Alaina's Ring

Story by Gates_L on SoFurry

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Whitey can't trust Alaina alone for any length of time and Gates decides to take full advantage of that.If you want a part 2, leave comments/favs/notes

Story by Me

Proof read and minor revisions by


Gates -> Me

Alaina -> Paox

White -> White

Cover art by

Paox ->

Alaina found herself in a dull laze around the house this evening. Her master, Whitey had been out on business this week leaving the corgi to herself, or himself depending on what side of the waist caught your gaze first. The green colored shemale had her nose in a book and a drink at her side, a rather dry novel to keep her attention from wandering to far as she waited patiently for White to return.

It was a miserable time really to waste some good alone time on a bad mystery novel. She had the whole house to herself, no one around too distracted if she wanted to say, pull out one of her more... interesting novels to enjoy. It was something that she would have to put off though, she couldn't risk letting her mind wander so far south given the situation she was left in, so it was stale reading for now. Later she'd actually get some work of her own done, sorting her library, fussing with some recipes she had wanted to try. Her time seemed rather boundless given that one limitation placed on her.

She sighed and let her book fall against her nose as she stared dully at the ceiling, wishing something would happen to make the day go by a bit faster. As she let herself daze her ears flopped at a soft thud in the distance. Perhaps the house settling or the evening wind disturbing the walls, she wasn't sure. There was another thud though, and then a few more. Clutching her book as if hiding behind it she shifted herself upright, eyes darting around the room before she slowly moved from her couch towards the sound. It came from the back, the library perhaps? She wasn't sure what it was, or even if she heard anything at all until several more soft thuds hit the floor. It was definitely from the library and she stood right outside the door. She clutched her book like a weapon in one hand, moving quietly towards the entrance. She heard someone cussing to himself lightly inside the room as several more thuds hit the ground... it sounded... it sounded like her books where being tossed around, but why? She readied her 'weapon' like some sort of ninja star and slipped inside the door, hitting the lights and sending her intruder into a panic, he threw himself so hard against the book covered wall one of the bookshelves toppled over and buried him in a sea of literature.

Alaina gasped and tossed her book aside, running over to the shifting pile suddenly with a concern as she unburied what looked to be... a rather brown fox. "Gates!" She exclaimed "You scared me half to death, what are you doing here!"

"What do you mean what am I doing here, what are YOU doing here!?" Gates yelled back.

"Me? I live here!" She huffed at him, dropping a book on his head.

"Oh well... I just figured with White going to that science-y thing he'd probably want to bring his play thing along" Gates said casually, brushing off a few books.

"I'm sorry, his what?" Alaina almost hissing at him through a soft growl, picking up the same book and letting it drop on Gates head a second time.

"Ouch! Er, I mean, a good friend to help past the time..." Gates stumbled, both with his words and out of the book pile.

"Better" She said with a huff, grabbing at the book case she started to lift it back to place with a little help from Gates. The two of them putting books onto the shelf with Alaina being the librarian she is, taking everything Gates set on the shelf and putting them into their proper place.

"So still, he left you here by your lonesome? I could of sworn he'd would have taken you" Gates questioned, stepping back from the bookshelf once he realized how pointless his efforts where when Alaina kept rearranging it.

"Yeah..." she hummed sadly for a second before looking flustered all a sudden. She cracked at Gates again "Wait, don't distract me. What were YOU doing here?" she said, pushing a finger into Gates chest just firm enough that it was uncomfortable.

"Me well... you see, I left something... important here and White stored it in his lab vault... but he forgot to give it back before he went on his trip so I wanted to come get it?" Gates said, or rather hasty constructed would be a better way to put this lie, a lie of which Alaina saw right go through with her piercing 'as if' glance back at him.

"And naturally you decided to throw off all the books in my library off the shelf to get to this vault..." Alaina stated at Gates.

"What, no, the entrance to his lab is here." Gates said honestly. "Didn't you know where it was?"

"Wait, it's here?" Alaina pushed the question at Gates, almost leaping at him. "Show me" She demanded.

"Its... just behind this book case. I was just trying to find the right book to activate it" He said, pointing at one of the book cases which Alina immediately grabbed and pulled it to the floor, books flying off the shelf in every direction as she glanced at a hidden door and keypad on the wall. Her eyes lit up at the thing, Gates eyes staring oddly with a lot of questions as to what just happened. Alaina tried her hand at the lock but was quickly denied several times with a rather irritating buzz from the door. She growled in frustration until her ears shot up and she looked over at Gates. "So, you... you can get in here right?"

"I have a way of getting into peoples labs yes but... you do realize when I say 'get my thing' I meant 'steal all his potions and gadgets for my own purposes' right?' Gates said, wondering what kind of response this would get him.

Alaina herself didn't seem to care much however. "Yes sure but you can get in right? There's something I need in there!" She said, hurrying Gates over to the pad. Gates huffed oddly at Alaina and started hitting in the proper code but stopped several digits into the password before he had to ask.

"Was there something in there you wanted?" He asked. Alaina nearly biting her lip.

"White left something in there, something I really need and I'm going to die if I have to wait another week for him to come home!"

"A week?" Gates hummed before suddenly giving a good smile back at Alaina " I didn't realize I had that much time. Well then, that rich bastard has a PS4 I've always wanted to try. Maybe I'll get a game or two in first, hell, with a week I got time for a movie marathon" Gates claimed, walking out of the room with a smirk. Alaina gasped and ran back to the door as Gates left the room, hitting in several more rejected codes.

"Come on Gates, take the PS4 and everything in the lab, just let me get my thing!" She huffed. Before long banging her head on the door. Gates yelling enthusiastically as he found Whites netflix and began to browse. Alaina didn't know Gates all that well but she figured she had one asset to get his attention with and maybe get what she wanted. She hummed down at herself, hosting up her massive breasts in her paws. Maybe a little something mind numbing to stare at would get him to melt in his hands and she could get him to open up that lab. She smiled and pulled at her shirt, peeling the lair off with a murr as it slipped over her ample chest, exposing the gorgeous white breasts of hers and their blue peaked tits. "Oh Gates" She said with the glee of a temptress "I've got a little favor to ask you about this door ~<3" She hummed, turning around the corner.

Gates picked this exact instant to get a nose bleed as he looked up at the stunning Alaina standing topless at the door. "Alaina... A favor you say... Well, you got my attention" He stammered, and certainly not exaggerating as everything that didn't come out his nose had gone straight down into his loins, the fox feeling not so much a tent but a 10 wheel mobile home beating against his barn door.

Alaina strutted down the room as if on a cat walk, kneeling down at Gates lap. She laid her paws against the denim jeans and ran her fingers along the zipper, giving it a gentle tug. She pressed her chest up against his leg, letting each catch in the zipper pop with the exaggeratedly long motion. Gates helping it along as the building pressure in his cock seemed to help push the zipper along, that or the sheer will in his want had manifested into mental powers. "I would be... very grateful" she said up to him, now the button popping open between her fingers "If you could show me how to get into Whites lab... If you were to show me." She continued, leaning up a bit, raising her chin over his tent and letting her breasts press harder up his knees "I would be... very grateful" she hummed up at him, pulling down his boxers to finally reveal the foxes fully erect cock. Gates himself falling back into the couch, murring deeply at the sight of her working.

"I want to let you in but if you don't mind showing me just how grateful you are..." He murred back as Alaina wrapped her paw around Gates cock, letting her fingers slip along its length down to the sheath. She pressed it back into her paw with a light brush of her maw before giving it a long exaggerated lick that sent lightening down Gates spine. He groaned in bliss, his cock feeling that much thicker from the touch against her paw. Alaina didn't stop, letting her tounge wrap around it and slowly guide her maw towards his head where she let her lips rest against the flesh and slowly consume the the foxes cock. Gates panted in bliss, restraining himself from bucking into the awaiting maw as Alaina pressed him further, her paw working down his shaft, pressing it and massaging it against her lips as she consumed it, letting her tongue hug the belly of the cock. She closed her eyes, drool running down her lip as she worked the fox gently, faster, running her maw up and down the length in slow motions, gradually building up some speed that sent the fox into a thrust as one paw found its way along her ear. He held her, guiding her and encouraging more, Alaina could feel the want all through his hand and worked that much harder for him, clutching a paw against his lap as her tail wagged and lips moved that much faster. More than drool running from her maw, Gates drowning her in pre that soaked her tongue and stained his lap as she went faster and faster. Gates hand telling her more, screaming for more the way he held her, encouraging her. She found herself dominated, wanting to do nothing more than please him, moving faster and faster on him, pressing her lips down it, taking another inch of his massive thing down her maw, and then another inch, working deeply on it, taking in each shot of pre. Gates lust growing more as he panted and gasped, no longer willing to let her work alone he had to thrust into her maw, matching her own strokes with his, holding her tighter, her hair parted in between his fingers, feeling his want become hers, licking at him, stroking, faster and faster until finally he unloaded into her awaiting maw. The fox yelling in bliss as he locked her in place on his cock, forcing rope after gorging rope down her muzzle, dripping from her lips and soaking his lap before finally it was over. The fox panting under her in ecstasy as he grinned and ran his hand down her hair. She pleasantly licked up his cock, removing bits of mess from it before smiling up at him. "Now how about we take care of you now?" Gates asked, panting some under her. Alaina grinned and stood up from the ordeal, taking a few steps back towards Whites lab. She couldn't even pull her top down before gates hugged her from behind, holding her in place.

"W-what are you doing?" she stumbled out as Gates paws ran down her chest into her shorts, grasping at the hard beating cock of the herm that had pleasured him.

"I think you might of misunderstood. When I said take care of you, I wasn't talking about taking care of the door" he smiled, his paws running along that thick Alaina cock, feeling it beat in his paws as he popped the button on her pants. She froze in place, panting some as Gates held her from behind, pushing up and down on her cock until he felt something, a ring around her cock brushed against Gates fingers. "Oooh, a piece of jewelry hmm? What an interesting place to find it." he grinned at as Alaina shivered in his paws.

"N-not jewelry" Alaina panted, her cock throbbing madly to his touch, how easy Gates found it to rile up Alaina, her cock jumping for attention, demanding more of it, seeming bigger every pulse, Gates barely able to get his paw all the way around it it had grown so massive. This had just given him more to work with as he licked along her ear, rubbing faster at the large blue cock of hers.

"Not jewelry hmm? Feels like jewelry, maybe I should have a closer look?" He grinned, the two of them back in the library as Gates pushed her back first into a bookcase hard enough to send literature falling to the floor. He knelt down, Alaina holding his shoulders, unable to stop him or rather bring herself to stop him. Her cock beating madly before the fox, wanting and needing attention as he ran his paw over it and admired the jewelry that he know could see glowed softly. "Not jewelry at all is it?" he hummed up at her.

Alaina shook her head "White's Technology..." She stammered, gasping as the fox continued to pet at her large cock, the massive thing pulsing again in his paw. Though despite how big and wanting it was Gates finally noticed that she hasn't produced a drop of pre.

"A release denial device... A whole week by yourself, no one around to bother you... and I bet I know where the key to this is" he looked up.

"P-please... I need this so bad..." Alaina panted out.

"Hehe well, maybe in a bit... I might want to have some fun with this first" Gates grinned, giving her cock a soft lick. Alaina nearly screamed, so pent up and needing that she fell against the book case, gasping and nearly paralyzed from the soft lick. Her cock felt that much heavier, that much bigger from the sheer want to release, the ring feeling tighter than ever, at least up until Gates licked again, pressing the thick blue thing into his hand with another long lick. Alaina gasping out as he slowly returned her favor, lick after lick until her hard cock found its way into his maw, the fox licking over it slowly, working it between his lips. He let the soft hum of his voice vibrate her cock as he drew up and down it, his paws softly running along the base, running over that ring that just seemed to grow brighter. She clutched the bookshelf so hard one of the shelves broke loose in her hands and more books fell to the floor. Gates still pushed however, taking in another inch to get her to release but all he did was making her gasp harder, moan for want of a release that she couldn't have. Her cock beat furiously in his maw, working against the ring, beating harder and harder, trying desperately to release into he maw. Gates murred and panted. "mmmm, oh it looks ready to blow" he said at the wincing Alaina. "Just need to push a little harder." he grinned, standing up again and turning Alina around so she faced the bookshelf. Still soaked in his own pre the fox pushed his cock up against Alina's rump, grasping her cock in his paws he gently began to rub. Braced against the book shelf Alaina gasped in bliss as Gates slowy pushed himself inside, burrying his cock in her back side that had her tearing books in half. She clutched the shelf tight, her whole body being rocked, her cock running against his pre soaked paws. The fox worked faster and faster, feeling himself already building but Alaina had yet to produce a drop of her own pre.

"Mmmm, come on, I need you Alaina, need you to release with me" He told her, the corgi panting as her cock ached from all the attention, throbbing furiously, beating against the ring, throbbing in his fingers furiously and feeling bigger still, cramped by that always tighter ring.

"I-I cant......c-cant do it!" She cried, Gates responding with a harder thrust that had every bit of literature against the wall rattle "Wa-ant it so bad!" She cried, gasping as she ripped into the wood of the book shelf. Gates slamming harder and harder, pushing his cock deeper, the thing throbbing madly inside her, again releasing pre that sent her shivering. She winced and groaned, braced hard against the shelf, watching pre trickle from her rump as it and every book on the shelf collected on the floor. She gasped with another hard thrust that had her bite her lip, drool ecaping between pants in a stream down her maw. The shelf began to snap apart from the force of it all as Gates worked faster and faster, his hips plowing into her backside as his paws stroked that massive fat thing of hers faster and faster, squeezing it lightly in his paws, working it over, feeling it pulse and throb. The thing beat so hard in his paws he could barely hold it, feeling the want and need to release becoming massive. "C-cant release! Its too much!"

"I need you to, cum for me, make a mess, blow your whole load!" Gates cried, Alaina panting, almost sobbing, the bliss was so great but it was to much.

"I-t w-wont let me!" She cried back

"Come on, harder, harder!" Gates growled to himself "So close, you just need a little more, just a little more!" He thought, grasping at her chest, squeezing the massive breast and tightening his hold on her for another push. He was so close as he pressed into her, his muzzle up along her neck, he could take in her strong sent, the sweat, lust and tension driving him onward. He pushed every inch of what he was into her tight rump, balls deep and finally hitting so hard that the shelf ripped apart and Alain flew into the next one down, her rump suddenly thrusting into Gates, shoving back into him with a jerk so hard it made her scream. Gates couldn't resist it any longer and for the second time released. Alaina gasping, nearly spitting with drool, feeling the fox fill her, the massive cock unloading torrents of cum into her backside, spilling from her rump and soaking her legs.

Alaina clutched at her cock, the device squeezing her unimaginably tight, restraining her from her lust and she couldn't take it any more. She gasped, stroking her cock, thrusting into her palm, growing louder and louder, wanting it more than ever, wanting to release with the fox. Gates panting behind her, still drooling, his cock sputtering and draining into her as she thrust again and again, crying out, trying to reach that climax with Gates. Her cock felt heavy, swollen and gorged, beating against that infernal contraption harder with every pulse. It didn't' stop her, it didn't restrain her, it didn't even slow her down, not any longer. Gasping as she felt Gates slowing down, unable to keep up with her lust any longer.

He couldn't stop now though, he started licking at her neck. He rubbed her breasts under is paws, pinching lightly at her tits. He couldn't even tell if she noticed, Alaina gasping against the wall, pushing herself franticlly. There wasn't much else to try at this point so he grasped her breast firmly, pinching down and almost twisting it. Alaina screamed, she certinly felt it as Gates pressed harder and harder, hearing Alaina yelling. He took his cum soaked paw and storked at her cock again, soaking it once more in his own mess as he continued to press on her, squeezing tighter as he begun to lick along her neck, stroking at her cock with her until he felt a blast of cum against his paw. Alaina jerked hard enough she let go of her cock, grasping what was left of the book case in her paws as she jerked and unload another shot, filling Gates paw and splattering the book case. She gasped, thrusting again, unloading another long hot streaming round across the shelves before almost falling back into Gates, panting hard and groaning.

"Looks like you did it" Gates smirked, taking a step or two back out of the rubble before settling down on the floor, Alaina in his arms. She still panted and moaned.

"D-dont do that again" she groaned, wimpering some as she rubbed over her sore chest where Gates had squeezed her. Gates looked up to see a massive soaking stain she had left on the shelves, it was more than he had made the whole night but she still felt so pent up, so tense in his arms. She wasn't even close to done yet.

Gates moved out from under her, easing her against a chair to rest against. She looked up as he moved over the rubble of books towards the door and thumbed at the controls. "W-what are you doing" Alaina asked, still very out of breath.

"Think this was a great start but you're not quiet finished yet. We're going to need something to push you over that edge" he smirked, the door hissing open infront of them.

More than a bargan book

This wasn't the first time Alaina had seen a garage sale but for whatever reason it was the first time instead of saying "I should go back later" she made the choice to stop. This wasn't a particularly special event, no commitment or plan was made,...

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White's Pokemon Center Disaster

"You see Miss Angel, this is more than just a pok_é_mon center" said a familiar arctic fox with just a hint of ego in his words. "It's the next generation of pok_é__mon care. Everything from health to training is revolutionary to say the least_" he...

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WIP: Enchanting Music

# Chapter 1 Part 1 WIP Threw a forest trail laid a dirt path barely kept alive by the souls of the few who traveled it. Sun shone and brought a glow along the edges of the trail, the warm light found the canopy above rather less than air tight. It...

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