle this way and that at the lapping of the tongue, Jason tries to turn around, but his still stiff back was preventing him from doing anything more then gasping at each sensual lick the lion put him through. He knew this groom was out of necessity and not pleasure, be he couldn't control his natural reactions as the tip of his member poked out of his furry sheath and ran against the cold ring that sent another wave of shivers across his spine. "Sorry....you're just...so good..." his cheeks blushing under the indirect light. Hearing only a comical grunt from the feline, he was instantly shocked as he felt the cold nose run under his sac as the furry mane brushed against his now exposed tip of his maleness.

The feline's mind was bustling with thoughts ranging from the compliments that Jason was sending his way, to having to concentrate on where his next precise movement of his tongue should be. Quickly he lapped at the furry sac and as far underneath as his tongue could manage, which made the dog once again moan in pleasure and groan in pain. Sensing that he had covered all the fur he could from this angle, he stood up and brushed himself off, trying hard to conceal his own aroused sheath at getting the opportunity to lick his loves crotch. "well...you're good on this side....time you get your back" his voice sounding plain as he took the opportunity to view the canine's naked form under full light as he laid on the bed staring back up at the cat.

Maxi's eyes scanned the progress of his work as he saw the now clean footpaws, the smell of slightly scorched fur suddenly returning to his nostrils for the moment. He then looked back at the legs, and even from his distance, he could make out the many red lines that streaked over the fur on both sides. Still travailing upwards he caught sight of the shiny ring imbedded in the dog's furry sheath, making him involuntary cringe at the thought. Climbing ever higher, his lens caught sight of the bright pink chest where all of the canine's soft downy fur had been cruelly shaved off, and could easily make out the small dark ashy spot located around the exposed belly. The next stop on his sight tour of Jason's body was the neck, his tongue licking his own lips as he could still taste the remains of the wine. The feline's eyes were then staring into those of the dog as he ginned sheepishly, noticing the fine work he did at cleaning the other's face, and fixing the remaining hair into a somewhat decent style. "Need help turning over buddy?" he asked calmly as he starched out to loosen his muscles, a small purr escaping his lips as his tail thrashed on behind him.

Grunting as he realized that he couldn't do it on his own, Jason gives a small nod, "if...you wouldn't mind" knowing full well that the feline would never say no. And just as expected, Maxi sauntered over and slipped his right paw under the dog's back as the pads brushed against the tightly coiled locks of fur. While his left paw slipped under the canine's firm thighs and both came pout on the other end as now held the dog like he was sitting on a forklift. With small grunts coming from both boys, Maxi lifted the dog on an angle and slowly tipped him to the side. Sensing that he was falling a bit fast he took his paw from under his legs and grasped at the bare chest of Jason, slowly letting him down on the bed until his back was fully exposed and he was comfortable resting on top of the sheets. "There I am...well...you can now continue I guess" Jason said sweetly, still grunting as he got used to his new position; his tail now finally able to wag freely as it gently brushed against the cat's thighs and sheath.

Mewing slightly at the touch, Maxi blushed and nodded, "you got it....Mr. puppy" as he giggled. From his position, standing above the bed where the dog laid sprawled below, he couldn't make out any obvious marks or injuries as he set about his work. Though he could tell that fatigue and stress has done quite a number on Jason's body, as obvious by how tense he was when the feline's paws gently ran over his back. Starting once again at the top, he placed one paw on the other side of his neck and leaned down, his tongue extended, ready to lick. He could see the continuation of the checker marks that started on the front as he could tell where the sides joined ion the back at a think red line that ran the length of his neck. Sighing, the lion began to lap at the exposed fur and could instantly feel the shivers that ran along Jason's body and went all through his body.

Leaving the checker pattern on the neck, Maxi's tongue slowly glided down the other's spine, a trail of wet fur left in its wake. Once again with his back and forth motion, the feline covered every inch of curly fuzz as he moved over the spine at multiple places, sending cold shocks along it and strait into Jason's brain. "This....this is better then any massage..." the canine replied after his latest quick pulse of feeling. He felt the lion move lower down his back as the feline's paws loosely gripped his waist for support. Suddenly the pressure of the tongue was gone as Jason lifted his head over his shoulder to see Maxi shift himself lover down until he felt the tongue reemerge down at his lower calves.

Maxi lapped up the back of the dog's firmly sculpted legs as he watched each muscle quiver as its tension was released back into the air. Over the calves and now halfway up the thighs, the lion began to slowly knead the tight back muscles with his paws, once again relying on his superb feline balance to keep him from applying any more pressure then needed to Jason's back. His tongue then slowly moved from leg to rump as it glided effortlessly over the firm mounds of flesh nestled on the canine's backside. Jumping from the left one over to the right and back again, he cleaned all the fur, which seemed to only be sticky from the copious amounts of sweat that had developed over time. He didn't bother to clean between them since that would require applying unneeded force and wouldn't be worth both the time and energy, so instead he concentrated on the dog's tail which flailed back and forth, getting caught in the lion's mane a few times.

His eyes noticed a few stretch marks at the base of the brown tail but paid them no attention as his mouth and saliva smoothed it out. He then had to sit back on his haunches, as his paws gently grasped the wagging tail so that he could concentrate and do a thorough job of cleaning it. He lapped from the base to the tip and back again, wetting the fur before smoothing it out with his teeth, which made it puff up a bit. Stifling a giggle, he calmed the fuzz and slowly set the tail back in place before grinning and slowly getting off the bed. "Well...I'm finally done, I hope it wasn't that bad...and I hoped you liked it.." he said as his face flushed as his paws tried to hide his somewhat obvious arousal, "I know....I did."

Jason was simply amazed at the amount of mobility he got back by the simple act of being groomed. He marveled at his ability to move his joints quite a bit before the pain started to come back, and the fatigue began to reform, but he managed to turn back over none the less. "I loved it....you are just chalk full of surprises aren't you kitten..." as he gave out a loud yawn, his muzzle stretching wide to allow the warm air to escape. The dog then slowly maneuvered his body till the covers could be lifted around him, and Maxi wasted no time in tucking the canine securely beneath them. "Aww....I'm not that tired....do I have to go to sle..." as he was cut off by another yawn before grinning widely.

They both broke into small fits of giggling lasting a couple of minutes before Maxi nodded and preceded to grab the blankets still on the bed. "Yes you do..." he says in the best authoritative voice he can manage, "I can't believe I have to be the adult here...you are the older one after all." The lion then chuckled again before he tightly packed the covers over the canine's body, making sure that he won't be falling again during the night; though now that he can move his body a bit he doubted that would happen. Slowly he leaned over and kissed Jason's newly groomed forehead, tasting his own saliva on the fur, "Good night..." he spoke before turning around and briskly walking over to the other bed positioned only a foot away.

Sighing, the canine turned his head to the right as he watched the feline life himself onto the bed and slip under the ratter covers, "but...why are you sleeping all the way over there?....there's plenty of room here." His voice taking on a tired pleading tone as he shifted over, trying to display the vacant space in his bed. The blankets over his body rising and falling with each breath he took in, and each wag of his tail.

Smirking, his muzzle showing off the fangs of a lion still growing, "you know I can't be in another person's bed...family tradition prohibits it until after marriage." He then watched the dog slowly give up the fight and turn back over to face the lighted lamp, which was abruptly shut off. This left the two males in nearly complete darkness except for the gleams of light sliding under the door and crack in the window shades, but Maxi could stall Make out Jason twisting a bit until he located a proper sleeping arrangement. The feline waited a few moments until he heard the slow raspy breaths from the dog till he himself settled into bed.

His cat eyes adjusting to the absence of light, as he slid his feet under the covers and pulled him up to his neck, his head laying back against the flat pillow. He closed his eyes and attempted to sleep, but his thoughts of the past few hours still troubled him and he was forced awake. Maxi sat up in bed with the covers still held close to his neck, his lens peering around the room back at Jason, his ears picking up the fumbling of the dog under the covers. His mind wondering just what the canine was dreaming of, and what would happen when the sun comes up over the horizon, though that could only be answered tomorrow. His paws gently traveling down his body, brushing across the tip of his sheath before deciding he wasn't in the mood for personal satisfaction and placed it back against his chest. The lion's head still angled to the left, his voice carried over the whirr of the fan above and the creak from the floor below, "Good night....boyfriend" his eyes never leaving the other's sleeping face.