Selective Memory I

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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#1 of Selective Memory

"I need energy..." I sighed as I leaned over my enchantment table.

The glowing runes etched into its surface were pulsing dimly in sync with my heartbeat, the long sword lying across the white wood was glowing faintly; _too_faintly. I didn't have the energy left in me to attach the enchantment to its metal, and considering the client would be coming back at noon tomorrow, I didn't have the time to perform my normal meditations.

Rest wasn't an option, neither was eating or drinking; they wouldn't replenish my stores fast enough or full enough. I sighed, my pointed ears drooping until a thought occurred. Of course!

"It's worked before, plenty of energy received, depending on the specimen, it'd last me for up to two days!" I exclaimed out loud before smacking my forehead. "Why didn't I think about this earlier?"

I rushed upstairs from my spacious cellar and into my living room, heading directly to my bedroom to put on clothes. I pulled open my dresser and fished around near the back, trying to find the proper clothes I had worn when I had first tried this out as an experiment a year ago.

"Gotchya!" I said excitedly as I pulled out a pair of shorts and a black tank top. I stepped over to my full length mirror standing next to my bed and gazed over the lithe coyote body reflected back at me. Silver and white fur swirled all over me from my toes to the base of my black ears. The shiny silver fur always seemed to get me attention, but I felt like changing it up.

I shrugged as I pulled on the shorts, which were entirely too short and entirely too tight on me. A little personal enchantment gave the fabric a stretchy-ness that forced it to hug my sizeable package, but even more importantly; it accentuated my backside.

Next on was the black tank top, which hugged my chest quite nicely, especially considering it only covered half of my torso, leaving my flat stomach exposed. Giving myself one last check over in the mirror, I grinned, my bushy tail wagging like mad as I left my house and stole away into the night.

I stand at five foot nine, so I don't make much of an imposing sight, but what I lack in physical presence I more than make up for in magical skill. Nothing happens to me in this city without me allowing it to happen; one guy had already learned that lesson the hard way. Lucky for most guys, I like things a little rough.

That's why I headed for the tavern district; no shortage of horny furs willing to ignore the fact that I didn't have breasts or a vagina just so they could stuff a hole and get their rocks off.

_'Add that to the maybe pile of experiments.'_I thought to myself. Physical transformation wasn't the hardest thing for a mage to do, especially one of my skill level, so maybe a gender bending night would wind up working out?

I walked confidently through the dark city streets, passing by the odd couple out for a late night walk and a few drunken ones that didn't catch my fancy. I was in the mood for someone strong, dominant; one that wouldn't be afraid to leave me a cum stained mess in an alley.'Ooooh, what about a city guard? They get bored on the night shifts, right?'

I suddenly remembered that I would be better off changing my fur colour, to keep my normal life and night life as separate as I could. A simple thought was all it took for my silver and white fur to suddenly melt into a rusty orange that contrasted quite nicely with my black clothing.

I skirted the roadway just outside the main tavern district. I didn't want to go into a tavern and get groped by dozens of strangers; I wanted to find one fur, or have him find me, and be able to clearly judge whether or not I should spend any time bothering with them. I was here to get recharged for work after all; the physical pleasure was just a pleasant bonus.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud whistle, a cat call if ever I had heard one, and it caused my head to turn to find its source. The invisible lines of sound that flickered through the air lead my eyes to a scrawny tiger and a canine companion who looked equally as dishevelled. Infections weren't a concern to me thanks to a few of my own invented wards, but these two looked... slimy.

Sure I wanted a sweaty, raunchy romp, but these two were taking that a little _too_far.

"Discover yourselves a bath and get back to me." I called to them with a grin before turning away to continue my search. They may have called me something derogatory, but I've never been able to bring myself to care about such lowlifes and their opinions of me. Besides, I could have turned their heads inside out with the flick of a wrist...

No sense in fretting over it in any case; I needed my recharge and if I wanted any sleep before meeting my client, I needed it soon. My search continued for another ten minutes before I spotted someone that caught my fancy.

A tall broad shouldered doberman was making his way down the road in my direction. His steps were slightly uncertain, clearly an after effect... Or, rather, current effect of alcohol. His pointed ears were swivelling madly in spite of how quiet the street was; he wasn't in full control of his body, and what a body it was...

He was around six foot three, easily around two-hundred pounds of muscle earned from what I could only assume was a lifetime spent working in a physical career. As I closed on him, my enhanced senses picked up the faint scent of the sea. "_Likely a dock-worker or sailor then."_I figured.

His head perked up as he neared me, and our eyes locked for the briefest of moments, but it was enough to let me know that I had found my energy charger. He seemed to put more care into his steps, no longer swaying as he walked, and his back straightened up, making him look larger than he originally did.

As we passed within two feet of each other, I noticed his eyes flit over me from head to toe. It was a quick once over, as if he was appraising me; not that he could have really made a truly informed choice considering the scent of alcohol hanging in the air around him. He exuded dominance though, and that had my tail twitching in anticipation.

"Heading home already?" I asked in passing as he walked out of my peripherals.

"What was that?" He asked in a gravelly voice that sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.

I stopped and looked around behind me, finding him turned around and facing me already. The tunic he wore wasn't all that loose on him, and his pants even less so; it made the long bulge running down his inner thigh all the more noticeable.

"I said, 'heading home already?'" I repeated with a coy smile. "It's barely midnight after all."

"Not much going on." He took a step forward, crossing his arms over his broad chest. The smirk on his face proved to me that he had caught me staring. I put on a fake blush.

"Well that's a shame." I took a step forward. "Perhaps we could entertain each other then?"

The doberman tilted his head, probably a little too far, but I chalked that up to the drink. His grin only grew wider as he nodded his head towards a dark alley on the opposite side of the street.

'A nice big dog taking me into a dark alley for some fun,' I thought to myself. 'I like this guy.'

I hooked my slender arm around his much larger one, happily breathing in the scent of a day's worth of work and an hour or two spent in a bar. He was talking about something, probably work or the poor quality of entertainment tonight, but the sight of the python snaking down his pant leg had me focused more on preparing myself for what I had been out hunting for in the first place.

As soon as we were a dozen or so paces into the dark corridor between sandstone buildings, the amicable canine I first locked eyes with disappeared. He grabbed me by the arm and pushed me up against the wall. I could feel the fire burning just underneath the flesh on my fingers, ready as ever to incinerate this threat should he proceed any further, but his next words placed me at ease.

"Look kid, I don't care that you got a dick," He began; was I sure he worked in the docks? He could be a poet or a novelist. "All I want right now is a hole to stuff and your wandering eyes tell me you want stuffing."

Had I been staring? Surely I was only glancing over in the hopes of getting someone's attention...Well, at least it seemed to have worked.

"So, you gonna help me out with this?" The doberman asked as he pulled the front of his pants open, fishing out a thick nine inch shaft. I could just barely see the heavy orbs that hung low underneath his doghood, and as I appraised them, I came to the conclusion that he could definitely recharge me and then some.

"You're right," I said in a quietly feminine voice, wishing to put him more at ease by making the sounds of the fairer sex. "All I want is to get stuffed. I want everything you've got."

That was apparently good enough for him as he placed his strong hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. He moved one of his hands to the base of his massive shaft and lifted it to smack me on the muzzle. "Get to work then."

His dominating attitude and the knowledge that to him I was nothing more than a hole to shove his cock into made me feel giddy. _'Perhaps I should do this more often, even if I don't need to recharge.'_I mused as I began suckling on the fat head of the doberman's cock. It tasted strongly of male musk, but I didn't expect anything less considering this furs background, or at least what little of it I had gleaned.

My thoughts were sent crashing out of my mental window when he forced his hips forward, burying inch after inch of his shaft into my muzzle, and eventually partly down my throat. My nose was buried in the thick patch of fur at the base of his shaft and his sack bounced off of my chin as I struggled to relax my throat enough to allow the intruder full access. Turns out the scent of this powerful dog was more than enough to send me into a hyper relaxed, near euphoric state, so I was quickly able to accommodate him.

I began sliding my tongue over every wet inch of that fat shaft with gusto, already drinking down a steady stream of precum as the doberman began thrusting his hips back and forth. The rhythmic tapping of his large sack against my chin and the slab of meat spearing between my lips and down my throat was the only thing I could pay attention to. It robbed me of the knowledge that we were only a dozen paces away from a main street; that anyone that paid enough attention would likely be able to hear the slurping noises issuing from my muzzle.

"You've got a good muzzle on you." The Doberman growled happily as he hilted himself once again and held his place, allowing me enough time to notice that I could feel his heartbeat through his meaty cock. "But that won't be enough."

He pulled back, his doghood trailing strands of pre and saliva as it bounced down between his legs.

"Turn 'round and drop those shorts." He commanded and I obeyed happily.

I turned around and bent over, sliding my hands underneath the waistband of my shorts and began pushing them down in the hopes of teasing my battery.

"I don't need a show, just pull the damn things down." The Doberman growled in impatience. I was out of practice; of course this guy wouldn't want a show, he even said straight to my face that all he wanted was a bitch to breed.

I pushed my shorts down, letting them pool around my ankles, but just before I could step fully out of them, two large hands roughly grabbed a hold of my hips. The broad wet head of the doberman's cock immediately pressed against my tail hole and popped into me, causing me to let out a yelp at the sudden intrusion. One of his hands was quick to move to my muzzle to clamp it shut.

"Too loud." He said simply as he began pressing forward harder, clearly having little regard for my comfort as he sank inch after thickening inch of his cock into my aching ass.

I didn't have a chance to fully prepare myself with my magic, so it felt as though I was being split in half by the sheer size of the doberman's dick, but the painful euphoria was well worth the discomfort, especially once he finally hilted himself. The fullness I felt made me forget all about why I had originally come out; all I wanted now was to be this dog's breeding post and feel his wonderful doghood inside me all night.

From that point on, there was no gentle grinding to get me used to the intruder, nor was there a gradual increase in the speed and force behind my companion's thrusts, he just went full board once he felt he was as far inside me as he could get. His thrusts were short and fast, and each time he hilted himself inside me I could swear I could feel the tip hit my heart.

The dog was grunting and panting heavily as he bred me, which only made me love the encounter even more as the pain subsided into dull throbbing. I didn't know how well I would be walking the next day, but at that moment, I couldn't have cared less. His weight was constantly shifting as he let more of it fall on me, and I found myself struggling to keep my face from being pressed into the solid surface of the wall I was leaning on.

I had grown so accustomed to his cock that when he pulled back for a really hard thrust, I couldn't help but whimper as his shaft slipped free of my hole. The Doberman still thrust forward, but when he realized he was no longer shoving himself into a hot tail hole, he let out an angry growl and grabbed his shaft to brutally force it back in.

His thrusts were becoming more and more erratic as the minutes ticked by, and in all honesty, I was surprised the wet smacking issuing forth from our coupling hadn't garnered any attention from anyone. Not many would venture into a darkened alley at night, let alone when it sounded as if someone was being violated, but surely a guard would have been notified. We weren't being quiet anymore after all.

The hand closed around my muzzle muffled the whimper that was forced out of me as the Doberman made one hard final thrust, painting my insides with ropes and ropes of his hot seed. The volume was so high that once my insides were thoroughly filled, strings of cum began dripping from my backside and running down my legs. With a happy grunt, the canine released his hold on my muzzle, causing me to realize that through his entire orgasm I had been holding my breath, savouring every pulse of his shaft as it unloaded into me.

"We'll have to do this again." He panted happily as he pulled himself from my backside with a wet pop. My legs were trembling and my ass was throbbing with waves of dull pain, but it still felt incredible. I wondered at the offer to give myself to him again at some point, and if I had any doubts to the idea, they were quickly erased as the Doberman took a hold of his semi-hard cock and wiped it off on my legs.

"Gladly." I said with a smile, turning around to see him stuffing himself back into his trousers. Most people would have been wiped by the exertion of being used so roughly, but the exercise had done exactly what I had needed it to.

As my companion walked away with confident strides, I felt my entire body tingle as I drew energy from the copious amounts of seed he had gifted me. The only downside I had to face now was that I was aching to be used again, but the call of duty was too strong; I needed to get that sword enchanted and I needed to get some sleep before I met with the customer at noon the next day.

Sighing to myself, I resisted the urge to call the Doberman back for seconds. Instead, I pulled on my shorts, savouring the wetness under my tail and began walking, albeit unsteadily, back to my home and workplace.

As soon as I was through the door, the shorts came off followed by the tank top, which smelt heavily of my companion's sweaty scent. It sent me back into my happy place as I took in a deep breath through my nose before discarding it in the laundry bin. I decided against showering for the time being, wanting to savour the feeling of cum running down my legs for as long as I could.

I descended the stairs to the basement on shaky legs, the exertion we had used finally beginning to catch up with me, and headed straight for my enchanting table. The orb resting in the centre of the numerous symbols and glyphs rose to two feet above the table top as I approached, pulsing gently with a soft blue light as I positioned the long sword underneath it and began chanting in a language that only enchanters and high profile mage's could understand.

The binding was swift; a brand new rune glowing brightly just above the hilt signifying the successful enchantment and its strength. It was good that most of the work had already been done before I began running low on energy because now, though my mental and magical powers felt supercharged, my physical body was screaming at me to go to sleep. I was happy to oblige.

I decided against having a real bath and instead used my magic to clean myself up, then flopped onto my bed, passing out within moments of my head hitting one of my plushy pillows. The job was done, the client would retrieve his weapon at noon, and I would finally be able to have some fun again.

That thought brought a smile to my muzzle as I drifted off into blissful unconsciousness.

And there it is! Short and a decent kickoff for a series I think. If you enjoyed it, let me know and I'll post the next bit!