A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 8

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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I rewrote this to make the wedding scene much more emotional, so you might want to reread it. Be sure to leave a comment, because I love comments. And don't forget to fav or vote if you liked it.

A young man joins a role-playing game, but the game-master is a wizard, and turns him into his character: a female kitsune bard. Then he sends her on a quest to find a lost book....

I awoke the next morning to light streaming through the small cracks in the shutters, filling our bedroom with gloom. I was laying on my side, curled up with Koleb, my head in the crook of his arm, my left arm over his chest, my tail across his legs. His scent filled my kitsune nostrils, and I groaned and smiled: we had made love twice last night....

I rolled over on my back, using Koleb's shoulder for a pillow, and I thought of everything that had happened to me. First, meeting the wizard, then my transformation, then meeting Koleb....

Recalling the first time we had made love made me smile: it had been such an experience getting it as a girl, and having my first female orgasm....

Then I thought of my quest, and our journey together: the battle with the frog-things that had boarded our ship, finding Sarnath and working at the Temple of Pleasure, and finally reaching Abremalin's tower.

It had all been, I thought, a wonderful adventure.

But now I was pregnant. With Koleb's child. And I just didn't know what to do next....

I put my little fury hand-paws over my womb. I couldn't believe I was going to have a baby - that their was a little me, growing in my womb! And I wondered what it would be like to go through pregnancy, and give birth, and to nurse to newborn child....

And to change his diapers, my male mind reminded me. There where no disposable diapers in the ancient world, so that meant cloth diapers. And that meant cleaning them....

And it also meant no more wine or beer. From now on, I was strictly on water and fruit juice.

Well, I thought, at least I could hire a nanny to help out with the diapers and stuff. I make enough money working at the temple to do that, I thought. In fact, I am well enough off to have a career and a family!

I smiled to myself: and a lover. Sure, I was the girl in the relationship, but strangely that didn't bother me; in fact, I'd grown quite used to my bodies' attraction to men. And Koleb loved me. Hell, I felt affection for him, too. I sighed - he was such a handsome Todd, and such a great lover....

I couldn't believe how lucky I felt finding Koleb. Nobody had ever felt true love for me before, and it was very nice. Back on Earth I'd been through a handful of girlfriends, and none of them had ever fallen truly in love with me. At least not enough to want children like Koleb did.

Then my male mind reminded me that I would be the one giving birth, only about eight or nine months from now, and that was dangerous in the ancient world - where one in four women died in childbirth. But, I thought, this is Sarnath. I'm sure they have hospitals here....

Yeah, if I could I would try to give birth at a hospital, otherwise it would be at home with a mid-wife.

On the other hand, I could find the book and go home. I mean, what where my parents and friends thinking? Probably that I was dead. My mother was probable horrified. And what would happen to my band?

I thought of the tower: there had to be a secret door we had missed, or perhaps a hidden compartment somewhere containing the book....

That was a distinct possibility. If so, I would need a professional rogue to find it, and not a cheap one at that. But how was I supposed to get in contact with the thieves guild? Perhaps Sensuella knew someone who frequented the temple; it sounded like a likely place for a successful rogue to hang out....

I resolved to hire a rogue and have another crack at the tower.

Still, even if found the book, how could a wizard change a pregnant kitsune back into a man? That didn't even sound possible. And I was damn sure I wasn't going to take an abortion potion, so that meant having the baby first anyway....

Koleb stirred beside me, disturbing my thoughts. He opened his eyes, turning his head and looking over at me. He kissed me on the mask and said "Good morning, Elysia", his eyes sparkling.

"Good morning, Koleb", I told him. I kissed him back. We got up and got dressed, and I went to make breakfast while Koleb went over his work on the dining-room table.

I served breakfast and we ate, and and we made small talk. Koleb asked me what I was going to do today, and I replied "Well, I have some shopping to do in the market, and then I think I'll go to the Temple of Pleasure and try to find a rogue...."

"A rogue?", he interrupted me. "What for?"

So I told him my plan: "I think we missed a secret door or something at the tower, so I'm hiring a professional, and we're going back."

His ears went flat, his mask a visage of concern. "Finding a rogue is dangerous! You could get murdered, or...", he trailed off.

"I'm only going to ask around the temple. They have plenty of guards, don't worry, I'll be fine", I answered.

He still looked worried. I leaned across the table and kissed him.

"This book of yours, is it really that important? As important as our lives?", he asked.

I sighed. I didn't really know what to tell him. I guess I didn't really know myself. But I had to try, if nothing else than maybe I could find a way to say good-bye to my friends and family, and then return here....

Return to Koleb, my loving husband-to-be. I sighed again, putting my hand-paws to my womb.

"Koleb, I'll be careful. But I have to complete my quest", I told him.

"Okay", replied, "I'm going to take some time off to find a priest and arrange for our wedding. Any preference as to the religion?", he asked.

I thought about that for minute. "The priests of Pelor seem earnest enough", I said.

He nodded his head. "I'll inquire at their temple", he answered.

Then it was off to work for the two of us.

So I went shopping in the market, then came home and got ready for work. I took my lyre and flute, and headed back to the temple.

I headed into the back room, and to the baths. I stripped, letting a slave take my gear, and as the other girls greeted me, I motioned them around me. Once we where in a little gossip circle, I told them that for months, I had been on a quest to find a lost book for a wizard, and asked if they knew any ranking rogues that could find secret doors.

One girl, Delf, had a regular lover who liked to brag about his deeds in burglary and crime. One of the others girls chided her "lover, right. Your client, you mean", but I shushed her. I inquired as to his name, and she said "Keo."

I asked if I could meet Keo, and she agreed to set up a meeting "when he comes in in the next few days."

I nodded. That would have to do.

So I finished bathing, got dressed for a strip-tease in a diaphanous silk gown, and took my instruments out on stage to play with some of my favorite bards, whom I had gotten to know quite well over the past two months. We made beautiful music together, and I danced, and the crowd chanted my name and threw money....

That evening, after work, I went home as the sun was setting. I made dinner and set the table, and Koleb came home. We sat down to eat, and that evening we had our first argument.

"I don't want you going to back to Ib", he said matter-of-factually.

"Why not?", I replied, "I already set up a meeting with the rogue...."

He sighed at that, and got up and walked around the table to me. He put his hand-paw to my belly and said: "you're carrying my child. And it's way too dangerous."

"Our child", I corrected him. "It's our child, and I can handle myself in a fight. You know that!"

He looked me in the eyes, ears flat, and said "what is so damn important about this damn book!"

I stopped for a moment, and then managed a half-truth: "it may be the only way to ever get in contact with my family and friends again", I said.

He continued to stare at me. I met his gaze. Then he turned and looked away. "Okay, I'll go with you, but just to protect you. And when this is done, promise me no more quests."

"I promise", I told him. "Now tell me about the wedding ceremony. Did you talk to the priests?"

He brightened visibly at that. "Yes, I did", he said. "It'll cost me the rest of my savings, but I can afford the ceremony and the rings...."

"When?", I asked.

"Two weeks", was his reply.

I nodded. In two weeks I would be married, and presumably become Mrs. Koleb. I still didn't know what to think about that. To tell the truth, I was kind of nervous: my whole life would would change, especially with the baby on the way. But I knew what he was thinking, so I got up, hugged him, and kissed him. "Good", I said. "Now sit down and let's finish dinner."

The next morning, after shopping, I decided to visit Pindar at the Wizard's Guild. I stood in line as usual, told the attending wizard and his raven my business, and waited.

Half an hour later, Pindar greeted me in his saffron robes, and I told him my suspicions about a secret door, and that I was going to hire a rogue. He said he would be happy to accompany us for another hundred gold.

My jaw gaped. "You want _another_hundred gold?"

"I'll need material components, and better gear."

I stared at him: "What about all the money we made on the last haul?"

"I spent it all on alchemy equipment and reagents. But I got results", he smiled.

I sighed. It was going to was going to take me three weeks of work to raise that much money. I put my hand-paws to my womb - every day my unborn child was growing, so I needed to do this fast. Still, I thought, three weeks isn't too long...

"Okay, I'll see you in three weeks with the gold", I told him.

"I'll be here", he replied.

Two days later, I was singing at the temple, when Delf entered the room accompanied by a short, muscular, broadly built man in dark clothing. She gestured me over, so after my song I told the bards I needed a break, and went to sit with them.

"This is Keo", Delf introduced us. "He's the best second-story man in Sarnath."

I put out my hand-paw for him to shake, and he kissed it instead. "The rumors I've heard of your beauty where quite understated", he said, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Keo", I told him, "I need a rogue who can find secret doors. We'll be searching a tower in Ib that once belonged to a wizard."

"A wizard, eh? What about wards?"

"We have our own wizard to handle that", I said, "His name's Pindar, and this will be our second attempt at searching the tower. On our first attempt, we found some magic items and loot, but I'm sure there is more."

"How much loot?", he asked.

"Well, I know there's a magic mirror there that let's you see into other dimensions", I said, recalling what I had read. "That alone is worth a fortune...."

He thought about it for a minute. "I've been on this type of dungeon crawl before", he said, "and it's quite dangerous. Who's going along besides the wizard?"

"A warrior named Koleb, who's an officer and a navigator. He'll get us to the tower. And myself, of course."

"Of course...", he muttered. "You're a dancer, not a killer. What will you do if we're attacked? Dance for them? I don't want any dead weight along...."

"I'm quite skilled fighting with two short-swords", I told him, "and I can use the shield and wear light armor."

Keo and Delf looked at me, both quite surprised. "You're quite the talented bard", he said. "Okay, I'm in."

"Be at the Temple of Pleasure in three weeks time, and look for me here", I told him. "We'll go the next morning."

We agreed, and I went back up on stage and performed for the rest of the evening.

The next week was uneventful as I shopped in the market, tended the garden, cooked for Koleb and I, and performed at the temple. I was making a little more than three gold pieces a day, and was sure I could make the fee Pindar was asking in time. Then one morning I felt nauseous as I was getting up, and I had to rush to the latrinum and throw up. A worried Koleb came up to me and asked if I was okay. "It's just... morning sickness... I think", I told him. "Sometimes pregnant... women get it."

"You should see a healer", he told me, "want me to take you?"

"No", I managed, still heaving, "I'll see... the temples... healer...."

Finally I finished spiting into the latrinum, and Koleb hugged me and licked my ear. "As long as your okay", he said.

"I'm fine", I assured him. "I'll see the healer this afternoon."

I hugged him back, and we went and got dressed, then had breakfast and went to work.

Once in the temple, I went straight away to the healer. He greeted me with a smile, and asked: "So how did the meeting with the priest go?"

That took me by surprise - I hadn't told anyone at work yet....

"I, um...", I managed, crossing my legs. "I'm pregnant. With a boy."

"That's wonderful", he said with a smile. "Who's the father, if I might ask?"

"A todd named Koleb", I replied. "An officer and navigator. Now we live together and he works as a cartographer."

"Oh, that's great", he said. "Congratulations!", he said as he took my hand-paw and shook it.

Then he added "When's the wedding?"

"Oh, about a week away", I replied.

"Are your friends and co-workers invited?"

"I... I guess so...". I wondered how big a wedding party that would make it. And who would Koleb invite?

"I'll be sure to be there", he said. "Now, what seems to be your medical problem?"

"Well, I think I have morning sickness", I said.

"Well, that can begin as little as three weeks after conception, but it's perfectly normal", he told me.

"Is there a potion I can get for it?", I asked.

"Yes, there are anti-nausea potions, but they cost about a gold piece each and last for but a day, like the really good head-ache medicine."

Yikes! That priced them out of my range. Best to just live with it, I thought, besides, who knows what's in them or what effect the may have on a fetus. I remembered the thalidomide scare and shuddered.

I thanked him for his time, and went to the bath house. I guess it was time to spread some gossip. I got undressed, got in the hot pool, and motioned the other girls to me into a gossip circle. Then I told them I was getting married.

They clapped and squealed and said thing like "Yay for you!", and they asked about him. So I told them about Koleb, and how he had saved my life once in a battle, and what a kind and gentle man he was, and a great lover, and that we where in love.

I didn't tell them I was pregnant.

They all wanted to come to the wedding, so I told them I would ask Sensuella to put up the time and place on the notices board in the staff room. Now I only had one thing left to do: talk to Sensuella herself.

So I after I bathed and got dressed for work, I went to see the madam in her office beside the staff room. She smiled as she greeted me: "How's my rising star?", she asked.

I smiled back. "Sensuella, I'm getting married", I said, "and I want to put up a notice to invite people to my wedding."

She stared at me. "But you've turned down every man here, even a nobleman and an elf-lord, if I recall. Who's the magic man?"

I told her about Koleb, and added that we where in love.

She smiled, and asked if this would affect my work. "No", I told her, "I'll continue to perform."

She hugged me, and wished me a happy marriage, and I went back to work.

Over the next week, morning sickness struck me almost daily. And I began to notice something else: sometimes my breasts felt tender, sensitive and sore. And they felt a little swollen, and felt fuller and heavier. I wondered if they where growing....

I also started to get food cravings, usually for things I couldn't have - like ice cream and chocolate - and I snacked a bit more.

I told the temple healer what I was feeling, and he told me that it was normal, so I shrugged it off to hormones.

I posted the date and time of the wedding, which would be held in the Saint Belenas Chapel of the Temple of Pelor, at noon. And I spread the word among the bards and dancers, wondering how many of them would show up.

Then came the day I had to get fit for my wedding gown. Koleb gave me a letter from the Temple of Pelor to give to a tailor, and with a little asking of directions, I was able to find his shop, and he took my measurements, telling me the dress would be ready the next day.

The next day, it was waiting in a tight burlap package tied with string. He told me not to put it on until I was in the waiting room in the temple.

Finally, the big day came. Koleb and I got up, got dressed and had breakfast. I felt jumpy and nervous the whole time. I hoped the wedding went well, and nobody did anything stupid. And how many guests would show up? But I guess I was nervous for more reasons than that: this was a big day for me, the beginning of my new life as a mother. I couldn't believe it was actually happening!

I put my hand-paws over my womb: I also didn't have much of a choice, thanks to the Potion of Infertility not working....

And I thought about how dangerous it was for a woman to have a baby in the ancient world, where one in four died in childbirth, and I was afraid....

Then Koleb saw me wearing our engagement ring, and he told me to take it off. "You'll be getting a new ring today", he said with a kiss. But it did little to calm my nerves.

And so we each took our packet of clothes, and set off for the Temple of Pelor, hand-paw in hand-paw.

We entered the Temple and asked an acolyte how to get to Saint Belenas Chapel, and he took us to the uniformed door man, who guarded a massive set of intricately carved wooden doors, inset with carvings of flowers and the sun.

"Koleb and Elysia, here to get married at noon", said Koleb, and the man beamed at us and said: "Koleb your waiting room is to the right, just inside the doors. Elysia, yours it to the left."

He swung open the doors, and we entered and went up separate flights of stairs. My waiting room was attended by ladies in white togas, and after I had introduced myself, they laid out what was going to happen for me. In the meantime, they gave me a hot bath in scented oils, and then brushed out my fur for me. Finally, they opened the package containing my wedding gown, and they helped me dress.

It was a fine white silk dress with a dozen tresses and and frill.

Then they gave me the simple gold band I was supposed to put on Koleb's finger, and made me memorize my vow.

Then we waited. They offered me some wine "for my nerves", but I had to decline.

God I felt nervous. I couldn't believe I was actually getting married to Koleb! And I wondered if this meant never going home, and never saying good-bye to my friends and family. And then I thought of Koleb, and how much he loved me, and tears started to well up in my eyes.

The ladies in waiting daubed my tears away, and gave me a handkerchief for my sniffles.

Finally, the hour came. The chapel bells rang, and I descended the stairs to meet Koleb. He was in a navy dress uniform, his chest covered with his epaulets and medals. He smiled down at me, and I smiled up at him. I wondered if he could see that I had been crying.

He took my hand-paw in his, and we walked through a large set of double doors, to an aisle covered with a red carpet that ran down a huge chapel, it's ceiling covered in religious frescoes. On both sides of the aisle where our guests people from the temple, and then people I didn't recognize - many of whom wore sailors dress uniforms. I realized they where from Koleb's work.

Then bards began to play music, and we began to walk down the aisle. As we walked, I reflected on the friends and family I had left behind. Was I ever going to see them again? What about my mother? My eyesight blurred for a moment as I felt tears coming on, and I sniffled. It would be hard leaving them all forever, not knowing what had happened to me....

Then I though of Koleb, and how much he loved me. And I thought about how excited he had been about the marriage, and how he had acted on the day I had told him I was pregnant, with suck Joy. He was, I thought, the best thing that had ever happened to me. He was kind, gentle, and honestly cared about me. And maybe, I thought, I was falling for him too...

I sniffled as tears ran into my mask. I wanted to lean my head against Koleb's shoulder, but I couldn't.

And as we walked the last few steps up to the alter, I thought about the baby in my womb. Our child - Koleb's and mine. And the nervousness and fear returned. He was the real reason I was getting married, I thought. If I survived the birth, or even if I didn't but the baby lived, I wanted him to have a good home, and Koleb could provide that. And I felt a little proud that I had chosen the right mate....

Even if I died in child-birth, the baby would be our future.

Then we reached the priest in his sunset robes, standing before a pink granite alter, and he opened his holy book, and began to speak.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today in the sight of Pelor to celebrate the wedding of Koleb and Elysia. This is a sacred right. An ancient right. As Koleb and Elysia prepare to join their lives, it is important to understand that everyone present has played a part in shaping their lives. And, will continue to play a vital role in their continuing future. And thus, we are here not only to witness their vows to each other, but to bestow upon them our blessing. And, now the couple will say their vows."

Koleb began: "I, Koleb, take you Elysia, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part", and he put a diamond ring on my finger.

I began to cry again. This was it, I was getting married!

I choked back my tears and responded: "I, Elysia, take you Koleb, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part", and I put his simple gold band on his finger.

The priest announced: "By the power vested in me by Pelor, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

We kissed, and then we turned and walked back down the aisle, while the crowd cheered and threw flower's.

Outside the temple, a magnificent coach was waiting for us to take us home, it's boot packed with presents from the guests. As the quest filtered out of the chapel to go to the wedding party, the coachman took us to our house, and helped us unload the presents into the living-room. Then he left.

Koleb looked at me, at massive grin on his face, and said "Let's get out of these ridiculous clothes and go to bed."

I nodded, and we went to the bedroom, got undressed, and made love all day long and into the night.