A Night to Remember Ch. 1

Story by sakeo on SoFurry

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Seth, Max and "The silver moon" are copyrighted to me. I do not own vampires.

A night to remember


This time of night most bars are empty. Except for this one, of course. It goes by the name "silver moon" and as you may think this is no ordinary bar and it's patrons are not ordinary are not ordinary furs. You regular furs (at least those who know of us) call us "vampires", a name that we creatures of the night have taken a liking to. This bar is where we meet our so-called "victims", though their willingness is quite astounding.

You see, I own this establishment. My name... is not really important. This story is not about me. Instead the hero of this romantic journey through hell is about a normal fur with a normal life, who is going to find out that vampires aren't just the stuff of legends. I'll let him take over for now.


Night 1: A Chance Meeting

H-hi I'm Seth and this is my story. I hope you will all enjoy my story, but if you don't I am truly sorry. So here goes.

That night is still a little fuzzy but some moments I can remember perfectly, like when I first met Him.

I was walking home from a bar, my feet feeling unsteady beneath me, when a bear began threatening me for my money. When I told him I had none he became violent and knocked me to the ground, threatening to do more unless I gave him what he wanted. As he raised his fist to strike me again, I saw a black and white shape dart out from an alley nearby. It grabbed my assailant and threw him to the ground. The last thing I can remember before passing out from fear was a huskey's face, his eyes the most wonderful shade of blue, peering into mine.

* * *

I woke up at home, lying in my bed. In my closed hand there was a matchbook that said "The Silver Moon" in gothic print with an address stamped underneath. This memento, this irrefutable proof that He wasn't a dream left me speechless. This "Silver Moon" place intrigued me, it's name implying mystery and romance, with a hint of danger that I couldn't quite understand.

At around 7:30 I was ready to go, my mop of hair styled just right with a pair of tight jeans and a tank top completing the look. After one last cursory glance in the mirror I left my apartment to head to the club, being careful to hide my wallet in my jacket pocket. Wouldn't want to be mugged again, I thought to myself.

The club was on a normally busy street, but I noticed very few furs on my way there. At the door of "The Silver Moon", a rottweiler (most likely the bouncer) stood, although no one was in line to go in. Before I could say anything to him, he had lifted his velvet rope and said "Go on in. He‘s expecting you." in a deep voice. I went right in, puzzled by his words. Who was He? The huskey from last night? I was still lost in thought as I sat at the bar and ordered a martini.

While I sat nursing my drink a fox sat on the stool next to me. His ear piercing glinted as he asked "Want to go to the back room, sweetass?"

I replied with a "Sorry I‘m waiting for someone." and a shake of my head.

The fox started to get angry at this and growled "What if I make you?" in a threatening tone.

By this time the bartender had noticed my distress. He took the fox aside and spoke to him in a whisper that I could just barely make out "...really want... mess with ... angry!" At the bartender's words the fox grew pale and slinked off, his tail between his legs.

I turned to the bartender, my heart beating fast, and said "Thanks, that could have been bad."

To that he said "Don‘t mention it. If you need anything else, just ask."

This was the perfect time! "Well, there is one thing. Have you seen a black and white huskey with blue eyes?" I didn't really expect an answer. I just needed to ask.

The barkeeper smiled and said "Oh, you mean Max. Well, he just walked in."

I looked toward the entrance, my heart beating faster with anticipation, and saw him. His... Max's (I corrected myself) hair was messier today but there was no mistaking those amazing eyes that seemed to look into my soul. It WAS him, my savior, my dark angel. His eyes roved over the small crowd of partygoers until they settled on me, his gaze making me feel strangely aroused. The experience only lasted a few minutes but to me it seemed an eternity before he walked to the back of the club where a door marked "VIP Only" stood.

I turned around to pay the bartender for my drink and by the time I had turned around, Max had disappeared. I made my way to the door, not expecting it to be unlocked. To my surprise the door opened onto a hallway that had still more doors coming off of it.

The first door to my right was slightly open and through it I could hear muffled noises. When I looked through the door I could see a naked fox sitting on the edge of a large bed while a lizard (a gecko I think) rode his cock. The lizard's face had a look of pure rapture to it, as if he had never felt any thing that was better than what he felt at that moment.

Blushing, I tried to back away from the door but a strong pair of arms gripped me from behind and held me in place. My breath caught in my throat as the newcomers breath caressed the back of my neck, his lips brushing my fur lightly.

Then his voice in my ear "Let‘s stay and watch the show."

In the room the fox was beginning to pump his hips, pushing his member up and into the lizard faster and faster. The look of ecstasy was still on the lizard's face as the fox leaned forward and delivered what I assumed was a mating bite on his mate's neck. They continued like this for a few moments until the fox had loosened his mate up enough to push his knot in. The lizard let out a quiet sound of pain at this, which quickly turned to a moan as the fox continued to pump his hips, driving in at a fast pace.

Outside of the room I was beginning to make my own little sounds of pleasure as Max's deft fingers played with my stiffening cock through the fabric of my jeans. His breath was coming faster and faster as he ground his own member against my rump. Then I realized That wasn't a mating bite! The fox was drinking his mate's blood. The thought of this made my stomach turn, but, in a strange sort of way it also aroused me, making the moment even more exciting and causing me to grind my hips backwards, wanting even more than I was getting.

Turning away from the couple in the room, I kissed Max passionately, our tongues meeting in a wonderful burst of fireworks. I pushed him towards one of the doors on the other side of the hall way, the kiss becoming deeper as I ground our crotches together.

Once I had gotten the door open I got down on my knees in front of Max and began to free his cock from it's fabric prison. It sprang free immediately, it's 7 ½ inch length glistening with pre. I gave his member a lick tasting his musky pre, it's delicious taste only a preview of what was to come. I moved my tongue up and down his length, tasting every inch of his delicious cock before wrapping my lips around the head and pushing his full length down my throat.

He moaned as his knot began to swell, his hips pushing his meaty cock down my throat. The flow of precum had become copious, it's sheer volume nearly causing me to gag as I deep throated him. Just when it seemed that he was going to cum I gave his knot a tug, causing him to spill his seed into my throat. I happily sucked down all that he gave me, it's musky flavor making me want more. When his balls were empty I sat back on my haunches and began to unbutton my jeans with my right hand while still stroking his cock with my left.

Once I had gotten my jeans and shirt off I crawled up onto Max's lap, aligned his cock with my tail hole and began to slide his member inside of me, it's tip brushing my prostate on the way in, causing a jolt of pleasure. His cock was soon buried almost to the hilt, the knot pushing at my entrance. I turned my head and kissed Max, our tongues fighting for dominance as he began to thrust. In minutes we were nearing our climax, his knot swollen and ready as it pushed it's way in. His hand slipped to my cock and began to pump it in time with his thrusts just before he came. His cock swelled inside me and began to fire it's burden deep into my colon just as his stroking brought me to my own finish.

We fell onto the bed, exhausted, his cock still deeply imbedded inside of me. The last things I saw before I drifted off to sleep were his beautiful eyes staring down at me, a gentle smile on his lips.