Running Trip

Story by husky_pie on SoFurry

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           Finally. Spring vacation has arrived. Unfortunately, it's the only break I get in college. And it's not even at Easter time! Community colleges are weird. But in the end, having more than a week off is all I need. It was just beginning.


           Monday morning had arrived and I was so pumped that I forgot to sleep in. My mental alarm woke me up at 8, the time I normally wake up. Of course, once that happens, there's no way I'd be getting back to sleep. I sat up and stared out of my window. The sun had forced its way past the few clouds in the sky to reach my room to fill it with light. My sleepy eyes were crusty from the sandman's powers. I rubbed them to get everything out. I sloppily rolled out of bed and stood up. The boxers around my waist were the only sleep attire I ever wore. I put on my loose fitting jeans, a tight Zelda

t-shirt, and walked into the cold house.


           "Jason, stop growing, will ya? And put some meat on your bones. You're beginning to look like a twig."


           My mom was right. I was 6' 4" with no fat. Might as well have been as thin as paper if I didn't have some muscle from the martial arts I do.


           "I'm off to work. You can fend for yourself for food. You're 18, not 12 anymore. Bye!" She yelled as she stepped through the door.


           Finally I was alone in the house. I walked onto the back porch to just feel what the temperature was this morning. 55ish? Good enough. I decided then that I would go running later that day. It's one of the first nice days that I would be able to and the trail wouldn't be muddy. I went back into the kitchen and made my usual waffle breakfast. After gobbling up the deliciousness, I went into the bathroom, put in my contacts, and brushed my teeth. The usual things. Only this time, I'm not rushing to get to school. It was a nice change. I went downstairs into our finished basement and turned on the PS2. Only a true fan could play Final Fantasy VII over and over again without getting bored of it.


           Noon time finally rolled around and I decided that it would be best to go out and run now. I changed into silky gym shorts (which displayed a nice bulge in my crotch area), a long-sleeved, black under armor top, a gray t-shirt, socks, and running shoes. Then, I grabbed my camel back, filled it with water, grabbed my mp3 player, and went out the door. Lucky for me, the trail I needed to take was right in front of my house. I just had to walk a few minutes down the road to get to the entrance.

           I got to the beginning and did my usual stretches. I worked my legs a lot more than normal. It's the first time I've been out in months. Once the blood got flowing and I felt loose, I started. Blink-182 blasted in my ears as I took off. The weather was a bit warmer but still cold. My hands were freezing already and turning red. Wasn't expecting that. But I kept pushing forward. I got to my first break zone and realized just how out of shape I really was. My nose was running faster than I was, my mouth was burning from not breathing right, and my chest was tight. I was only three quarters of a mile in and I

was already having problems. Great. But the only way to get better is to push myself. Right? I rested and walked for a minute, pushed my skater hair out of my eyes, and took off again.

           If for whatever reason I got into trouble, I'd be screwed. It's rare to see others on this trail. The countryside was too big for everyone to be on just this one. I think I spoke too soon.

           "What's that up ahead?" I asked myself aloud. I was about half way through the second part of my run and in the middle of a dense forest.

           Oh no. It couldn't be. Could it? I slowed down to a walking pace, but kept going forward. I should've turned back. I knew I should've when I had the chance. I'm just glad they teach you how to defend yourself in boy scouts if you ever encounter a bear.

           A massive black bear calmly walked out of the woods and onto the trail about 20 feet in front of me. Why did I get this close? My already horrible breathing got worse as my chest tightened with fear. My heart was beating faster and faster. I stood still. I don't think it noticed me. I didn't move, nor make a sound. I think my music just got louder. Oh no. Please turn off. Please. The black mass turned in my direction and looked at me. My heart was pounding even faster. I needed to cough from the mucus that was gathering in my throat. I tried to do it quietly but I couldn't. The loud cough must've startled the bear and made him realize I was human. He stood up on his hind paws to size me up. All I could do was watch as he towered over me only 10 feet away. I looked at every inch of him, moving my eyes from the top of his head to his paws on the ground. And there I saw them. A massive pair of balls dangled between his legs. Now I was no normal boy. Ever since I was young, I was into the weirdest things, and I knew it. For some reason, I had gotten into bestiality and found it rather attractive. Animal cocks just looked better than humans.

           Reality kicked back in and I found myself just staring at his balls. I shook the image out of my mind and a raised my arms up. I tried to make myself look bigger but even with my height, my skinniness stopped any threat. I tried to scream but it probably would've been nice if my voice worked. Just then, I felt something behind me. It was one of those feelings that you knew something was behind you. I couldn't look behind me for fear of the bear in front of me attacking. I broke out into a cold sweat. I didn't know what to do.

           Just then, I felt a heavy paw rest on my shoulder from behind. My arms lowered in defeat. I looked over to see a massive black paw with long claws just resting there. It was another black bear behind me. The first one finally went back down on all fours and started walking towards me. I couldn't run. Even with the bear behind me, I just naturally took a step back. I collided with the black mass. Its fur was rugged yet warm, as if it were just by a fire. The bear in front of me was now face-to-face with me. His head only reached up to my chest. The second bear moved both of his paws in front of me, securing me. What are they going to do?

           The first one looked up to me, stood up, and began licking my face with his long, wet, pink tongue, bathing my face in his saliva. Is he tasting me? The adventurous tongue found my mouth and demanded entrance. I opened and his dove inside. I couldn't believe my own senses. I looked into his eyes as we made out, just staring in disbelief. I closed mine and went along for the ride. I had to admit, this was something that could've only happen in my dreams, but here I was, still in reality. The front of my pants started to jut out further and further as I got harder.

           The bear behind me finally removed the paw harness and went back down. I guess the scent of my arousal got to it. With skilled claws, it tugged my pants and boxers down. My seven inch cock bounced in the air as it was freed from its cage. I stepped out of the fallen clothing and kicked them aside. But then something I never knew could happen did. The front bear broke the kiss but kept his tongue out, licking all the way down to my crotch. He sniffed at my scent. It must've been enough for him as he licked every inch of me. The sensation was amazing. It was like my cock was being licked by a lot more than just this single bear. I sighed and moaned in the extreme pleasure he was giving me.

           I almost forgot about the one behind me until it started to tug up on my shirt. I managed to move my body to free myself of the camel back, confining shirt, and under armor. I felt the bear use its warm tongue to explore every inch of my back side, including my ass. It spent most of its time in my crack and especially on my hole. Both of these sensations made me feel like I was in heaven. I played with the front one's ears, egging him on as he took my cock into his muzzle. The warmth was unbelievable. I would've blown my load in there if he didn't stop. I let out a small whimper as he pulled away and stood up. I looked down to see that he wasn't even hard yet! But that beautiful sheath did look inviting. It was hard to keep my balance as the second bear licked my balls and hole, all in one stroke. I reached down and grabbed the sheath in front of me. It was soft and squishy, as if empty. That gave me an idea. Thankfully, both my cock and his sheath were at the same height. I took one hand and moved his sheath to the tip of my cock and I pushed in.

           Never had I felt this way before. I just wanted to faint from the pure bliss of watching my cock sink into the bear's sheath. As one hand held onto his sheath and my cock, I used the other to help lean myself against his warm fur. I moaned as I finally sank the last inch of myself into him. It looked like we were combined at the groin. I felt one with this bear. A bear that I thought would've killed me by now.

           The licking behind me stopped and the bear stood up again. It placed its paws on the shoulders of the bear in front. I was sandwiched in, not wanting to move. The one behind me move its hips forward. My wish was granted. I had wanted it to be another male and to my luck, it was. I could feel his sheath press just under me with a little bit of his cock coming out. I reached back to feel up the magnificent creature. I started at the soft sheath and worked my way up to the opening. I grabbed his cock that was coming out. It was thin but I knew there was a lot more where that came from. I slid up the few inches of shaft sticking out and found his head. It felt like a nice shape, long and round. Kind of like an unopened tulip. Just then, I knew where I wanted him. I shifted my ass a little, keeping myself inside of the bear in front of me, until his hardness was at my opening.

           Right away, he pushed himself into me. The saliva he just put on me helped so much as my virgin hole was taken away from me. It was now his. I wanted it to be his. The pain was immense as he stretched me open, but thankfully, his shaft was thinner. I felt his sheath reach my hole but I could still feel him growing inside me. At the moment, there was no place else I wanted to be. I was stuck, in between two male bears, one inside me and me inside another.

           My feelings returned to my front as I felt his cock growing. It met mine inside the tight tube and slid right next to me. As I felt the extra bulge sliding next to my cock in my hand, I started to jack us both off. My hand had a tight grip on his sheath, making that move back and forth instead. I looked down and I couldn't believe my eyes yet again. The sight was amusing and highly arousing. My cock gliding in and out of the sheath, his cock showing every time my hand exposed it, and both the bear and I breathed heavily and moaned in unison. It was too much. The pressure wanted out so I gave in to the climax. I moved my hand faster as I shot my cum into the bear. I yelled and moaned into his musky fur as sperm shot out of the tube and coated both of our cocks, and our bellies. I never wanted this to end.

           My climax had ended and my knees felt like they were about to give out from the pleasure. My hand stopped moving and I let go, moving it up to rest on him. The pain in my ass was starting to go away as I felt him stop growing. I wanted to know how big he was. From what I could tell, he was really long. I may have just finished but both of these bears were still ready to go. The idea of bear cum inside me made my now soft member twitch with life.

           The front bear pulled away and let my cock out of his sheath. I whimpered as I wanted to still be inside him. He looked down and licked my face. Then he moved back a little and sat down. His pink cock was still growing out of its protection. My cum was leaking out as he grew. The sight was beautiful. He leaned forward and licked my sensitive cock clean. I started to get bigger again as he pulled away and bent down to clean his own. It was cute to watch the bear clean him off of me. I think he really enjoyed the taste. Now I wanted to taste him.

           I brought my hands up to the bear behind me. I petted his face, muzzle, and ears. I was rewarded with a lick to my head. I tugged his head down, begging him to go down on all fours so he could pound me with that huge cock of his. He finally got the hint when I bent my knees and started lowering myself. With a loud boom, he landed on all fours, with me under him. Perfect. The front bear had moved his head just in time as I landed directly in front of his penis. His fully erect, pink beauty was magnificent in every way. My mind was distracted as I felt the cock inside me start to pull out. It was amazing how long he was. He finally reached the point to where his head was only inside me, and then he pushed back in. Pain and pleasure collided as he slid all the way in. I was having sex with a bear. What a dream come true! In and out, in and out. His motions grew faster and faster and soon the pain was gone.

           My focus returned to the cock in front of me. I slowly reached forward and grabbed it. The warm flesh greeted my hand. It was slick from the licking it just got from its owner. I slowly moved my hand up and down the wonderful length. He must've been at least 10" and every inch of it was all mine. I shuffled my knees against the ground a little to move forward. The horny bear behind me moved up a little too to continue pounding my ass with his member. Oh what a wonderful feeling! I was now up close with something that I never thought possible. I took as deep of a whiff of the musky member that I could. My breath was pumped out of me every time the bear's sheath met my hole. The smell was highly arousing. My own cock was hard again from all of this. I moved the cock to my mouth and licked it. The salty taste was even better than I had imagined. I licked every inch of him including his furred sheath and his leathery ball sack. I just wanted everything. It was all mine. I opened my mouth and look in his head. Pre shot into my mouth. I wanted him to just finish right there. I gulped down the liquids coming out of him and look as much of him into my mouth as I could. It was only a couple inches before my gag reflexes kicked in. I tried to breath out of my nose but the bear behind me made that impossible. His pace was picking up. I needed him to cum inside me. I needed to feel his warmth.

           I licked and licked at the bear cock in front of me. It tasted so good and he kept dribbling pre all over. I took the cock out of my mouth and rubbed it against my face, feeling the slickness and warmth. My own penis jumped in excitement. Out of no where, the bear behind me roared. He shoved his cock as far into me as possible, including the extra inch or two that was still hiding. Hot bear cum poured into me, covering my insides. I arched my back in pure ecstasy as my hand jerked off the bear in front of me. He too also roared and bounced his hips up in a humping motion. I tried to move my mouth over to it before he started but inside I got a face shot of bear cum. I opened my mouth and let the salty, sticky sperm hit my taste buds and tickle the back of my throat. Both bears kept shooting their loads in me. If this was heaven, I never wanted to leave. I could feel the bear cum dripping out of my ass as he slowly finished. The bear in front of me finished too and I made sure to lick every inch of him clean. The taste was too good to let it go to waste.

           The second bear tried to stay inside me as he shrunk into the gift box my present came out of. The first bear also started to shrink as well but I kept licking him until he was gone. The cock head inside me finally came out with a popping sound and bear cum poured out of me and down my balls and legs. I clenched my ass to keep any more cum from coming out. I wanted to warmth to stay with me as long as possible. He finally stepped back and my back was exposed to the air. There I was, on all fours, drenched in bear cum. Oh what a sight that would've been. I looked between my legs to see I finished again without even realizing it. My arms suddenly collapsed under me, causing me to face plant into the bear's sheath. The musky odor made my head spin. Cum from my face smeared into his fur. His massive paws lifted up my face and he began licking me clean. I opened my mouth as we began to make out again. I never wanted to stop. But all good things must come to an end.

           The bear behind me trotted to my front and licked the other bear, breaking our passionate kiss. I moved my weak muscles to force myself to stand up. More cum dribbled out of my hole and down my leg. The two bears got onto all fours, walked up to me, licked my face and cock, and turned around to go the other way. I just stood, trying to maintain my balance as their stubby tails flicked side to side. I snapped back into reality, found my clothes, and put them back on. I tried to clean up everything on me but there was no way. I turned around and slowly started walking home.