The hiker and the filly:Chapter 3 Friendship or more...

Story by xj9 on SoFurry

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#3 of The hiker and the filly series

It took a little while but finally chapter three is finished!.

This chapter takes a loop forwards from the previous chapter.

The Relationship of the characters looks to be developing suddenly. but that's because there is a loop forward in time.

With Thanks To Xrohne my Publisher for this story.

Like always I hope that your enjoy this new chapter, if you have some questions or advice leave a reply :)

Chapter 3 Friendship or more...

A couple of weeks have passed since Luna had her first encounter with the human, and many new developments have happened between them after that first day. Currently we find the mare grazing close by her parents' herd, where she had promised to watch her brother so that her mother could take a nap. After all her mother has to stand watch for the whole night, luckily for Luna, her brother was a small bit older now and also a lot calmer. So it was an easier task to watch him, then again it also helps that her brother was taking a nap beside her mother.

After a couple of minutes her father came by. "Stuck with foal sitting duty again?" her father asked humorously."

"Yeah but I don't mind it this time. After all, mom needed some rest after keeping watch for the whole night."

"Yes indeed," her father said while staring at her mother.

"I told her that she didn't need to stand watch tonight but she insisted that she should do it, so that I could sleep. I swear, your mother is as stubborn as a mule," Her father said with a low voice so that her mother couldn't hear.

Luna chuckled at her father's statement. "I find it cute from mom; she's just worried that you don't get enough sleep."

Her father wasn't so amused by this, as he was worried about her health. Luna ignored her father's grumpy looking. When she looks upwards towards the sun, she noticed that it would be dark in a couple of hours.

"If mom would wake up soon I could go and see Marcus. Maybe we'd have some time with each other before it gets dark." She was extremely excited to see Marcus again, as she had so much to tell him.

Her father noticed that Luna looked a bit impatient; this was a new behavior that she had developed from the last weeks, and that was not the only strange thing, he also found her much more distracted. Almost like she was in deep thought sometimes, he had talked with Kalari about his concerns. But she assured him that there was nothing to worry about, that maybe it was an indication that she was seeing someone special.

He found it difficult to believe that their daughter was meeting a stallion in secret, but she was a full grown mare, and that there would be a time when she would want to start a family of her own. He just didn't like to think about it. So long as his daughter was happy he was happy, as he always said to himself.

"If you want to go to somewhere, you can go. I'll relieve you from babysitting duty." Her father said with a chuckle.

Luna gave a wide smile after her father said that. "Thanks dad, though are you sure that you don't mind?"

"No I don't mind, after all, your brother is my responsibility, not yours, go and have fun."

"Thank dad, I'll see you tomorrow morning by sunrise." after she nuzzles her father. She galloped away to the hidden Meadows.

While her father watched her gallop away, he noticed that Kalari had woken up and stood next to him, when he tried to nuzzle her lovingly, she gave the stallion an angry glare.

"So I'm stubborn like a Mule am I?"

Storm sighed deeply, "ugh mares."

Luna galloped away to reach the hidden field, enthusiastic to see Marcus again.

When she reached the hidden field, she saw him where she always found him, taking a nap in the grass. She approached him carefully so that she wouldn't wake him from his sleep. While watching him sleep peacefully she decided to let the human be, "a little bit of sleep could be good for me as well," Luna thought to herself. The mare lay next to him to give him a little bit of extra warmth, though it was more of an excuse. After all it was high summer at this time of year and she just liked to sleep next to him, feeling his warm body next to her. When she finally rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes she started thinking about the developments that had occurred between her and Marcus.


After their first meeting, Luna became very curious about Marcus's human life. Whenever she could, she would visit him. Mostly they talked about what had happened that day, Luna always liked to talk about her family, her brother who was always annoying, or her father that would sometimes have an argument with her mother or vice versa. She would also come and see him because she was upset about some other kind of situation, whenever she was upset Marcus was there to comfort her. One time when she was crying because of a little fight she had had with her mother, he just hugged her neck to give her comfort, whispering soothing words, telling her that it was going to be alright.

She always appreciated this gesture, but sometimes she couldn't help but blush when he did this.

Marcus had also come to appreciate her company more often; in the long period that he'd traveled he had never really talked much with people or animals. Most of the animals he had tried to talk with had fled before he had a chance to talk with them. During the first two days when Luna had started to see him he sometimes didn't know what to say to her. Luna however was the one to break the ice very quickly and before he knew it they would be having a long conversation.

In the following weeks their friendship developed. Almost every day now Luna came by to visit him. When the creatures of the night began to sing there songs Marcus and Luna would settle down to sleep. Sometimes when the weather turned bad or the nights were cold Marcus would lead the mare close to his tent to give her some shelter from the elements. Luna would then sleep next by him, like how we find them now. Unbeknownst to Marcus however was the fact that the mare never had problems staying warm. She was just trying to find a good excuse to sleep close to him.

Luna was dragged away from her dream when Marcus started to wake, he first noticed the little weight on his chest, and when he started to open his eyes he found that Luna was using him as a pillow.

"Finally awake sleepy head?" Luna asked him with a giggle.

"I think so, how long were you here?" Marcus asked in a sleepy voice.

"I don't know. Does it matter?"

Marcus needed some time to process her comment but decided to just shrug it off.

When he tried to get up, he was stopped by the weight that still lay on his chest,

"do you mind to let me getting up?" He looked at her with an annoyed glance.

"Maybe, but I don't want to get up."

"Come on Luna let me up."

"What will you do if I don't?" Luna opened her eyes and gave him an innocent smile.

"You'll sleep outside tonight," Marcus gave her a devilish smile, knowing that she would now give up.

"Ugh fine, why must you be such a buzz kill?" Luna said, finally giving him some room so he could stand up.

"What's the fun in lying about all day being lazy huh?" Marcus stood up to go stand near the small fire pit to start it.

"Never mind," Luna rolled her eyes, "Why do males have difficulty understanding when you want to cuddle with them? Tonight however he wouldn't get off that easy," She thought her herself.

This wasn't the first time that Marcus and Luna had had this little discussion with each other. For more than a week Luna tries to get more intimate with him, but he had difficulties understanding her intentions. But Luna however was way too stubborn to give up because she knew that every time she got a step further. Marcus indeed didn't understand her motives sometimes, he had noticed that for the past week or so that she had become more affectionate towards him. For example when waking up in the morning he found her close by him, their faces almost touching each other. He just thought nothing serious of it. He found it increasingly difficult to tell the difference between the cuddle of an animal and the cuddle between two lovers.

What she didn't know about him was that in the past he had worked with domestic horses, afraid that she saw him as one of those men that captured brumby's. His experience with horses had taught him that the relationship between horse and human were different than the relationship he and Luna shared. Sometimes he even had difficulty admitting to himself that he found it pleasant to have Luna close by him at night. This was also the reason why he let her sleep more often close with him in his tent.

When he had the fire started Luna had started to get up and was now standing behind Marcus. He was about to ask what she was up to, when he felt her soft lips and teeth nibbling on his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" he asked, not able to help laughing at the ticklish feeling.

"I'm grooming you of course silly."

"You do realize that I don't have a coat like you do so I don't need to be groomed right?"

Luna ignored his complaining and now started to slowly nibble on his shoulder blades, hoping that Marcus would like it. He found the strange massage to be very relaxing, and almost started to roll his eyes back into his head when he was suddenly disrupted by a growling sound from his stomach. Luna noticed it and stopped the massage to look at the source of the sound.

"I guess I'm hungry" he laughed to himself; Luna however was not so amused by this.

"Didn't you have eating anything today?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"I guess I've forgotten to do that" he said giving her an innocent smile.

"Do you have anything to eat?" She now gave him a stern look.

"I have some leftover nuts that I'd found yesterday, but it's already too late to going fishing now."

"Promise me that you find some food for yourself tomorrow ok?"

"I will," was the only thing he said. But he was relieved that she let him off easy this time.

This is not the first time that he had forgotten to eat, Luna however was not so happy about this. She worried that he didn't eat enough, and she was right because for him it was not always so easy to find food. The nuts and berries that grew in these woods are low on nutritive value so it was very important that he ate enough, and Luna was not easy on him when he had forgotten to do that. Last time that he'd forgotten to do so, she was so angry that she ignored him for the whole day and didn't allow him near her. This seemed rude to do, but she really wanted him to take better care to himself.

She just was worried about his health sometimes; luckily for her he learned from this and was eating better now. This is also the reason why she was easy on him. Luna however was a little bit annoyed from the disruption of their grooming session and decided to try something else to attract his attention. Marcus however has other plans.

"I know it is a bit early but I already want to go inside my tent if you don't mind."

"O-ok," Luna said with a disappointed expression on her face.

Marcus was sitting in his tent and taking his boots off when he noticed that she hadn't followed him.

"Are you not coming?" he said while looking at her with a hopeful expression.

Luna perked her ears when she heard his invitation, "yes I am!"

Sometimes she seemed to have forgotten that he always allowed her in his tent. Of course it was impossible for Luna to fit her whole body inside the small tent. Normally she would just poke her head inside the tent; his tent had a small porch where Luna would lay down, her torso outside and her head next to the little sleeping area where Marcus laid. This allowed them to sleep close to each other and even share some body heat. Marcus had already put on his sleeping clothes, normally he only wore a pair of shorts to cover his legs and if the nights were cold a shirt along with it. This time he found it too warm for him to wear the shirt, so he was only wearing his shorts.

When Luna was finally settled inside, she saw that he was already in his sleeping sack laying comfortably, just like the last time she rested her head on his chest to enjoy her own comfy pillow. Marcus however couldn't ignore that her hot breath was tickling his naked chest. So he decided to find a conversation with her again for a distraction.

"You really are making yourself comfortable."

"Yep," she said with a giggle, "The last time that I was this comfortable was when I was a little foal sleeping close to my mother."

"Unfortunately for you I'm not you mother," he said to Luna while looking at her and slowly stroking her face.

"But you are my stallion," Luna whispered to him, he froze when he heard that last word.

"Did she really mention me as her stallion? Maybe she didn't mean it that way."

He was trying to think of a way to get of the subject; instead he tried to make a joke of it.

"Since when do I look as a stallion to you? I don't have any hoofs or a tail like other stallions."

Luna now placed her head closer to his face, whispering with a seductive voice. "The last time I saw you swimming at the lake I noticed some resemblance with other stallions."

Now her breath was tickling his lips. He now felt like he was being trapped and Luna's eyes were also staring into his, he was almost lost when he looked into those beautiful eyes.

"And you know that you're like any stallion. You have a mare by your side that loves you dearly." Luna was now thankful that her pelt kept her blushing face hidden.

Finally she had him where she wanted him if he didn't now understand her intentions she swore she would kick him. Marcus's mind was now processing everything, and concluded that he couldn't deny she was right, that he was her stallion. He comforted her when needed, gave her warmth when needed, allowed her to sleep close by him in a way that newlywed couples would do. And sometimes they would argue like an old married couple. Marcus was now sure that he and Luna where more than friends, they were lovers, and now that he confessed this to himself he felt a great weight leave his shoulders.

He now put his face close to her ears, whispering in a low and seductive voice.

"If I take this job I only have one condition, you stop trying to seduce me, you're driving me crazy and you didn't need to because I'm already yours," When he was done with his demands he gives her a human kiss on the lips.

Luna was frozen after hearing this, now he finally understood her intentions.

"FINALY!" She blurred out abruptly "I was afraid that I have to wait until my heat cycle started so that you'd notice me."

Marcus laughed hard from her sudden outburst "If that would happen it would be really awkward for us. But I am sorry for not noticing before it's just difficult for me to understand the intentions from you I guess."

Luna reached his ears to whispering something. "Believe me you'll be sorry when I show you how badly tempered I can be when I come into season," now she was slowly licking his neck, and making his face look beet red.

"You're not currently in heat are you?" he asked with a stuttering voice, this new behavior of hers starting to spook him a little.

She gave a hard laugh when she heard him stuttering like a little foal calling for his momma.

"Oh my, the look of you face is priceless," She couldn't stop laughing at him.

Finally when she stopped laughing she assured him that she wasn't in heat, and that she only was teasing him.

"I thought that we'd agreed that you would stop with the teasing?"

"I never agreed to your demands, and besides what would you do about it?" She said with an evil grin

He decided to let her win this argument as it was becoming late and he was starting to get tired.

"I think that we have enough excitement for today. What do you say we call it a night?"

"Fine by me, I was also starting to get tired," Luna decided to make herself more comfortable by laying her head back on his chest.

"Goodnight then," he said to her when he started to close his eyes.

"Goodnight" she said.

Later however, when Marcus was almost in dreamland she was thinking about how it would feel to sleep closer to him. An idea popped into her head, "maybe this old trick would work," she thought.

"Marcus, are you asleep yet?" She whispered.

"Hm? What is it?" he answered, his eyes still closed.

"I was hoping that I could come and sleep beside you." She said hoping that he would understand her meaning by that.

"Seriously?" Marcus was now giving her a strange look, "you are inside a tent with a warm coat on your body and you still feeling cold?"

Luna however was smiling a little and Marcus began to understand that she meant something else by that statement. He zipped open his sleeping back to turn it into some sort of blanket "come lie here then," he said, referring to the spot next to him.

Luna was happy to oblige of course. When she was finally lying in position. Marcus wrapped the blanket over her and placed his arm around her neck to form a sort of spooning position behind her. Luna was now of course extremely comfortable, of course the body heat that was coming from him was also nice.

"Next time you want to cuddle, just ask," He whispered to her.

"Sorry, I can't hear you I'm asleep," she whispered

"Of course you are you crazy mare," he mumbled while closing his eyes and finally going to sleep.

"I heard that," She whispered back.

After a couple of minutes the silence was soon replaced by the snoring sound of the two creatures.