my boss

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Earlier I set myself a challenge to write a story on my six hour train ride,on my tablet with only touchscreen keypad, just to pass the time really. So ok, well here it is, written edited and posted on a tablet while travelling from Bournemouth to Newcastle. The font seems stupidly huge once pasted into so furry. If it turns out to be stupidly large I will fix it in the morning. Hopefully you will enjoy it, know that all the sex scenes were written while sitting next to random people on the train while my coat hid any of my own reaction to thoughts of sex.

Part 2 can be found here

Nobody likes their boss really, even the nicest one is still the guy or girl who tells you what to do. Even the most servile person hates that on some level, hey sure you like the master slave thing in the bedroom, but your boss ain't your master, he isn't going to fuck you raw because you filed that paperwork perfectly... well most bosses won't anyway. Now my boss he is a sweet guy, polite, thoughtful and well spoken. I hated the fucker for that, he was so kind and considerate I just wanted to yell at him to see him apologise to me. He would too he is a fucking Englishman you can spit in his face and the first thing he would do is apologise for what ever his face did to offend you. Then you start to feel guilty.

Ha! That's the real trick, the real control, nothing drives a person, well a good person, harder or faster than a mild feeling of guilt. It sits in the back of your mind whispering in your ear what a horrible fucker you are, just whispering whispering, whispering, until you break like the bitch you are and do what you were asked oh so fucking politely. What an absolute cunt huh?

Well ok I may have been a bit hard on him, he was and is a genuine nice guy, fuck, you know how rare that is. He should be shot stuffed and display in a museum, with a sign to explain, 'this is the last nice guy on Earth, we shot him so you all could remember the world was once full of nice guys until their bitch wives crushed their souls. Ah there you go, now you know the truth, ten years of marriage and my sweet highschool sweetheart has grown so bitter I can barely take the taste anymore.

Three years I looked for a job, she emasculated me every day, berated the loser, skinny little rabbit who couldn't provide for his wife. Then I landed a job, a good one, suddenly I was the bastard who was never home,who worked all hours. I could not win, hell I had always known that. That's why I dyed my white fur brown, then blonde and black, whatever colour she wanted, not that it ever helped. Whatever I became was always wrong for her, I wish I could tell you that she made up for it in the bedroom, but there she was far more emasculating, do you know how soul crushing it is to see that look in your lover's eyes when they look at your average cock and then up to your eye with an expression that states far clearer than words ever could 'I want bigger, but I'm stuck with this little pickle'?

Why did I stay with her? I'm a scrawny white furred rabbit and she was and still is a tall, trim and perky tigress. I always had a thing for felines, even the males just look so graceful I always want to fall at their feet and beg them for the honour of just speaking with them. I guess that's part of why I hated my boss, he is a tiger, Syberian, his white and black stripes give him an elegance an ordinary rabbit can only dream of. His body is buff, yet not too bulky, it is just perfectly balanced, it speaks of some one who cares about their form, yet not to extremes. He wouldn't know his body fat percentage, but he would work out to keep in shape anyway.

As the new guy he was always checking in on me, offering helpful hints and tips in his perfectly polite way. I hated him so much for that, more because I hated needing help and because he was a cunt for assuming I would, he could have made me beg for it but nooooo, he just offered like it's no big deal.

The girls at the office loved him, he was always polite and professional and never stared at their tits or ass. Of course that would have been unseemly for an Englishman, plus well he is gay. I knew the real truth was I didn't hate him, he was just a convenient focus for the hatred that was building for my wife. Still I didn't let that knowledge stop me bitching about him behind his back, like the little cowardly shit I was.

I argued with him all the time made sure he knew I didn't respect his opinion, arrogant fucker that I was. He had been in the business for fifteen years and some 'not as young as he thought' upstart was trying to show that he knew more. The worst thing was... the fucker listened, he actually picked out the one or two good ideas I had, amidst the hundreds of shit ones, and pushed it forward. He rewarded me with praise for being an arrogant fucker, seriously the guy was a cunt, or a hero or both... a heroic cunt. Or, as I would find out, a hard working guy who could spot someone who needed to vent and willing be the punching bag I so desperate needed.

Of course things were eventually going to come to a head, and they did. One afternoon, after I had been a particularly cunty fuck, he asked me into his office. He offered me a seat and then sat down behind his desk, putting on his small reading glasses that made the thirty something tiger look even more elegant and refined and smiled, "it's been a busy day huh?"

"Yeah I guess so," I replied, thinking inside that I had done far more work than anyone else in the building.

" You have been with us, what, three months now?" He asked with a polite smile, I could tell something was coming,three months, I suddenly realised my probation period was four months. Suddenly I felt my palms go sweaty, they must have taken that moisture from my tongue as my mouth was as dry as the Sahara, I needed this job, if I lost it... shit Frances would rip me apart, you know more than usual.

"Yes, Sir, time's just flown by," I replied with a weak smile, a desperate please don't can me smile, be honest you all know you've given someone one of those before.

"Indeed, indeed and call me Pete, Mike. You've been here long enough to know I run an informal ship," it was true, in a huge organisation like this there are so many rules and yet it all comes down to the common sense of the person interpreting them. Pete had shown time and again he was willing to bend those rules for staff moral. The team knew it too, they could see other teams working to the exact rules, their bosses too unwilling to risk using common sense. You could see the difference our team was a happy family and I was the ungrateful petulant teenage son bitching about how unfair my Dad's fairness was.

I knew what was coming next, it was the 'unfortunately you don't seem to be fitting in, clash of personalities probably, no hard feelings I will give you a good reference' the polite song of you're fired, instead of the ' na na naa na, na na naa nah, hey hey hey gooodbye' he was probably singing in his head.

"Well after three months in the office I think it's time for you to get an opportunity to get out there and network, there is a conference in Seattle this weekend and I would like you to accompany me," my jaw dropped, he wasn't firing me, he was giving me the opportunity all my coworkers had been drooling over. All I could think was 'Frances will be so mad at me.'

"T...thank you S...Pete," I muttered in shock my jaw still hanging open like a garage door.

"Oh it's my pleasure, now we have to leave tomorrow evening and take the train, carbon footprint you know. We will take the sleeper," the tiger leaned forward and gave me a conspitorial wink "which means we go first class, company rules, we need a room to ourselves when travelling on business."

Travelling first class as well, if this was Pete's I'm firing you single I couldn't wait for the album. "Sounds great."

"We will have plenty of time on this trip to do a little... Ahem team building," he made a sneaky drinking motion. I nodded and chuckled with him, for the first time I saw him as something other than a punching bag.

Of course the joy of the trip was extracted the moment I told my wife. Frances hit the roof, " You're going where?!"

"It's just for a few days, it's a great networking opportunity for me I couldn't turn it down, hell this means things are going great. I might be looking at a promotion soon." Ok well that wasn't a lie but it was exaggerating way above and beyond the call of duty.

"Fine I guess I will just sit home alone all weekend after sitting at home all week then?" Alone... her definition of alone and mine differed, everyday she had been visited by friends and family. Her best friend Charlie... she went to the gym with him all the time. Now I didn't know for certain, but I had suspicions after all she wasn't opening her legs for me, even two weeks earlier on my birthday she had a 'headache'. A guy should at least get a handy on his damn birthday, if not head or an actual fuck.

Well I am not going to recount every detail of the next day or two we her, let's just say that by the time I got to the train station two days away seemed like not long enough. I hated her for that, for making me want to be away. Pete was different outside the office, still professional but more relaxed and he joked constantly. He ordered a few drinks while we were in the dinning car, on the company card and I found myself opening up, shit two beers and all my secrets just flooded out.

The tiger took it all in stride, he let me talk and he never tried to stop me or offer hollow words of comfort. I remember he just sat there actively listening like a pro, he let me get it all out and then when I began to realise how unprofessional I had been he stopped me from apologising. He said he knew what it was like, we all need to vent sometimes and he was at my disposal if I ever needed to. See a total cunt hero, letting me go on and on telling him stuff I had never told anybody, ever.

He escorted me back to my tiny cabin and then bid me goodnight. I had strange dreams that night, some violent some sexual, Frances was there Pete too, I don't remember much but I woke up with the worst case of morning wood I had ever had. Checking the clock it was an hour before I had arranged to meet Pete for breakfast so I indulged myself reaching down and wrapping my fingers around my throbbing cock, five and a half inches. Hey alright so I ain't like some guy in a porno movie, but some people think I am cute, some say sexy. My thin body has some nice hips, my butt is perky and my white fur makes my pink cock and pucker really stand out.

Anyway I closed my eyes and began to think of my wife going down on me, oh yeah, that worked nicely watching that stripy head in my minds eye. Her black lips slipping back and forth,her warm tongue caressing and cradling my maleness thrusting my fullness inside her, her moaning at my taste, at the feel of the cock in her mouth. The moans seemed deeper than reality, but I didn't question it, my paw had a mission and it was taking my cock along for the ride. Stroking the pinkness faster and faster as my mind continued to imagine I was not alone.

I imagined her looking up at me, her eyes looking through the glass of reading spectacles, odd as she didn't wear specks. Still I didn't question my dream I just writhed on the bed as a I felt a load building inside me. It had been months since my last release, France thought masturbation was disgusting. Desperate for the finale I pulled my imaginary cock from her lips, in my mind it was an inch or two longer and a lot thicker than what was in my paw, but then everyman thinks he's bigger than he looks. Then with a muffled cry I came hard imagining that the spunk was spraying all over her face instead of onto my tummy.

It was as I came I realised it wasn't Frances I was giving a facial too, my pearly white jets were landing on a Siberian face, the face of my boss. I opened my eyes with a gasp, I shook my head, it was just stress and worry. Sure I had fooled around a little in college, just a bj or two with some gay guys, but that didn't mean anything. After all Frances had gone to a different college and I didn't want to cheat on her with another woman, with a guy it was just me blowing my nuts into his mouth. It was... just sex nothing that counted, not like I wanted someone else. The stupid lies we tell ourselves to avoid facing a hard to swallow truth.

Breakfast was awkward, well it would be wouldn't it after spilling my guts the night before, and my nuts a few minutes before. Pete was a champion though, he didn't mention anything I had said, it was clear to me he would never talk about it unless I started the conversation. Instead we discussed the conference, Pete said someone had to man our stall all day, then proved himself a hero once more by agreeing to man it himself. So I could network and get to grips with the competition, seriously the guy was willing to piss away a golden opportunity to advance himself to give it to me instead, total hero cunt. After this trip I knew there was no way I could continue to treat him the way I had, I would have to do what he asked, when he asked. Not because he would tell anyone about the trip, because he was a good guy and I wanted him to think I was too.

The conference was huge, I helped Pete set up our stall and then he pushed me off with a smile, telling me to make the most of it. I did as he asked, returning every now and again to see if he needed a toilet break or a drink. He greeted me with a smile each time, though I don't know how, he had spoken to dozens if not hundreds of people by lunchtime. I had too, exploring every stall and filling my pockets with freebies, pens pencils, toys, mugs all with logos or some gimmick. I got an awesome bottleopenerkeyringknifescrewdriverpen thing... it's hard to explain but it was awesome, and still is I have it at home.

After lunch things changed up a little and I... well I proved what a stupid cunt I was. A bunch of stalls started to offer out a glass of wine, or beer and even some had small bottles of whiskey. Free booze, in mouth sized portions, it is so easy to lose track of how much you're drinking and mixed drinks... a total killer. Before I knew what was happening I was drunk, of course it was that much harder to refuse a free drink while already drunk.

I made it back to Pete and our stall just as the conference ended and I was hammered or as I told my boss ever so eloquently I was, 'sottaly thitfaced'. Thank god I was, because I don't remember the look on his face but I know it would have broke my heart to remember that handsome face looking at me in disappointment. He never said a word of rebuke, he let me sit down and gave me lots of water while he packed up the stall.

He got us a cab and bundled us into it, booked us both into a hotel. He managed to carry both our luggages, work stuff and me to the lift and took me to my room. He let me flop on the bed while he put the tiny hotel kettle on and made me a coffee. I was still drunk but with all the water and coffee Pete had given me I was starting to sober a little, of course that was not a good thing. You see while blitzed I was just a lump, but now I was awake and able to move, able to do dumb things. Like what I did next.

I began to cry and to bitch about my wife, I whined about my birthday, about not even getting some head. The tiger put his arm around me and I found myself with my muzzle buried in his neck. Oh fuck did he smell good, light musk and a dusting a cologne. I inhaled deeply as I felt myself getting hard, it was a bad thing to do, he was my fucking boss after all. Still drunk bunnies make bad choices and before I even knew it I was kissing and nibbling on his neck, my paws began to roam over his body. His smart suit and shirt all creased and ruffled, he opened his mouth and started to say something. Drunk bunnies don't want to hear you tell them it's a bad idea so I shut him up with a kiss, deep and passionate. My tongue delved into his warm maw and I could feel him stop resisting and eventually he returned the kiss, his paws pulling me close. Oh damn if only I could explain how good it felt to be held in those powerful arms, to feel his hard male chest grinding against mine.

I broke the kiss with a lustful growl and then stood back pulling on my clothes clumsily I manage to get my shirt off,with the loss of just three buttons. Next my pants, no drunken strip show is ever graceful elegant or sexy, I just dropped trow and stood before him in all my short average glory. That's when I looked down into his eyes, I was expecting to see it, that look of disappointment or pity. Instead what I saw was a smile of lust and a pink tongue licking black lips. He muttered something about giving me a belated birthday present, I didn't really hear him I just felt two powerful paws grab my ass and pull me forward into warm heaven.

I felt the most wonderful thing in the world a mouth that wanted to suck me, that welcomed my cock with eager tongue. He lapped over my maleness purring loudly, Frances never purred when she sucked me off, she never pretended my cock was anything but a chore she had to do. Pete let his paws wander and for the first time in years someone played with my balls, I loved the feeling of his warm palm and the teasing strokes of his digits. The other paw rested on my ass and made pulling motions, it took me a few moments to catch on what he wanted. The idea had become so alien to me, but eventually even my drunk brain figured it out, he wanted me to fuck his face.

I was shocked, looking down I could see his eyes looking up at me through those sexy specks. Those eyes were begging me, begging for my cock, begging me to fuck his thick black lips. With an uncontained squeal of joy I pulled my hips back, watching the most beautiful sight of my cock sliding back out of a warm mouth, glistening with spittal. I placed my paws on his head and then thrust forward hard, crotch smashing into his nose, my balls slapping off his chin.

It was wonderful, I felt powerful for the first time in I don't know how long I was fucking someone desperate to take my cock. I wasn't slow or gentle, something told me I didn't have to be either with Pete, I fucked his mouth as fast and hard as I could, my balls singing to me. I could feel them churning, my body was eager to empty itself in or on to the first person in years who had actually wanted to have sex with it. The tiger's mouth and tongue didn't make holding out any easier, he sucked on my length with just the right pressure, showing me he wanted it. My ears were filled with his pleasure moans and purring, oh damn there is no measure high enough to show just how sexy it is to fuck the mouth of someone desperate for your cock.

With a cry I realised I was passing the point of no return, a gentleman would have given a warning, would have let his lover choose to take his load in the mouth or not. Drunk bunnies are not gentlemen, my cock throbbed on his tongue and sprayed the first blast right at the back on his throat. Drunk on lust, and a lot of booze, I pulled my cock out of his lips and sprayed the second third and fourth loads all over my boss's face. I stood over the kneeling tiger, still in a crumpled suit now with cum stains, looking down I saw streams of my seed dripping down his cheeks. His glasses were covered, both lenses had taken a good blast of bunny spunk. I couldn't see his eyes I worried for a moment that I had gone too far, then I heard it, a deep rumbling purr, as the cat began to lick up the drips of cum that fell passed his lips.

He pulled off his glasses and licked them clean of my spunk then stood up. Shit I had never kissed someone right after they sucked me off before, he was the first and I'm glad he was. Experiencing that for the first time was what really finally broke me. As our hungry tongues danced our bodies ground against each other, my cock leaving smears of cum on his black pants. I felt his heart beating rapidly and I knew right then, he wanted me, this wasn't some duty of his, he actually wanted to have sex with me. What's more I wanted him, I knew it more surly than I had ever known anything ever. I broke the kiss and stepped back for a moment, my eyes looking him over.

Crumpled, yet expertly tailored suit and shirt. A smart tie pulled down loose to his stomach, his mane all ruffled. I could hear his panting breaths and then I looked into his eyes, through his sexy specks. I could see the doubt there, he was waiting for it, for the heterosexual married guy to freak out. Well he would have to wait a lot longer for that, it would happen in the morning, followed by lots of vomiting to the screaming song of 'whatthefuckdidwedolastnight!' Then a surprisingly fun shower, and a little bit of fun in the steamy soapy environment of a large hotel shower cubicle.

Right then all I did was gesture to the bed and say "fuck me." I could see the confusion on his face, I was 'straight' I had fucked his mouth I had taken the dominant role, for once. He had been expecting either no fucking or to be the one getting the pounding, truth be told I was just drunk, horny and emotional enough to ignore everything. To ignore years of pretending, of trying to be someone else and just ask for what I wanted. I crawled onto the bed, my heart shaped tail lifted and quivering, my pink pucker exposed to him as I looked back and said, "please, fuck me."

He reached up a paw and pulled his tie off, nobody can understand just how sexy that action was to me. His jacket was tossed to the side as he crawled onto the bed behind me. I felt two huge paws grab my rear and for the first time I really felt just how powerful my boss could be. Those firm paws pulled my pert cheeks apart and I felt something I never in my wildest dreams though I would ever feel. A warm tongue licking on my musky rabbit hole, I squealed and he showed no mercy, my doughnut was pierced by his tongue and I gripped the rough hotel sheets. He lapped deeper and deeper, eating me out with a hunger I had never felt before. My cock was already rock hard and drooling, he wrapped a free paw around it, stroking the throbbing length as his tongue delved places no one had ever delved before. That's when I learned that my deepest fantasies could come true and they were far more pleasurable than I ever dreamed they could be. I squealed again as his tongue attacked my prostate, his paw joining the assault by stroking my cock faster and faster.

I bucked and cried out, bit down on the pillow savagely, to muffle cries of bliss louder than any I had ever made. The tiger was a master with his tongue and he was taking me to school, teaching me about pleasures I had never dreamed could exist. Then for the third time that day my balls began to convulse and my cock throbbed as streams of rabbit spunk were milked out of me. I collapsed panting into a puddle of my own cum, I couldn't think or move, all I could do was lay there as I recovered from the most powerful orgasm of my life, so far.

I felt the bed rise as he got up and then a few seconds later fall as he got back on. Then I felt something cold and slick pressing on my pucker, I looked down to see the tiger without a shirt. Oh holy fuck he is hot without a shirt, his chest was perfectly formed, pecks that danced as he moved. However, his stomach didn't have the six pack I was expecting, instead he had just a little bit of paunch, just enough of a soft cushion to make him look sexy as fuck. I would also find out later that paunch made him the worlds best snuggler.

It was clear to me that he wanted to get his release inside me, and as his finger thrust inside I pushed back willingly. His paws guided me back to my willing knees, I cried out softly as he fingered me a little roughly, his purring echoed around the room and I knew he was lost to his lust, he just had to have some bunny ass. Which was fine by me, he could take it all, I wanted him desperately. A second digit joined the first and I whimpered at the pain of being stretched, it didn't stop him, I'm not sure anything could have stopped him. I certainly wasn't going to, I didn't care if it hurt I was going to fuck a tiger who wanted to fuck me, for the first time in decades.

I guess he thought with all the alcohol I had drunk I didn't need more than two fingers prep, or maybe he just couldn't hold back anymore, because soon he pulled them both out and two needy paws grabbed my hips. I whimpered at the feel, brute power and lust, lust for me, controlling them. Then I felt it, for the first time, I felt a warm, moist, cocktip pressing against my ass. I knew there was nothing I could do, this male was going to have his way with me, but there was nothing I wanted more in the world than to feel his cock inside me.

Feel it I certainly did as he thrust forward savagely, his thick cock spearing my tight virgin ring, his brute strength forcing his length in right to the hilt. Even through all the alcohol I had drank the pain shot right to my mouth and I cried out. Powerful arms grabbed my shoulders holding me up as he pulled out and thrust home again, I cried out once more the pain somewhat less. The third and forth thrusts got a whimper and the fifth got a moan, the pain of his roughness lessening enough for the pounding on my prostate to overpower it.

Trembling rabbit hips thrust back and I heard the tiger chuckle, he leaned over me, his powerful frame on top of me pressing me down, as his hips continued to thrust. His cock reaming deeper and deeper, touching places inside me that had yearned for a male's touch all my life. I felt his teeth as he bit down on the back of my neck and I shuddered, the dominance and power of my lover was total. I submitted my everything to him, in reward I felt fingers close around my hard cock.

I rocked back against his thrusting hips and forward into his squeezing paw, closing my eyes but thinking of nothing but what was happening to me in that moment. I was so close to spilling another load and just as I heard him whisper, "cum for me." I passed the point of no return. I screamed out into the night as an orgasm, so powerful it made the previous one feel like a handshake, wreaked havoc throughout my body. My ass clamped down on his thick maleness squeezing the length desperately inside me.

Then I felt something wonderful as my lover began to unload inside me, his thrusting hips never stopping or slowing as he pumped me full of his warmth. I could do nothing but lay there and take ever last drop of it, then we both collapsed, panting until we passed out. I spent that night wrapped inside the embrace of another male and nothing in my life had ever felt so right as that feeling.

Well you already know what happened in the morning, but what happened when I got home, that's another story. Maybe I'll tell you it sometime.