The Profane Defilers Pt1

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#1 of The Profane Defilers

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Storm Hammer Chapter

Created during the thirteenth founding the Storm Hammers where renown by those that faced against them or fought alongside them in battle as having an indomitable will, it was argued that this sheer force of will is a mutation of some kind from the Chapters gene-Seed by those in the Adeptus Mechanicus whose duty it is to monitor the gene seed of the Space Marine Chapters still loyal to the Imperium.

Others believe it is just a reflexion of the Chapters extreme and mostly all ways highly destructive ways of dealing with things, for while other Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes are more a kin to a surgical implement and the Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) are likened to a sledge hammer.

The Storm Hammer Chapter would be best described as a wrecking ball, slow to get started but when it does it leaves nothing but complete and total destruction, everything is raised to the ground.

Honour in Battle is considered nothing more than a luxury not a necessity as such many challenges to a duel are turned down or answered with artillery fire.

But results as well as effectiveness of their methods, as savage and brutal as they maybe to those outside of the chapter cannot be denied or ignored as they demolish and shatter the enemy lines with their ferocious assault.

For all intents purposes the Storm Hammers are a devastating force and have proven time and again to live up to name their preferred weaponry, the Thunder Hammer and the Storm Shield.

One of the more unusual though not unique traits of the Storm Hammer's is the way the indoctrinate new recruits into the Chapter, while most other chapters of the Adeptus Astartes replenish their ranks from a single world or worlds with in their home territory the Storm Hammers pull theirs from anywhere be it penal colonels to gangs form over crowded Hive worlds.

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This fact could well be the true reason for their sheer strength of will and brutal style of combat that can be frustrating to the tacticians of both allies and opponents alike something the Elder and Tau are well aware off even after the Chapters fall from grace they proved to be a random factor in any battle plan.

"The Storm Hammers make the Space Wolves of Fenris look civilised and cultured."

-Captain Calton of the 502ndTempestus Scions-

The hierarchy of the Storm Hammer Chapter on the outside looks not to unsimilar to that laid out by the Codex Astartes but on closer inspection one would find that each squad and company is laid out from strongest to weakest with the most strongest fighter in the whole Chapter being the one to hold the title of Chapter Master.

The current Chapter Master has managed to keep hold of his title for several centuries crushing those who challenge him for his position in rank, their skulls adorning the assembly hall as badges of honour as well as a warning to those others who contemplate trying to take his title for themselves.

To be the weakest in this Chapter is to suffer a living hell where torment is a way of life, but here in lay the biggest weakness in the Chapter itself; for if a chain is only as strong as its weakest link then so to would it be for the Storm Hammers and the course that would lead to their downfall.

The chapters fate was sealed on 775-777.M41 along the outer rim where the Chapter's Barque the 'Storm Lord', was dragged into the immaterium during what had at first seemed to be a malfunction in the massive vessels warp engines.

It would be foolish to think the Storm Hammers could escape escape the interest of the chaos Gods especially Khorne the Blood God who converted the Chapter for his own ends, but he wasn't alone as Slaanesh had noticed the delightful if not exquisite cries of the weakest member of the now doomed Chapter.

However while Khorne bellowed and used force to try to make the Storm Hammers to worship and pledge allegiance to the Lord of Skulls, Slaanesh approached used a more subtle less direct attempt.

No empty promises or simple seduction of the senses to beguile the Lone Marine kept under foot by his Battle Brothers.

Instead Slaanesh through one of many Daemonic handmaidens nurtured his body bring his lips to the Daemonette's teat and feeding him milk made from the every essence of the warp itself while whispering words of comfort and reassurance to boost his confidence and rebuild his pride so he might stand tall.

The Marines body grew stronger than his Battle Brothers, faster with reflexes akin to denizens of the black Library, he was no longer the simpering wretch he had once been; the corrupted Marine was grateful beyond all measure and begged to bare the mark of Slaanesh.

The Daemonette gifted the mortal with a kiss while her claws sensuously caressed his cheek as the mark formed over his heart and his soul was freely offered up to and accepted by Slaanesh naming the new servant to his armies as Ash'Slaa a word meaning 'Liquid Ecstasy' in the tongue of Daemons.

While the forces of Khorn laid siege to the fortress monastery the forces of Tzeentch preyed upon the Navis Nobilite Navigators but where driven back with the aid of the Chapters Librarian's in momentous combined effort to repel the psychic assaults.

Even the forces Grandfather Nurgle who had made a late start in this latest game between the Gods of Chaos, Nurgle sought to add the vessel to the Nurgles Plague Fleet.

Eventually unwilling to let neither Nurgle nor Khorne have this precious prize the Changer of Ways tore open a hole into the material world, upon seeing the opening the Chapter Master ordered the 'Storm Lord' to head into it.

Upon exiting the warp the mighty vessel echoed with the cries of victory by those that had remained true and resisted the pull of corruption proving once more there indomitable will or so they thought, one Marine the weakest link in the chain that bound them all together as Warriors had been broken.

With the Warp Engines beyond repair the vessel limped towards the nearest Imperial world to initiate repairs and feast in honour of their own glory as holding their own in such a dire circumstances that had claimed and corrupted other Chapters who had in past times been in their situation.

A dangerous sense of being untouchable flowed unchecked through the Chapter Master, or at least that was until Ash'Slaa entered the Chapter Masters trophy room and took a Power Sword that had been won in a duel against a Captain of the Blood Angels who had felt outraged at the methods the Storm Hammers used only to have his honour and the name of Sanguinius insaulted.

With Sword in hand Ash'Slaa the chapter Master who merely laughed and mocked him claiming him to be beneath contempt and proceeded to ignore Ash'Slaa as a fool only to find himself looking up at the lowly Marine from the floor unable to comprehend why the room seemed to be getting darker or why he couldn't speak.

With the head of the Old Chapter master in hand he raised it up as proof of his right to rule through victory, over the period of the next few hours many believing their chance at advancement in the hierarchy had come tried to slay what they conceived as an easy target only to lose their heads as well.

Eventually those Captains who remained alive knelt before the New Chapter Master Ash'Slaa and the seeds of corruption had been sown and the Chapter began its unknowing descent towards the clutches of Slaanesh.

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The Profane Defilers Pt2

[[Click Here For Image!]]( **Profane Defilers,** [Slaanesh Chaos Marine Legion] Originaly the proud indomitable Storm Hammer chapter,...

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