Jem's Bad Week (Part 15)

Story by Kkatman on SoFurry

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#16 of The Jem Snippets

The Jem Snippets




"The Jem Snippets" is a cooperative set of stories written by myself (Kkatman) and Portentous1975.

Set in a futuristic boot-camp, these stories chronicle the ongoing sufferings of Jem's breasts. The original snippets were very short and deliciously cruel bits written by Portentous1975. With his permission, I continued the tales in a slightly more story-like format, with snippet-like mini-chapters. I hope to post these in that format. The project is ongoing.

Fair warning and disclaimer: these stories are wicked, and the hurt that befalls Jem's breasts is brutal. Due to fantastical sci-fi elements, there is no blood or real damage. Likewise, this story involves no yiffing. Remember: this is fantasy, not reality. And in fantasy, sexual torture is hot!





After an eternity, a paw reached down and pulled Jem from torture's barbaric sea. The attacks had stopped, allowing the agony to settle over her breasts. Jem opened her tear-washed eyes to see Trigger standing above her. Now, Trigger was hauling her up. Smoker and Chase joined them, and took up Jem's weight.

For the second time in two days, her teammates held her as they ran. Last time, her tits hadn't been brutalized with a sledgehammer, dragged under The Box, or ravaged by engineered superdogs. This time, it hurt much, much worse!

Jem screamed and screamed, begging for unconsciousness that her augmentations refused to allow. The part of her mind that remained marginally coherent prayed that at least this time her squad mates would mercifully refrain from stomping the hell out of her appallingly abused boobs.

The four-meter wall answered her prayer, and the answer was a cruelly resounding "NO!"

Her teammates struggled to lift and pull Jem's writhing, whimpering body up to the top of the wall. It took three of them to heft her and drop her on the other side, ensuring she fell directly on her tortured orbs!

The impact knocked the wind out of her. Her eyes flew open, her pupils dilating to fine points of black. She laid there, trembling, unable to express her pain. Finally, she rolled over onto her back, her muzzle opening wide to let out what would have been a sky-shattering shriek...

The first of her squadmates jumped down from four meters above the moment she rolled over, heavy boots covered in sharp, metal cleats smashing down on her soft, naked mammaries! The soldier let the plush fullness of her swollen orbs cushion his fall, bending his knees and then rolling to the side.

The impact knocked the air from her once more, turning the scream she would have made into a loud, pain-swamped groan. Jem's arms flew to comfort her screaming breasts as the agony of this new cruelty added itself to her mammary suffering... but her squad mate grabbed her arms and pulled them back above her head, clearing the way as the second member of her squadron landed on her soft tits! Her groan broke off with a sharp, feminine squeak, tears gushing from her eyes as pain was piled onto pain!

After that, it took two of her teammates, one holding her arms and the other her legs, to pin her steady enough for each of the remaining one-hundred and six members of her squad to make their perfectly-aimed, merciless jumps. Some of them took the opportunity after landing to twist their cleat-spiked boots back and forth, grinding her large boobies beneath them, watching the way the flesh of her breasts twisted and quaked. Jem's neck craned, her head tilting back as she stared into nothing but the blackness of her pain. She screamed and screamed and screamed!

Once every soldier had made the wall and jogged on towards the next obstacle, the two rear-most lifted Jem up again and forged on at a brisk pace.

The rest of the obstacle course was lost in an excruciating blur. She was vaguely aware of her teammates struggling to carry her while swinging, jumping and balancing their way over various obstacles. For others, they took full advantage of Jem's assignment as point runner, hauling her to the front, using her chest to clear paths through electrified nanowire, her nipples to cover the firing holes of harpoon guns, and worse. Only towards the end, when they laid her back on the ground, granting her several minutes' respite, was she finally able to focus through all the pain and gauge her surroundings.

The last leg of the course stretched out in front of them. Two obstacles blocked the way to the finish line. The first was a six-wheel transport truck sitting in a crossway with chains attached to the bumper; the squad would have to work together to pull it out of the way.

Jem rested, gasping in pain, as her squad mates went to work, abandoning her for the moment. From Jem's position on the ground, she could see underneath the truck to the final obstacle: a low-set laser grid that they would have to crawl underneath! Fifteen meters of heavy, high-intensity lasers stretched between them and the finish line, with only a small clearance beneath.

The last obstacle and the first had something dreadful in common. Echo company's sergeant had set the height of the lasers lower than anybody whose chest featured even moderately-sized melons could manage. At least, not without self-cruelty. Jem could tell those lasers would hurt badly even with pain suppressors. Without... Jem felt herself going pale.

Animal instinct screamed to get away from before her squad mates could hurt her like this! But poor Jem... she hurt too much to move. As soon as they finished with the transport, they took one of the chains from the bumper and used it to bind Jem's wrists. Immediately, Jem began to plead with them, blubbering almost incoherently. Tears streamed down her face. One of the squad was kind enough to put a bit in her mouth; that was all.

Jem lay on her back as her squad mates scurried under the glowing gridwork of powerful laser beams, one of them hauling the other end of the chain. Then, the chain pulled taunt, and felt herself slowly dragged towards the lasers.

A powerful hum filled her ears and drummed against her skull as she drew closer. Her face passed beneath the first brilliantly-glowing beams, her head turned to the side to protect her muzzle. Up close, she recognized the sheer intensity of the heavy, military-grade lasers and started to cry. She closed her eyes against the dazzling light, fresh tears streaming down her face. She could smell ozone as the air burned around them. Felt their cold heat pressing against her like a weight.

As she felt the first beam near her breasts, Jem sucked in a deep breath and tried to brace for what was to come. She failed. Its barest touch was like thousands of white-hot needles slashing into Jem's tortured boobs, trying to sear through the invulnerable flesh of her breasts! The energy lashed through her breasts, setting every nerve in her chest screaming, her nipples and areola exploding again and again before the beam even grazed them! The burning agony spread across her torso; she could feel the razor-fire in the small of her back, in her womb, in her clit. The pain made Jem twist and arch, her movements subjecting every centimeter of her hopeless tits to the devastating intensity of the lasers as she was slowly pulled beneath the field.

Jem was too lost in the harrowing torment in her tits to recognize when the dragging stopped. Her squad beat the course with twelve seconds to spare. As a reward, they were given the rest of the day to relax, enjoy themselves, and prepare for the coming war games... And allowed to drag Jem's tits back through the laser grid a few dozen more times before heading back. To Jem, it was never-ending!