SoulSilver Encounters - A Display Of Dominance

Story by SoulRedFox on SoFurry

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#2 of SoulSilver Encounters

SoulSilver Encounters - A Display Of Dominance

Dusk, the Umbreon was on Renard's bed again, no doubt wanting to argue and bitch at him some more. Renard glared at him. This was annoying. He might just put him back in his ball and store him in the PC. It'd shut him the fuck up and keep him out of his earshot that's for sure... Renard thought to himself.

Dusk's brother commented on his strength... was he just flirting or being serious... He'd not yet seen him fight because of his unwillingness to... Renard decided.

He burst into flames for a second and shifted into a Ninetales. He would break Dusk and make him see he's the Alpha...

Renard grinned, this would be fun.

The 'tales jumped onto the bed and crouched immediately, missing Dusk's attempt to slash his face.

"Nice shot." He commented dryly.

"I meant to miss," Dusk growled. "If I wanted to kill you you'd be dead already."

"Why don't you then?" Renard asked, grinning.

"Because it's more fun to keep you alive."

"See, all I heard was, 'Cos I'm too weak to beat you up.'"

Dusk growled and bit his ear. Renard sat up with Dusk still on his ear and though it hurt like hell, he feigned this and fought the urge to wince in pain.

"That all you've got, pup?" He asked.

Dusk looked shocked for a moment and bit harder and tugged down.

Renard couldn't hold back on his natural reactions, his paw came up and hit Dusk in the side of the face, causing him to let go of his ear. As Dusk recoiled from the attack, Renard took the chance and tackled him.

Snarling, Dusk swung wildly, still not yet recovered, he only guessed where Renard was and guessed wrong. The Ninetales nipped his neck, eliciting a yelp from the male as he kicked Renard off his bed. He grunted and braced his hind legs as he landed on his back. As he guessed he would, Dusk leapt off the bed and down onto him. He wheezed and kicked towards his head. He was rewarded with a grunt as his hind paws hit Dusk in the stomach. His legs carried up above him and into the spare bed.

There was a loud crash and Renard rolled to his paws instantly, worried he might have hurt him. He looked knocked out if anything. He took a step towards him and then took it back as he saw him getting up. He grinned, hiding the fear he now had as Dusk looked at him with sheer hatred. This was a magnified moment of play-fighting gone wrong.

He snarled and leapt at Renard, who jumped to the side and hopped on the bed. There was a thud and Renard flinched. He realised that Dusk had hit his bed. But he then laughed in his head. Serves him right really.

"Enjoying yourself?" He sneered. He was answered with a snarl and Dusk jumped on the bed. Renard tackled him and pinned him down.

Dusk panted and struggled against him, trying in vain to push him off with his hind paws.

"Say it." Renard say with a manic grin.

"No!" Dusk snarled and attempted to bite him.

Renard easily dodged his attack due to his slowed reaction from fatigued. "Say. It." He commanded, still grinning with utmost dominance.

Dusk just snarled loudly. He kicked up with his hind legs, missing his stomach completely.

"Oh my," Renard sneered licking his nose. "Enjoying this are you?"

Dusk growled and bit his nose. Renard didn't flinch. He just continued his grin. Then suddenly, without warning, he bit down hard on his neck.

Dusk yelped in pain and struggled harder, further playing to his master's advantage of tiring him out. He clawed at his back and bit on his ear. To this, Renard only increased his grip, snarling aggressively, tasting the Umbreon's blood.

"Stop it you fucking psycho! Stop it!" Dusk yelled. "Let go! Let the fuck go!"

Renard ignored him, the clawing and biting he was receiving only fuelled his grip. Dusk smacked him in the head with the last of his strength, a bad mistake. Renard's head was forced away, but with it, his teeth pulling along and tearing his skin, making the Umbreon wail in pain. Renard only re-doubled his efforts and bit down hard again.

"You win! You win!" Dusk cried. "You win! Let go!"

Renard instantly released his grip and looked him in the eye, his calm demeanour suddenly returned as fast as it vanished. "Say it." He toyed.

"Y-you're the Master," Dusk said with a voice full of hatred. "Now get off me!"

Renard grined and said nothing. Instead he returned to where he had bitten Dusk and began licking his wound.

"I said, get off!" Dusk growled, weakly struggling. "I can--"

"Shut up." Renard told him while continuing to lick the wound.

Dusk stopped talking immediately, worried that his master might attack again. Renard continued his clean-up of the wound, stopping to suck on it occasionally. Dusk fidgeted a little, under his tentative clean up.

"It-It's clean now..." Dusk said. "You can stop now."

Renard said nothing and continued, putting in a fake murr of enjoyment. Dusk's eyes widened and stared down at his closed eyed master.

'Is-is he... enjoying this?' He thought confused.

Renard had to fight his urge to laugh. He could sense Dusk's confusion. He decided to toy with him more. He moved from licking his neck up to his cheek. Dusk, even more bewildered by his master's sudden affection, struggled to get him off.

"What are you doing?!"

Renard grinned, "You're not used to this?"

"Not from the dick who just tried to tear my neck out!"

"Well you started it. You have the dominance problem, which reminds me..."

Dusk went to protest but Renard already slid himself up along his body, forcing his crotch to be in his face. He placed his paws on the headrest and grinned.

"Prove your dominance." He commanded.

Dusk reeled in disgust at the idea of having to obey anyone but remained fearful enough to comply. He closed eyes and licked his sheath. "There, happy?" He growled. "Get off now."

"Yeah 'cause that's totally sucking me off." Renard grinned.

Dusk growled and his eyes widened. His master was fully aroused. Was he enjoying this? He was enjoying all this forcing his Pokemon into this. He was loving every second of it and he is bigger than I would've thought...

Dusk stopped, what did he...

_ _

"Mmph!" He muffled in protest. His master had taken the time he took to stare to shove himself into his maw.

"Good boy," He murred to him. "I know I'm bigger than your brother Flare but you can and will take this too."

Dusk muffled in protest and went to bite down, but paused. If he took off his skin in a dominance fight... then what would he do if...

_ _

He shuddered and began to lick over the cock in his mouth. Renard sighed softly and smiled broadly. He's broken him. He began to gently hump forwards. Dusk, forgetting the hatred he had for his master, gave in and got carried away. He purred contently as his master humped his maw, enjoying the taste of a non-eon member in his mouth. He placed one paw on the base of the penis and swiftly jerked it up to his knot.

Renard moaned. He was talented at this. His warm mouth was amazing. He considered teasing him over the fact that he was enjoying this, but decided to leave him alone for a while.

Dusk moaned around his master as he bobbed his head down his length, now tasting his master's pre. He rubbed his masters hip with his free paw, then slowly trailed his paw down to his rear, slowly stroking it.

Sighing and cooing at the rubbing he was receiving, Renard closed his eyes and panted softly. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and he continued to hump softly into the warm, moist maw of his bitch. He growled, thinking of that, how it made him hornier all the more...

"That's a gooooood boy," He moaned softly. "You're a good bitch, boy."

Dusk actually blushed and hoped that he couldn't be seen. He grabbed a hold of the Ninetales' butt and used it to help pull and push his master out of his mouth.

Renard gasped and moaned, digging his claws into the headrest, he let go and let Dusk take over. He moaned and felt his orgasm approaching. Images filled his head, sexual images; he imagined taking this 'bre boy and making him his bitch permanently. He's certainly good and is enjoying sucking me off. He enjoyed these wistful thoughts of penetrating the boy under him. Taking him like the bitch he certainly was being. Like he could fight back...

He gasped, Dusk had begun to squeeze him and it caught him off guard. It was a cheap shot, as Renard gasped more and more, then his groan came as he shot his load into Dusk's mouth, the Umbreon drinking all of his masters cum down, more than happily.

Dusk had seen his master drift off, and took this opportunity to catch him off guard. Just like his brothers. He found himself murring as his master warmed his mouth with his hot cum. He found himself pushing his master's bum towards him, keeping him inside his mouth so he wouldn't lose a drop. He found himself... disappointed... that it was over.

"Ooooohhh... gooooood boy," Renard murred as he climbed down, pulled himself out, and positioned himself as before. "Good boy, Dusk." He licked his cheek.

Dusk hoped again that he wasn't blushing visibly. "T-there, I did it," He said, putting on an angry emotion. "Now leave me alone." This he wanted. During the ordeal he found himself very aroused and now his member was standing proud, nestled in the warmth of his master's fur, taunting him, begging for release.

"That was a cheap shot" Renard told him as he moved to get off him. "Making me cum faster like that." Unknown to Dusk, he positioned his cock-tip outside his tailhole. "Although hearing you enjoy it was worth it."

Dusk blushed. "I-I-I-Didn't! I--" Renard kissed him on the lips, silencing him.

"Hush now my little kit," He murred. "Now let your strong, sexy master take you like the bitch you are."

Dusk was confused over his words but suddenly yelped as his felt pressure on his anus. He groaned loudly as Renard pushed himself up his ass. He panted and held onto his master, whimpering like the bitch he was.

"Oooooh Duuuuusk," Renard moaned. "Good little, tight bitch. Yes you are." He patronised him.

Dusk gasped, surprised and shocked that he had turned this way. He went to shout at his master for violating him like this, but instead kissed him.

Renard returned the kiss, caught in the passion, his tongue, delving into Dusk's maw. He leaned on top of him as they rolled their tongues in each others mouths, revelling in their passion. He placed his paws on the bed and gripped, ready to pound his bitch into submission, humiliation and a world of pleasure.

Dusk wrapped his arms around Renard. He wanted to scream and shout and fight him off, but he couldn't. Was it just because of how horny he was after sucking him off? Or is this how he's meant to react. He felt Renard give him his first thrust and squealed into his mouth. He squealed again as the second thrust came. Then he broke the kiss and moaned loudly.

Renard moaned with him as he began to roughly fuck him, giving him no time to adjust, not that he needed any, seemingly. He loved the feel of his warm, tight hole. Being able to thrust his whole length into him was definitely an improvement from the Eevee. So was seeing the look on Dusk's face. Contort into pleasure and lust. He wondered if he would beg him... No. He will beg for it...

"You like this bitch?" Renard panted. "Tell me you like it."

Dusk whimpered. He felt humiliated already as it was, he wanted so much to growl and bite him, But he had to. With the feeling of his master fucking him like this, his warm cock pounding in and out of him, he had to.

"I like it, Ma-Master," He moaned to him more lustfully than he had hoped for. "I like it, Master." He whimpered and hugged him. "I like it, Maaaaster."

"I know you do, sweetheart," Renard growled and nibbled his ear. "I know you do." He continued to pound him into the bed, the springs squeaking with each thrust, coupled with Dusk's pants and moans of lust. Moaning loudly, he fucked Dusk roughly, enjoying the way he squealed and moaned as he was taken so roughly in his warm hole.

Digging his claws into his back, Dusk moaned loud like he was a female in her first heat getting fucked. He loved his master, he loved this fucking and he loved the humiliation and submission. He loved being his bitch; wrapped up in his world of pleasure. The fur of the Ninetales' tummy was rubbing against his cock, making him moan more.

Renard suddenly stopped his fucking, pulled his cock out to the tip. Dusk looked up, tears in his eyes.

Renard gathered himself together. "Beg." He commanded.

Dusk whimpered and kissed his master passionately. "Fuck me master," He begged. "Fuck me master. Fuck me like the naughty bitch I am!"

Renard wanted to hear more but couldn't handle it anymore. He slammed into Dusk, making him moan loud. He began to finish off, thrusting hard to prepare to tie him. He WILL take this knot, whether he wants to or not. Lucky for Renard, Dusk didn't let up.

"Oooh! Master!" He moaned loudly. "Fuck me! Aah! Maaaaster! I'm you're bitch, Master, I'm your naughty boy! Fuck me rough like the bad boy I am Master! Oh Master!"

He stopped suddenly and hugged him tightly. He squealed loudly and shot his load over his and his master's stomach. His cock twitched and he shuddered violently as his passion overloaded and racked his body.

Renard was unfazed by this and continued to slam his cock into his tight orifice. Moaning loudly, his knot was begging for entrance.

Dusk collapsed, drained of energy. He licked his Master's cheek.

"Mmm... Tie with me, Master," He cooed softly. "Please... tie with your bitch..."

Renard grunted and slammed into Dusk, sinking his knot into him. Dusk flinched and howled as it went in. He winced in pain when it popped in, but Renard wasn't done yet.

Renard clenced his teeth and began to knot fuck him, causing Dusk to whimper some more. Thankfully he didn't last long.

"Good boy!" Renard growled lustfully. "Good boy! Good Boy! Ohh Dusk! Good Boy! Duuuuuuussk!" He snarled and hilted the whimpering 'Bre, filling him up with his thick, ropey cum.

Dusk panted and passed out, unable to stay awake.

Renard dug his claws into the bed and rode his orgasm out, moaning softly as his cock twitched in the warm hole. He licked his bitch and kissed his neck.

"Who's the Master now," He panted as he whispered in his ear. He lay on top of the dark-type and fell asleep before telling him. "I'm the Master now, bitch."