Fox Fire Chapter 3.5

Story by AlexanderW on SoFurry

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#4 of Fox Fire

Tierei has naughty fantasies about the first human he's encountered. Not a whole chapter.

There was an undeniable attraction that Tierei felt for the human. Matt, being the first human that Tierei has seen, was the subject of many stares from the wolf. The inhuman eyes of the wolf-boy made Matt feel self-conscious as he wished that the hot springs were but a little deeper than originally designed. It only covered to about both of their waists, Tierei being just a head or so taller than Matt. The wolf's toned and tanned body drew the boy's attention as they bathed, Matt splashing the warmed water onto his skin he closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of the warmth. He smiled as the water soothed all his aches and pains, even ones that he didnt know he had. It was a magical and healing place.

His eyes opened as he felt a pair of hands start to rub his back. Tierei was behind him, and the wolf smiled, coming close to him pressing his belly against the back of Matt. The wolf smelled the boys hair and wrapped his arms around the human, "You want to have some fun now that you are feeling better?" He asked.

Matt moved forward and struggled out of the grip of the wolf. He turned to look at the wolf with a red, blush filled face, "What do you mean?" He asked. Matt seemed hesitant, but he knew exactly what Tierei wanted and the very thought made him feel even hotter.

"You know," the wolf shrugged, "before Tarven comes back." The wolf advanced towards the human, and kept advancing as Matt backed more and more away. It wasn't until Matt hit the edge of the springs that he stopped and Tierei had cornered him. With a predator like smile the wolf flashed his fangs at the boy and placed both of his hands on Matt's shoulders. Golden eyes looked into Matts he stepped closer and closer until their chests touched.

Matt was paralyzed under the intense gaze of the wolf and hardly reacted to their touching. It was true that he thought Tierei was attractive, but could he just do things with him. He had Nashiri to think about, and their relationship.What would this do to their chances of being together? The boy placed a hand on the wolfs chest and pushed him away, "I.. I really do like you, but I can't." He said eyes averting the golden ones as he turned his head and looked down.

He didn't mean to see it, but he saw it. The wolf was starting to get erect. A bit of red poked out of its sheath, and then he felt a hand grab under his chin and guide his face to once again look into the wolf's eyes, "You can." The wolf urged leaning in closer the wolfs hands cupped the boys cheeks as he went in to kiss him. The wolfs husky breath washed over the boy, and Matt sharply inhaled as Tierei kissed him.

Matt pulled back, but wasn't allowed by Tierei as the boys head was held firmly in place by the wolfs strong grip. First he was resisting, but as the wolfs strong lips met his he could feel his own resistance subsiding. The breath of the wolf was intoxicating as it was wild and free. He would feel the primal urge the kiss had brought, the emotion that the wolf was sharing with the kiss, it had sunk into him. Matt had thought the wolf very attractive, and was thankful for him saving him, feeding him, helping him...

The kiss was short and seemed more like a formality as the wolf offered Matt a toothy smile. His yellow eyes were focused and his hands moved from Matts face to his hips, gripping him he picked the boy up and sat him on the edge of the spring. Matts back was pressed against the cold stone wall as he sat at the edge. A full blush on his face as he looked down at the wolf, his head swimming in the conflicting thoughts. Everything was happening so fast, he didn't have time to think. He knew he didn't want to hurt Tierei. The wolf had been nothing but nice to him since he got here.

They were close. Matt could feel the heat from the body by him as he was trapped between the wall and Tierei. The wolf leaned in, one hand on the stone wall which made up the cave, "You can't say no," he whispered to Matt, the wolf was now fully erect just thinking about the thought of taking the boy, his first human boy. Pre already started to leak out lubricating the member in a sleek almost shiny slime. The wolfs other hand was rubbing it, smearing the pre all over his erection until it was glistening with wetness.

There was a hopefulness in the wolf's eyes, a seductive tone in his voice. How he was told that he couldn't say no, Matt was at a loss for words. He felt the body heat in front of him and it seemed to draw him in. A blush formed on his face as he realized that, looking down at his own cock to see that it has risen to the occasion too. He hesitantly swallowed the saliva in his mouth and wordlessly nodded to the wolf, looking into Tierei's eyes he saw a flash of excitement in there, his features shuddered as he realized just how much meaning there was in his actions.

There was hardly a breath taken after the silent consent was given by Matt before he felt himself being shifted and moved by the strong wolf's arms. His legs had been brushed off to either side and lifted up ever so slightly so the demon could have access to what he wanted. Matt was exposed and open to him, and his blush deepened even more as he left out a slight sound which was muffled by a hand clamping over his mouth. The boy spasmed a bit, his eyes growing wide and tears began to form. He wanted to cry out, but the sound was cut off by the invading hand of the wolf. Tierei had pushed himself all the way into the boy the moment he got permission to do so.

The wolfs tail swayed happily behind him, batting at the water of the hot springs, as he took a moment to enjoy the pulsing tightness surrounding and enclosing him. Matt was so warm and tight it was unbelievable, the way he spasmed around it, the ring of muscle gripping him tighter and tighter. The wolf reveled in the responsiveness of the boys body, who wasnt quite used to the wolf being inside him, and he didnt plan on giving him time to adjust either.

There was a smirk on Tierei's face, as the hand around the boy mouth muffled more sounds from him as the wolf continued what he had started. His hips moved back and forth, his dick being handled and caressed by the tight walls of the boy shot pleasure throughout his body. Matts hands grasped at the arm which held the hand over his mouth, but the boy only found that the wolfs grip tightened, and the resistance was met with a harder, more forceful thrust. A small growl escaped Tierei as he moved even closer, further pinning the human in place...

"Tierei?" A voice asked, it sounded a little concerned. It was that voice which drew the wolf from his daydream and brought him back to reality. He looked over, realizing that he was the only one in the spring now. Beyond the pool Matt had already dressed, and they had already washed, wounds healed. The wolf just stood there in the water looking at the human stupidly trying to wonder why the boy was blushing. It wasnt like he could read his mind, right? His fantasies were his own, but then he realized that his body had betrayed him. Looking down he saw his arousal in all its glory, and there was no hiding it from the boy, like he would. The wolf just grinned and placed his hands on his hips, he thrust forward and shot the human a sharp smile, "You like what you see?" He asked, confidence and arrogance overflowing in his voice.