Xenomorph 5

Story by cdsowden on SoFurry

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#5 of Stories

Part 5

New Threat

Just hours after the Dropship returned to a large Space craft the marines were in their Quarters enjoying some free time and rest or in the case of Vio and Susy were sleeping together in Vio's quarters they were so glad to be alone and to have a bed to sleep in they just fell asleep within seconds of getting into the bed. During the night the team was called back to the briefing room as Marbles briefed them on what was the next mission. In the briefing room Marbles was showing pictures of not only the Aliens but another creature was there it was a unknown species though it looked human apart from the face and colours. Ace looked at the new creatures and then to Shayde who was looking if shock at what the new threat does to its victims.

In the mean time at the shooting range a young Dragon named Drycos was using the time to try out the sniper rifle he trained to use both 50.cal. In the shooting range with Drycos was Viper reading the report on his practice. Viper was using his fire breath to great effect out of 50 targets he hit 47 of them. Drycos finished training with the sniper and went back to his normal gun the XM8 assault rifle and he went back to the target range and began to fire.

In the mean time a group of Mercenaries lead by a young female Dragon were sent to a distant unknown planet to capture a group of Aliens and the new Alien creature. During the mission the group of 15 strong Mercs had found a very disturbing site with around 25 men and woman hanging upside down from trees and signs all without their heads the leader of the group a female Dragon named Deezmo order a quick retreat but as they went to move out she was knocked flying by an invisible enemy. She watched as one of her team a human male was speared through the chest and impaled to the wall behind but nothing was there. Curious she slowly got up to grab her gun when she was kicked in the side and sent flying again by the invisible enemy, looking around she saw a second member decapitated by the enemy she was in shock looking around for an escape route but also keeping watch for the enemy if it shows. Just as she went to move the last member of the 15 strong group was held in the air by a creature she had never seen before but she finally got to see the attacker that had cut down her team within minutes. Looking down at her side she noticed she was bleeding but not badly but she watched as the Alien creature walked over to her holding her dead team mates skull in its hand. Deezmo looked at the creature as she crawled backwards to get away from it, looking for the exit Deezmo stopped as the creature was standing right over her looking down at Deezmo, the Alien grabbed Deezmo by her neck and lifted her and looked up and down her body just as he went to plunge his wrist blades into her guts one of the mercs shot his arm the Alien dropped Deezmo but ripped her jacket open showing her slim scaley body, Deezmo noticed her breasts showing and grabbed her gun just as the Alien gutted her friend she opened fire using the whole clip to kill the Alien but to be sure she reloaded and fired again knowing the noise will have attracted attention of something she went for a good place to hide until rescue arrives. In the mean time Marbles was in the briefing room just as Deezmo sent a rescue becon from the planet the leader ordered her to set up her team and rescue Deezmo and any survivors from the planet. Marbles ordered her team to assemble at the dropship in 1 hour for a rescue mission, not to happy Susy and Vio growled in annoyance but joined everyone at the dropship susy with her open toped jacket and her M16. The squad entered the four dropships each with a Hummer and a Tank but in two of the dropship some Aliens were well hidden waiting for their change to attack. At 0800 hours the four dropships took of heading for the new unnamed planet to rescue Deezmo and any other survivors.

Viper was watching out the window looking at his home as the dropship left the Planet this was going to be his second encounter with the Xenomorphs, Viper then turned and looked at Cody he was very worried clutching his L86 LMG close to him the team leader Marbles was sitting next to the very worried Cody also in the dropship was Char, Shayde, Ace and new recruit Drycos with a few more Marines. On the Second dropship Susy was checking her M16 making sure it was in working order she had taken more care choosing her weapons and now carries a Glock 27 and a Spaz 12 Shotgun. Vio was loading bullets into the clip of his M249 Saw and a Desert Eagle side-arm, in the Third one of the Aliens was watching the squad waiting for the moment to strike but staying still waiting for the dropship to land so they can take down their enemies and set a new lair on a new planet.

On the Planet Zeke was with his squad of Mercenaries who picked up Deezmo's SOS beacon, Zeke was the leader of a strong elite 12 man team though he was the only Dragon but even he was not sure why he was seeing bodies hanging and without their heads. Zeke was just behind his squad when he noticed something standing in the distance he could not make it out when it vanished from site. Zeke ordered his team into the building where Deezmo was hiding when he felt a bit sick from the sight of other Mercenaries ripped apart all over the floor, Zeke then watched in horror as one of his team was cut limb from limb right infront of him by nothing, the shocked Zeke ordered his team to fire at will but hit nothing. Jay the only Leopard in the team was looking at his team mates body when the Predator ran its spear through Jay's back and stomach, Screaming in agony Jay tryed to pull himself free but three of the tea, turnt and saw what was happening and without any thought opened fire. Jay screamed more as the bullets riddled his body his attacker gone before they opened fire, Jay fell to his knees barely alive and watched as one by one the three who shot him were killed infront of his eyes. Zeke was watching out for the threat and looking for Deezmo at the same time he was aware his team was being wiped out, one by one Zeke's 12 man team was down to just him a near dead Jay and a Lizard her name Sasha, Jay tryed to grab his gun when the Predator kicked it away and grabbed him by the throat it scanned Jay bullet riddled body before ripping Jay's head from his body Zeke froze dropping his gun at what he just saw but Sasha she tried to run. The Predator saw her run and threw a spear into her leg, Sasha fell to the floor, Zeke watched as the Predator showed himself to the wounded Lizard who was again on her feet she pulled out her dagger to try and defend herself against the Predator but she didn't even get a chance to attack as the Predator plunged his wrist blades into her stomach three times. Sasha was thrown to the other side of the building landing on her stomach her top had been ripped clean from her body so when she sat up her body was showing and her stomach looked a right mess, Zeke looked his sights on the Predator as it went to finish Sasha, Zeke fire three shots at the Predator as it turnt as shot Zeke's arm with its plasma caster and charged him. Deezmo opened her little door seeing Zeke being thrown around by the Predator just as she went to go help when she noticed the creature her team was sent to capture she froze seeing the creature as it silently moved across the ceiling of the building watching Zeke get beat up by the Predator. The Predator held Zeke by his neck just as it when to plunge its wrist blade into Zeke's guts the Alien ran its tail through the Predator causing it to drop Zeke next to Sasha, the Alien then pulled the Predator apart then it looked at the dying Sasha and left her along, just as the Alien went to attack Zeke, Deezmo fired at the Alien killing it before it could kill Zeke. Deezmo ran over to Sasha and tearing Zeke sleeves away from his top and used them to stop Sasha bleeding to death. Zeke got up and looked at the two creatures that tried to kill him and wondered what they were, Deezmo explained the black creature was a deadly creature that some people paid her lots of money to capture so they can use it as a weapon but now she has second thoughts. Sasha got up slowly and with Zeke and Deezmo they found a new hiding place with Deezmo's SOS still going, being the kind hearted Dragon he is Zeke gave Sasha his top to keep her warm when help arrived.

Around ten hours later the four dropships landed at the planet about 40 miles away from the town Deezmo, Zeke and Sasha were. Mitch ordered the squads to set-up a base camp as the dropships left, Susy watched as one of the dropships suddenly fell from the sky and crashed in the large forest between them and the town. Mitch ordered the remaining dropships to land the other side of the town and wait for orders. On the crashed dropship the Aliens all ran into the forest and the town looking for hosts and a hive. Mitch ordered Susy to set up a 20 strong team to scout the area around the forest, Susy had Vio in her team along with Shayde, Cody, Marre the female T-Rex and Tifa her Allosaur friend along with her Sniper friend Abbi a Wolf and new recruit Drycos along with a few other members. Susy looked at her team and ordered them to ready weapons and start scouting the area ahead.

Meanwhile a group of Aliens stumbled upon a lone Predator looking for prey to hunt, the Predator just saw the Aliens as one jumped at him but he just managed to knock it away only to be attacked by six Aliens at once. A few hours passed before the Aliens got off the Predator which had been impregnated the Aliens left the area and watched for the new Alien to hatch for its host. Deezmo and Zeke needed to move Sasha to a better place so they can keep watch on her injuries, Deezmo grabbed the closet three machineguns and handed a G36C to Zeke and a M4 carbine to Sasha while she got a L85 A2. Deezmo and Zeke carried Sasha to a small room in the house next to the building they were hiding, lucky for them the room was empty so Zeke and Deezmo lay Sasha on the bed and began guarding her hoping they are rescued soon or Sasha will bleed to death. Meanwhile Susy and her team had reached an abandoned warehouse, so Susy ordered them to set up camp for the night before they continue their mission. During the night Mitch and his team were setting up base camp next to a town about 3 miles from the forest and next town but during the night they were ambushed by three Predators, Mitch watched in horror as his team was cut down by the enemy so with only a few Marines left Mitch ordered a retreat into the town. Hearing the commotions Zara with her team jumped into the hummers and the three tanks and as fast as they could went to Mitch's rescue. Zara's team got to the town but was under attack right away as one predator used its plasma caster to blow up the tank killing all six marines inside, Zara turnt and watched as a young female was gutted in front of her Zara just froze dropping her guns, looking at this Mitch noticed without her weapons the attackers were not attacking her so he ordered all remaining Marines to drop their weapons in the hope the attackers will leave them. The Predators stopped the attack leaving just 28 Marines alive out of the 84 left after Susy took 21 including herself. Mitch and Zara looked at the carnage and with the remaining Marines set up the camp inside the telecoms tower in the town. Once comms were up Mitch radio for reinforcements to help with the mission, sadly for Mitch it will be 6 hours until they arrive by them they could all be dead.

In the mean time Susy was standing guard with Vio as they heard a loud roar just inside a small hut just 100 yards from their camp. Susy along with Vio and a couple of the rookies a male Human called Rick and a female Lion called Li went to see what was roaring out loud. When they got to the hut Rick slowly opened the door just as a spear was thrown at him Rick just managed to move out the way but Li was not as lucky as the spear went through her chest killing her Susy looked in shock at Li's dead body until another roar came from the hut this time with a screeching noise so Rick entered with Susy and Vio right behind just as a Predators chest burst open with a all new Alien freeing itself before any of them could fire the new Alien ran from the hut faster than they could move, worried by this Susy radioed Mitch telling him that the new creature they were sent to stop one was now dead but one of the Aliens had been born out of it creating a new and deadly foe before burying Li and taking her weapon and tags back to camp and returning to their beds as Shayde and Marre stood watch for the next four hours.

Mitch told Zara of the new creature Susy just encountered and her face went very pale with the thought of a half Predator half Alien creature soon to be fully grown and very deadly HYBRID ALIEN...