Pt. 1 - Betrayed a friend

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#1 of Friends First

Hello to all the readers out there! Long time reader, i think second time writer! Don't think too harsh! Hope you enjoy it!

betrayed friend.

Written by D. Muerte

"Mmmmph..." I moaned as my eyes adjusted to the light shining in from my window. For a few minutes, I just lay there motionless sprawled out across my bed. I noticed that I kicked my blanket off in the middle of the night again. It seemed to happen often lately. As I lay there spread out revealing my young, 12 year old, grey furred, rabbit body, I rolled over to the face the opposite wall to see the sun's stream just above my door's keyhole. With a little smirk, I waited until the shadowline was just about to touch the bottom the doorknob, then counted in my head, 'three...two... one...' "BRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!" goes my alarm clock, right on time. Cheerfully, I stretched out across the bed while letting out a big yawn before sitting up. I looked at the calendar on the back of my door and smiled.

Summer break. To me it's the greatest time of the year. I get to say good riddance to all my teachers, kiss grade seven goodbye and look forward to two months of fun, beach and relaxing with my friends. Just saying it made my fur stand on end and my toes curl. Little did I know that it was going to be one crazy summer.

I let my feet dangle across the side of the bed and leaned forward to hop off but stopped just before I did. I felt this weird feeling in between my legs. I glanced down to see something like a small bulge poking up against my underwear. Sure, I've felt this before but I never actually took any notice till today. Putting my hand on it, I felt that the pressure was a weird yet interesting feeling. Getting more curious, I pulled down my underwear and stared at my penis which seemed to be popping out of my sheath. It looked about three inches long and was way bigger than when I went to bed last night. I felt like I was in a trance and couldn't look away. I just was about to touch it when...

-bang bang!- " Hurry up, Dakota!" Dad yelled pounding on the door, "Your friend is here!" then he started to open it,

"D-Don't come in!" I yelled flustered and quickly tried to pull my under wear back up. To my dismay, one of the leg openings was caught under my foot and when I stood up I tripped! I went forward into a roll and stopped on my back with my legs spread open and my undies tying my ankles together. And there I lay at my dad's feet revealing myself as he walked in and looked down at me. I turned beet red and immediately put my hands over my crotch. "D, Dad! I.. umm..."

"Hmmm." He chuckled looking down at me, "Fall out of the bed again? I should start tying you to it when you go to sleep!" he laughed. Turning back around and closing the door, he said "Dont be long. Dylan's waiting for you!" -slam!-

I just lay there frozen for a second. 'did he..?'t he....' Finally clueing in, I took a deep breath of relief. Dad wears glasses. He couldn't see the hands in front of his face without them. Just then there was a loud bang outside the room then of dad yelling out. That was proof enough that he can't even get down the stairs without hitting something.

When I looked back down there was nothing. Whatever was there before was now gone. Relieved, I pulled up my underwear, put on my favorite shirt with the SpongeRob Round pants logo on it and my blue shorts and headed downstairs. As I walked across the living room, I found Dylan in the kitchen helping himself to the last of our chocolate ice cream.

"Aww, you didn't." I moaned and started to feel the heat coming in from the kitchen's patio doors. Summer days of course brings summer heat and this was surely one of them. "Did you have to finish it off?"

Wiping the chocolate off his muzzle, he turned around smiling. "Yup. Shoulda got up earlier." He laughed and stuck the last spoonful into his mouth. Dylan's an eleven year old white tiger cub with thin stripes that run across his fur. He may be a little on the skinny side but he could you eat you out of house and home if you gave him the chance. "I thought you wanted to do something today. I was gonna go to the lake down back in the woods to cool off. Wanna come?"

"Sure! Be right back!" I ran to the bathroom to grab a towel then came back out and pushed Dylan out the door before he spyed the cinnamon rolls. "C'mon!" I yelled and hopped over the deck's rail and ran ahead of him down behind my house and into the woods.

"Wait up! It's too hot to run!" He cried after me and came sliding down the hill just past the treeline clearing. He stopped there and found me at the bottom.

"took ya long enough!" I laughed. "C'mon, you can't catch me!" I started to run quickly to the lake. We were now in the shade of the trees so the sun wasn't too heavy to slow us down. I soon heard the crackling of leaves and looked back to see Dylan on all fours catching up fast! I looked ahead and saw the lake just when I was pounced on from behind. We rolled into the clearing and started to wrestle on the grass. I pushed off him and headed for the water. He ran ahead of me stripping down in the proccess and jumped right in. I couldn't run and change at the same time cause of my large feet so I stopped at the edge and took off my shorts, shirt and before I took off my underwear, I checked to see if anything was going on down there again. It seemed fine...

"C'mon in!" Dylan yelled at me splashing. Taking a step back, I replied,

"I thought cats hated the water!"

"Not me! I love it! You coming?"

Laughing I dropped my underwear and climbed up onto the branch of the large oak that hangs over the deep half of the lake.

"Cannonball!" -SPLASH!!!!!- The wave got Dylan's head soaked and he had to wipe his eyes. I took this moment to swim behind him and jumped him taking him down under. He kicked and flailed back and forth before I let him go so we could get some air. When I came up, I got one breath into me then he tackled me from the side and we rolled up onto the shallowy end that was about 4-5 inches of water high. He tried to hook my arm behind me but I moved out of the way. I had taken a few wrestling lessons in the spring so I was at the advantage and was winning. I got behind him with my feet wrapped around his waist and my arms had his arms locked up so he couldn't move. "Heh, heh. Got ya." Dylan struggled for a moment before relaxing.

"OK, you win."

"Hah! Champion!" I proudly spoke as he squirmed left and right trying to find a way out. Just as I was about to relax, I felt something. The start of his tail was pressed tight against my crotch! But instead of letting him go... I didn't. I just lay there. And every time he squirmed I felt this wonderful feeling emanate from my lower regions. It was the same thing from earlier in my room but stronger this time! I held onto him and pulled him closer.

"D..Dakota? What are you doing?" I coud hear him saying and sounding a little confused, but I didn't care. I began to rub my sheath against his tail back and forth, slowly but hard. Every time made me more and more aroused. I could feel it coming out of my sheath just like this morning in bed. Those three inches of me was giving me the most exhilerating feeling i had ever felt!

Dakota! What are you doing?! Cut it out!" Dylan squirmed and twisted back and forth trying to free his arms but to no avail. The movements just made me hold harder as I squeezed my penis up and down between his tail and my belly. I shuffled down to get a grip and his tail had slid to the side and I felt myself starting to slide downwards. My legs had slid off from his waist and were now parrallel with his.

"Dakota!" He yelled and started to kick but I had a stance. I wrapped my arms around his waist tying his arms next to his body and kept in control. My crotch was pressed against his butt cheeks and I kept rubbing. I wanted more. This feeling was more powerful than any other I could remember. As I pulled back, the tip of my penis ended up pressed right against his tailhole. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. Then I pushed a little, and that body surging feeling pressed back. I clenched my teeth and then thrust it as hard as I could, shoving it into Dylan's tailhole.

"GYHAAAAHH!!!" He cried, having his little tailhole stretched open so quickly and a foreign object being forced into it at the same time was too strenuous for him. "DA..Dakota!...Please! ...St..Stop!"

I couldn't hear him. Nor did I care. The new hole I found had given me more pleasure than before! I pushed it deep into his rear until my little balls were sitting right behind his. We lay there catching our breaths while I was in a daze feeling the warmth of his innards twitching and squeezing my penis here and there. I slowly started to pull out.

"Uuuggghhhnnnn..." Dylan moaned. "uuuggghhnnn......UUURRRGGHH!" Just as i was almost fully out, i thrust it in again. I kept thrusting in and out vigorously and the sensation grew with each thrust.

Dylan was trying to free himself from my grip but calmed a bit down as the pain started to fade away. A soft numbness had taken the pain's place and on top of that, he was trying to keep his head above the water so he was fighting two battles and losing. Dylan's left arm was starting to go numb from Dakota's grip and he felt like he was going to pass out. Dakota, not being able to stand it any longer, pulled almost all the way out and thrust the whole thing in in a fast jerk.

"GYUUUHHHHNNNN!!!!!!!" Dylan clenched his teeth, his voice barely a moan.

Dakota had stopped. He let go of Dylan's arms and they plopped to his side. Dylan felt his insides being filled with something warm. It was a weird feeling but he relaxed with it.

"...dylan...?" I moaned, still inside him, I leaned over to the side of his face. His head was above the water but he had passed out.

My penis slid out and I found a creamy liquid coming from the tip. It wasn't pee, but something else. I wasn't sure what to think of it but I wasn't paying much attention to it at the moment. I slid back away from him and sat back. looking down, I watched my penis sink back into the hiding of my soaked sheath. We lay there wet, breathing hard, Dylan out cold.

"What have I done..."

And there you have it! Be nice to me, but do critique it fairly!