Steer School: Bubble Gum

Story by benjamin33 on SoFurry

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Two future steers have a chat as they explore the steer school and look at all it has to offer.

Co-wrote with BoingGoat

Other Steer School Stories:

James turned, scrutinizing his profile in the full-length mirror on the wall. The Randall bull was dressed in a sharply tailored suit, his smoky black blazer and slacks hugging his ample frame and defining the bright white dress shirt and narrow black tie at his chest. The crisp lines of the suit minimized the softness of his chest and the plumpness of his belly, but turning around, his slacks hugged his ass and left little to the imagination.

The dark-and-light outfit wore well with his natural colors; splotchy black sides with a white spine and belly, like a white cow someone had gotten bored of painting halfway through. The suit fit him well, but he was still nervous; he fretted over details endlessly. This was something that he never liked, and he hoped the things he'd heard about steers were calmer about such things were true. At least once he was serving one bull he could account for personal preferences. But for now he dressed smart, processional, yet subtly provocative, that is what Steer School recommended.

There was a knock on James's open door, "You look" the voice paused for a moment, "I think the word is, fine. There's no need to fiddle with yourself like that, you shall just end up taking it off for one of the teachers at some point today." The chubby bull said as he leaned against the doorframe.

The bull's his girth taking it up as his large forward pointed horns glinted in the afternoon light. The tall, ample, Spanish bull was dressed in the same style of suite that James was, but he had a bright red tie and neatly folded red handkerchief in his breast pocket, a little call back to his heritage and some of the rumors that surrounded his breed and how they acted around the color red.

The plump Randall bull let out a sigh, but smiled, and looked over his shoulder. "Well I know that, but details are important! We're here to practice being the best after all...but thank you, Elijah." One last brush across his chest and he turned and walked to the bull at the doorway.

"So are you ready for our walk in the house that is green?" Elijah asked.

"You mean 'greenhouse'," James corrected as he looked the taller bull up and down. Most of the other students at Steer School were cute, a few older and dignified; but James found the spanish bull very handsome. Every time he stood next to him he wanted to worship the black bull. He took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm ready...was there anything specific that you wanted to work on today?"

"Just the talk that is small. I've wanted to just practice it. I think I may be improving, but some of the words give me trouble. For example, I keep forgetting it is just 'greenhouse'."

The tall black bull looked down at his splotched friend, that cute boy always had such lust in his eyes when he looked at him. It was a much more appealing gaze than how some of the other students looked at him. He held out his arm, and smiled at the shorter bull waiting for him to take it. When James did the handsome Spanish Bull pulled him into his side, so the shorter boy could feel the heat coming from his thick body as they walked down the hall arm in arm.

James remained outwardly calm, though his insides fluttered when Elijah pulled him up against his side. "Ah, yes. Small talk. English will do that, people make new words out of other words all the time. But the more you practice, and listen to how people talk, the more natural you sound," he said, raising a hand and gently brushing it over the black bull's belly as they walked, arm in arm.

"I have been meaning to ask, where are you from?" Elijah asked.

"I'm from Vermont, just a few states over," James chuckled as they walked down the hall, past the teaching kitchens, past the library; past the roman baths it was hard not to glance through the doors as they passed, and take in the sight of bulls and steers relaxing in little or no clothing, and servicing each other with massages and sex. "Don't ever lose your accent though. It's marvellous; it makes you sound so exotic," James added.

"I have heard of this place in movies. It always looked very pretty, do you miss it much?" Elijah loved the way the smaller bull when they were close to this. It was so cute, and he just loved that about him. His eyes traced over James, at those round curves that he just loved to explore, though, there were a lot of things to love. He was going to make a fine steer when the time did come. "But, I do think my accent might actually hurt my chances."

"It's...nice," James said responding to the comments about Vermont, his nostrils flaring as he struggled to keep calm and concentrate. I don't miss it too much though; I got my fill of it growing up, so, wherever I wind up is...fine...and, I'm sure your accent will help sell you quicker really," James said with a hint of envy in his voice. "Some wealthy businessman is going to pay top dollar to have a spanish bull for his very own. I just hope that...that my ass catches someone's eye," he said with a bit of a blush.

They reached the opening to the greenhouse, but the name was rather deceiving. It was more of a bio-dome that the gardening club had gone wild on. A lot of the schools more exotic food was grown in it to help the culinary club have access to the finest and freshest ingredients.

The large Spanish Bull gingerly slipped away from James, and held the door open for him with a bow. Just like he'd been trained, before he said "Right this way, good sir."

"Thank you Elija," James responded with a curt smile and a slight bow as he walked through the door. The Randall bull thought about how the teachers said to always treat other servants with respect, even and especially if they are serving you. He waited for the handsome black bull to catch up with him, then linked arms again as they walked among the grassy paths between exotic trees dripping with fruits, bushes of rare herbs and flowers, and under vines, creepers and branches of all sorts.

Elijah leaned close, his scent changing as well; James could feel himself growing more aroused the longer he stayed with the other bull. And he knew the same was happening to him, that heady, earthy scent was a clear giveaway.

Elija happily breathed in that other bull's scent, that arousal only fueling his own. He leaned down and gently nuzzled between the shorter bull's horns. "Yes, yes. My accent is nice, but it is nothing compared to you. Your coat is just amazing. I have never seen anyone like it. The second someone sees you with your clothes off, they'll put in a bid for your employment." The black Spanish bull said as he stopped, his paws sliding down the front of the boy's suit to the bulge in his pants.

"It will just be a shame they will never get to see my fav-o-rite part. Those bubble gum colored cojones of yours are just too much fun to play with." Elijah said, a soft warm tone in his voice.

The big black bull leaned in and whispered into the fellow student's ear, "And don't worry, even without that pretty coat, any buyer would love to own your ass. I know I would." The black bull slid his other hand up to cup the shorter bull's face, and tilted his head up slowly. He looked into the Randall's eyes for a moment, before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his lips.

The young Randall bull let out a soft gasp at Elijah's kiss, and without thinking he seized the bigger bull by his waist and pressed his plump, trembling body against his! His erection was tenting the front of his slacks, jostling for space with the young bull's ample balls. As he held the big spanish bull James flexed his rump, ground his hips against Elijah's thigh, and pressed their bellies firmly together. After a long moment he broke the kiss and panted i lust, though he still held the other bull close in midst of the thick greenery.

"Y-you know...they might," James said quietly, stumbling over his words a little as he caught his breath. "Sometimes, a bull comes to choose a steer and he likes one of us so much, he castrates us himself." He hesitated, licking his lips slowly, then collected himself. He took a deep breath, then slid a hand up the black bull's inner thigh, and groped his own swollen bullhood. "I will service you any way you want, my bull..."

"Hopefully he will, it would be shame if he didn't chew on that bubblegum sac a bit. I know I love feeling it in my muzzle." Than as he watched the other bull's demeanor shift, he picked up on the cue and shifted into the game the boy's at this school loved to play. "Oh? Really now, steer?" The Spanish bull teased, "Would you strip down for me and put your balls in my hand? I want to play with them, you never know when they might come off. This might be my last chance to taste that bubblegum." The taller bull said, thrusting a bit against the other boy's fingers, before he held out his hand at the level of James's crotch, playfully flexing his fingers as he waited for that boy to strip down.

James smiled, and blushed just a little bit hard to tell if that was part of the persona, or just reflex. He nodded and bowed his head to the bigger bull, and reached for his pants. "Yes sir, I'll put my balls in your hand. I'll do anything you want, Sir." The chubby young Randall unbuttoned his blazer, then his shirt; he wiggled his chubby chest and belly, peeling his clothes off his arms, leaving his tie loosely draped around his neck and hanging over his bare, splotchy belly. He unbuttoned his pants and slid them down, followed by his boxers. His stiff young prick jumped out of them, prodding Elijah's belly; then James spread his chubby thighs and set his pale pink scrotum in the other bull's waiting hand.

"Anything you want," he repeated softly.

Elijah watched with hungry eyes as that boy's wonderful body slowly came into view. Those thick curves, those chubby thighs, those soft boy tits, once his balls were gone he was going to make the perfect steer.

"You can start by getting my cock from my pants," Elijah said as he started to slowly knead those balls in his palm that soft pink flesh squeezing through his fingers as he gently tugged on it, watching as that boy's shaft jerked as he did.

He squeezed down on those bubblegum colored nuts, hard enough to make the boy moo as he slowly undid the front of the Spanish bull's pants, fishing out the monster that would put nearly every boy in that school to shame. That heavy pink cock stood above those large black balls, pre drooling down the tip, collecting in the ring of his sheath. James's hands softly stroking it, before Elijah said, "Good steer. You are going to make one fine servant yet." He pulled James in close, using his balls as a guide, and he leaned in to whisper. "Now bend over, and spread your cheeks with your hands. I want to see that rosebud."

The plump, curvy Randall bull moaned and squirmed as his plump balls were handled, molested, and squeezed, his shaft twitching stiffly against his belly! "Ohhh! Ohh my balls," he moaned softly, his white-splotched face flushed, and his body went wherever those strong hands guided it. When Elijah stripped he stared at the spanish bull's huge cock, big even for a bull, and he wondered how such a handsome bull, with such fantastic equipment, could plan to give up the right to use it but such thoughts were displaced by the giddy knowledge that he was going to feel it in him soon!

The young bull looked up, smiling coyly at Elijah, and took a few steps up the side of a soft green hill. His curvy, chubby body jiggled as he walked like a cow, rolling his hips to make his wide ass move, then he got down on his knees, those pale pink balls swaying between his fat thighs.He bent forward to rest his head on the ground, then reached back as instructed, spreading his chubby black-and-white cheeks for the horny bull, while his plump pink balls draped over the grass between his knees.

"Now that's one pretty sight," the horny bull growled as he watched the shorter bull get into position. He was still clothed, his cock pointing out from his fly, the large opening just barely big enough to fit around his whole package as he got on his knees behind James. He ran his hands over that splotched back, feeling those wonderful curves, before he reached down and slide his finger around that pale pink pucker.

"This looks better than any cows," the young horny bull said as he stroked his shaft. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of lube, if this had been a bull from anywhere but this school he would have worried about tearing the poor boy open, but he knew James would be able to take it. He smeared that clear liquid over his length, and then traced his fingers over that tight opening.

The Spanish Bull growled softly, before he grabbed those fat hips, squeezing them as he slowly ground his massive cock between those two splotched ass cheeks. Most guys would have asked if the boy was ready, but not Elijah, when he wanted something and it was ripe for the taking, he wasn't going to ask. He lined his helmet shaped headed cock up with that puckered hole, watching it clench with anticipation, and the second he saw it relax, he pulled James backwards the head of his cock pumping inside that smaller bull as his cock sank inside him inch-by-inch.

The splotchy painted young bull moaned and rolled his ass as the spanish bull moved his meaty cock into position, and he gasped in lusty delight as that lubed shaft was shoved into his backside! "OHH! Ohh...yes, bull!" he moaned as Elijah started to pound his soft ass lustily. He squeezed his ring around that hard cock, welcoming it inside him.

"Ohh...I'm better than any cow, handsome bull. I know how to pleasure bulls like no cow could understand...and I want your sex like no cow could ever need it!" James shouted. He pushed back as he got fucked, feeling Elijah's suit pants and blazer against his ass, imagining the dressed bull fucking him on a boardroom table, his balls lone gone, his chest soft and his ass huge.

Elijah shuddered with lust, a deep lustful rumble vibrated in his chest as he leaned over that thick future steer, his heavy belly resting on that fat small bull's ass like it was a shelf. He pulled that fat ass towards his hips, letting it slam into him with a hard pat. His heavy black balls tapping against those smaller pink ones.

His ass flexed inside of his pants, "Oh yeah, no cow could ever please a bull like this. You're ready to take my monster just like the good steer you are." The bull said as he reached under the bull and squeezed those heavy pink orbs.

"Or at least you will be," he teased with a smirk as he started to pull back, starting to slowly grind his thick pink cock in and out of that tight clenching pucker. He leaned over his friend, his paws reaching up to squeeze that chubby chest.

"Once those bubblegum drops come off, these will get nice and soft... I bet you'll have some big enough to titty fuck. My cum would look so good splatter over your chest. No one would be able to tell where your fur began and my cum ended." He said with a lustful snort as he shifted back up on his knees. He spread his thighs, and he held onto that Randal's hips tight as he started to thrust quicker in and out of that fat ass, his belly resting on it still.

He could feel his massive black orbs slamming into those pretty pink ones, the thought of what his balls would sound like smacking against the steer's balless taint danced through his mind and his cock flex inside that tight puckered hole.

James groaned as his hefty cummers were squeezed and kneaded! "Ohh yes, Sir!" he groaned as his sensitive bull parts were handled! "Ahh...Yes, I'm a steer for you. Your steer. You own my ass; my whole body is for your pleasure...I'd even let you...cut my balls off just to keep you fucking me!" It's the sort of thing bulls that haven't lost their nuts yet are supposed to say to prospective employers, but James is really getting into the role! He squeezed Elijah's shaft with his ass, and worked his big butt on and around that pole to pleasure The Spanish Bull. For a moment though, the practiced persona rolls back, and he blushes.

"Ahh...Elijah," he moaned softly, "Am I...really better than a cow? I've n-never had one...have you?"

"Oh wouldn't cut them off... I'd put them between my teeth and chew. They do look like bubble gum, it'd be a shame to do it any other way. I want feel those nuts burst between my teeth as I stroke out the last load from your body." He bellowed, "I wanna hear you moo as that final load explodes all over your chest and you become MY steer." The boy roared. His thrusts making the fat boy beneath him jiggle. He slapped that wide splotched ass as, before he spoke again "A few... but I've always liked steers like you better. The way their asses squeeze around your dick is always something else."

"And really? I guess that means no other calf would have your markings... you're one of the last cows in your blood line aren't you? When they chop off your nuts you'll become a real collector's item." The taller bull said as he felt his big black balls starting to pull up, getting close to blowing their load.

The plump young randall blushes as he nods, admitting his one big secret at last. "'s true Sir, I've never been with a cow. My cock and balls...h-have never touched pussy! Ss-so when some bull grabs my nuts and pulls, and cuts them means my line gets...a lot..rarer..oh Elijah!" The chubby cow moans deeply, his big rump shoving back on the black bull's pole, his sphincter squeezing tight as his own pink prick waves freely under his belly, slapping his chubby softness as he gets fucked!

"That pink sac hanging above their bed as a reminder of just how rare they made you!" That makes the bull behind him roar with lust, and he grabs that randall's horns, and he starts to power fuck his dick into that fat ass, forcing that pink shaft to slap against the boy's belly. The bull roars as he thrusts in one last time, his massive balls unloading into that tight ripe bubble butt. Gush after gush filling that tight randall up, the bulls churning balls pressing right into those pink bubble gum orbs, letting him feel as that thick Spanish bull breeds him.

James' plump ass flexes and squeezes around the spanish bull's thrusting cock, those black and pink balls rolling around together, jostling on the grassy ground as the younger bull gets bred! Feeling those proud, beautiful cummers thrumming makes his own pale stones spurt as well; and soon James is emptying his pink balls onto his plump belly, while imagining Elijah castrating him and claiming them as his own!

The two boys clean up, get dressed, and they go about their walk as if nothing had happened. The lesson continuing even as they stop to watch two other boy's fucking, jacking each other off as they watch those two bulls do what bulls do best; breed. Elijah walked James back to his room, and as he goes to say good bye, he pulls the shorter bull in for one last kiss.

"We need to do this more." He said with a soft smile. "I had a lot of fun today."

After they say their goodbyes, the Spanish bull headed back to his room, popped open his desk, and pulled out his gold plated smartphone. He brought up the contacts, and clicked on the one that said "Dad".


I found him.


About time. I'll get on the next flight to clear the paper work.

The Spanish bull smiled to himself, and he tossed his phone back into his pocket, slowly stroking his dick through his suit as he thought about all the fun he and James were about to have...

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