How To Begin Your Summer

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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How To Begin Your Summer

By: Ace Wolf and DgKis

Rainer, Iggy, and Eddy belongs to DgKis

Olivia and Malik belongs to Ace Wolf

Warning: This story contains sexual intercourse between two underage males. If you're not 18 or if this is not your kind of stuff, then please exit out of this page and don't turn back, but for the ones who are illegible of reading it please enjoy and comment.


I lay here, happy, warm, secured. The happiness came from knowing someone I loved was behind me, the warmth was from a set of strong, muscular arms grasping me and pulling me closer, and the security was just something in my head. As I lay here in total bliss, I could feel the warm paws exploring my body. Every now and then I would slightly jump out of pain because the paw would accidently touch a bruise or a slowly healing cut.

We lay here for what seems like days, cuddled up in this bed. The feeling was so right, I've never experienced anything like what I'd experienced the previous night. Joy ran through my body like the blood that pumped through my veins as I thought about what I've, no he'd done, but in the midst of that joy I could feel pain. This pain wasn't physical pain, but mental pain.

I never liked thinking about my problems or replaying my past in my head but I had to, to find out how my life went from perfect, to atrocious, and back perfect in a matter of days.

I closed my eyes and felt my memories slither back up to the surface like a snake.


It all started last Wednesday. School was about to let out for the summer so the school was in an uproar, trying to get all of there test done and spend the little time they had left with their friends. While everyone was in a state of pandemonium, I was sitting in the back of my History class listening to my iPod. See I'm not that social but everyone knows me well.

My name is Rainer. I'm a 15 year old rat standing at 5'5. My fur is silky smooth due to the fact that my mom is a hair stylist so she likes to test her new products on me. I have a great body build, playing football, baseball, and soccer can put some muscle on you.

I didn't like playing sports, but it was the only way I could be close to my best friend, Eddy. Eddy was a tiger with a great personality, everyone wanted to be friends with him but for some odd reason, he liked hanging out with me. He was a few inches taller than me and had a way better muscle build than I did, but that was normal considering his specie.

The bell rang. I looked up to find everyone was already gone. I stood up, grabbed my backpack and walked out of the class room. As soon as I exited the class room, I was greeted by a punch on the arm.

"Hiya partner." Someone said in a southern accent.

I turned around to find none other than Eddy. He always greeted me like this, and even thought it hurt I liked it.

"Ouch. That hurt." I said rubbing my arm.

"Don't be such a cry cub."

I swung my paw and returned a playful punch on his arm. He placed an arm around my neck.

"Ready for the summer, bud?"

"Of course I am." I replied. I turned my head toward him to show my excitement, and as I did, I accidently turned so that both of our noses were touching each others. For a couple of seconds we just stood there in a daze. I gazed into his eyes, his beautiful light blue eyes. His arm retreated from around my neck. He turned his head and I could have swore I saw him blush.

"I-I am so sorry, Eddy." I said in a pleading voice.

Eddy turned his head back in my direction, with his head down. "Its ok man." He looked up and faintly smiled.

The bell rung again signaling it was time for our next class to start.

"O-ok....I'll talk to you later I guess." He nodded and we went our seperate way. As I was walking to my next class I couldn't help but feel confused. What just happened was crazy. Why couldn't I stop staring at him, and why did it take so long for us to pull apart. Questions filled my head, but I had to hurry up and get rid of them because I had a exam next block.


I finished my exam really fast and turned it in. I wasn't the smartest guy at school, but this was my favorite class, psychology. I had always had a knack for helping people out and when I found out about this class, I jumped on the opportunity to better myself.

The class went by so slow. After I turned in my test I didn't have much to do, so I decided to listen to some music. I put my headphones in my ear and let my mind wonder.

Thoughts of what happen earlier with Eddy snuck up on me. Deep into my reverie about the past event, I began to blush. Never had I blushed at the thought of another male but for some odd reason, thinking of Eddy made me. I kept making excuses like, it's probably me just being excited about the summer or he was like a brother to me so I showed him more affection.

I looked up at the clock, it read 3:36, only leaving me four more minutes in this prison. I turned off my iPod, took the headphones out of my ears, and placed it in my pocket.

The last four minutes were worse than the hour and twenty-six minutes I was actually in class. It made me so mad because the time was taking its time. I was so ready to get out, that my tail wagged. It was a mystery on why I was so excited. Today was just like any other day, why would I be so excited to get out today.

Looking back up at the clock, I followed the second hand.

Ten seconds left.

‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1'


Quickly throwing my back pack over my head and onto my back, I was the first one out. I ran down the hall and out the school to be greeted with yet another punch on the arm.

"Aw! When are you going to stop doing that.

He smiled.

"When you stop being a cry cub?"

I rubbed my arm. A bruise was beginning to form but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"I'm not being a cry cub."

I stuck my tongue out at him and we both laughed. Our laughter died down.

I never understood why I was so happy, all I had to look forward to was going home after school. Going home was something I hated doing. My mom was always busy at her hairs salon, and my dad was the athletic director at a college called Burning Bridge Universtity. They were never home so I would have to spend countless hours with my older brother, Malik.

Malik is my older brother, he is 5 years older than I am. He stayed with our parents, because he didn't believe in furthering his education. My mom and dad wasn't mad at him for the simple fact that he was a dumb kid. He never showed any interest in any subjects at school so he took on a job at a local burger joint; he became manager and now he's doing quite well for himself.

Me and my bro don't get along very well. He thinks just because I'm smaller than he is, he can pick on me.

As we stopped laughing, I started thinking about what I was going for the rest of the day. I thought about it for a couple of seconds and then the perfect idea hit me. I looked up at Eddy.

"Umm. Can I come over your house? I don't want to spend the rest of my day with my jerk of a brother."

Eddy looked down as if he was giving a lot of thought about his answer.

"I don't think that would be a good idea." He said with some hesitant in his voice.

"Why not?"

He looked up at me.

"Because, my family and I are....felines, we prey know..."

I knew exaclty what he was trying to say. His specie and mine were not the two best to be left alone in a room together, but somehow, we made it work out in our friendship.

"I-I understand."

"I'm really sorry, but my parents don't know that I hang with you." Eddy faced the ground again.

I walked over and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"It's ok. If it makes you feel any better I haven't told my parents I hang out with you either."

Eddy looked up and gave me a light smile, I could tell something was still bothering him. I removed my paw from his shoulder and stepped back.

"I guess I'll just go home. I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

I turned around and began to walk away. After taking a couple of steps, I was stopped by a paw on my shoulder. I looked back to see my friend standing behind me.

"I didn't say I didn't want to hang with ya."

Eddy smiled and this time it was real.

I turned completely around to face him.

"Cool, what did you have in mind?"

"Maybe we could go to the mall or something?" He suggested.

"Naw, that's to girly."

Eddy blushed beet red.

"Well....what do you wanna do?"

I looked at him with confusion written on my face. Why the heck was he blushing.

"How about the arcade?" I replied.

His blush subsided.

"Sounds good."

"Cool, let me call my mom and tell her I'm going." I said.

"Yea, I should do the same."

We both called our moms. After we finished, we headed to the arcade. The only arcade in town was a couple of miles from the school.

I lived in a medium sized town called Oak Belt. It was a decent sized town, with a mall, Wal-Mart, and a couple of restaurants. There wasn't a lot of furs here, we had about twenty thousand furs in Oak Belt. Everything was packed together, driving wasn't necessary. Over all, the town was pretty safe and quiet, not never having a murder or homicide in its history of existence.

Our walk to the arcade was short and quiet. One of us would try to make a conversation, but it would end briefly with a simple yes or no.

We arrived at the arcade and started playing a variety of games. I had ten dollars worth of quarters, and I wasn't leaving until they were

well spent.

While I was playing House of The Dead, Eddy appeared beside me.

Jumping up and down, "Rainer! Hurry! This new have to try it out."

I looked at Eddy who had a big happy smile planted on his face. I turned back and continued shooting zombies.

"I-I can't, I just started this and I have one life left." I said in a low voice.

"That can wait." With those words, he grabbed my paw and dragged me to his destination. I began to blush as I felt my paw locked with his.

We came to a halt and in front of us was an odd lucking game. It wasn't like the other games, where you stand up and play, it was a little cart that had a curtain and was pitch black inside. On the outside of it, it said SPACE INVADERS EVOLUTION in big bubble letters. We stood in front of the machine gawking.

I turned my head to face him, "Wow this looks amazing."

Eddy was still eye balling the contraption.

I stared at him and giggled softly. The giggling I was doing stopped when I noticed something that had just struck my attention, me and Eddy was still holding paws. Our paws were locked like we were a couple walking together or one of those romantic scenes on a beach.


He snapped out of his dumbfounded state and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

I looked at him and then down to our paws, tugging a little, but his grip was so strong my paw didn't go anywhere.

He seen me look down and he did the same. As soon as he noticed why I reacted the way I did, he let go immediately. Backing up he started to apologize.

"I'm sorry dude, I didn't even notice we were.....holding paws." He forced the last part out.

Still astonished, I looked at him. I didn't know how to feel at the moment. I wanted to be a little ticked, because friends didn't run across the arcade holding their friends paw, it just wasn't guy like, but I couldn't. Even though guys shouldn't hold guys paws, I couldn't be mad at Eddy, I knew he wasn't gay or anything, so I eased up a little.

"It's didn't notice it."

Calming down Eddy said very faintly, "Ok."

I walked closer to the game machine and looked inside. Observing the interior, it looked like a two player game. Pulling my head out I said, "It looks like a two player game, wanna kick some alien but." I turned to face him and smiled.

Excited again, he nodded and jumped inside before me.

I put my paw in my pocket and looked at how much it would cost for us to play. The sticker above the coin slot read, "$2.00 a fur."

‘Wow' I thought. This must be a really good game to have such a high price to play once. I pulled out the change in my pocket and started putting in four dollars worth of quarters into the machine. I decided to go ahead and pay for Eddy's part.

I finished putting the money in the machine and hopped inside.

The screen was all black. Nothing happened. I started to worry, hopping the machine didn't take four dollars from me. Suddenly a red button in the middle of me and Eddy started to flash dark red with the word START inside it. We both looked at it for a second. He reach his paw out and tapped the button with a firm push. The screen that was once black, was now glowing with a bright blue color. The words SPACE INVADERS EVOLUTION appeared on it. Under the title, it said, "Put on the headphones to the left and press ok. We obeyed.

After we position the headphones so they were comfortable, we pressed the OK button that was flashing a blue light. The title screen disappeared and a new screen appeared with a lot words this time. A voice started to speak in the headphones and the words slowly started moving down giving us enough time to read them.

"You have just landed on Planet 7, the planet with the most vicious creatures in the galaxy. They know you have crash landed on their planet and are after you. You will have one weapon and one weapon only. You have trained for things like this your whole life and now it's time to put that training to the ultimate test. Your life is at stake! Make it to the creatures base and send a signal out to your allies. Good Luck."

The voice faded away. A movie scene came on the screen, showing five furs limping out of a crashed space ship. As they were coming out of the ship, something came out of nowhere and attacked them. It happened so fast, the five limping furs didn't have time to draw their weapons.

Me and Eddy jumped back and are paws accidently placed themselves together, we both withdrew our paws and turned away blushing.

The whole screen went black once again and they returned their attention back to the amazing cut-scene. Now the camera was looking out of the eyes of one of the furs that walked off of the ship. The fur opened his eyes a little, revealing one of his crew members getting dragged away. He blinked a couple of times making the screen go black for brief milliseconds. The screen slowly went black again as he slowly closed his eyes.

"Wake up," A voice was whispering through the headphones, "Wake up." The screen came back to show off a deserted area. The voice came from one of the other crew members. "We have to get out of here." He lifted the guy up, "Take this." He said handing him a strange looking gun.

The screen split into two, giving me one half and Eddy the other. A text ran across the screen reading, "Draw Your Weapon!" We obeyed our order and picked up our plastic guns that were in front of us. I picked up a red gun and Eddy picked up a blue one.

The game started and we began shooting aliens. To my surprise, the game was really good and had some very good graphics to be an arcade game. It felt like I was in a movie. Big booms, and aliens jumping out at us, made us jump a few times and I noticed that the space between us was closing.

We played for a really long time, not even paying attention to the time. The game was the best game I've ever played and it was well worth the four dollars I paid to play. I looked over at Eddy and found he was enjoying the game just as much as I was.

"We only have one life left." He said smiling.

I turned my attention back to the game.

"Watch out!" An alien ran up to Eddy screen, I shot him just in time. We couldn't afford to lose one another.

Eddy lowered his gun and sighed.

"Thanks man."

"No problem." I quickly responded.

Shooting a couple of more aliens we reach the end of the level. Our current level was level 76, each level lasting five to ten minutes.

Eddy lied back and gave a long, deep sigh.

"Wow, I can't believe we made it this far."

Finally lowering my plastic gun I agreed, "Yea."

A cut scene came up and we watched it. The space explorers finally made it to the enemy base, with our help. The base was huge, I knew getting to the other side would probably take us a few hours, that is if we could survive with just one life left. The cut scene ended and the game started once again.

We raised our plastic guns ready for our aliens foes to come out. All of a sudden, the screen went black. We waited for a minute or two to see if it was going to come back on, but nothing happened.

"Kids, we're closing." A voice could be heard from outside SPACE INVADERS EVOLUTION game.

I took out my phone to see find out it was eleven thirty(11:30 pm).


I jumped out of the game and Eddy quickly followed.

"What's wrong?"

"It's eleven thirty(11:30 pm)! Man my mom is going to kill me, I have to head home."

I turned around to leave but Eddy stopped me.

"Y-you want me to walk you home?"

At first I was nervous but now I was curious, why would he want to walk me home, if he walked me home he would be in more trouble than I was going to be in.

"Don't you think you should be headed home too? I don't want you to get into trouble or anything."

"Naw, I'm fine. I can walk you home." He said smiling.

"Umm ok."

Grabbing our back packs, we headed out. Like I said before, the town is really small so my house wasn't far from the arcade. The walk to my house wasn't really different from the walk to the arcade, neither of us brought up a decent conversation that would last. Every now and then I would turn to see him look at me and turn back. I felt strange walking with my friend now, something was different about him.

We finally arrived at my house.

"Thank you for walking me home...I really appreciate you doing that for me."

I turned around to face my house. It wasn't a really big home, having a decent sized yard, that I kept really good care of. The inside had three bedrooms and two baths, a kitchen, of course, a den, and an office. The office was my dads, he usually brought a lot of work home with him.

I turned back around because I didn't hear a reply from my friend. I looked at him. Now I knew something was bothering him, because he just stared at the ground, motionless.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

He sniffled and looked up. Tears were forming in his eyes.

I walked over to him and placed both of my paws on each of his shoulders.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? You've been acting so weird lately."

Tears started to stream down his face now. I stood here in utter confusion. It just didn't make sense. We were just sitting in a game together enjoying ourselves, laughing and joking around, now he was crying.

I didn't know what to do. Even though I liked helping people with their problems, this time it was different, this time it was my friend, the same friend who loves to joke around and play funny pranks on people, the same person who I've never seen upset, angry, hurt or anything was now right in front of me crying his eyes out.

The next thing I did shocked me, I leaned in and wrapped my arms around my friend. I wasn't intending on hugging my friend, especially after the weird things that had happen between us today, but it was the only way I knew that had a chance of making him feel better.

His arms wrapped around me, squeezing me like a snake squeezes their prey before they devour it. This was weird, really weird. I shouldn't have hugged my friend, it was a mistake. Males shouldn't hug males, it just wasn't right and here I am with my best friend wrapped in the middle of my arms.


My ears twitched. No one ever called me Rain except my mom. That was one of my pet peeves, to be called Rain but it didn't matter this time, I could endure being called that once.

I raised my head up a little to look him in his face. Staring at his face he motioned in and kissed me strait on the lips. His tongue slipped in my mouth.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sweet taste of my friends tongue in my mouth. The wet, slimy, worm like muscle explored my mouth, while my tongue stayed down not wanting to interrupt my mouths invader. I murred and moaned, this feeling was new, I've never kissed anyone in my life.

Eddy's tongue retracted back into his mouth and he slowly pulled away from our kiss, leaving a string of saliva connecting our muzzles.

I was in total bliss. I kept my eyes closed feeling the happiness, flow through my body.

Feeling his warm paws slid up and down my arms, I slowly opened my eyes. He was looking me strait in my eyes.

I gazed back into his beautiful light blue eyes.

A smile stretched from one end of his face to the other.

"D-did you like it?"

I thought about his question for a second, then it hit me, what I just did was not acceptable. Pushing away from him I walked toward my house, shaking my head and tears filling up in my eyes. How could I enjoy such a horrible thing.

I was two feet away from the door when he jumped in front of me blocking my entrance into my house.

"Rain? I'm sorry if I came on to hard, I really am but it seemed like......"

I looked at him strait in the eye, with tears in my eyes but my face had a serious expression on it.

"It seemed like what? Like I liked your kiss? That I'm......GAY!" I said in a very loud tone.

Tears started to form in Eddy's eyes as well.

"No! It seemed like you felt the same about me as I felt about you!"

I pushed him aside to enter get inside, this was getting way out of hand.

He grabbed my arm.

"'re telling me that you....didn't feel anything from that?" He said in a very soft and pleading voice.

Turning back to him, "Hell no, I didn't feel a god damn thing."

He released my arm and I went inside leaving him outside alone. I ran to my room and locked the door, and threw myself onto my bed, and begin to cry. These tears wasn't tears of pain or sorrow, it was tears of confusion. That was my first kiss, the first kiss I'll never get back and I had to share it with a guy. It wasn't like I hated the kiss, hell, I freakin enjoyed having the tigers lips pressed against mines, but it was wrong. My whole life people around me told me that being gay was bad and that you shouldn't become gay or choose that life style. No one in my family was homosexual and I wasn't going to be the one to break that family tradition.

Even though I wasn't gay, I really enjoyed that kiss, it was no way around that fact. I just couldn't get it out of my mind. ‘Would a strait guy enjoy kissing another male?' I asked myself over and over again.

::Knock, Knock::

Someone was at my door. I quickly grabbed my sheets that were on my bed and wiped away my tears and mucus I had on my face.

::Knock, Knock::

"One second."

I finished cleaning myself. "You can come in now." I said.

My mom walked in. My mom name was Tonya, our family didn't have a last name, and she was in her late 20's. She was a very cute Rat. She always kept her fur just as smooth and nice as mine. She was the same height as me, but her ears were a little longer than my owns.

She took one look at my face and asked, "Have you been crying."

I quickly turned my head in another direction.

My mom came closer and sat on my bed next to me. She gently start to rub my head fur.

"What's wrong, hun? Something happen at school?"

I turned and looked at her. ‘Was it necessary for me to tell her what happened?' I had only a few seconds to come up with a solution, and I just decided not to. I didn't have time for her to question me, not in the condition I was in.

"I'm fine, mom...really I'm ok."

She examined my body and then looked back at my face.

"So why were you crying?"

Now what was I going to say? I was always good at making up a good lie and getting out of stuff, I learned a think a two from Eddy in the past. As I thought about him the kiss scene reappeared in my head, I quickly brushed that thought away, now was not the time to think about it.

"It's nothing."

"Sure, sure."

I knew she knew I was lying, she always could tell when I was.

"Mom, hehe I'm fine." I said wearing a fake smile on my face.

She nodded.

"Well did you have fun with Eddy?"

I looked at her. ‘Did she see?' I started trembling.

"What do y-you mean?"

My head was spinning and I was scared as fuck.

"Did you and your friend have fun at the arcade?" She asked.

"Oh....yea we had a good time."

I was at ease now, I guess I was just still in a shocked state from earlier.

She stood up and patted my head fur once again before saying, "Good." She walked over to the door, opened it, and stopped. "Oh're grounded."

Looking up appalled I asked, "For what?"

"Coming home so late."

"I can explain."

She put a finger over her maw.

"Shhh. I'll hear your excuse tomorrow." Smiling, she turned off the light and shut my door.

Now I was left here in complete darkness to think. Standing up, I started to take everything out of my pocket and began to undress myself. I stripped down to my boxers and went back to my bed to lie down.

Today turned into yesterday and I was still wide awake. I had to get some sleep, but all I could think about was what happen, the kiss. Flashes of the kiss flickered in my head. I sighed and turned to lay on my side. My ears rested over my eyes and I drifted off into a deep slumber.


Waking up, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I opened my eyes to find my vision was blurry. My pupils slowly adjusted, after they did, I could see I wasn't in my room, I've never seen this place in my life or have I? I looked around to see if I was alone and sure enough I was. The room that I was currently in, was very well decorated. It had a little couch in a corner, a table to the left of the bed, a decent sized T.V that was placed on a stand, two very low to the ground chairs, and a desk with funny objects on them. The walls were painted a dark purple with exotic posters hung on the wall.

I rose from the bed and stretched.

"Where the hell am I?"

As soon as I said that, a door opened and someone came in. I turned around to see who it was.


The strangers room was, Eddy's. I looked at him and blushed because he was, I couldn't believe it, naked. I quickly turned my head to try to hide my blush.

"Why are you naked?"

"Cause it's my house....and you're naked too."

I glanced down and found my body exposed to the world. I quickly placed a paw over my sheath.

"You sick stripped me!"

Eddy slowly walked toward me, making it easier for me to see his perfectly built body. When he finally reach me, he placed a paw on the back of my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

I tried to resist, I tried to push back, but it was no use, my body wasn't putting in enough strength to force him back. I felt his tongue try and make its way into my mouth, but I fought it out. I didn't want this, I wanted to get the heck out of here as fast as I could, but my body wasn't responding to my commands, it seemed like it wanted to have this vile stuff done to it. His tongue kept trying to gain entrance into my mouth, and finally I decided to give up and let him in.

He wrapped his arms around me and I melted into his hug. I felt myself being lifted off of my feet and gently placed in the bed. Our kiss remained unbroken.

Finally he pulled back just like he did after he dropped me off at home earlier. We gazed into each other eyes, our stares were so heavy, it was weighing both us down.

He gently rubbed his paws down my side. His paw exploring ended when it reach my leg, he gently prompted one of my legs up and with the other paw he grasped my balls.

I jumped as wave a frisson rushed through my body.

He started moving his head down my body kissing it every so often, sending a rush of pleasure through my body. The kisses continued for about a minute until he reach his prize. Still holding my balls, he gave them a few jerks before licking my sheath and sending more waves of pleasure through me.

I started to moan and murr, him licking and tugging on my sheath and balls, felt amazing. I felt a tingling sensation coming from my sheath, I looked down to see what it was and found my member slowly peeking out.

"T-this is wro.......AWWW this feels amazing."

I looked down and found he was now sucking on my, half out of its sheath, member.

Eddy pulled off.

It sent a shiver through my body as I felt the cold air hit my erect and lubricated member. Eddy stood up and walked toward the dresser with the odd shaped objects and grabbed something off of it. He walked back with a quick pace and knelled down to for he could be face to face with my ass.

"What are you doing" I asked.

"Just relax." He replied calmly.

I heard a popping noise and soon after, a could hear something that sounded like a liquid being squeezed into a paw or something. Suddenly, I felt something cold being rubbed around my anal ring and shortly after, something was being pushed inside of me. I moaned out of pain and pleasure, but mostly pain. I sat back and let him play with me, leaking pre like a faucet in an old apartment complex.

His fingers retreated and he stood back up, making his face viewable again.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

He inched closer to me, poking my anal ring with his member.

Now I was scared, I didn't expect this to happen so early. I shook my head no.

"Come on, Rain, you'll be fine."

"No! I don't want to do that. I'm not ready." I pleaded with him.

I felt his member press against my entrance again and I shrunk back in fear.




I jumped up throwing my covers off of me.

"NO!" I yelled so loud that the whole house could have heard me.

Breathing heavily I asked myself, "Was that a dream?"

My door swung open revealing my mom with a worried look implanted on her face.

"Are you.....Oh my God!"

She placed a paw over here mouth, snickering. Her focus was on one spot. I looked down to see I was rock hard. My member stood strait up and was out of my boxers. I grabbed the covers from the floor and wrapped it around my body and blushed.

"Get out!" I yelled.

She continued to snicker and left the room closing the door behind her.

I was so embarrassed, how could I look my mother in the face now without her laughing. My length wasn't the reason why I was embarrassed, I was pretty happy with my six in a half inch member, it was the fact that she saw this and she usually don't let stuff like this go.

Looking at the clock on my nightstand, I threw the covers off of me again, but this time my member was safely inside its sheath. I had to get ready for school.

I grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. When I arrived, I kicked my boxers off and quickly turned on the shower. The shower didn't take long, simply because I was in a hurry.

After I put my clothes on, I rushed out of my room. I was stopped in the hall by Malik, blocking my path. I tried to find a way around him but he wasn't making any open passage ways for me.

"What do you, I'm late for school."

He looked down at me with a really concerned but angry look on his.

"Hold your horses, I just have a question for you."


"Do you have"

Confusion struck me once again. He has never been interested in my social life, why would he be now?


He sighed and cleared the path for me.

"No reason." He let out another sigh but this time it was longer.

"'re weird." I said as I ran past him and out the door.

The school wasn't far from my house but I still ran. I had a lot of stamina so I ran the whole way there without stopping to rest, not once. The whole trip there, I was thinking about my dream and the kiss from yesterday. Everything felt so right, I had never had a dream about a girl that way. I needed to talk to him. We had to go over our so called friendship because I was confused. I decided that we would talk when I got to first block.

Me and Eddy had first block, Geometry, third block, U.S History, and fourth block, Football/Weight Lifting.

When I arrived at school, I rushed to my first block class and bust in the door. The whole class had a confused look on their faces.

Breathing heavily.

"Am I........late?"

My teacher, a slim otter with small lens glasses, and a very nice dress suit that looked like he was going to a funeral or any other big event, looked over to see me bent over panting.

"Yes you are, Rainer. You've been doing this all year, can't you come to school on time for your last week."

I stood up strait, having regained my breath.


"Take your seat."

I nodded and found my seat. When I sat down, I immediately started to search for Eddy. I looked at his usual desk, but he wasn't there. ‘AWWWW! CRAP!' I thought.

I pulled out my cell phone. I had to find out why he wasn't in class.

As I was beginning to type a message, the door flung open and there he was. He walked into the room. I looked him over, he looked a wreck. His eyes were blood shot red, his fur was messed up as if he didn't care to brush it, the back pack hugging his back was open and paper was falling out.

He walked into the room slowly and made his way to his desk. He sat down and glanced at me.

My heart skipped a beat. His desk was only two desk across from mine so we were in talking range.

"Are you ok?"

He glared at me.

"Do I look ok?" He whispered.

"No, you look like hell."

"Shut up." He hissed

The teacher stopped teaching and turned to face the class.

"No talking!"

He turned back to face the board and continued his lecture.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night......It caught me off guard."

He stared at me with hate in his eyes.

"Anyway, how was I suppose to know my best friend was....."

"WAS WHAT!!!???"

He stood up, knocking the desk over.

"You didn't know that I was homosexual, gay, a fag!!??."

The whole class turned their attention to him.

I looked down because I couldn't make eye contact with him.


"Well I am!" He picked up his backpack and headed for the door. He stopped in the door way and turned around. "I came out to the one person I loved, I thought he was going to be there for me, I wanted him to be here for me, especially now."

With that, he left the room.

I sat there looking dumb, confused and hurt. Never did I think he loved me, and now I wondered if I loved him back. I wanted to run out the door to catch up with him but my body wouldn't budge, it was like I was super glued to my desk.

The rest of the class period was extremely uncomfortable. Furs laughed, snickered, pointed at me, gossiped, anything that would make me feel horrible, they did it. On top of their bagging on me, I had to think about what I was going to do about Eddy. I needed to apologize for what I said and did, but I didn't know how.

After first block, the day went by really slow, it could have been because I was so anxious to get to 3rd block to talk to Eddy, but when I got there he was nowhere to be found. It was the same with football too, after first period he just left the school I guess.

Practice was awful. As soon as what happen in first period happened, every girl in the school was sending text messages explaining what happened. I knew this because I myself received a text message saying me and Eddy had a secret relationship going on. Before the end of our second period, the whole school knew about our little a fight this morning.

Anyway, football was awful. Everyone was acting weird in the locker room, they all thought I was going to rape them or something. When we started practice, no one would block for me, they would leave wide open gaps for me to get pulverized. I was surprised that I left practice without any broken bones.

After practice, I called my mom to pick me up because I wasn't going be able to walk all the way home after the beastly practice I just had to go through.

My mom pulled up in her red Sedan. I opened the door and threw my stuff into the back seat.

"Hey, mom."

"Hi, hun. How was your day?"

"It was fine." I lied.

"Good, good. Looks like you had a hard day of practice."

"You have no idea."

"Hehe. What do you want for diner tonight?"

She started driving.

"Umm....I don't about pizza?"

"Sounds great."

She pulled out her cell phone and called our local pizza store. Someone answered on the other end. My mom's phone volume was so loud you could hear what sounded like a girl on the other end of the conversation.

"Pizza Plaza, pick up or delivery?"


"Ok, what can I help you with today?"

"I would like...."

We stopped at a red light. She put her paw over the phone and looked over to me.

"What kind of pizza do you want?"

"Pepperoni............and cheese."

"Ok." She removed her paw from the phone. "I would like two large pepperoni pizzas and one large cheese pizza."

"Is that all?"


"Ok. What's your address?"

"237 View Point Avenue."

"Ok. Your pizza will be delivered in the next thirty to forty minutes."

My mom hung up the phone.

"Pizzas ordered."


My mom made a few stops before we made it home. I enjoyed the ride, it gave me time to think about what I was going to do. After I thought about it, I decided I couldn't handle this alone, I had to talk to someone, but who?

We pulled into the drive way and she parked. She took the key out of the ignition and opened the door.


She turned to face me.

"Yes, honey?"

My head was bowed, I decided that if I had to talk to someone or anyone, it had to be my mom. In the past she's always helped me with my problems.

"I need to talk to you about's really important."

"Ok. I'm listening."

I gave off a loud and dragged out sigh, "Mom....what would you do if you really liked someone but you didn't think it would work out?"

A smile stretched across her face. She placed a paw on my shoulder.

"If you care about this person than it will work out, me and your dad had our problems in the beginning of our relationship and it worked out. It's strictly up to the two in the relationship if they want to make it work."

I looked up at her with my eyes filled with tears.

"But what if that person.......was your friend......."

My mom wore a confused look on her face but that quickly vanished when she figured out what I was really talking about. Tears begin to fill her eyes as well, she quickly looked away to hide it.


Hearing those words hurt me so bad. It was like my soul was just ripped out of me.

"I don't know."

She turned back to look at me, revealing her tears flowing down her cheek.

"How can you not know?"

"I..just don''s really difficult to explain."


I pulled myself together and decided to attempt to explain to her what happen and how I was feeling.

"Last friend, Eddy, walked me home from the arcade."

"Who's Eddy?"

Damn! I forgot she didn't know about Eddy, I guess it was time to tell her about him.

"Eddy is my friend I've been hanging with for almost three years. He's the tiger that's on my football team."

Wide-eyed, "You've been hanging with a tiger....alone!?"

"Yes but we're really good friends, he would never hurt me in any way."

She sighed.


"Well when we got home, he started crying....I gave him a hug and he kissed me."

"He k-k-kissed you?"


"What did you do?"

"I.....kissed him back."

She looked at me baffled. Her tears continued to fall, never showing any sign of relief.

"You liked it?"


We sat there in silence. The car started to heat up from all of the tension, making me break into a sweat. Seconds after second, minute after minute I waited for my mom to reply, but she wouldn't. I was getting nervous now, maybe telling her wasn't a good idea.

I decided to break the silence.

"If I choose to be gay, would you still love me?"

She lifted both of her paws, placed them on her face and wiped the tears off.

"Yes I will love you, but is it really what you want?"

I thought about it for a few seconds and answered, "Yes. To tell you the truth, I think I've been in love with him ever since we met."

"How is that so?"

"He's always on my mind, I love hanging with him, and when we are apart during the weekends or holidays I feel really alone. Mom, when I'm with him I feel complete."

She sighed. "You care about him that much, huh?"

Nodding I asked, "Are you sure you're ok with this?"

She placed her paw on my shoulders once again.

"Look, it's going to take some time getting use to. You have to understand, you haven't gave off any signs and me and your dad expected you to go off, get married and have children, to find out you're in love with a guy let alone a tiger is a very hard thing to take in all at once."

I understood where she was coming from. She was right, it would take sometime to get use to, even for me. I lunged myself at her and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Thank you....thank just don't know how happy I am right now."

The tears returned and streamed down my face. My mom slowly raised her paw, gently patting me on the head. Comfort rushed through my body. All day I've had to deal with hurt, confusion, but now I was being comforted by my mom.

She kissed the top of my head, "You are welcome."

I looked up to meet her gaze. Something else was bothering me.

"A-are you going to tell dad?"

"I'm not going to tell him....but you are."

"I will..........but I have something else I have to do before I tell him."

"And what is that?"

Long pause

"I have to apologize to Eddy."

"For what?"

I looked down.

"You know....when he kissed me.....I pushed him away...." The tears continued to fall from my eyes. "....I told him I wasn't interested and today at school...." I paused. ".....he looked like he's been crying all night and......he......told me he loved me and he left."

She rubbed my back to make me feel better, it worked a little but my tears never stopped.

"Well you should definitely talk to him...tomorrow. You should get some rest tonight, you seem like you need it."

We sat there, her holding me letting me cry my problems away. After a couple of minutes the pizza delivery man came. Drying my face off and exited the car.

My mom paid for the pizza and we went inside to enjoy a nice meal together. We watched T.V as we ate, not speaking of what we talked about earlier because my brother was there with us.

Something was very different about him. Usually when we ate, he would act goofy, burping out loud, sticking stuff up his nose and mine, but at the moment, he just sat quietly.

We ate and watched our favorite show, House M.D, talked a bit and then I decided to go upstairs to go to bed.

I did the usual, took a shower, made sure my fur was strait, brushed my teeth. After all of that was done, I walked back to my room and lied down in my bed. Now it was time to think about my problems. I needed to find a way to tell Eddy that I felt the same way as he did.


‘Tomorrow I'll tell him. If he's at school that is."

Coming up with that, I feel into a deep slumber.


I woke up the next morning excited. I was excited for two reasons, the first being that it was the last day of school, the second was that I was going to confess my love to Eddy. I jumped out of my bed, stretched and headed to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for school. I skipped to the bathroom with the biggest smile planted on my face.

I finished getting ready and left the house. Today I didn't sleep in so I wasn't in a rush. Some ideas ran through my head as I was walking, ideas of how I was going to approach Eddy; I was pleased with some of them, after awhile I came up with how I was going to do it.

Today was my first time to arrive to school early. I went to my first block class and waited. The class room slowly filled with different furs, all of which pointed and laughed as they saw me sitting in class. The teacher walked into the class room and greeted us.

"Hello, students, Today is you alls last day of school, who's excited?"


The class was in a uproar. Everyone jumped up throwing paper in the air and turning around shaking hands or hugging each other.

I remained calm and confused as I looked around the class to find Eddy, but he wasn't here today. I sighed and sat back in my desk as the other students continued to talk. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned around to find a feme skunk.

The feme skunks name was Olivia. She's had a crush on me since 1st grade but I never really paid much attention to her. She was 5'2, black fur with a white stripe going from her nose, head, and down her back to the tip of her tail. She was a very cute and shy skunk but she never struck my interest and I know why now.

I looked at her.

"Hey Olivia."

She looked at me with her gorgeous light green eyes.


"What's up?"

"A-are you and Eddy really going out?" Her look was calm and sweet but also had a bit of disappointment mixed in.


A smile stretched across her face as if she was relieved.

"Not yet."

Her face dropped and I could see she was disappointed now. She turned her head to face the other way. I turned around fully to be face to face with her, I took her paw in mine and with my other one, I placed it under her chin, lifting it and turning her head to face me.

"Olivia, it's going to be alright, I've known about your little crush on me for years and I'm just not interested." Her maw dropped in shock. "I just don't feel that way about girls....I love Eddy, and if I did feel that way, you would have definitely been my first pick."

I winked at her and she smiled softly.

"You're right, I've had a crush on you for a while and I was hoping we could be together one day, I've only dreamed of that day we could.....but if he makes you happy I guess I'm happy. He's going to be one lucky fur."

I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you. I now see how much you cared about me and I hope, no I pray you find someone way better than me one day."

Olivia sat in her desk blushing beet red. It was so cute to see her reaction to the little kiss a planted on her forehead. I turned back around to face the front to find everyone in the glass staring at me.

‘Oh shit." I thought to myself. I knew what was going to happen next, the whole school, in a matter of minutes, will know about this and everyone will think I am going with her now. It wasn't a total calamity, if word got out I was with her, the school would lay off, but if it got back to Eddy it would completely ruin all chance of me getting with him, and I couldn't have that.

I placed both of my paws on the desk and pushed myself up.

"It's not what it looks like, I don't go with her. She is a really good friend and I'm lucky to have her but I'm in love with Eddy." A smile stretched across my face as I seen every fur in the rooms mouth hang open in awe. I hoped by me saying this, it would get back to him and he would come to school for we can talk.

I sat back down in my desk until the end of the period. I had only one class left, because today was an half day.

Second period we had a party. I didn't eat or enjoy myself because of all the harsh stares I was getting from everyone. I was feeling so out of place and all I wanted was for Eddy to be here to help me out. The class went by slower than usual, I simply hated getting those looks from them, they made my fur stand strait up like I had just been struck by lightning.

When the bell finally rang signaling it was time to go home for two whole months, I ran out of the class. I felt relieved to be away from all those soul piercing stares.

When I got home, my Malik was outside waiting beside his car. I walked up to him.

"Hey, bro."

"Umm..hey Rainer."

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, you wanna go get something to eat? I was just about to go get a burger."

"Sure." I said.

I hoped in his car. He drove a small Toyota Camry, he kept it really good care of it.

We made our way to the the burger joint, when we got there he parked in the parking lot. The name of the fast food restaurant was Big Burger.

He turned to me to look at me.

"I hope you don't mind if we go sit down and eat?"

"Not at all."

I didn't care, as long as I ate something. Since it was a half day, we didn't get to eat lunch and I didn't eat anything at the party so I was starving.

When we got in, we ordered. He ordered a double sloppy burger with a large fry and a large cola, I just got a small burger and a small coke, I was never the heavy eater.

After we got our food we sat down at a small table to eat. We ate and talked, he asked about school, and he brought up that girlfriend thing again. I thought about telling him about Eddy a few times, but quickly brushed that off cause I didn't know how he would react.

We finished up our food and headed back to the car.

The drive home seemed longer than it was getting to the place. I looked around and seen that it wasn't are usual route.

"Malik, where are you going."

He sighed and clutched the stirring wheel.

"Bro," He pulled the car into an ally, "I need you to answer this question for me and be real.....Rain, are you gay?"

I sat there with my eyes wide open and my ears lowered. My body started to tremble a little.

"W-w-why would you ask that?"

He punched the stirring wheel and yelled, "BECAUSE I SAW YOU KISS THAT DAMN TIGER!.....NOW TELL ME, ARE YOU GAY?"

I quickly opened the door but as soon as I was stepping out, he grabbed my arm.

"Tell me!"

I looked back at him. I was terrified because my brother wasn't the type to let this stuff just role off his shoulder. He was in a gang for three years and didn't take crap like this.

"Yes." I said softly.


"I said YES!"

To my surprise he let go of my arm.

"Get out." His voice was low.



"How am I suppose to get home?"

"I don't give a fuck how you get home, maybe you can call your little boyfriend to give you a ride."

I got out of the car scared that he might do something terrible to me if I stayed in. He closed the door behind me and quickly drove off. ‘Now what?' I thought. Something started to rattle behind me and I looked back to see what it was. A group of guys slowly came out of the shadows, being led by a snake.

The snake slithered closer to me and paused only a couple of feet away.

"I hello there, Rainer."

I looked at the snake a little closer to see that I knew this snake. His name was Iggy, one of my brothers old friends and the leader of his old gang. He was about 6 feet long and very thick, his scales were black and had gold patterns running along his snake body.

"H-hey Iggy, l-long time no see."

"Yessssss, I know. Well I'm truly sssssorry that we have to do thissssss."

"Do what?" My voice was shaky.

"Your brother assssssked me if we could handle a problem for him, like I ssssssaid, I'm truly ssssssorry. I wassss hoping you would join us one day and I hope thissssss doesssssn't change that."

They started moving closer and closer, I turned around to try to make an escape to the exit but more was coming form that way as well. I felt something hit me from behind and I fell to the ground. Everything was getting blurry now, I guess it was because of the blow to the head. Now I could feel a barrage of hits. They were hitting me with whatever they could get their paws on. The beating continued for about ten minutes. I started to black out. Nothing was visible anymore, and I was just in a cloud of darkness.


A light was beaming in my face, making me sit up and stretch. As I was stretching I jerked a little bit from a horrible pain coming from all over my body. Looking around, I noticed it wasn't my room. I stood up to see if I could walk, but that failed, as soon as I tried to stand, I fell back onto the bed. The door opened to reveal, can you guess who, Eddy.

He walked over to the bed with some stuff in his paws.

"I see you're up. I hope you're feeling better."

I sat up and blushed as I seen the perfectly toned torso of the tiger in front of me. He was wearing some black pants, no shirt and he had something new I've yet to see, an ear ring in both of his ears. I never liked people having ear rings but he looked cute with his.

"I'm ok, but a little sore."

"Good, I guess." He turned away to avoid eye contact.

I placed a paw on his shoulder and pulled him closer to me. We were face to face now.

"Eddy," We gaze into each other eyes, "I'm sorry...I didn't know what I wanted but now I do." There was a brief pause. "I love you, Eddy, I love you so much." With that I pulled our muzzles together for a deep and passionate kiss. I laid back and he hovered over me pressing his warm body against mine.

I pushed him a little breaking the kiss. I had something on my mind and it had to be known. Breathing heavily, I asked, "How did you find me and bring me back here?"

Eddy looked at me and stroked my head fur gently.

"Well, I was coming back from the arcade, that's where I spent yesterday and today at. Anyway, I was walking home from the arcade and I passed an ally, I seen a lot of furs beating something up so I yelled and they all scattered. I seen you on the ground so I rushed over to help. They beat you pretty bad. I wanted to go after those bastards but I couldn't leave you needed medical attention and fast."

When he said that I wondered why he didn't just take me to an hospital but I was happy he didn't.

"Thank you."

I had one more question that I needed to ask.

"Umm....where are your parents?"

"They're gone." He looked down.

"Gone where?"


"I'm so sorry." I hugged him.

"It's ok, they died when I was younger and I've been staying with my aunt and uncle since then. I'm sorry I never told you about it, it just that....i don't like talking about it."

"It's ok." I said pulling him into another kiss.

This time our kiss had more passion, I don't know if it was because I was I wanted to show my gratitude, or if he was happy to have shared his most tragic memories with his love, either one I was happy with. My paws examined every aspect of his body except for his crotch and being the curious fur I am I had to examine that to. My paw slid in his pants and grabbed his sheath making him murrr into the kiss.

He brushed my paw away and leaned up a little to take off his pants. He slid them off, revealing a tent in his boxers.

I started to take mines off as well, but he pushed my paw away again and started to work on my pants as we continued to kiss. I laid there back and enjoyed myself while I let him cater to me. After he finished with my pants he slid my briefs off, shortly he finished pulling his clothes off.

I guess I was curious to see what he was working with so I quickly peeked at his member, but all I could see was a pink tip. I moved my paw towards his member and grabbed it. He let out yip but still we continued to kiss. I was shocked, he was way bigger than me, I could tell just from me rubbing on it. Breaking the kiss I looked down to see his cock. It was about 8 inches long and was so much thicker than mine, I should have known he was working with a large package, he is a tiger.

He giggled at my reaction to seeing his junk.

"Wanna taste it?"

I nodded. He withdrew his body from over me and laid back, waving his paw signaling he wanted me to come to him. I leaned up, twitching from the surges of pain running through my body but I didn't care much about it. I crawled up between his leg and grabbed his member and stuck it in my maw. Being my first time and all, I stuck the whole thing in my mouth. I didn't gag or anything, I took the whole thing like I've been doing it for years.

"GOD, this your first time....awwww."

I lightly smiled as I kept sucking and twirling my tongue around his member. The taste was better than anything I've ever tasted, I gulped down buckets of pre. I felt him place a paw on the back of my head to push me down further, I hit the base a few times and gained a few moans from him.

The more he moaned, the harder I got with it. I bobbed my head up and down, teasing his tip everytime I went up gaining louder moans. I giggled to myself. I noticed I wasn't using my paws so I decided to give them each a job, I placed my right paw on the bottom of his member and my left played with his balls. I massage his giant orbs and gave them a few jerks. He pulled my head up.

"Enough of that, I wanna try something else. Get on all fours." He said with a dominate voice.

I obeyed his orders and assumed the position I was instructed to get in. He got on his knees, placed his paws on my hips and pressed his member to my anal ring. I jumped from the warmth of the tubular object poking my virgin tail hole.

"Are you ready for this?"

I nodded.

"Ok, it might hurt at first but I promise the pain will be replaced with pleasure after a while."

I nodded again. He slowly pushed in, I bit my lip to try to endure the pain. It would have been a lot worst if his member wasn't lubricated, I was just glad it was.

"Are you ok?"


When I said that, he shoved it all the way in at once with one thrust. I yelled out from the pain coming from my ass. It felt like I had been ripped in half. He pulled out a little and pushed back in several times making me cry out in pain.

"My God you're tight!" He roared.

He kept thrusting in and out banging my prostate with each push. I wanted to cry out and tell him to stop, I wanted for it to just end but after a few more thrust, the pain vanished. After that happened, him banging my prostate, felt extremely good. I sat there motionless as I let him do all of the work.

Each thrust, a moan slipped out, one being louder than the other. He leaned down over me and grabbed my member into his paw and started to massage it, making it more enjoyable for me.

I couldn't take my prostate being jammed and me being pawed off, my climax crept up on me faster than I expected. Feeling my member throb in his paws, "Eddy....Im...Im...about to....." I released my seed all over the bed spread that was under me, with a couple of burst of my climax, his bed was covered in ropes of my cum. My arms gave out and I slumped on the bed still postion for him to keep fucking me.

I looked up and seen a clock on the night stand beside his bed. It read (11:59). Behind me Eddy was still going at it. Bitting his lips and panting as he pushed his very large member in and out of me.

Ten or so seconds went by, "I'm about...ta...." He couldn't finish his sentence either as he released his seed inside of me filling me with his warm cum. He collapsed on top of me, he pushed himself to the side of me with his member still stuck in my ass.

I looked over at the clock again and it now read (12:00). It was the first day of the summer and I wouldn't have thought of a better way to spend it.


See, that's how I got here, in this bed, with my love. This summer is going to be really interesting, now that I have a boyfriend, an idiot brother, a vicious gang after me, and still having to tell my dad. I looked back at him as he playing with me and licks his muzzle, as long as I got this hunk, I'll be just fine. We both gazed at each other and gave each other a passionate kiss.

This is a short story, meaning that it's a one time deal. I know I left some questions unanswered, but if you want me to continue with a sequel please tell me in the comment and I might consider it. If you liked it tell me how much you enjoyed it if you didn't, please tell me if it was that bad and what I should work on. Me and DgKis worked hard to develop these characters and I would love to hear your feedback. Thank you all for reading.