Smoke and Pine

Story by Ursa Maximus on SoFurry

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#2 of Nine Stories

A lone woodsman finds himself in the forest near his village after dark. He catches the gaze of two piercing, yellow, lupine eyes.


Smoke and Pine

The woodsman gripped his axe with both hands and brought the blade to his shoulder. He took a wide stance and swung. His leather boots gripped the dirt. Power built in the muscles of his legs, traveled up his broad torso and down his thick arms. As the axe gained speed, he envisioned the head passing clean through the tree in a single stroke. Metal struck wood with a shower of pine bark and needles. The axe held fast, sunken about an inch into the trunk of the tree. His face was red from exertion and dripping with sweat. He'd been cutting trees for hours. He let out a deep sigh and wiped his face on his cloak.

It was sundown on a damp spring day. Viktor had cut trees most of his life. He had gotten especially good at it. He could fell this tree before it got dark, he thought, but just barely. He'd have to cut and haul the logs tomorrow. He placed a foot at the base of the tree, pulled his axe free, and resumed chopping.

Viktor's village sat at the edge of a dense pine forest, 10 or 15 miles deep, and he wasn't sure of how wide. Viktor wasn't one to travel very far. He was only a half mile from home. Beyond the forest rose a chain of white-capped mountains, most of which would keep their snow through the summer.

He lived with his family at the edge of the village, which suited him fine. They had land for him to build his own house when he was ready, easy access to the forest, and as much solitude as he desired.

The woodsman worked at the tree for three minutes. He needed all of the extra wood he could get. His village was home to many retired merchants, and come autumn they would pay good coin for properly seasoned firewood. But the days to get wood split and stacked to dry were quickly running out.

At last, the tree was ready. He tapped three wedges into the trunk with the broad side of the axe. These would push it into an adjacent clearing when it fell. He could cut it to logs more easily there. He walked back around the trunk and with three swift blows, the 40 foot pine began to creak, crackle, then crashed to the ground, right where Viktor needed it to be.

The sun still sat on the mountain, staining the sky crimson. He had time to start.

Viktor got out his hand saw and began stripping the trunk. He used a few larger branches as levers and set the massive chunk of wood down on an old stump. This would hold it off the ground and make it easier to saw. He began marking off the trunk, using the distance from his elbow to his hand to measure. The rhythm of familiar work had always relaxed Viktor. Cutting trees, plowing fields, digging holes. The world made sense when he worked this way.

As a child, his brother would often tease him for losing track of time collecting stones for a wall or building forts in the woods. He often missed meals, and worried his mother sick.

Little had changed. 40 minutes disappeared and the first thing Viktor noticed was that he couldn't see well enough to keep working. A gentle breeze moved soundlessly through the grey trees. The sky held no stars. The forest was silent.

Viktor looked around for the sack he used to carry his tools. He could leave his cart out here for the night, but he needed to collect his axe and saw. It might rain. They could get stolen. He found the sack by a fresh pine stump. One side of the bag was covered in sap, slowly spilling from the splinted wood. He loved the smell and was glad it would follow him home. He tossed his wedges and axe into the bag. He looked around for the wooden cover that would protect him from the saw's razor teeth. It wasn't here. He carried his tools back into the clearing.

A stick snapped in the distance. The trees scattered the sound. He couldn't tell which direction it had come from, or how for off it was. He placed his bag on the ground, kneeled in the soft dirt, and felt through a pile of sawdust. His fingers ran across smooth wood of the saw cover. He heard another snap and paused. This one sounded closer. He couldn't see anything but he knew he was being watched. He could feel the eyes. He picked up the cover and placed it in his bag.

Viktor stood up slowly and backed away from the felled tree, his hand tightening on the handle of the saw. He scanned the circle of forest that surrounded him. The woodsman saw nothing but dim silhouettes of trees. He picked up his bag and walked as quickly and quietly as he could toward the trail that led home.

He rounded a large tree marked with a white blaze. This was the path. He looked left, up the trail, away from home. It was dark but seemed clear. He stepped on to the path, turned around, and froze. A massive form, nearly 8 feet tall and hulking, stood in the middle of the trail only a few paces away. He thought for a moment that it might be a bear, but no bear could stand upright so perfectly still. Wild locks of black fur framed its silhouette. It stood like a man, only tipped forward, knees bent, on long feet ending in clawed paws. A long, bushy tail hung between its legs, just touching the ground. It had a narrow waist, growing upward into a massive, broad chest. Thick, muscled arms hung limp from its shoulders. Its head was large and wolf-like, with a powerful, square jaw and short muzzle. Its ears stood upright. Two piercing yellow eyes glowed in the night, staring down the human.

Viktor's mouth went dry and the bag of cutting tools clattered to the ground. A deep rumble emanated from the monster's chest. The woodsman took a step back. The beast matched it. He took another. The beast halved the distance between them in a single stride, then stopped. He could smell the musky oil in its fur and feel the heat rippling off its massive form.

The human snapped out of his daze, turned around, and bolted up the trail. Seconds later, the beast gave chase. He heard the monster gaining on him quickly. There was no chance of outrunning it on the open trail. Viktor cut left and dove back into the forest.

He weaved in and out of the trees in near total darkness, stumbling over roots and crashing through bushes. He heard the beast's pursuit only as a light patter. It moved with incredible speed and grace. Viktor knew he didn't have long. He saw a break in the trees. The clearing where he had been logging was ahead. He sprinted toward it at full speed. A root caught his foot and his shoulder struck a tree. The force spun him around and he reeled, backpedalling to maintain his balance.

He saw the beast right behind him, moving on all fours. It broke stride, then sprang forward. The beast's hand-paws slammed into the woodsman's chest, sending them both tumbling into the clearing. Its claws shredded the woodsman's shirt as they rolled across the dirt and undergrowth. The two came to a rest against the felled tree, the beast pinning the woodsman to the trunk.

The woodsman was in shock. The beast pressed on his chest, snarled, and bared its fangs. It shifted its face closer to Viktor's, meeting him eye to eye. Viktor started back into the glowing yellow rings. This was the end. His whole body tensed and he shut his eyes. His fists clenched. He felt the handle of the saw in his right hand. He gathered his courage.

The woodsman swung the razor-toothed saw with all his might at the beast's neck. It bounced off the thick fur, nicking its ear and scraping along the top of its snout. The massive wolf yelped and pulled back, drawing its front paws to its nose. Viktor kicked at its back leg and it fell to the ground on its side, shocked. He threw the saw, rolled away from the tree trunk, and sprang to his feet. He ignored the trail and bolted in the direction of home

Thorns and brambles tore at his pants, ripping them to pieces. He lost his cloak to a broken tree branch. Viktor cleared the edge of the forest and spotted his family's home in the distance. He sprinted forward in terror. He could still see the huge, piecing, yellow eyes of the wolf monster, as if they had been bright as the sun and he had stared too long. It was so dark, even outside the forest. His house was dark. The whole village was dark. Something was wrong. He slammed into the door and flailed at the latch. It opened easily and he tumbled to the floor inside. He kicked at the door behind him. The latch fell into place and so did the heavy beam used to secure the house at night.

"Someone - help - the woods - a monster" he shouted out between breaths. Nobody answered. The house was still. "IS ANY W- IS ANYONE HOME?" he cried out, still unable to catch his breath. Nothing. Where was everyone? He could still see the piecing yellow eyes, they burned.

Suddenly, a pair of sensations pushed away everything else in his mind: He smelled his home. He felt safe.

I'm home. I'm safe, thought Viktor.

He was confused, something wasn't right but he couldn't remember what. He blinked, trying to clear his head. It was hard to think while looking at those eyes. He was home. Safe. His panic subsided but his labored breathing continued, as if something heavy pressed against his chest.

Viktor turned himself over and sat, leaning against the door, wheezing. It felt like he was sitting on something. He shifted his weight to get off of it. It didn't work. He felt it press against his rear. He lifted himself off the ground, moved to the side, then dropped his weight back down. Something hot and moist pushed inside of him. It got bigger as it slid in.

Viktor gasped and raked his finger nails across the wooden floor of his house. But he didn't feel the wooden floor. He felt... loose dirt. Sawdust. Pine needles. This wasn't...

The bestial yellow eyes grew clearer, brighter. They pierced his mind. He closed his eyes but it didn't help. He couldn't shut them out. He opened his eyes again. His house was gone. He was still in the forest.

The beast had Viktor on his back, massive claws pinning his chest. A rope of saliva dripped from its jaws and landed on the woodsman's chest. The saw lay four feet to the right of him, blade half stuck in the dirt. The human's shirt was in tatters. His pants were torn to shreds, legs spread apart and in the air. His manhood hung out, half erect and leaking from the beast's first thrust. The wolf cock was still inside. Light claw marks covered the human's well-muscled legs. The massive beast stared into Viktor's eyes, dominating him. Viktor was unable to do anything but stare back.

The monster drew back its hips revealing inch after inch of magnificent human-wolf hybrid maleness. It was wide as a grown man's forearm at the base. A knot swelled at the bottom. It tapered slightly over its length, ending in a pointed glans that wasn't quite human. Eleven inches in all. A large black pouch hung below, each ball the size of an orange, swaying potently with the creature's every move. The beast sat as a wolf would sit, paws still pinning Viktor's chest, never breaking eye contact.

The man stared transfixed, the eyes were wiping all thoughts from his mind. Casting aside every protest, every worry, every care he ever had. Filling the void with lust and images of animals in rut. He saw perfection in the creature. Strength, power, and wisdom. The human resisted complete control, but only barely. His cock stood erect and dribbling, his prostate swollen and aching. His mind was exhausted. He craved the pleasure the beast offered with all of his soul. His resolved crumbled.

The beast felt the human break under its gaze. It growled with delight and moved its hand-paws to the ground. It released the human's mind and waited.

Viktor's head cleared. He looked up at the monster. He was no longer afraid. The beast was magnificent, powerful, and virile. The human wasn't sure if it had a plan for him, if he would even survive the night, but there was no use fighting, no use running. He knew what the beast wanted now. He wanted the same thing.

The beast watched with apprehension as the human sat up and raised his arms to its neck. Viktor ran his fingers though the beast's jet-black fur. It was soft and rich, growing from a thick hide stretched over firm muscle. His hands wrapped around the wolf's powerful neck. He felt its vulnerable throat with his thumbs. Its ears flattened but it did not move. He imagined crushing its windpipe and running. He did not. He continued back. He took hold of the beast's head with both hands, turned his head to the side, and kissed it deeply. He felt its sharp, oversized canines. Their tongues touched, pressing and grinding together. They could taste each other. The human tasted of milk and spice. Chestnut and cinnamon. The beast tasted of earth and woodsmoke, pine and cut grass.

Man and beast found themselves lost in each other. They ended their kiss only to kiss again and again. At last, Viktor's aching cock and swollen prostate could wait no longer. He broke away and leaned back. He spread his legs and lifted them as high as he could, parting his cheeks and presenting his tight hole for the beast.

The beast growled in approval and pushed its glistening member toward the human's rear. He rubbed it between the man's cheeks several times, teasing him and letting a trickle of precum lubricate his quivering ring. After what seemed like an eternity to the moaning human, the beast plunged its thick member inside.

Viktor shouted in bliss as the monster's cock pressed harder and harder on his prostate. He squirmed as 9 inches of hot wolf slid in and out. He leaned in to each thrust, twisting and grinding at the knot. It was too large to fit inside. The beast looked almost vacant, tongue hanging out, panting. It was overcome with passion, whining with each stroke. It looked down at the human. Viktor's eyes were pressed shut, straining to take the knot.

The beast knew it was time. It lowered its head, nuzzling the human's neck. It gave him a small lick. The woodsman moaned and craned his neck to nuzzle back. The monster opened its massive, lupine jaws, and wrapped them around Viktor's shoulder. Carefully, lovingly, the beast bit down. Its razor teeth pierced the human's skin with ease. Viktor flinched and opened his eyes. He wasn't being eaten, he knew. This was too tender. The beast held him still.

The salty, savory taste of blood filled the wolf's mouth. It began to drool uncontrollably. Tainted saliva spilled into the human's punctured skin. The beast opened its jaws, released the human, then gingerly licked the wound clean.

Viktor felt his pulse quicken. The beast had stopped fucking him. It looked down at him expectantly. The man spoke the first and last words he would ever say to the beast. "I don't know how this works", he said. "I don't know what is about to happen to me. But I need you here with me when it does. I need you." The beast pressed its forehead to Viktor's.

Viktor could hear his heart pounding in his ears. His skin was crawling, itching everywhere. Fine, chestnut-brown hairs began to grow all over his body, thickening to a rich pelt. He felt his shoulders push outward, broadening. His arms stretched out longer and thickened considerably with muscle. The palms of his hands grew bigger, thicker, meatier. Leathery pads formed on the underside of each finger. He felt his nails harden, curl, and start to push out into sharp claws.

The beast rolled back on to its haunches, sitting upright. Viktor sat up and pulled himself on to the wolf's lap, their cocks stood upright and touched. Eleven inches of beasthood dwarfed the human's six inch tool. He stoked them together.

Viktor's teeth grew longer and sharper. His nose and jaw pressed forward uncomfortably. The taste of blood filled his mouth. He snapped his teeth a few times, then bit down on the beast's arm. The beast brought its own open mouth and pushed Viktor's away. They playfully sparred, mouth to mouth.

His spine and ribs ached terribly. With newfound strength, he grabbed the beast and held it tight. The beast squeezed him back, picking up the changing human and embracing him. Viktor's spine and ribs cracked as they realigned, forming a longer, deeper, barrel-shaped torso. The beast lowered the changing woodsman on to its slick member.

Viktor clung to the beast and rocked his hips back and forth, feeling its cock inside him. His legs grew farther apart. A tail covered in lustrous brown fur began to push out from the base of his spine. He felt it brush past the wolf's knot and around his own leg.

He felt the curious feeling of blood pumping into his dick. He was already erect but it was still growing. His foreskin drew back, hair sprouting around it. He felt the weight of his balls start to pull downward. Eight inches. A knot ballooned at the base of his shaft. The skin of his pink, human member flushed a deep red. Nine inches. His glans grew to a hypersensitive point. His scrotum swelled larger, heavier, brimming with seed. Ten inches. His foreskin pulled to his body, forming a thick sheath. His member bounced more vigorously as he rocked. His tail arched, curling and touching his back. Eleven inches. Millions of sensitive nerves bloomed just below his knot, ready to blast pleasure at the slightest touch. His massive nuts bounced and swayed, tugging at his sheath. Twelve inches. His prostate tripled in size. It was pulsing, screaming for stimulation. His oversized scrotum coursed with hormones, human and animal together. Precum streamed down his hybrid cock.

New tendons packed into the human's legs. His quads and calf muscles swelled. It became uncomfortably tight to keep his knees straight. He pulled his legs in. His feet began to elongate. His toes grew black claws and splayed. Webbing formed between them. Rich fur bloomed out from his toe knuckles and down his shins, joining into a chestnut coat. The balls of his feet toughened into pads. He felt his new paws press firmly into the dirt. He pushed against the ground, riding up and down the beast's cock, teasing his prostate, pressing a little harder each time.

The beast of the forest groaned amorously. It reached for the former woodsman's cock and squeezed right below the knot. Viktor drew a long ragged breath. Stars appeared in his vision. His new digitigrade legs buckled and collapsed. His hole fell full speed toward the beast's knot. With a pop, it was fully inside. Viktor vocalized in surprise, no longer capable of human sounds. He pointed his wet nose into the air. The pressure on his prostate was exquisite. His ring clenched hard on the beast's lupine member, holding it inside. The beast howled out in boundless passion, its quiet composure shattered. Pulse after pulse of hot hybrid wolf cum flooded Viktor's ass. The ejaculate flowed up and down his colon, rivulets streaming out around his clenched ring.

The paw around his knot, the seed streaming from his ass, and the massive wolf cock against his prostate pushed Viktor over the edge. He felt his first orgasm as a beast approaching. The pleasure overwhelmed him. It was massive, unbearable, and he was helpless to resist. He clutched the beast tighter as the feeling crested. An eruption of cum blasted from his massive tool, soaking both of them. Victor's hole relaxed, then clenched even harder for the next wave. And the next. The beast of the forest writhed and bucked with each pulse grabbing at his knot. Their orgasms grew more intense, feeding off of one another, reaching heights neither had experienced before.

Both hulking beasts were completely spent. Their spurting seed grew weaker, transitioning to a slow drool. Wolf cum covered the ground around them. Saw dust floated across the musky pond. They lay there, stuck, tied, dazed in post orgasmic bliss, holding one another close, hoping the night would never end.

Dark clouds in the sky parted. Through half-closed eyes, they watched starlight filter through the trees.

The Beast of the Village woke first. He licked the wet, salty nose of the snoring male in front of him. The nose twitched. He gingerly lifted the heavy arm draped over his body, rolled across the soft dirt, and stood up.

The night was clear and bright, though there was no moon in the sky. The air smelled sweet and moist, promising rain. The trees swayed gently in the breeze. Towards the village, the warm glow of lantern light reflected off the clouds. He thought of all the homes in the village. All the people who had lit those flames to chase away the darkness. He thought of his family and grew melancholy.

Two furry arms slipped under his own and wrapped around his chest. Claws raked gently against his hide. Hand-pads pressed their bodies together. He could feel the chest of the beast behind him, rising and falling. The hot breath against his fur. A lupine head came to rest on his shoulder. He reached back and stroked it behind the ears. He felt a soft lick on his neck. His sadness dissolved. This was his home now.

The Beast of the Village turned to face his partner, his lover, and his keeper. The Beast of the Forest stroked his partner's face, held behind his head, and softly pressed their noses together. Lips parted as the two kissed passionately for the first time as creatures of the forest.

After a minute, the kiss ended. The Beast of the Village looked into the glowing amber eyes in front of him. Their minds touched, but it was not the same as it was before. His will was stronger now. The connection flowed in both directions. He could send emotions, tastes, and scents. He could receive them too, experiencing them as separate from his own.

He tasted something the beast was sending him. It was milk. Milk and cinnamon. The Beast of the Village focused on the kiss just a moment ago and replied. Smoke and pine.

The Researcher

STORY ONE The Researcher * * * Jason shivered. The examination table he sat on was cold. The entire building was cold, actually. A bluish fluorescent light hummed overhead. He wondered if the heat was broken. The examination room was more barren...

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