Xenomorph 4

Story by cdsowden on SoFurry

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#4 of Stories

Part 4


Part 4

In the camp the following day Susy woke in surprise that the sentry guns had not fired a single shot during the night. She ordered the guns to be packed away. They then began make their way into the cargo bay, unaware that in the sleeping quarters a few of their friends were tied down to be used as hosts. Vio tossed Susy her jacket and guns as they moved out, all the time wondering where the alien's had gone. Ruby helped Shooter to his feet, his belly still burning from the pain. It, at least, was no longer bleeding. Just as they were about to enter the cargo bay, a female Wolf came running out, flinging herself into Susy's arms. She was completely naked. After a bit of explaining, she was found out to be just 17 years old. Her name was Sakura. Vio gave her a spare pair of combat trousers and a vest as she told Susy what happened in the Cargo Bay. Susy ordered her team to ready weapons and gave Sakura the Shotgun before they entered the complex. Inside, Vio glanced to every corner of the room in horror, seeing twenty or so marines dead on the floor. The conclusion was reached that they had become hosts to the aliens. Susy had no idea why they would allow themselves to become hosts, but Sakura explained that there was a human who was sacrificing them to capture the aliens, and auctioning them to the highest bidder back home. Just then Susy noticed a T-Rex and an Allosaur struggling to keep their mouths shut, trying to fend off the alien breeders. Susy and Vio both pulled the small aliens away as Ruby shot and killed them. Susy untied both dinosaurs and asked for their names and ranks. The T-Rex was named Amora. She was a 23 year old corporal. The Allosaur was a 22 year old private named Tifa. Both explained that they were drugged and found themselves tied down and naked when they awoke, seeing a human stand over them, monologuing about his plan and how they were part of it.

Susy handed some of the spare weapons and gear to Amora and Tifa and they began a search of the Cargo Bay for more survivors. Vio and the male Dragon were looking in the Cargo boxes to see what was inside and to their horror there were cryogenic tanks with new born aliens inside them or colonists and marines. Shooter was investigating one of the rooms where two Wolf warrior's were held. They both had been hosts and had their chests mutilated by baby aliens. The sight sent shivers down Shooter's spine. Susy ordered five marines search the remaining rooms in the sleeping quarters before the team moves out and back to the Armoury. Ruby leads the five marines through the remaining six rooms checking for survivors.

Mean while back at the home Planet of Oyesy, Shayde and Ace were in Shayde's bed sleeping after a long night they both were on guard duty and had to chase down a suspected terrorist. They were sleeping peacefully when a call came over Shayde's radio ordering them both back to help train a new guy named Cody. Shayde and Ace raced back to the barracks to train Cody, Marbles a fierce Argonian was standing with Cody as Shayde and Ace entered the compound she was their superior officer and an expert in combat but she was needed for urgent meeting with the leader of the Planet. When Marbles got to the office she was greeted by the Leader and was shown a report from Mitch the Dragon warrior Major on planet Xeno. Marbles looked at the pictures in shock. In the mean time Shayde was watching Ace train Cody with his guns aiming and firing. Shayde was not a fan of guns and preferred close quarter combat with a something sharp. Shayde was resting on his back while they trained. He was about to fall asleep when Marbles came running ordering them to the aircraft hangar in fall combat gear ready for their mission. Shayde's face dropped when he saw the creatures they were going up against and went straight to Ace and Cody. Both Shayde and Ace both knew Cody was not ready for combat yet and never of them had ever seen the aliens before. Marbles explained to the three of them that the main squad had gone to the Planet with fifty marines and three Hummers, and that they had lost at least fifteen marines and one of the Hummers. Cody looked at Marbles in shock holding his UMP-45 and Desert Eagle as he geared up, ready for what could be his first and last mission. Ace and Shayde both put a paw on Cody's shoulders and told him they will not let anything happen to him. Ace and Shayde got on the first drop ship with Cody, while Marbles and around seventeen other Marines looked at their home for the last time as the door closed. In the second drop ship a Wyvern named Viper and a Husky named Char were the last to get on their drop ship with three more Hummers and twelve more marines, Viper was the first Wyvern to pass the Marines training but he was feeling worried about it. He was not the only one, though. Ace, Shayde and Cody were also worried, seeing the pictures of the aliens, and how they killed stuck in their minds. They just could not get rid of the horror they saw.

In the mean time the alien on the face of the Lizard man that groped Susy had dropped off and died. The Lizard man, a private was feeling sick and his chest was pounding. He looked around and saw he was in a Medical Centre. He began to panic when he saw the alien dead on the floor. He looked down wondering where his friends were, unaware that they had been cut down. It was not long before when he was given the all clear by the medic and sent to get his kit and return to Mitch in the Command Centre.

Mitch was waiting in the only remaining Hummer as Bob left the Medical Centre. The lizard man fell to his knees, clutching at his chest. Mitch went to help Him when blood splattered across the side of the Hummer. The Lizard man had just had an alien burst out his chest, killing him. The little alien hissed at the shocked Mitch and moved into the vent shafts of the Medical Centre faster than Mitch could grab his gun. The alien had its own personnel mission to either impregnate or kill the Marine that shunned the Lizard man. Mitch ordered the evacuation of the Medical Centre to stop anyone else being killed. Mitch then sent three marines in the Medical Centre to find and kill the little alien unaware of their rapid growth rate.

The three marines were slowly walking through the Medical centre looking for the alien, knowing it could be anywhere with how small it was. The marines were only in the centre for a matter of minutes when they came across the mutilated body of a male Tiger warrior, his stomach ripped out by the alien. It began to feed on the dying Tiger warrior. This spooked one of the marines and he ran for the exit of the centre. The alien jumped in front of the fleeing marine. In shock at the size of the alien the marine fell backwards, dropping his gun, crawling backwards the marine a male Raptor warrior tried to grab his gun as the alien ran its tail into the Raptor's stomach. Screaming, the raptor watched as the tail went through his chest. Looking at the alien the Raptor was dropped to the floor and left to bleed to death as the alien went after the other marines. Mitch hearing the Raptor's screams ran into the Medical centre finding the Raptor on the floor holding his stomach, as blood pumped out of his stomach and chest onto the cold metal floor. Mitch helped the dying Raptor to his feet and out of the centre and into the Hummer as the Raptor coughed up blood before going limp.

The alien was watching the other two marines. He was attracted to the female Panther warrior, but the alien had to remove the male Wolf from the scene. The Panther was feeling very uneasy as they entered the infirmary seeing dead fellow marines. The Panther rushed to the toilets to throw up leaving the Wolf at the mercy of the alien who was sitting on the ceiling above the Wolf. The alien jumped down behind the Wolf as he looked at a dead squad member. The Wolf went to turn when he heard the alien hiss behind him. Just as he went to turn, the alien knocked the Wolf over trying to grab his gun. The alien's tail was stabbed into the Wolfs abdomen and pushed deeper into his guts. The Wolf screamed as the tail was pushed through his body and out of his chest. The alien brought the nearly dead Wolf to him and with its claws, ripped the wolf's stomach apart, and spilled his guts over the floor, killing him. Dropping the Wolf the alien went looking for the Panther. It wanted to make her a host and would stop at nothing. It knew, though, that he had to find the one who shunned his host. The Panther was just exiting the toilets when she noticed the alien at the end of the corridor drooling. Without thinking she turned and ran back down the corridor away from the alien. The Panther inadvertently ran to a dead end. When she turned round she saw the alien in front of her. Fumbling she dropped her machine as it charged scared she backed up to the wall trying to grab her pistol but the alien grabbed her arm and knocked the gun away. The Panther kicked at the alien knocking it away then she ran knowing it was right on her tail. The fleeing Panther tripped over the dead body of her Wolf friend. In shock, she just looked at his mangled body, as the aliens tail pinned her left leg to the floor. Screaming in pain, she grabbed her friend's gun and before the alien could react, she shot herself in the head. Annoyed, the alien charged out of the Medical centre and towards its target.

On the second drop ship, Viper was feeling very uncomfortable just as the engines cut out sending the ship dropping to the ground. Marbles watched in horror as the drop ship crashed into the swamp below and exploded into flames on impact. She ordered the pilot to land the last drop ship. She had been hoping that someone survived the crash.

At the crash site, the three survivors were stumbling from the wreckage when a group of aliens attacked grabbing the pilot, dragging her away. Then, one alien jumped the Wyvern Viper. It tore away at Viper's chest and belly armour and was just about to run its tail through his guts when Char blasted the alien with his gun. Viper, scared stiff, and Char were outnumbered and in danger of being killed. Marbles, Shayde and Ace got to Char and Viper just in time as a small group of aliens attacked them Marbles charged at the lead alien with her sword she ran it through the aliens chest and down its body slicing the alien in two killing it. Then with Shayde, Ace, Char and Viper looking in shock Marbles cut down the remaining six aliens, cutting one aliens head clean off and picking it up for her own studies into the deadly creatures. Char was amazed at Marbles' sword, how it had not melted with the aliens acidic blood, so Marbles explained that her sword, like Shayde's, was made of a blessed metal and nothing could melt it, just like Viper's armour and spike tail. Shayde and Ace helped Viper up and with Marbles and Char and returned to the drop ship in the hope of finding any Marines alive.

In the meantime Susy and Vio were filling out a report to give to Mitch. When they regrouped, they were very angry to find out a fellow Marine was using them as hosts for these aliens. Amora and Tifa were sitting together just checking that their weapons were fine and working correctly when the boy Susy rescued entered and offered to help with the cleaning of their guns. Amora reluctantly accepted but Tifa just hid behind Amora, as she was a bit worried about Humans now. Amora was holding her friend close as they left the boy to clean the guns. Amora and Tifa were just exiting the room they were in, when they noticed the boy held his chest and screamed in agony. Amora ran in just as the baby alien burst out of his chest splashing blood over her jacket. Amora froze as the alien went into the air vents and vanished. Susy ran in and looked in sadness at the dead boy. She was hoping to save him but she was too late. She could not mourn the boy as she needed to get the survivors back to the armoury. Just as Susy was going to get everyone to move out when a Marine came through the doors and fell to her knees. Her chest was covered in her own blood and Susy knew that she did not have long to live so, with Ruby the female Marine, was put in one of the rooms so Ruby could try and help her.

Vio was helping some of the Marines set up the sentry guns ready for the aliens attack. Tifa was the only one of the Marines to have only bottoms on and no top she did not like the idea of the aliens seeing her body when she would try killing them, but with gear running low she knew there was nothing she could do. Amora, feeling sorry for her friend took her jacket off and gave it to Tifa, Amora didn't mind if her chest was exposed, so long as the aliens did not touch her. Susy was with Shooter and Ruby as she tried to save the life of the female Marine. She told Susy she had her gear ripped off then as she went to fire two aliens plunged their jaws into her breasts multiple times before leaving her to die. Ruby was unable to save the female Marine, a young Lizard warrior. She gave Susy her tags and they went to ready themselves for battle hoping help came soon.

In the meantime the drop ship landed at the communications centre where Marbles met with Mitch, when he explained the situation in more gory details making Viper and Cody shiver with horror. Marbles got her team in the ready and back into the drop ship and headed towards the cargo bay. Susy ordered some of the Marines to the back of the cargo bay to make sure they didn't get ambushed when the aliens entered. Vio wondered if the alien in the lab he saw would be outside, waiting to attack and where the young baby went from the boy. The small squad Susy sent, which included her Friend Abbi, was sent with the squad to cover them with her sniper. The two Dragons were now on the roof of the cargo bay ready to attack when they heard gun fire. Susy and Vio looked as a small group of aliens came bursting through the door and charged the small group of Marines, the aliens cut their way through a group of Marines that froze when they saw the aliens. One of them managed to kill a couple of the aliens but he was ripped in half by a new bigger alien that was part of the experiments in the lab. This new alien looked like a Shark in bodily shape but was around 12 foot tall and had razor sharp teeth and claws and the aliens' deadly tail. Looking very worried at the sight of this new alien both Dragons hid on the roof hoping it did not see them as Susy, Vio and Ruby ran to the back with the remaining Marines. There were only 10 of them left, not including the two Dragons.

The drop ship was about the land when a large black creature attacked. Marbles looked out of the small window and saw a large alien but the only thing that troubled her was it looked like a Dragon with added razor sharp teeth and claws. It continued to attack the drop ship until it damaged one of the engines, causing the pilot to land right next to the cargo bay. The Dragon alien flew away to the lair after bringing the drop ship down. Marbles ordered the squad out of the drop ship and to cover the pilots as they repaired the engine. Marbles sent Ace and Shayde to the cargo bay with six other Marines then she sent Cody, Viper and Char to guard the rear of the drop ship as she helped with the repairs.

Susy and her squad had almost run out of ammo and the Shark alien was once again charging at them. One of the Marines shot at the alien to get its attention so the rest could escape, Susy and her team left the cargo bay just as the shark aliens claws ripped open the young Leopard warrior's stomach open killing him instantly. The male Dragon was looking at the female as she began to fit and watched in horror as her chest exploded and a alien bursting free the horrified when a small Dragon alien run into the cargo bays air vents, the Dragon then went to the drop ship looking very scared Marbles noticed this and went over to pick him up and help him regain his constitution.

Mitch ordered the teams to return to the courtyard for evacuation home as they were going to blow the compound and hope nothing survives. Zara in the armoury ordered an immediate retreat to the courtyard hoping to avoid more of the aliens along the way. Vio looked at Susy knowing that if they got the drop ship airborne again, the Dragon alien would return and attack, unless they could get its attention away from the drop ship. Shayde and Ace looked at each other and offered to get the alien's attention to help their friends escape, Susy not wanting the loss of more Marines, and told them to get to the Hummer in the cargo bay, if they were to return home from that horrid planet before the place was blown up. Shayde nodded to Susy and they both got ready to attract the Dragon alien hoping not to be killed in the process. Marbles and the pilot got the engine working just as the alien flew past, hearing the sound from the engines as they started. The alien attack but Shayde and Ace caught his attention by killing one of his brothers with Shayde slicing its throat with his blade. The alien charged as Shayde and Ace hid next to the cargo bay waiting for him to land, as he landed the drop ship took off with Viper looking worried for his new friends. Shayde and Ace charged the alien as Ace opened fire, shooting the aliens chest with a G36C Assault Rifle, while Shayde ran round its back and sliced its tail clean off. The alien swiped at Shayde and knocked him back a few feet onto his back. Not liking this, Ace blasted the aliens head with his G36C, forcing the aliens skull to crack. The dazed Shayde noticed this and threw his katana into the cracking skull. The alien fell on its side paralysed. Shayde walked over to the downed alien and pulled his katana free, then cut the aliens head clean off. He and Ace ran for the Hummer hoping the aliens were no longer in the cargo bay.

The drop ship landed at the courtyard where Marbles led the team off it, and in front of leader Mitch. He was shocked to see only 13 Marines, then Susy looked out the the edge of the courtyard and smiled seeing Ace and Shayde in the Hummer, but lost her smile when she saw that they were closely followed by a large group of aliens. Seeing the threat, Susy ordered her team to set up the last four sentry guns they had, and Mitch ordered everyone onto the drop ship. Ace and Shayde made it back just as a Praetorian alien ramming its tail into the back of a female Wolf, just as Mitch turned to the screaming Wolf and watched in horror as the alien then ripped her in two, killing her instantly and throwing her dead body on the floor. Shayde, seeing what happened, told Ace to jump as he drove the Hummer into the Praetorian, crashing into the compound. Shayde got out of the Hummer a bit dazed and fell to his knees holding his cut head. Ace ran and with help from Viper carried Shayde onto the drop ship just as the alien was getting back to its feet. Mitch ordered the drop ship to go but not before a few small warrior aliens hid on board the drop ship and finding a place to hide until the ship has landed again.

A dazed Shayde looked out of the drop ship as a huge part of the compound was blown up taking most of the aliens in the courtyard. He knew that a large amount of these aliens had not been killed. Viper and Char were curled up together sleeping as Susy and Vio finally get their free time and much needed rest.

End of Book 1