Dragon's Embrace Chapter Five: Thoughts and Feelings Revealed

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#5 of Dragon's Embrace


I continued to watch Saki to see if he is in any pain. He glances at the nurse and I see mistrust in his eyes. "Want to get out of here?" I ask him. "I can't. I have class." I nod and say "I don't think you should be going."

His gaze hardened as if someone had poured liquid steel into it. "I may not be a durable as you Jacob but don't think for a second you can coddle me." His face smooths out after he finished speaking and holds out his hand to me. I take it and he uses it to pull himself up off the bed.

The nurse watches him but doesn't object. When he is on his own feet he takes a few moments to steady himself before carefully taking a few steps forward. I was right behind him to make sure that he didn't take a nasty fall. As his walk continued he seemed to be able to move better which made me wonder just how used he was to pain.

Joshua didn't like that thought and neither did Monroe. Both of them growled at me and I hastily backed off which in turn made their growls lessen. I turned my full focus back to Saki to find out that he was a good ten feet in front of me. I must have paused during my mental retreat allowing him to draw ahead.

That or based on the way he was hunched up he felt as if to many eyes were on him and had increased his pace to get away from them. I didn't bother trying to catch up though I knew I would have liked to do so.

His comments from before had my imagination going wild and I grinned as I headed towards my final class. I added the finishing touches to my sculpture of Monroe and then I grabbed a fresh piece of wood and smiled as I got to work. I decided to carve an image of Saki.

As I started to work on it I felt my heart get warm from the inside as if a fire had been lit. As I carved I couldn't stop thinking of how nice it would be to finally hold someone in my arms and call them mine. A contented trill broke from my throat but it was so soft that no body else could hear it.

The hour passed fast for me and though I took my time on the carving I was more interested in seeing the breathing model then the wooden one. Saki was waiting for me after school and he still looked like he was in pain.

I didn't say a word however as I figured quite would do him good. Saki seemed to appreciate the silence and once we were home he pulled me aside before we entered. "Hey I didn't mean to be a douche earlier. That was the closest I've ever came to death and it shook me I guess I still am shaken if I'm honest with myself."

I nodded at his words and as his gaze met mine I said "Hey next time your scared don't feel afraid to talk about it with me Saki. I'll be there for you I promise." He smiled at my words and though I wanted to kiss him so badly right now I didn't because I felt it would be taking advantage of him.

So I rested my palm on his shoulder briefly before heading into the house. He trailed after me as I headed to the kitchen. "Yeah I'm sorry I can't help you prep well as fast as we normally do tonight." "It's OK Saki. I mean you had blood drip from your nose today from using your powers you need to recover."

I began to warm up a frozen lasagna and I let Saki make the garlic bread after getting the materials for him. Soon the food was ready and we dug in heartily. We left plenty for mom in the morning and I left her a note on the fridge before turning to Saki.

"Are you sure you want to be alone tonight?" I asked him and he seemed to consider it. "I..." He took a deep breathe and continued. "I'm sorry Jacob truly I am but I still need the time to collect myself. But maybe tomorrow night? If the invitation still stands?"

"It does." I assured him and I watched him make his bed on the couch and get comfortable. I was worried about him but I decided that he knew what was best for him and if he had taken me up on my offer it would have felt like I was taking advantage of him anyway so I guess in a way it was good it worked out like this.

I slipped into my bedroom and after I made my bed I slipped into it but I turned on the radio on the side and grabbed the headset nearby so that I could listen to it without disturbing anyone. The music was soothing and though I still felt worried about Saki I found it easier to calm down somewhat. I drifted to sleep with my music.


_ Oh I wish I had taken him up on his _ offer I thought to myself as I did my best to conserve my body heat underneath the blankets. I trusted Jacob with my life but I did need some distance tonight. I needed to be able to collect myself and stop feeling so shaken.

_ Maybe you've found something that you can't recover from on your own. _ small voice in my head. I couldn't help but agree with that voice. _ I could slip into his room now and get into his arms. _I found myself thinking. I shook my head. I could stand a night of loneliness. However as I drifted to sleep I found myself desperately wishing I had taken his offer.

The night was cold and when I woke up again I shivered heavily. I gathered a towel from the bathroom and went to shower. I was still wearing the clothes that Jacob had gave me the first time we met. I didn't want to be rude by asking to borrow some more but it might be good enough for a talking point at least.

I stepped into the shower and bathed quickly the warm water barley having time to heat up before I was done. I was drying off when Jacob entered the bathroom and I flushed and covered myself. He didn't give any indication that he had just seen me naked. In fact he didn't give any indication that I was even there.

I decided to get while the going was good and though I wanted to I didn't peek to see how well endowed he was. I slipped out of the bathroom to the living room and began to dress. Once I was done I sighed and combed my hair from memory because I didn't have a mirror. Jacob soon exited the bathroom and walked towards me before I could speak he asked me "Are you OK?"

I nodded and then said "I really hate to ask but if you had a second set of clothes... could I borrow them while these get washed?" Jacob nodded and smiled at me he gestured for me to follow him and so I did. Once in his room he lifted up the lid on the chest at the edge of the bed. "Take what you need. I don't use these that much anymore." he told me.

I looked through the clothes and selected a blue shirt with gray pants another pair of socks and another jock strap. Then i went to the bathroom and changed into the fresh clothes. I put the others in the laundry basket and then I joined him outside.

He had waited for me and his easy smile helped me to relax. In truth despite my own hardships I was at ease with Jacob. I couldn't seem to summon any of my old paranoia that I depended on all the years of my life. When I was around him I was at peace. No need to fight. No need to worry about protecting myself. Now I'm not saying If something happened I wouldn't fight back. Being around Jacob finally let me have the peace I never knew I was looking for.

Still even though Jacob has done nothing but be kind to me I do find myself wondering what qualities about myself that he finds attractive. I mean being realistic I'm a lab freak. Even worse a Human at that. Now I don't know much about the current social trends of this world but surely such a thing is frowned upon. Certainly some rather unflattering whispers graced my ears yesterday after the bathroom incident.

Personally I think they are just freaked out and are trying to come up with an explanation that sounded reasonable. Though I doubt they would come up with a logical reason. If I wanted them to avoid me like the plague I couldn't have devised a better scenario. Though to be honest with myself the only approval I could find myself wanting is Jacob's.

It had been a few days now since we met and I help can't but think to myself that I seem to be falling rather fast for the dragon. True we haven't made any advances on each other and he has been the perfect gentleman to me but I still feel as if things are moving a lot faster then they should be. I want to make sure I want to be with him for the right reasons.

As I thought Jacob must have been studying my face cause there was a question in his eyes. "I'm sorry I got lost in thought." He nodded at my words and said "We should head to class." I sighed but nodded knowing his words were true. "Well Let me get my books." I replied and went to grab them. I didn't trust myself to not pass out if I grabbed them with my Telekinesis.

I felt vulnerable without my abilities but I know that I could make it without them. There were times the scientist pushed me so hard that my abilities stopped working all together for weeks on end. No matter what they tried my power refused to play ball.

I walked with Jacob to the school. We were quiet during the walk there but it was a good kind of quiet. I'm sure my solemn mood was beginning to worry Jacob. I had better make more of an effort to appear cheerful. I thought of how nice it would be to have Jacob hold me and though it made me blush too I knew I was smiling as well.

"Well you look happy all of a sudden." He said with a chuckle. "Hard to not be happy when I'm with you. You seem to have that effect on people." I told him. He smiled back at me and his tail wagged gently.

"So does the wagging tail mean your happy?" I asked curiously hoping I wasn't being rude by asking such a question. Jacob nodded and didn't seem to be offended by my question. I didn't ask anymore questions as we got closer to the school. I just didn't feel like it.


Saki seemed to be awfully reserved this morning. I was surprised when he asked me about my wagging tail but since it was harmless information I didn't mind telling him. I found myself thinking over the last few days. While I was glad that Saki was now in my life and his presence had changed it for the better I wished that I knew more about him.

Even with him being my mate I didn't want to rush things. I did want to know him better before I told him about what it meant to be mated to another and explained the customs and such to him. The reason I had invited him to the room though is because I knew how cold it got in the outer room and I didn't want him to get sick from it.

At least that's what I would tell him if asked. In truth I kinda really did want to hold him. I just didn't want him to think I was trying to make a move on him without knowing that much about him. That thought made all three of us worry for a few moments.

Then the moment passed and when I glanced up I saw that we weren't to far from the school. Saki and I crossed the threshold together and almost all activity seemed to cease. Saki was tense but as made no move to defend himself. I meanwhile felt my blood begin to boil from the way they looked at us. Saki turned his gaze on me and calmly shook his head.

Almost instantly I calmed. Saki walked forward and the crowd parted like the red sea. However it wasn't because of him. Harry was in the center of the campus and seemed to have been waiting for us. His dad was at his side. I frowned as I watched the scene continue. Harry wasn't one for a public show. That was more of his dad's thing.

Saki stopped a few feet front of them appearing completely relaxed. "I assume you know why we are here?" said Luke "Well I have a few ideas. Either your here to exile me from your pack because of last nights actions OR You've come to interrogate me about what happened last night despite the countless eye witnesses." His tone was almost bored. I hope he knew how much of a dangerous game he was playing.

I waited with baited breath to hear what was going to be done. I noticed Barry moving up behind Saki and with a feeling of anguish continued to watch. Barry grabbed Saki from behind and though I saw Saki grimace he didn't speak anymore.

Harry gestured for Barry to follow and then the four of them walked off campus right by me. I almost didn't move out of the way. Saki shared a glance with me as he passed and understanding was in his eyes before he was marched away. I suddenly didn't feel like going to class tonight. so Instead of entering the building I turned on my heel and started to follow them. Or I would have if someone hadn't grabbed me from behind.

"Let go of me if you want to keep that hand." I said and when they refused to remove it I grabbed it and heaved with all my strength throwing them over my shoulder to hit the ground on my feet. I didn't take the time to see who it was either. I walked over them and went after both Alpha's worry lending me speed.

By now they were already out of sight but I could smell them on the wind. I slipped my bag on and then I pushed off from the ground and flapped my wings. I hovered for a few moments to get used to being in the air once more before scenting the breeze once more and flying after them.


My rather esteemed escort was holding me so tightly my bones were under stress and my circulation was being cut off. I would have pointed this out but I rather liked my body in one piece. Things just seemed to work better when nothing was broken.

Even without my powers it wasn't hard to sum up the situation. To put it simply they were freaked. Of the two scenarios I had outlined I felt sure they would interrogate me first and then exile me later. Still they could be a bit less rough I mean I was fragile after all. Some bad things might happen if they tried to break me.

I did notice Harry shooting several glances at me and though I didn't acknowledge his continued efforts had my intrigued. I didn't however trust my capacity to use my telepathy. He kept shooting me meaningful looks and finally I shook my head the slightest bit.

We were covering ground quite fast even if we were walking. I closed my eyes and let myself be carried along listening to the blood pump through Brian's veins as we continued to travel. I gave my powers a nudge and they practically bitch slapped me in outrage.

I didn't press my luck in that area. Instead I just slipped into a trance and focused on keeping my blood flowing even though it was hard to get it to move through the tight grip.

When we stopped moving I opened my eyes to see that we appeared to be in front of an old building near the end of the territory. It sure did seem to have a lot of silver in it. The alpha had to wrap the knob in part of his shirt before he opened the door.

_ So afraid of silver are we? _I found myself thinking before I was bustled inside. Before I could blink I was in a chair and handcuffed me to it. It was silver as well. _ They seriously need to get over their silver fetish. If they intend to torture me then they had better be prepared for when I get my powers back. _

During my little internal monologue they had been making preparations for something. I can't say that I was very interested in the goings on. I mean why should I be? Besides it's not like silver affected me though. Either they thought it did which is hard to believe considering that Barry and the other wolves identified me as human.

Or they thought it could drain my psychic abilities. Well I suppose it will be nice to have my revenge when they think I'm beaten. _ Alpha or not I will not be controlled or dominated again. _ The thought seemed to light a fire in me and my heartbeat increased as the warmth spread.

I felt the familiar searing pain in my brain as my abilities began to wake up. It hurt ohhh how it hurt. However I had not triggered this reaction so the only thing I could do was wait even if the very act brought tears to my eyes from the pain. I didn't bother to try and stop them. Let them think the poor human was so distressed and shaken.

I mean that's all I am to them. A poor pitiful human, something to be broken then tossed aside like garbage. Yes in case you couldn't tell I was suddenly very bitter. The only thing I would have to change in this situation was the actors and the equipment and I could be at the labs I left just days before.

"What happened the other night?" asked Harry's dad. I didn't know his name but I figured for the hell of it I'd answer. "I figured out that Melvin wasn't quite human and drew him away from the crowded halls with the intentions of putting an end to him myself. I didn't count on his strength."

Of course he already knew this. I'm sure he read the report or got it verbally from the pack link as soon as it happened. "That's not all of it." Here my heartbeat quickened even further. "I ripped out his fangs. I mean it's not like he needed them. Unless of course you wanted a whole bathroom of werewolves to get bitten by a vampire I do believe I did you a favor."

_ CRACK! _ My head snapped back and then fell limply as I saw stars. "Don't disrespect the Alpha." said Barry. Meanwhile it felt like my neck had been broken. I couldn't form a single thought or even speak. "Great you broke him already." spat Harry's Dad.

I barley kept a handle on my rising power. However I was not so lucky on holding onto my rage. _ If this is how they treat their friends then they must really be nice to their enemies. Must eat dinner with them and everything _. I thought to myself as I grimaced from the pain and the strain of holding onto my power which was desperately wanting to lash out.


I almost missed their scent when I passed over the apparently abandoned building. I doubled back and landed in front of the entrance. I noted the outside was just plane wood but cold heat radiated from it showing that there was silver underneath the wood.

So I tore off my shirt and wrapped it around both hands after I tore it into strips. Then I tested the door surprised that it was open. I made my way inside just in time to hear the sounds of someone being hit. I snarled with the rage rising from both Monroe and I at whoever had just hit our mate.

"Great you broke him already." I heard Luke say and I saw red. I moved forward to the other door and ripped it off. The silver did burn my hands but I didn't care. As one they all turned towards the door. Two alpha's and a beta. "Stand down" ordered Luke attempting to exert his influence over me.

"How about you stand down you damn Mutt!" said Saki before his purple mind field sparked into furious existence around him. The chair tore itself to pieces and the cuffs broke as if they were paper.

It seemed as if Saki wasn't in control of his powers. In fact it seemed to be the other way around. The purple shimmering field reached for Luke and Barry. He didn't touch Harry but did seem to be giving him a warning look.

"How does it feel to be helpless?" he hissed at the pair. "Saki you shouldn't even be able to use your powers right now!" I said as my rage calmed and my worry grew. "I know Jacob. However I'm not the one in control now." he said to me before using the silver from what used to be the chair and bending it around Luke and Barry before slamming the whole mass into the wall.

Surprisingly it did get stuck in the wall and hold both werewolves up while simultaneously draining their strength. Saki's mind field sputtered and winked out and he coughed spitting a mouthful of blood onto the floor.

I ran to his side and held him before he glanced at Harry. "So what were you trying to say earlier anyway? Before you say it yes I'm aware my actions just effectively banned me from your pack but I don't care. It felt good."

Harry took a few moments looking like he was trying not to laugh while Saki leaned heavily on me for support. I did my best to share my strength with him but I don't know if it worked or not. "Well I was trying to hint that this place wasn't somewhere you wanted to be. Still I think you got the message."

He looked at me and gave me a knowing look as he saw the way I was holding Saki. "I'll tell your mom. You'd best get home and get what you need." he told me. I nodded and practically carrying Saki I led the way outside. I didn't think I could carry us both if I flew because I was tired from the earlier journey. So I walked as fast as I could towards home.

I couldn't leave him. He just walked into my life and I won't let him walk out again so quickly. I want to be with him no matter what happens. He meant a lot to me even if he didn't know it. I noticed that he didn't once object to being carried or how close we were together. He seemed to be very relaxed.

Once home I went through the house and found our old camping gear. I grabbed two sleeping bags and packed the remainder of my human clothes for Saki as well as a few warmer winter ones.

I put the pots and pans and what not in my bag I left the matches because I could breathe fire and water. The fire was from Joshua joining my body. Water was my own native element. I also grabbed my brother's twin swords and my bow. The swords were passed to me when my brother died. I was the only other person that could safely wield them.

The bow was my own creation. Made from the woods of a dark ash tree and using a steel string very few people besides myself could manage to pull this bow back. I grabbed my whittling knife in order to make some arrows when I had the time and I would teach Saki how to make a bow of his own.

Lastly I packed the food. I made sure to not pack any perishables. Only grain and other dry foods that wouldn't spoil.Once I was done packing I shouldered both bundles as I feared that Saki wouldn't be able to handle his and I let him lean on me as I closed the house and then began to walk towards the border. "Not there Jacob." said Saki with worry in his eyes.

"Why?" I asked as I stopped walking. "Scientists" was all he said and my eyes widened before I chose another path that would lead us safely into deep woods. We walked steadily for several hours. I didn't know if the pace I was setting was to brutal for Saki or if he even noticed. He had his eyes closed and though I didn't guide him he seemed to be moving through the woods with the greatest of ease.

When we got to the pack border about 10 miles into the woods I paused to let us rest. Saki found an old tree stump nearby and sat on it. I made sure he was within my line of sight when I sat down. "Thank you... for coming with me." He said softly.

"I... couldn't leave you Saki." I replied truthfully. "Why not?" he asked a hint of a question in his voice. "Well... Your my mate." "I don't know that word Jacob." He tells me. I really don't feel like getting up but I do it anyways and I move closer to him. "It means...that your my soul mate. That your my perfect other half." I tell him.

He absorbs that his deep eyes seemingly swallowing my face as he looks at me without blinking. "Well...Is that the only reason?" He asks next his tone neutral and wearing a perfect poker face."Your my friend. I don't abandon my friends." was all I said. I didn't make any move to hold his hand or make any physical contact. Right now I just backed off and went back to where I was.

"I would like to get to know you better before things get all romantic." I told him as I sat back down once more. "I'll look forward to it. I'd like to get to know you better too. First let's get away from this place. The Vampires will be making their play soon and except for Harry and your Mom I don't care what happens to them." He replied.

I shivered. "Do you think we could save them?" I asked. He looked at me and then back at the forest floor. "In truth I don't know about Harry. We will save your mom. No matter what the cost." determination was in his voice and he spoke with such conviction that I believed him.

"What are we going to do about your abilities? They have been pushed way to hard the past two days." I asked him. "Your right. I don't know if I could do anything to help them out. They only came to life so readily the past few days because I was in danger." He answered.

"So in a sense they care for you as well." I ventured. Saki considered this and replied. "Maybe. I'm just the host. Think of it as a symbiotic relationship. I give them a body and a mind that is strong enough to use them. They give me control and do their best to keep me alive."

I nodded at his words. "Sounds logical enough." He smiled gently. "If I had a nickle for every time I heard that word I'd be rich." I chuckled at his attempt at humor and he luaghed with me. Soon we passed over the barrier between the pack lands and the unkown.

"Let's stay close enough to save your mom but far enough away to avoid trouble." Saki suggested and I agreed. We found a cave to stay in.