Chapter 6: Always by Your Side

Story by Nachtwolf413 on SoFurry

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#6 of Those College Years

Hey everyone! Here is Chapter 6 of "Those College Years." It took a little longer to post (I blame Spring Break and having to use the family computer instead of my own icon_razz.gif), but I hope you enjoy it.

As always, a hearty thanks to everyone who reads, especially those who leave comments and faves...if I had the time I'd thank you all personally:D.

Of course, the usual caveat applies: the following contains material of an explicit nature, etc. etc., two males, etc. hopefully you know that by now, etc.


* * *

The sunlight streamed in through the window, adding its warmth to the heat already emanating from the two bodies snuggled closely together. Its gentle radiance flickered across the room, illuminating every corner, niche, and recess with an ethereal aura of shimmering light. Few could have seen the sight without being moved at the most essential core of their being.

Unless the light flowing through the window meant you were late for class.

Tyler's eyes shot open in panic, and he didn't even need to look at the clock to realize he had overslept. Cursing his own somnolence, he leapt out of bed and hurriedly began to dress himself for class. With a sly look, he peered over his shoulder; Mark remained on the bed, steadfastly and earnestly asleep. The sight of him slumped over the side of the bed made Ty shake his head and laugh. How the white wolf could sleep as soundly as he did was beyond him. But unfortunately for the larger wolf, the two shared a class.

With a decidedly well-aimed shot, Ty threw his bunched-up PJs at the white wolf, who simply murmured in response, turning over to avoid the unwanted stimulation. Not satisfied, Ty stalked back to the bed and plopped himself down next to Mark. As stealthily as he could, he leaned over, placing his mouth perilously close to the larger wolf's ear. Trying desperately to control his breathing, he slowly extended his tongue, bracing himself for the white wolf's reaction.

In a flash, Mark turned, grabbing Ty and pinning him on the bed. He looked down at the small wolf with a playful grin on his face, his tail wagging exuberantly. Ty struggled for a moment before relenting; it seemed every time he tried to sneak up on Mark, he ended up beneath the larger fur.

"One of these days," the grey wolf growled quietly, "I'm gonna get you."

Mark smiled in response, leaning down so that his breath was hot on Ty's face.

"Admit it," the larger wolf said slyly, "you're not really happy unless you're in this position."

Ty merely leaned up slightly, pulling Mark's muzzle down to his. They both moaned softly into the kiss; words were no more than a distraction. Slowly snaking his paws up Mark's arms and down his back, Ty quietly slipped them under the larger wolf's waistband.

"Don't you think," Mark began, breaking their kiss, "that we should get to class?"

Ty shrugged.

"It's only physics," he said with a smile, earning a reproachful look from his lover.

"How you stay at the top of the class is beyond me," Mark sighed, "especially with certain," he ground his hips against Ty's, "distractions."

A naughty smile played across Ty's face, and he planted another quick kiss on Mark's lips.

"Don't tempt me."

* * *

Ethan yawned widely, shutting his eyes tight against the invading light and turning away from the offending window. Stretching his arms and legs beyond the mattress' confines, he vaguely registered the time on the clock before rolling back over to go to sleep. He didn't have class today, and he had no intention of spending unnecessary time out of bed. That and the golden retriever had every desire to relive the warm dream he had just been having.

As his eyelids began once again to droop, the golden's thoughts turned once more to his fantasies. He could see the wolf once again, calling him over in that usual, irresistibly coy way. Hovering between consciousness and dreams, Ethan couldn't help but be interested. His mind's eye followed the wolf's insistent beckoning, moving near to him until they were but a hand's breadth apart. Suddenly, the larger canine dropped to his knees, roughly pulling Ethan's shorts and boxers to his ankles.

The golden gasped; he could feel a warm, tingling sensation gathering in his crotch, and he didn't know whether it was his own or this half-dreamed imagination's. Not that he particularly cared to find out. Without warning, the fictitious wolf began to lick at Ethan's shaft, eliciting another audible gasp from the dog.

Distantly, still mired in the cobwebs of sleep, Jayden registered the sound from above him, but made nothing more of it. He hazily noted the scent of arousal, and he outright ignored the sympathetic tightening in his own nether regions. Instead, the dragon simply rolled over, unconsciously grinding his growing erection against his mattress.

Above the dragon's bed, Ethan was growing more interested in his imaginary companion. The wolf had taken the smaller canid's now rock-hard cock into his maw, licking and sucking at it vigorously. Ethan whimpered, or did he just think he did? Regardless, very much against his will, his real paw started slowly to inch toward his boxers, snaking itself under the elastic. The first touch sent a shiver up his back, and he gasped as his mind returned to full consciousness. He groaned quietly as his companion evaporated into nothingness, but he was happy to note that it had not all been a daydream: his boxers were spotted with pre, and he could feel his throbbing member begging for attention.

As quietly as he could, not wanting to wake the dragon, Ethan began to pump his shaft. His imagination had done most of his work for him; with every movement, his cock twitched and shivered, spurting pre onto his paw. He moaned each time, barely able to control himself; he had been caught by Jayden before, and had no intention of giving the dragon that satisfaction again.

On the bed below him, Jayden's body had picked up on the obvious signs of arousal in the room. The small dragon was steadily thrusting against his bed, only distantly aware of the growing wet spot on his boxers; he slowly sank his teeth into his pillow, grabbing it in an unconscious embrace. He moaned loudly, quickly grabbing Ethan's attention.

Shocked, and terrified that he had once more been caught, Ethan ceased his pumping and leaned over the bed. He was greeted by the sight of the dragon slowly humping his pillow, sleepily groaning in ecstacy. Smiling, and with a new tightness quickly forming in his balls, Ethan turned back onto his back and resumed his efforts.

The golden was confident now that he was safe from detection, and he resumed his pumping with renewed vigor. He moaned loudly, excited by the imagery of his roommate making vigorous love to his sheets. His cock twitched again, and he could feel the knot forming at its base. He slowly placed a paw atop it, massaging it and whimpering as the action sent waves of shimmering pleasure across his body. He unconsciously bucked into his paw, pre oozing out of his tip.

Jayden had picked up his pace, and the bed was rocking steadily now. The dragon moaned and groaned loudly, blissfully unaware that his actions were being carefully monitored from above. His body had surrendered entirely to his unconscious mind, and he planted his feet against the supports of Ethan's bed, thrusting ever more wildly against his own. The bed groaned now, transferring the dragon's movements across its entire frame.

Ethan quickly synced his hand with his roommate's thrusting, whimpering quietly as his member throbbed, begging for release. He could feel Jayden's kicks becoming more erratic; he knew the dragon was close. Waves of pleasure shot up the dog's spine, and he could feel his balls pull up against his body. Mustering every ounce of self-control, he slowed his pumping and fought to contain his orgasm. He could feel his member pulsing, and the first wave of euphoria shot across his quivering body, but he was able to contain himself. Smiling, he returned his attention to the commotion coming from below him.

The dragon was thrusting wildly now, groaning and grunting loudly as his primal instincts took full hold of his body. His boxers were coated with pre, and they left a streak up and down his mattress cover as he continued to thrust into it. The entirety of the dragon's body shook as it fought for release, his half-asleep mind swimming in sensation as wave after wave of tangible delight wracked his body. Finally, after one great thrust that nearly tore his pillow cover, the dragon's cock spasmed. He growled loudly as his balls tensed up against his body, coating the inside of his underwear with his sticky seed.

Above him, Ethan heard the final groan and felt the final kick as the dragon lost control. Smiling at the thought that he had outlasted his roommate, the golden allowed himself a final, furious attack on his rock-hard erection. He could hardly control himself now, whimpering as he neared climax again. His member started to pulse, and this time, he let it go. Gobs of sticky doggy cum shot out of its end, and he had to bite his lips to keep himself from howling. He kept pumping, and his shaft rewarded him by tensing again, shooting strings of cum up his chest and across his bed.

Sighing, Ethan slowly loosened his grip, the afterglow of his orgasms nearly blinding him to all other sensation. He was panting now, and every movement of his body sent another wave of euphoria across his small frame. His cock continued to twitch, leaking cum and pre onto the front of his boxers. He could hear Jayden moaning contentedly below him, stirring occasionally as his own body tried to fight through the overwhelming bliss.

Cautiously, painfully aware that Jayden may very well have been woken by the recent escapade, Ethan crept to the edge of his bed, sneaking a look down at the dragon. He was lying on his back, his front covered in dragon cum and his chest rising and falling slowly as his cock continued to spasm. His eyes, however, were not closed anymore; the two roommates' gaze met for just a moment, but both immediately knew what had happened.

All they could do was smile stupidly at each other.

* * *

The day passed quickly for Ty and Mark; aside from their tardiness to physics, their classes were uneventful. They met Jayden and Ethan for lunch, and although the dragon and dog routinely exchanged skewed glances, the two wolves could never force them to reveal the source of their amusement. Ty's intuition, however, screamed to him that the two roommates had been up to their usual hijinks.

After lunch, the dragon and golden decided to return to their room, announcing that they had some cleaning to do (which brought a curious look to Ty's face...usually their room was only cleaned when the grey wolf invited himself to do so). After saying their farewells, the two wolves walked down the short hallway to check their mailboxes. Looking through the glass fronts, Ty's heart skipped a beat when he saw a very official-looking envelope sitting on the other side.

Mentally crossing his fingers, Ty quickly entered his combination and grabbed the letter, barely registering the return address; he had finally received word on graduate school! His heart nearly stopped as he tore open the envelope - almost destroying the letter in the process - and hungrily read its contents. Then he read it again, and a third time. Finally, he threw his hands up in ecstacy, wheeling around to grab his wolf in a massive hug.

"I got in!" he shouted, oblivious to the scene he was creating in the crowded mailroom.

Mark, who was turning red from the attention, pried himself out of Ty's grip and wrested the letter away from him.

"That's great, hun," he said, confusion obvious in his voice. "What are you talking about?"

Ty didn't respond; he was drowned in his own euphoria, and he barely noticed as the white wolf quietly read the acceptance letter. By the time Mark was done, he was already speed-dialing his family. Trying to hide his dread, the white wolf slowly looked up at his jubilant companion.

He's moving away.

Mark tried to brush the thought out of his mind; his love was ecstatic, and that was enough for him.

"Oh my God, hun," he said excitedly, forcing a smile. "Congratulations!" he laughed, pulling Ty into a deep kiss despite their very public setting.

Oh my God. He's moving away.

A hint of sadness started to creep onto the white wolf's face, but either he hid it well or Ty was too caught up in celebration to notice. But Mark wasn't about to ruin this moment for the small wolf.

"Ty, sweetie," he said gently, "we should celebrate tonight."

Ty's attention finally returned to Mark. The small wolf's demeanor was a picture of ecstatic elation; he felt like he was on top of the world, and it showed. For a brief moment, though, the grey wolf paused; for a moment, the slightest of moments, he thought he had seen what looked like sadness upon the face of his lover. The thought, however, flew quickly from his mind; this was a time of celebration.

"Omg you're so right!" Ty responded, lapsing into his excitedly stupid manner of speech. "I'ma get everyone together and tell them!"

He leaned up to peck Mark on the nose, then turned and ran out the door, his phone already halfway to his ear.

As soon as the door had slammed shut, Mark collapsed onto the floor. Was this really happening? His mind was adrift; he simply didn't know what to feel. His wolf was the happiest he had ever seen him; his wolf had also just gotten news that would drag him hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from Mark. He had been dreading this day - they were seniors, after all - but he had never truly prepared himself for it.

And now it had happened. His love was leaving.

Mark slowly gathered himself up; this was not the time or place for such musings. He needed to let loose, and doing so in public might not be the best decision. Picking up speed, he started to run to the one place that wasn't dripping with warm memories of Ty: his room.

* * *

Mark's roommate, a small wolf by the name of Josh, had grown rather accustomed to the idea of living in the large double room by himself. Although he had no problem living with a gay wolf, he had been more than relieved when Mark had effectively moved into Ty's room; after all, that gave the fox more time to enjoy himself. By now, he was used to seeing the white wolf only a few times a week, so he was more than a little shocked when the larger fur simply broke down in tears in their doorway.

"Whoa!" he gasped at the sight. "Dude, do you need help?"

Mark shook his head in a lie, one through which Josh could see easily. The fox quickly got out of his chair and lifted his roommate off the floor, dragging him to the oft-empty desk across the room.

"Dude," he said again, forcing a smile, "that's what roomies are for."

Mark looked up at him through his tears. He and Josh had barely spoken three words to each other this semester. Yet Mark needed an ear and a shoulder, and he needed them now. As calmly as he could, he wiped his tears from his eyes and explained the situation. Josh, for his part, listened calmly, nodding when Mark paused to wipe his tears again.

"Mark," the fox began softly, "I know how you feel."

The white wolf fixed him with an incredulous stare. How could anyone know how he felt?

Josh chuckled, "believe me or not. I went through the same situation with my girlfriend before coming to college, and it took a lot of talking before we worked things out. But eventually," he continued, "we did work things out."

Mark smiled.

"How did that work out?" he asked, sniffling.

Josh shrugged.

"Sometimes, these things just have a way of working themselves out. True love," he paused. He always felt like a sap talking about stuff like this, "always finds a way."

The wolf grinned at this. Josh was right; if he and Ty were meant for each other, they would find a way.

"Thanks Josh," Mark said, suddenly pulling the fox into a hug, "that helps more than you think."

"Sure thing," the fox replied, patting the wolf's back awkwardly, "but um..." he sighed, "Mark, I'm not really into hugs."

"Oh," the wolf said, backing away and blushing. "Thanks anyway, though."

Josh merely nodded; it was a small price to pay for a de facto single room.

* * *

Ty burst into Ethan and Jayden's room in a flurry of wild energy. They barely had time to look up from their cleaning and notice the letter clutched in his frenetically waving paw before he burst forth excitedly.

"Guys," the small wolf yelled, "I got a position in grad school!"

The two looked at him curiously before his wild statement sunk in. Suddenly, a wide smile burst across Ethan's face.

"That's great!" the golden retriever said excitedly, jumping up to grab Ty in a hug. The small wolf had nearly suffered an anxiety attack over his post-college fate, and it was a load off all their shoulders to hear this news. Jayden stood a little more calmly, slowly easing the letter out of the smaller wolf's hand. He smiled as he read it.

"Well," the dragon said with nonchalance, "now you'll have to find something else to have nervous breakdowns over."

Ty frowned at him, punching the dragon playfully.

"You know as well as I do," he snapped as he grabbed the letter back, "that I no more enjoy anxiety attacks than the rest of you."

Jayden simply smiled and said no more. Ty was just so easy to goad, and they got no end of pleasure out of pushing the small wolf's buttons.

"So," Ethan began, changing the subject quickly, "what does Mark think?"

Ty smiled.

"He's thrilled, of course. You should have seen his face when he saw how happy I was; I think he was embarrassed."

"Uh-huh," Ethan said calmly. "How does he feel about you moving?"

"Well, he..."

A thought stuck in his head, and he stopped mid-sentence. Vaguely, it occurred to him that he hadn't simply imagined the look of sadness on Mark's face. He had been so caught up in the joy of his good news that he had utterly ignored the thoughts that must have been going through the white wolf's head.

He was leaving.

"Oh no," Ty breathed.

Looking up at Ethan and Jayden, the small wolf decided that the celebration could wait. Something deep down told him his love needed him. And that same something told him exactly where to find the elusive white wolf.

* * *

Mark looked up as a figure darkened the doorway of the small practice room. Much to his surprise, Ty was standing there, smiling at him gently, not unlike the way Mark had smiled at the smaller wolf in the same room so long ago. The two stood in silence for some time, gazing at each other longingly; both were afraid to speak, for both were afraid of what might be said. Ty was the first to finally break the painful silence.

"Mark," he started slowly, "I have never been as happy as I am with you. You have made me feel things - emotions - I never thought I could feel. You've brought new meaning to my life," he held up a hand to stop Mark's response, "and I would never do anything that might make me lose that."

Mark could barely muster a response.

"But you're moving away," he stammered, fighting back tears, "what about that?!"

Ty moved in close, placing a small finger to the white wolf's trembling lips.

"I've been accepted," he nearly whispered. "That doesn't mean I'm going there."

He pulled the white wolf in close, musing with a smile at their role-reversal as the larger fur melted into Ty's arms. He could feel warm tears dribbling down the back of his neck, and Mark's body trembled as the wolf started to sob. It took the better part of Ty's control to fight back his own tears. Gently, he pulled back so that he could look his lover in the eyes.

"Honey," he said softly, "you don't always have to be the strong one."

They stood there for what seemed like hours, basking in the warmth of their love; both finally knew deep down that they would always be there for each other. Smiles crept across their faces as the uncertainty of the moment slowly melted into the undying heat of their passion.

"Ty," Mark said in a whisper, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ty cocked his eyebrow at the question.

"Always," he answered simply, a wry grin playing at the corners of his mouth.

Mark moved in close, the heat emanating off his body and seeping into the smaller wolf. He growled lustfully, suddenly pulling Ty into a passionate kiss. They moaned aloud as their paws quickly started to explore underneath their clothes. Ty's tongue begged for entry at Mark's mouth, roughly forcing its way between his wet lips and exploring the now-familiar space beyond. Mark growled again, his paws traveling up to the back of Ty's head and pulling him even tighter.

"Gawd," Ty panted as he came up for breath, "you just keep getting better and better."

Mark responded by nipping playfully at the grey wolf's ears, his moans sending warm shivers down Ty's spine. He smiled when he felt the smaller fur tremble at his touch, his crotch tightening as Ty began to moan quietly. His paws quickly journeyed down, and the larger wolf was pleased to encounter a rapidly growing erection in the shorts of his lover. The small wolf jumped at the touch, groaning as his body twitched in response.

"My, my," Mark said playfully, "we're eager, aren't we?"

Ty pushed at Mark in response, slowly lowering him onto the piano. The instrument groaned in response; it was used to abuse, but not of this sort.

"You should know," Ty said with a playful murr, "better than to ask that question."

With surprising speed, Ty undid the belt and zipper of Mark's shorts before discarding them in a corner. His agile paws made similarly short work of the larger wolf's shirt, leaving him stark naked atop the piano, and the grey wolf quickly followed suit. The music department would be thrilled if they knew what went on down here, he thought sarcastically.

Before Mark could utter a word, Ty gave his rock-hard cock a quick lick, eliciting a gasp form the larger wolf. A burst of salty pre spurted out of the tip, and the small wolf licked it up with relish, earning another gasp from Mark; the white wolf was not accustomed to this sort of attention.

"Not used to this, are we?" Ty asked with a grin, looking up to see an expression of utter delight written across his companion's face.

"No," Mark panted in response, grinning himself "I'm just used to it being somewhere else."

"Mmmmm," Ty moaned, sending a quivering wave of pleasure down Mark's spine as his tongue traveled once more up the larger wolf's erection. "I could get used to this," he said with a sly smile.

Slowly, being sure to keep Mark hypnotized with the warmth of his muzzle, Ty lowered his head onto the throbbing member, relishing the warm, salty pre as it issued forth in spits and spurts. Sucking gently, he pulled his head back, running his tongue up the length of the member and earning a contented groan from the white wolf. He growled at the back of his throat, tickling the tip and nearly making Mark jump from the piano.

"Oh shi," was all the larger wolf could muster before moaning loudly, leaning back onto the top of the piano and letting the small wolf have his way with him.

Smiling ever so slightly, Ty slowly inched a paw up Mark's leg, tickling him as he went; he had to fight his desire to laugh as the white wolf twisted and writhed, trying to escape the new torment. When his hand reached the Mark's crotch, Ty began to gently massage Mark's knot. Being careful not to overstimulate the larger fur, Ty began to pump his hand up and down the twitching shaft. Mark groaned and yipped in response.

"Oh Ty!" he breathed between clenched teeth, "that's so...ohhhhh..." his voice died off in a groan.

As stealthily as he could manage, Ty moved his free hand to the corner of his mouth, coating his index and middle finger with the mixture of saliva and pre that was drooling out of his parted lips. Confident that they weren't too cold, he placed the digits at the entrance to Mark's tailhole, continuing to suck the wolf's cock with gusto.

Mark hazily registered the fingers, but he gave a startled gasp when he felt them slip into him without warning. Panting and whimpering slightly, he squirmed at the new sensation, placing his paws atop Ty's bobbing head for support. The smaller wolf held his fingers motionless for a while, his enthusiastic tongue slowly drawing Mark's attention away from the new intruders. Once he felt the larger wolf relax, he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of Mark's tight ass, bobbing his head up and down all the while.

It was too much for Mark; his body was overloaded with sensation, and he growled and yipped as his overburdened brain tried to make sense of the euphoria pouring in from every nerve. He barely felt his balls tighten up as his shaft pulsed once, twice, three times. The white wolf howled as he came, and the piano shook as his entire body trembled. Losing all control, he bucked wildly, thrusting his cock deep into Ty's welcoming muzzle. The grey wolf, for his part, continued his bobbing and thrusting, eager to eke every ounce of seed out of his lover.

Ty moaned as he felt the strings of wolf cum hit the back of his throat, and he swallowed every string that his small throat could handle; the excess spilled out, seeping slowly into the spaces between the pianos keys. Licking his lips, he looked up at Mark with mischief written over his normally innocent countenance. His fingers were still resting in Mark's warm tailhole.

"Like that, love?" he asked suggestively.

Mark was panting and whimpering, and he could hardly muster a reply.

"Oh gawd," he muttered between breaths, "that was" *pant* "unlike anything" *pant* "you've ever done!"

Ty smiled.

"Then you're gonna love this part," he said quietly, leaning down to kiss Mark. They moaned loudly into the embrace, the white wolf eagerly licking his own cum out of Ty's muzzle. The smaller wolf's paws moved slowly to Mark's hips, and the larger wolf spread his own arms wide, eagerly welcoming what he knew was to come.

"Ready?" Ty asked earnestly.

Mark merely nodded, fighting the urge to brace himself. He had never been penetrated before, but Ty had often told him the secret was complete relaxation. And if the smaller wolf knew anything, it was how to be penetrated.

Ty slowly positioned his cock in line with Mark's tailhole, rubbing the tip against the tight pucker. Pre was already leaking out, and the small wolf quickly rubbed it up and down his wolfhood to lubricate it as much as possible. Shifting his weight one final time, he looked up at Mark, who nodded his approval.

Slowly, watching Mark for any sign of pain, Ty slowly pressed his cock into his companion. He gasped at the feeling of Mark's insides, and his body shivered at the tight warmth squeezing down on him. Mark moaned as he felt the length enter him; it hurt more than he expected, but Ty had assured him the pain would pass. Breathing as deeply as he could, the large wolf forced himself to relax, groaning slightly as a new feeling of pleasure started to seep into his behind.

Ty paused when he saw Mark's face scrunch up in pain, taking a moment to savor the sensation. It was like nothing he ever felt; every movement sent waves of bliss up his back, making the hair on his back stand on end. Once he felt Mark relax, he took a deep breath and slowly pushed the remainder of his length into the larger wolf.

"Mmmmm," Ty moaned as his cock twitched at the new sensations, "this is amazing."

Mark merely groaned in response. The pain was almost all gone now, and he was starting to enjoy the feeling of being penetrated, of sensing his lover deep inside him, sealing the physical expression of their love.

They held themselves for a moment, panting as their bodies adjusted to their new roles. Ty was positively shaking now; Mark's tightness had pushed him almost to the edge, but he was determined to last just a bit longer. He pulled out slowly, moaning as Mark groaned at the new feeling of emptiness. Smiling in empathy, he thrust gently back in, moaning more loudly this time as Mark squirmed beneath him. The larger wolf was obviously enjoying himself now.

Within moments, Ty had fallen into a steady tempo, groaning in time with the piano beneath them. Mark added his own moans to the mix as the room filled with the familiar aroma of their musk. With each thrust, Ty's tip pressed against the larger wolf's prostrate, causing him to whimper in ecstatic pleasure.

Ty's knot was forming now, slapping loudly against Mark's tailhole. They caught each other's gaze, and with the slightest of nods, Mark gave his assent. Ty slowly began to pick up his pace, his legs bucking occasionally as he fought to keep himself under control. He was close now, hovering on the edge of climax. With one great thrust, his knot popped noisily into Mark.

The large wolf whimpered loudly at the intrusion, his senses in another state of total overload. Ty was thrusting uncontrollably now, his movements coming in short, erratic bursts. He could feel his balls tense and pull up against his body, and his cock spasmed within the wolf squirming below him. He leaned his head back and howled as his throbbing member shot hot, gooey strings of wolf cum into Mark's gut. He thrust two, three more times, each time receiving another hot load of cum. He slowly retuned to a normal pace before collapsing onto the chest of his lover.

"That," he panted, "was fun."

Mark was speechless; his body quivered as it attempted to interpret the euphoria flooding into every part of his being. Without even thinking of it, he reached his arms around Ty and pulled him in close, grabbing his lips in a wildly unhinged kiss. When they pulled apart, tears had gathered in both their eyes.

"I love you so much," Mark sputtered, confused at the wetness streaming down his cheeks. "And I have no idea why I'm crying," he laughed.

Ty laughed too.

"It's because you know I will always be by your side," he answered, knowing with full confidence the undeniable truth of what he had just said. "I love you, and that's all you need to know, ever."

They kissed again, slowly losing their fight against the encroaching warmth of sleep. They lay there what seemed an eternity, swimming in the passionate heat of their afterglow. Once Ty's knot had become small enough, they pulled apart, Mark groaning at the feeling of emptiness. Never taking their eyes off each other, they quickly dressed themselves before walking out of the room hand in hand.

They met Jayden in the hallway; the dragon was obviously on his way to one of his usual late-night practice sessions. The two wolves noted with amusement as he walked into the practice room they had just vacated, stifling giggles as they heard him sniff loudly. As quietly as they could, both turned and began to walk away quickly.

"Ty," came Jayden's stern voice, echoing ominously down the hall, "what did you do in this room?"

Mark and Ty caught each other's eyes, moving even more quickly to the door.

"Oh God," the dragon yelled, "the D! You gummed up the D! How the hell am I supposed to play the Rach 3 without a D?!"

The two wolves reached the door, running into the night with wild abandon, laughing at what had just transpired and secure as ever in their undying love.