Breaking The Ice: The SWAT Kats Connection pt1

Story by trigger12 on SoFurry

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The morning's sun rose and shone through the bedroom window onto the pair of sleeping enforcers. Well, only one of them was sleeping and she couldn't help but stare down at the sleeping tom under the arm she had resting across his chest.

They had one hell of an evening. She glanced up at the clock in front of her and saw it was already noon. Well, no point in going back to sleep, she sighed. Besides, there were still many more things she wanted to do to him than just sex. She moved up closer to his face and kissed him until his eyelids parted to stare up at her. He purred at the taste of her tongue.

"Morning sleepy head." She purred back, after breaking the kiss.

"Morning beautiful, guess I'm a heavy sleeper." Steele chuckled.

"Yep. But at least there are better ways to wake you than an alarm clock. So, want out of this bed and a trip out...or are you still randy?" She teased.

"Well, you do constantly prove why your last name is 'Feral'." He snickered playfully. "But I would love to be with you either way.....So where to?" He asked while shoving the blankets off, ignoring his arousal.

"Mmmmmhh, I wouldn't mind a trip to the beach." Felina suggested, chuckling.

"Sounds good to me." He purred.

The weekend passed swiftly as they enjoyed each others company. It was difficult getting back into work mode, but Monday morning found them waiting, bright and early, for their briefing with the Commander at Enforcer Headquarters.

"I'm proud of the way you two have shown what an excellent team you are, which is why I've selected you for this new mission." Ferals said, a pleased look on his face.

"Thank you sir!" They responded.

"I've been trying to fund this mission for a very, very long time and have, only recently manage to get it." Feral paused, a distant look came into his eyes. He turned to stare out his window, searching the skies for a moment before turning back to his patiently waiting officer. "Your mission will be to find out the identities of those two reckless vigilantes, the SWAT Kats!" He hissed softly.

He calmed himself before continuing. "You'll both will remain at headquarters until an alert brings them out. You will not be involved in whatever emergency is going on. Your only task at that moment is to attach a tracking device to their jet then follow it back to their hidden lair."

He held out a handful of devices from his pocket and dumped them on his desk. They looked like regular bullets but with spikes on the tips.

"As soon as you've succeed in attaching at least one of these on their jet, I want you to notify me only if you're able to follow them. We've tried this before but they've managed to jam its signal. I haven't been able to try again because Ms. Briggs wasn't too happy about it in the first place. This time, however, despite her objections, I've gotten funding to have our R&D section develop these modified beauties that can be fired from a gun so they won't realize we're trying to tag them." Feral said with a grim smirk. "Now take these and wait for your chance."

"Yes sir!" They responded then reached for the ammo then saluted briskly and left the Commander's office.

When the pair reached Steele's office, he heard her sigh. Stopping at his desk, he turned to look at her. "What's wrong?" He asked in concern.

Felina sighed again and muttered, "I don't get why my uncle's so obsessed with arresting the SWAT Kats. I just find his behavior a bit odd is all."

"As long you're okay with this." Steele comforted. She just nodded in resignation. He leaned close and deposited a quick and hot kiss before they parted to take care of their own duties.

Later that month, the Metallikats robbed a bank at the far edge of the city. The explosion drew the attention of the SWAT Kats. T-Bone ejected their cyclotrons to the street by remote then parked the Turbokat on a nearby roof.

The pair repelled down to the street. When the Metallikats charged out of the bank and made for their vehicle, the SWAT Kats on their cyclotrons, rammed their robot bodies so hard, it sent them some ten feet away to slam on their backs.

Skidding their cyclotrons to a halt, the pair was ready to engage the pair when Mack and Molly scrambled to their feet in a fury and began to fire wildly.

Steele sent a squad of enforcers to aid the SWAT Kats while he and Felina took a chopper and landed on a roof next to the one where the Turbokat was parked. They leapt out, keeping the chopper on station keeping, then Steele unslung his rifle and took careful aim, sending one of the special tracker bullets into the jet just under the wing.

"Bull's-eye!" He hissed in triumph.

Felina patted his shoulder in congrats then tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the battle below them. As they watched, they saw Razor turn the tables in the fight by using an EMP rocket now attached to his glovatrix. Mac was the first hit, sizzling on the inside as the missile burned him out, eventually falling limp with a thud.

"Yes! It works!" Razor shouted, pumping his other arm in triumph.

When Molly saw her husband lying unconscious on the ground, she became enraged with fury! She fired at the two, screamed and cursing them. "I'm gonna kill you for that!!!"

"Yeah, a little TOO good." T-Bone said sarcastically to his partner as he ducked lower to avoid the munitions zeroing in on him.

Razor scrambled for another round, slipping it on the glovatrix. He took a risk, firing at point blank range, striking Molly in the chest. Her chest exploded! She screamed again one last time before collapsing.

"Finally!" T-Bone sighed. Razor could only cough from the smoke pouring out of the robot.

"Let's get off this roof before they see us!" Steele barked.

The two enforcers quickly climbed back into their chopper then flew over the vigilantes, letting them think the enforcers have just arrived.