The Good Kind of Mistakes

Story by Kinoshi on SoFurry

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#5 of The Diary of Lucifer Stone

I made a point to stop regretting my mistakes years ago when I realized that dwelling on them never got me anywhere near as far as making the mistakes themselves got me. It's saved me a lot of headaches in the past because after I've made a mistake, I just move on and deal with the consequences. That's not to say I don't make mistakes, of course. Hell, I get fucked by my mistakes more often than I care for, and every so often, I fuck one of them too.


In any of my ads or ad responses I always state that I'm a "vers bottom". Somewhere in my head, that's just a glorified way of saying that I just want to get fucked. For the most part, that's how it is. I love having dick in me but having my dick in other people very rarely does it for me. But every so often, the itch arises and I usually just ignore it until I feel like I need to let it out. Usually serves me just fine because it's really the only way I can actually get into topping enough to get off. It'd probably be more realistic to just say I'm a "bottom" in all cases other than when I'm cruising to top... but eh.


That's how Jacob got here, I guess. Sweet kid, really. He takes a good dicking with the best of us despite being no older than what I guess to be 16. And I wouldn't be surprised if he was younger. He's definitely one of the mistakes I've fucked, but there's no sense fretting over it now.


Obviously, he said he was 18 in his emails. To his credit, from certain angles, he can pull off the rouse pretty decently so long as he doesn't let his face into the picture. When he showed up to my door, I knew he wasn't 18. I knew he wasn't 18 enough to actually bring it up before I let him in. And he lied to my face, of course, with the kind of tenacity that made me wonder if he was trying to convince me or himself. It only further proved he was clearly not legal.


But I let him in. I won't even pretend to not know why I did it because I know exactly why I did. Hell, I'd do it again. I wanted to hilt someone bad, and my only real concern was whether or not I'd be able to really just let loose on him. That, and he's a Dalmatian. Even when I don't feel the itch to top particularly badly, I have a soft spot for Dalmatians. That breed is just sexy to me as a bitch or a stud. That and he was wearing a collar, just like I told him to.


Collars in formal occasions are strangely different than collars worn in the nude. The one he wore was tagless and red; a simple color to work in with darker suits if you still want it to stand out. It wasn't particularly formalâ€"nothing you'd expect him to wear if he was meeting the president, but it's still a collar thus still meant to be worn in public. But I've got to say that even though I've never seen him collared in a suit, it can't have looked half as good as it did between my teeth while I fucked him from behind.


I didn't really get a good look at him until after I let him in, though. I wasn't too keen about leaving him on my doorstep long enough for anyone to see him enter. He had a good, lithe frame. Like he may have been a runner or swimmer; lean and strong. To be honest, I doubt he has any problems getting laid be other kids at school but unless high school students have stepped up their game, experience still makes us better partners. Which is probably why he put up an ad in the first place. Not that it really matters.


He threw me off guard a little after he came inside. I knew it wasn't his first time because his ad looked like he'd placed a few before, but he still seemed kind of like he was unsure of what to do. He offered me his name and I offered mine back. Then there was kind of a dead silence for a while as I looked at him and he looked at random corners of my place. Surprisingly enough, I felt an honest tug against something deep inside that put a halt on my libido. I really would have sent him home if he didn't say what he said next.


He mentioned never having been with a scaly before and there was a kind of sinister grin in his eyes that reminded me who placed the ad and who was the one that responded. I guess I had qualms with fucking with his innocence, but he clearly wasn't innocent. My response was inconsequentialâ€"hell... I don't remember what I saidâ€"but I just walked back to my room and he followed.


I took my shirt off mid-stride and tossed it away and when I looked back at him, he was starting to do the same. And I could feel it then, that irritating urge that always starts with the smallest of itches. I almost barked at him to stop and the look of surprise in his eyes literally made me grin. I beckoned him with a finger and he wasted no time walking over as he pulled his shirt back down.


God bless porn for teaching us queers about how sex is supposed to work because I swear that all I had to do was look down and he dropped to his knees. As I've said before, I don't like getting head, but it wasn't about getting my dick sucked. As I hooked my thumb under the back of his collar and rested my hand on his back, it felt nice to just be in control.


I could tell he loves cock from early on because the first thing he did was press his nose into my groin and inhale a deep breath before nuzzling my crotch. I've been in that situation so many times before that I know how weakening it can be, but tonight wasn't about being in that situation and I reveled in the difference as I held the back of his neck in place and rudely ground my package into his snout.


What's funny is that it didn't even feel particularly good. Hell, truth be told, I wanted him to just unzip my pants and get working on it, but I didn't. It's probably because at that point, I still hadn't fully fallen into the rhythm of being in control. Whenever I'm on bottom, I keep my comments to myself and take what I'm given and I expect my bottoms to do the same for me.


By the time he finally unzipped my pants, he let out the most amusing little sound of surprise when he saw my anatomy; he said he'd never been with a scaly, but I'd assumed he'd seen one in porn. Only the very tip of my head had slid through my slit and for a moment, he just stopped to marvel at the shape and the fact that I have no visible balls. So I let go of his collar, moved my hand to the back of his head, and pressed the peaked end of my member into his snout as my pants fell to the floor.


It snapped him out of his daze, though, because I felt his tongue rub against me sooner than I expected. I saw him look up at me as his tongue started coaxing me out to full endowment for a moment before I shut my eyes and concentrated on the feeling. He was ok. Animated for sure. He definitely loved cock because he went after mine both hungrily and I suspect curiously to see how large I was. It wasn't long before I knew I was pretty much fully hard and by that time, I was rubbing one of his ears half-heartedly while I leisurely fucked his muzzle.


He was ok, at the least. One of the better in my short history made mainly of tops who don't care for going down on other guys. But I just couldn't feel it all that much. It was relatively early though. The sun hadn't set completely and my meds were still in full swing. I could feel the coarseness of his tongue against my dick and how warm his muzzle was but... it's just dulled all the more when the meds are still active.


He loved it though, and I suspect he could have sat there for a long time on his knees, contently sucking on his first piece of basilisk dick. Which is funny, because I never would have gotten off like that so we could just still be doing that now. He moaned and slurped at me and I could feel him grip my thighs with his paws from how riled up he was getting just doing that.


I did appreciate the sight of a bit of pre connecting my dick to his muzzle when I pulled out though. I grinned at that too, I think as I tugged his shirt off. I gave him a second afterwards to actually take a look at the thing that had been in his muzzle the whole time and he seemed genuinely pleased. Unlike most tops, I under exaggerated my size. And it was particularly satisfying to tug him to standing by his collar and push him onto my bed facedown.


His mesh shorts quickly joined the mess on the floor which gave me the very pleasing view of his backside with his tail prematurely raised. The only lick of clothing on him was his collar and that mental picture will stay with me for a while.


He looked back at me as I crawled onto the bed just before I laid down on him and pressed my nose into his neck. His body was harder and tighter than most of my casual fucks. He was in shape and a real catch. He was one of my few hookups where I actually felt like I wanted to fuck him instead of just wanting to fuck. And I gave myself over to that carnal itch as I ground into him while my hand ran up his side. He started clutching the comforter as my dick ground against his ass and poked into his tail base and I could hear his muffled moaning. It scratched my itch perfectly.


When I bit his collar and tugged up, he lifted his face and let out strangled yelp but he kept moaning. Somewhere inside me, I celebrated; he liked it rough.


A little bit of shifting put us a little more comfortable situated on the bed with his face in the pillows and I pulled his hips up so that he had to brace himself on his knees. The boy certainly had some experience because he arched his back, rested his face in the pillows, and spread his legs a little so that his ass was turned out perfectly with his tail resting on the small of his back. It was the first time I'd gotten to see his dick, which was so hard that it still almost touched his stomach. His knot had started to swell before he had fully unsheathed though and was stuck insideâ€"something that I've heard is terribly irritatingâ€"so I absently tugged his sheathe down around it and watched it pop free.


It would have been a lot hotter if I wasn't thinking from the mindset of someone who solely wanted to fuck the sense out of him. He audibly sighed in relief though, whichâ€"in retrospectâ€"feels pretty good. At the time, though, I didn't care.


Now... I don't know why I have such a fascination with rimming, but I do. With tops... it's always a mystery when I'm about to go in what's going to happen when I get there. I mean, most tops clearly don't expect their ass to get messed with so if you go down there without warning, you're responsible for what you find... bottoms though, bottoms tend to keep cleaner because we know that at least something is going in our ass if we do things correctly. So I wasn't worried when I buried my face between his cheeks and wasted no time licking at his sphincter. It tasted like a fresh shower.


I've always approached my rimming like that instead of gradually working my way into it by teasing. I love the way people react when they don't expect it and it's so much better if you don't give them a chance to recover before you start tongue fucking them. Scalies have particularly strong tongues too, so when I say "tongue fuck", I literally mean shoving about an inch and a halfish of tongue in his ass. He moaned so loud that I wasn't sure at first if he really was muffling himself on his pillow.


I've never gotten any complaints from anyone that's actually let me finish a rim job and this was no different. Can't really say I'm a master, but apparently my technique isn't too bad. Lots of saliva and alternating between a tongue fucking and a forceful lick around the sphincter usually has my partner dripping pre onto the sheets. Once again, this was no different. As a matter of fact, he started grinding his ass against my face shortly before I stopped. And he whined when I did.


He certainly wasn't whining long though because he saw me reach over his shoulder go grab my lube. And as I got myself ready, he braced himself and tried to still his breathing so he could relax. If I hadn't felt he was practiced enough, I'd have offered him some tips, but instead, I just slid a couple fingers up his ass. And he stiffened up instantly, letting out a loud moan without even bothering to muffle it. I'm pretty sure I chuckled to myself as I twisted my fingers around a bit just to get him a little loosened. He wasn't too tight, but he wasn't all that loose so I didn't need to spend that much time on it. Plus, I had the feeling he wanted it to sting a little at first.


By the time I pulled my fingers out and lined myself up, he was panting again. His ears were flat down and with his back arched like that, he was irresistible. I grabbed hold of his collar and pulled his head up so that he had to support himself on his paws and started sliding in. His immediate yelp was strangled by the tugged collar but it was still powerful. As tight and warm as he was, the feeling of my cock sliding steadily into him didn't keep my attention so much as looking at the view of a bitch Dalmatian in a red collar moaning and pushing himself back onto my cock.


His breathing deepened immediately as I pushed into him and when I finally hilted him, I could see the earnest look of pain in his face. The kind of dull and powerful pain that you have to overcome by sheer force of will alone because you know that it's only temporary so you don't speak up. As I leaned into him and watched him settle himself around me, I breathed in his powerlessness as deeply as mountain air. I fingered his collar as I felt him breathing while the tightness of his ass kept my dick warm. And I know I'm really a bottom because I didn't feel any urge to fuck him. All that mattered was the moment where I was in utter control and I could have done whatever the fuck I wanted to him and he would have loved it.


I remember distinctly when the thought graced my mind. The touch was so faint that I hardly had time to acknowledge it before brushed it off. I wondered what it would have been like to stare into his eyes without my medication and see the panic set in while I was hilted. Because I had that kind of control and I had that kind of power. And in that brief instance, his life felt so light in the palm of my hands. I breathed that in as well.


And then I just pulled all the way out of him. He sucked in some air between his teeth as I popped the head out and I could feel him relax underneath me. Before he could make so much as a questioning sound, I tugged on his collar and started to nuzzle the back of his neck while my hand rested on his thigh. I'm not sure where I learned it or how it first dawned on me, but it's always been easier for me to take a dick after it's been pulled out. As if the body naturally relaxes quicker after you pull it out because no matter how much it stings the first time, pull it out for about 15 seconds and then it slides in completely painlessly.


And I could tell that he received that same revelation I did years ago when I pushed back into him so effortlessly that he yipped in surprise. He was still warm, but significantly looser.


It didn't take me all that long to realize that he really could take the full brunt of me laying it into him so I fucked that boy like I didn't care if he would ever walk again. I tugged his collar, bit his neck, pressed his face into the pillows. I fucked him with my leg up so I could get all the way in. I got my hips up on his so I was fucking right onto his prostate. I fucked him so hard that I had to hold his shoulders. I fucked him until our hips were laying the beat for a symphony. I fucked him on his knees. I fucked him on his back. I fucked him as he moaned and I fucked him until he couldn't moan anymore.


He started pawing sometime into it and I threw his paw away because I was no where near close and he got the message loud and clear. And like the good bitch he is, he was with me every step of the way, pushing back into me even after he got sore. We fucked in that carnal way that really makes you remember we're animals at heart. That way when even the feel of your partners sweat left on your body is a turn on. And when he came, I can't even call it a moan; he screamed.


That's one of the good things about not really being a top though. Or at least in my shoes. I fucked him for what had to have been close to an hour without pausing and I didn't cum. Hell, I wasn't even close when I finally let him shoot his load (past his face and onto the headboard). I just pulled out, wiped the little bit of shit off my dick with a rag I keep handy for clean up, and rubbed one out onto his stomach. He still hadn't caught his breath by the time I'd finished.


I was tempted to not clean him up because cum spots on top of Dalmatian spots are sexy as hell and even with my post-orgasm senses returning to me, it was still hot.


He didn't stay long (he obviously needed to go home and he kindly refused use of my shower) and it was rather uneventful, but he did have that walk that virtually screamed he had a good lay.


It's still only like 9:40 and he's been gone a while. My room still smells like sex and I'm sitting here naked turned on again thinking about it. I already saw his email thanking me for the time and suggesting we hook up again and I gave the usual response that let him know to keep in touch. I made a mental note of his email handle though because I could very well see having him come over again.


I've never been one for underage guys specifically, but I've seen the stories and entertained the fantasies. I never thought it'd ever happen and it didn't seem anything like what people show it. I think I actually forgot he was under 18 through most of the time I was rearranging his view on the cosmos. That's one of the beauty of not dwelling on your mistakes, I suppose.


Definitely gonna end up rubbing one out before bed.