Love among family

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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#2 of A trainers journey

Alright, back after a bit of a hiatus.

Nothing new I know, January blues and all. Meh.

So this was a bit of an unusual project for me as I decided part way through to cross it over with characters from a previous story. A request by a friend of mine Dsc who really enjoys Pokemon and those cute Eeveelutions. Hope it is enjoyed by him and the rest who come across this.

Two Eevee siblings witness the death of their parents but a lucky escape finds them rescued and then released. Grown up and evolved with the female Umbreon wanting revenge and her heat bringing out her hidden desires, what will become of the pair and their bond?

It was night time, darkness surrounded the wooded area and sleepy Pokemon calls could be heard. Everywhere was dark all except...for one little section. "Steal from our pack on our land would you?!" A large, tough looking Houndoom snarled, the trees and foliage burning around them as a mated pair of Espeons sheltered two shivering brown bundles.

"This isn't just your domain, we have hungry Eevee kits to feed and have to hunt. If we stray from here Pokemon trainers would try to capture us and split us from our young!" The larger male Espeon shouted over the flames, the leader squaring off to him, surrounded by four Houndours.

"This woodland isn't big enough for another family, and you are about to learn that nothing messes with the Hell Pack!" The alpha growled as they edged closer to them.

"Quick! Take our young as far away as possible, I will buy you some time!" The male cried to his mate. She shook her head and was about to defy him, covering the crying kits with her body before a Houndour jumped her, the male Espeon deflecting him with a Light Screen.

She knew there was no option, picking the crying kits up in her muzzle, she sprinted off away, not daring to look back.

Unfortunately the female of the litter saw as her father blocked their advances with his body, crying and wailing as he was massacred and roasted by the hellish canine Pokemon.


"FATHEERRRRRR!" An Umbreon cried, her head jerking into the air as she cried out from her nightmare.

"Shh, Tumma, it is okay," A handsome Glaceon whispered, pressing close to a trembling, pretty Umbreon.

The dark female Pokemon snapped her head round to gaze at her brother, her red orbs trembling as the fright slowly drained from her body of the nightmarish memory. "Brother..." She sobbed against him, pressing close as could be for comfort.

" was that dream again, of the night our parents were murdered," the dark female Umbreon shivered from the icy pit in her stomach.

She stared back at her brother, staring into his icy blue eyes and then travelling to his teal coloured dangles. Ever since they had lost their parents it had just been the two of them looking out for each other. Their mother had tried her best to escape with the three of them, but events seemed bent on losing them their family. Their mother had been tracked down by two Houndours, normally she could have defeated them but she was weak with exhaustion.

She had hid them inside a bush, praying that someone would find them and look after her Eevee kits before acting as bait to lure them away.

They never saw her again and they would have perished as they cried and mewled for their kind mother, if not for a Pokemon ranger driving the brutes away with their own Pokemon and rescuing them, raising them until they were old enough to be sent back out into the wild.

Coming back to the present, they stared into each others eyes, knowing that they had been thinking the same morbid thoughts. "Well," Hielo sighed after a pause, "we won't be able to get back to sleep now will we? Come on sis, lets look for berries, may as well keep our energy up," he said with an affectionate nuzzle into her side.

"Hey! I'm not a baby any more, I can look after myself you know?" She huffed but it was half hearted as she really enjoyed her brothers affections.

"What, I have to look after my baby sister right?" The icy Pokemon smirked at her.

"Only by ten minutes!" She yipped out, tackling her brother, pinning him beneath her body. "Heh, gotcha!" She smiled in pride. Tumma had always been the more playful and boisterous of the two, her short brush of a tail wagging before jumping off her brother.

"Heh, you playful little kit!" Hielo yipped out, opening his muzzle as he shot a burst of ice, covering her paws in ice. "That will slow you down, or better yet, give me an advantage in berry gathering," he barked, sticking his tongue out before bounding off.

"YOU...GIANT...CHEATER!!" Tumma growled out as she saw her older brother speed off towards a cluster of berry bushes they frequented. Using her Screech move, she shattered the ice crystals binding her paws before pouring the speed on in a rage filled charge towards her brother.

"Heh, that sister if mine. She has a lot to still learn. Hopefully this is a lesson actually learned and not wasted on her," he said with a smug, self satisfied grin. His sister always let him get the upper hand on her through been careless, his playful teasing had a serious side in which he wanted her to become more aware.

"Heh, also my chance to beat her at berry picking for once. That sister of mine is starting to get podgy thanks to the amount she manages to take."

With that he began to rummage through the green bushes, the spring always brought an abundance of Pokeberries out. Just as he had set about tugging a cluster with his muzzle though, a faint tremor could be felt by his paws, followed briefly by, "BRRRREEEEEEE!" Her angry cry told him she had not learned anything from all of this and was charging him head on.

"Seems you will only learn the hard way dear sister won't you?" Hielo sighed with a shake of his head. He opened his muzzle to breathe out another icy mist, only t be caught off guard as she altered her angle, missing the attack before ploughing into him in a hard tackle. "EON!" He cried painfully out as he was sent onto his back.

Scowling at him from on top, Tumma glared through dark pupils at him. "That...was mean of you," she panted hard, sides heaving as her energy rush faded. "Why did you do that?"

"Unh, w-well dear sister, did you not learn anything from it?" He said in a pained tone, squirming until he was able to slip out from under her.

"Bree!" She huffed, looking away from him, "I just learned from you're attack before was all," she glowered at the ground. She was caught by surprise when she felt her brother rub his head into her side.

"I'm sorry little sister, you know I care greatly for you. I just wanted to know you could handle yourself if ever one day we had to be apart. You're too easily distracted and I worry if ever we ever encounter those who killed our parents, they will not show you mercy."

"I still don't know why we run from them!" She spat back, her black fur bristling with fury. "We are not the helpless kits we once were, I feel my anger alone can take them on!" Tumma whipped her head round suddenly to stare at her brother. "Don't you feel the same way?" She asked with a bit of danger in her voice now.

"Tumma, you know if we were larger or had more in number that I would be the first to charge in and avenge our parents. But as we are we would die just like they did and their deaths would have been for nothing. Would you really want that, for our parents to have sacrificed so much for us and yet for us to waste it by throwing that gift of life away?"

"NO!" She growled loud, her yellow ring on her head glowing as her anger flared before she calmed down and choked back a sob. "I just..." she trailed off before scampering off, leaving her brother shaking his head.

She was always like this after one of her nightmares of their parents, she would calm down in time.

Sure enough, five minutes later Hielo found his sister curled underneath a tree, using a branch to hide away, like she was trying to shield away the world from further hurting her.

"Tumma...I brought you some berries," the Glaceon said gently, dropping a mouthful of berries in front of her. "Come on sister, you have to keep your strength up, please eat?" he nosed at her in concern.

"Yeah? And to what end? We're never going to be strong enough to take those bastards on, so what's the point when all I want is to avenge our family?" She growled sullenly.

"Then maybe we need allies? It is probably time we stopped running yes, especially if it just will keep hurting us as sure as their fangs would. I promise, we will start making moves soon but for now, please eat," he said with a soft "eon" and a nose of the berries towards her.

A reluctant sigh sounded from her as she conceded defeat, eating them one at a time. She noticed that her brothers taste lingered with each berry, and with each one she could taste more of him until for some odd reason, she began to taste Hielo instead of the berry.

"Sister, you must really have been hungry, I've never seen you enjoy berries as much," he laughed, running his tongue over her head.

"Mrrrr, e-eon," Tumma moaned at the touch, closing her eyes in pleasure before he stopped. "Breeee, why did you stop?" She purred before catching her brothers look. Brother, are you okay?" She said, quickly whipping her head round to see if there was danger around.

"Sister...I think you are coming into your first heat," Hielo said, his nose sniffing around her. Pulling back, there was definitely a heady scent emanating from her. One that stirred something deep inside of him.

"H-heat? You mean as in...breeding season?" The dark Pokemon said in a nervous voice, one ear cocked making her seem even cuter than usual.

A frown crossed his features at the hopeful tone in her voice, "Sister, we should try and make finding you a mate our highest priority now. If we don't relieve your urges things could turn out ugly."

Tumma just stared at her brother, noticing how handsome he looked when the wind blew, making his teal dangles sway in the wind. Also, how come she had never noticed how strong he looked when he frowned? He looked every bit a protector to her and a worthy mate for anyone...or maybe... "Hielo...why can't I be your mate? You have taken such good care of me and I can't think of anyone else who would be better fitted to being my kits sire

"NO!" He shouted, making her cower at his voice. He immediately regretted not keeping his own bubbling feelings for her in check as he saw her cower. "Sister...we can't okay?" He said in a calm tone, raising a front paw to stroke along her furry chest. "It is not allowed between family, please understand that dear sister okay? I hate we are related because I would gladly be your mate but we just...can't," he finished, unsure as to the exact why himself.

"Brother...why? Don't you love me as well? I-if I am not worthy enough then please let me prove it," she said, an edge of desperation starting to creep into her voice. She had always looked up to him, but now she wanted to be more to him than a burdening sister. And if she had to prove it to him she would do so.

"I don't know...we sadly were not taught that in time. All I know is that it just isn't allowed...I'm sorry," he said in a voice filled with sadness.

"Brother please, if we can't think of a reason than

"NO, sister...we can't," The ice Eeveelution barked out before immediately regretting his harshness. "Sister I'm sorry I..." He trailed off as Tumma lowered her ears and gave a low growl at her brother, stalking off back towards their den.

"Leave me alone, don't come near me," the dark Eeveelution growled back, her yellow markings giving off a dangerous pulse. He knew from painful experience in the past that she had a secret ability to give off poisons in the air when worked up so was left with little choice but to watch her flee.


"I've had it with him!" Tumma cried out as she ran right past their den. "I'm going to run away and live alone, without him! I don't need him, I can take care of myself," she cried out into the night sky tearfully.

She didn't care where she went now, she was done with her brother. He was a coward and didn't care about her, that she was certain of, that was what raced through her heat muddled mind. The need for a mate on her first heat and the anger she bore towards the Hell pack that had destroyed their lives played havoc on her emotions, seeking an outlet for her rage.

She ran and ran, running as though her life depended on it until she came to a halt with legs shaking inside a darkened ruin. Even with how tired she felt, her anger refused to be sated by simply running. She shrieked and tilted her head back, a dark sphere of energy collecting around her body, rage calling to the fore one of her kinds most powerful attacks. "BBRRREEEEEEEEE!!" She cried out, releasing a dark wave of energy from her body, shattering fragments of ruins around her.

The dark aura that surrounded her body faded as she used up a good amount of her energy, her four legs shaking and trembling as a weariness overcame her. But much to her irritation, that accursed tingling remained in her privates. "Where...where did I run to anyways?" Tumma said to herself in a small whisper of a voice, only now just taking the time to look at the eerie place she had stumbled along in her mad dash.

"Hmm, where indeed foolish little Pokemon," a dark and sinister voice sounded from the gloom. Emerging from under the shelter of a collapsed ruin, a large, scarred Houndoom emerged, looking like from one of those horror movies with those sinister, curved white horns and red, eerie eyes. "So, what Pokemon is stupid enough to blunder into our territory I wonder?" He growled, towering over the Umbreons form.

Growling chuckles sounded from around the ruins as a number of similar shapes emerged. "W-what?" She whimpered, pressing her back to the ruins. The Houndours had also evolved into Houndooms, and although not as formidable looking, just one looked enough to take her on.

"You..." Tumma whimpered as she crouched down, his scent filled her nose. The nightmares suddenly seemed like nothing as the smell made her parents murder seem just like yesterday. "I'll KILL YOU!" She cried out with an angered growl, springing from her crouch like a cat at the leader.

He just laughed off her attack, lowering his head as she landed on him before tossing his powerful neck, flinging her into a ruin where she fell, stunned and was then pounced upon by the bullying leader. "We saw your little display of anger before, you should have saved your strength foolish cub," he growled into her ear, the rest of the back howling in mock agreement. In a louder voice he called out, "Brothers! Here lays one that opposed our family! Their own was not strong enough to ward us off and instead of allowing me to put the cubs out of their suffering, they chose to let them live on with what they had seen. And now look at what we have here, one who has returned and in heat. I think our family is due for expanding don't you agree?"

The rest of the Houndooms howled and jeered back, " are nothing more than a bully and a coward," Tumma cried out before being silenced with a light bite to the neck.

"The weak obey the strong, it is the law of Pokemon and in general so you can either let me breed you as our pack bitch, or end you and then search for your pitiful brother," he chuckled with dark mirth, his two front, muscled paws keeping her pinned as he breathed in her scent. "Though, it would be a shame given you are a prime female now, so I would rather not have to."

"Spare me your pity," Tumma ground out through clenched fangs. "I would soon die any day then be your breeder murderer!"

"Hmm, so be it then," he said in a dark and ominous voice. He opened his maw wide, ready for the killing bite and relishing as her body shook, feeling how powerless and afraid she was.

He tightened jaw muscles, ready to snap her neck, lunging down at her, his jaw strained to shut but... "Guh?" He grunted in surprise.

Tumma felt his muzzle go round her neck to kill, but no bite. Daring to turn her head about she saw with shock that his muzzle had been frozen solid wide open. "You dare to lay a PAW on my SISTER!?" A voice shook with rage from high atop the ruin overlooking the five.

His twin dangles blew in the wind, his flat tail billowing as he glared through those icy cold eyes at the Houndooms. Jumping down from his vantage, he landed just where the brute had been over his sister, the pack leader leaping back to avoid Hielo's pounce.

"Grrrrrrr!" The leader growled before steam began to rise from around his muzzle, with a crunch he freed his muzzle of the ice and whipped round to the Glaceon. "WHO the fuck are you?!" He snarled, the rest of the pack closing in around him.

"I'm her protector and guardian, but most importantly you attacked my only family...the very same YOU murdered!" Hielo growled back, keeping himself low to the ground as he turned round and round to give them little chance of a surprise attack on him.

"Fami...ohhh, this is ironic," the large Houndoom chuckled out, "You're that bothersome family invading our territory that I tried to rid ourselves of. Looks like I get the honour of finishing what I had started after all." His sneer was mocking, taunting as he tried to coax a reaction out of the ice type. "Tell me, what can you hope to do? You are an ice type, we are fire, you are as good as dead, or melted would it be?"

"Yeah? Type doesn't always count, just what are you doing here in the first place, or did you run out of Pokemon to murder?" Hielo said coolly back, ignoring his taunt.

"Not by choice I can assure you, but we were chased out by rangers once we became too powerful for trainers. They had no right using our hunting grounds, might makes right so they became fearful of us. We had to move and look where we found ourselves. Had we known you were nearby we would have paid a visit MUCH sooner!"

"Brother..." a quiet voice whispered from under him, Tumma's dark form wriggled from under him. "Let me fight too, I would rather die alongside you than watch you die and be raped by him," she said, casting her brother a fearsome glance.

"Sister...I didn't want it to come to this. Going out the way our parents went," Hielo said with a voice low with regret. If I had thought more on your feelings then this never would have happened."

Standing tail to tail with him, she glanced over her shoulder towards him, "Brother, we are both to blame," she said as the demon looking Pokemon surrounded them. "Lets make our parents proud for when we join them," Tumma said with a dangerous edge to her voice.

"If you won't let me breed you, bitch then you can roast in hell just like your pathetic parents," the scarred leader growled. "Let them have it!"

All five Houndooms opened their muzzles wide to spew red hot flames over them. The combined heat would be enough to leave nothing but charred remains behind. Hielo threw himself over his sister to try and shield her in a last desperate attempt for least one for them to survive. Except he was astonished instead to hear a commend followed by a chorus of yelpings.

"Roxan, Serith, Fury Swipes!" A young, high female voice rang out through the darkness.

"B-brother?" Tumma asked tentatively from beneath Hielo, poking her head out from under him. "What happened?"

Hielo stood there with his muzzle slack open at their fortune, hardly believing they were still breathing as a beautiful Liepard and a handsome Persian raked their claws over the snarling Houndoom pack. Standing beside them, keeping out of reach of the Houndooms range was a pretty young trainer with curly blond hair and bright blue eyes as she looked on fiercely at the battle.

"Fucking human! What right does she have to meddle in our affairs?!" The leader growled as he fixed her in his sights. Opening his muzzle, he spat a blast of flame in the form of an ember attack, but luckily his aim was thrown off as Tumma tackled him from the side, striking the ruins to the side of her.

"Roxan!" Tumma heard the Liepard cry out, looking ready to help take the gang leader on.

"No! We got this, your friend needs your help!" Tumma growled out before she was joined by her brother.

"We got this, besides he looks in trouble," Hielo pointed out with his muzzle as the Persian was hopping around, trying to keep his paws from catching alight, screeching about how he always manages to find himself in these situations.

"You...I will enjoy picking your carcasses from between my fangs," the gang leader snarled at the two. "A weaker dark type who would at best rival me in damage if she was strong enough to, and an ice type. I have you top trumped in both strength and types, what can you hope to do?!" He finished as he let loose a deadly flamethrower at the pair, narrowly missing them as they dodged in opposite directions.

Tumma looked towards her brother, seeing how he was sweating and panting from the heat of its passing. She knew he spoke the truth, one direct hit would have him out cold and she couldn't take him head on, she knew that.

"Hah, you're mine melty!" He snarled in mockery toward the ice type, charging to run him down with his horns.

Eyes going wide, Tumma growled and tackled the brute, halting his charge with a grunt. "Ugh, you dare you runt?!" He growled, but before any more insults could be uttered she went on the warpath. Hitting him with a feint, then pushing him back, followed up by a pursuit move which quickly closed the distance to strike at him. He grunted and bent down on one leg, "I c-can't believe she actually hurt me," he growled through one eye. "I swear it is the last, Mmphhh!"

"You talk too much you know that?" Hielo said coolly to him as he looked down, the Houndoom's muzzle encased in a thick layer of ice.

He looked around in panic, looking for support but just found that the other two were busy driving them off, yelping in fear as they ran. A grunt through his nose sounded as Tumma rammed into his side, her brother mimicked and hit him back. Running in with a tackle, she lifted him into the air, "Prepare yourself, for you'll now feel what it is like to be powerless!" Hielo cried out.

Leaping into the air, he opened his muzzle wide, fangs becoming coated in painful, cold spikes of ice before biting down on the Houndoom with a weak cry of pain. Falling back to earth, the ice Pokemon landed on four paws, panting lightly as he watched for him to get back up.

But he just lay there breathing heavily. "Now for your reckoning, Tumma, lets finish it and avenge our parents," Hielo said to his sister. Together, they approached him with murder in their eyes before The Persian and Liepard blocked their paths.

"Whoah whoah, what are you doing you want to kill him?" The Persian said with alarmed eyes staring at Hielo.

"Stand aside cat! Don't make us have to go through you two as well," Hielo growled, hunching down making ready to attack him.

"You can't possibly understand with your privileged lives the suffering we have gone through of losing our family to this brute! We will take his life for the murder of our parents," Tumma snarled, her red eyes gleaming with hatred.

"Then you are no better than he is, would it bring your family back? Would you find peace in the taking of a life or find even more reason to hate?" The Liepard said, sitting and staring at Tumma calmly, reminding her of how her brother looked at times.

The human clambered down from the ruins and placed herself over the unconscious Pokemon. "I may not speak Pokemon, but I can tell there has been suffering here. His band is scattered, he has been wounded beyond battling again. Leave it be and allow me to take him where he won't be of trouble again okay?" The trainer said, looking with pleading eyes from one to the other.

A stiff breeze blew over the stand-off between the five before both Eeveeluions slumped over, exhaustion claiming them.


"Breeeee..." The noise sounded from within the ruins, reverberating around and off the walls in an eerie echo. "Hielo?" She said somewhat tentatively.

"I'm here Tumma," the deep voice of her brother sounded from just by her right side, standing like some guardian at the gap in the ruins. "It looks like they took that Houndoom away after all, soft hearted foolish human," He mumbled with a slow shake of his head, his dangles swaying with the motion.

"What?!" Tumma gasped, getting swiftly up to her paws. Trotting over to her brother, she stared between the gap and then the sky. "We've only being out for short while. We can catch up to them, force them to hand him over and finish"

"STOP!" Tumma growled out loud. "Enough is enough. His band has been scattered, we injured the thug so badly he will never be in his prime and the humans are taking him far away."

"But..." Tumma said with defiance still in her eyes, wanting to argue but unable to find a suitable footing under her brothers stern gaze.

His icy eyes softened with his expression, stepping towards her to nuzzle her dark, yellow band striped ear. "Let it go sister, please," he begged of her.

Tumma felt her heart quicken to his closeness, his scent filled her nose, her rings and bands of yellow glowing brightly. "B-brother..." She panted, closing her back legs to try and control herself.

"Crap, forgot about her heat" Hielo cursed mentally, swiftly withdrawing from her and taking a step back. "Maybe it is time for us to part ways sister. We're both adults now. And as much as I care for you we need to start our own families," he said in as calm of a voice as he could. Despite the attempts to block her scent, Tumma's heat scent was starting to fill his nose.

"What...?" She said, a whine in her throat that tore his heart. A look of dejection started to spread over her face. "No...I don't want that at all. You still haven't come with a good excuse for us to not. We are brother and sister? So what?! That makes it all the more special since we know each other better than anyone else in this world."

"I-it doesn't work like that," He stammered. Her heat must be affecting him worse than he thought, her red eyes had taken on a most appealing glowing quality. Along with her rings she smelled...was she emanating her heat scent through were she would usually her poison?

"Brother, I can't think of any better way to honour our parents than having our offspring being of our bloodline. You're my mate and I am settled. I can think of none better to be the father," her voice seemed to be taking on a softer, singing like quality as she tried to show him her resolve. "Do you not think I would be a good mother?" Her ears wilted, wearing a dejected look. Knowing how much of a good actor she could be he couldn't t tell if it was genuine or not.

"Sister...Tumma. You would be a wonderful mother. It is just..." What? What real reason did he have to resist her? He felt a brush along his muzzle all of a sudden. Icy eyes snapping wide, his pupils dilated as she ran her tail over his muzzle, getting a most potent whiff of her needy scent. "Damn you always knew how to get your way," he growled whilst his head swam with her seducing heat scent.

"Hielo...please," Tumma said in a pleading voice. His member was starting to stir in its sheath as she brushed alongside him. He was beginning to give off the most intoxicating aroma. It wasn't a sweet scent, more a musky, powerful smell as she dipped her head underneath him.

"Ah Tumma!" Hielo gasped out and leaped back. "What are you doing?" His sides were beginning to heave as he struggled to keep a rational mind.

"Come BACK here!" Tumma growled, jumping at him and bowling her brother over. He normally would have dodged her easily, but he was too wrapped up, too distracted by his own stirring desires.

"Please...get off..." He begged as he gave a few half hearted shoves with his hind and rear paws, but she wouldn't budge. "If we go through with this, there may be no turning back," he warned.

"Good!" She smirked, her muzzle opening to run her pink tongue across her brothers own muzzle. It was the first time she had ever seen her strong brother like this, she couldn't help a brief "breee" of satisfaction. He tasted so cool and smooth, like he was made out of living ice. She wondered if his cock would be like a popcicle as well?

Again and again she lapped at his muzzle, making him relax more and more. His body starting to go limp, eyes closing in relaxed pleasure. Just when had his spunky sister become such a gentle Pokemon?

She didn't know where it was coming from, but she just somehow knew how to relax him. She had never done anything like this yet...she felt like an instinct was guiding her, or maybe her mother really wanted them to mate and was guiding her? Seeing him relax, she wanted to taste him. Tumma had caught him a mew times as he pleasured himself with his muzzle and his scent then had smelled funny. But that same scent called to her.

"Tumma...wh-whats come over you?" Hielo moaned out. He had never felt so powerless over his sister as she worked him into a pleasurable drowsiness. Feeling her stop and lift her weight off oh his front, he rocked, about to right himself onto all four paws again.

"Uh uh," Tumma grinned, halting him with a paw as she had turned round to face his partially emerged cock. The appendage a darker blue to the rest of his fur, seemingly to bring more attention to his maleness. "Looks like you still need some convincing huh? Maybe this can help?" With that said, the Umbreon sibling poked a red tongue out. Leaning in, she dragged it over the pale tip, her tongue having a slight sandpapery like texture to it as she tasted him on her pallet.

"Eon!," Hielo winced through one eye at the feeling. His cock pulsed with the motion, more of his breeding tool surged out into the press of her tongue. "T-Tumma, ngh!" Hielo grunted in an increasingly breathy voice. "That feels so...much better than my"

"Then your own muzzle?" Tumma said, pulling away and giving him a cheeky grin, her tail wafting playfully to the awkward look on his face as he twisted his muzzle away. "I always wondered if you was cold all over, I got my answer though. You're so warm here, I wonder if this is where all your heat is collected?"

"Uhh?" Hielo paused, unable to think of what to say as his head felt that fogged over with her needy scent.

"I wonder how your fluids taste?" With that, the Umbreon dipped her muzzle onto his now fully exposed shaft. Her muzzle slowly slid over the surprisingly warm shaft, a soft purr forming in her throat, building up as she took more and more into her slender muzzle.

"E-eeeeon, Tumma!" Hielo gasped out, squirming as he felt her begin to repeat her motions. His body started to tense as he could feel her muzzle slowly working on him, suckling and beginning to draw his pre out of his hidden sack.

Closing his eyes at the electric pleasure, a drip of fluid had his eyes snap back open. Her was right above his head. Her puffy pussy looking so appetizing and wet it seemed to beg for his tongue. A wriggle of her hips sent a few more drops of fem fluid raining down onto his muzzle to which he eagerly lapped up. With hardly a pause, Hielo decided it was time he took some action of his own.

Running his tongue over her puffy labia, he gathered the fluids onto his tongue. The cool texture had Tumma moaning in a mixture of surprise and delight, her vibrations only adding to the stimulation, her suction beginning to take on a more desperate feel.

Slurping around her outer labia, Hielo stabbed his cool tongue into the feral pussy, hearing her squeak before pulling out and licking his lips. " have such a sweet taste. I like it even better than the berries we eat," he said in admiration. He could feel something happening to his cock that had never happened with just his muzzle alone.

Pulling off of his shaft, the dark furred beauty licked her lips at the taste before staring in concern at her brother. "Hielo...something is wrong with your cock," Tumma said with a worried backwards glance at him. "It has become...all lumpy at the base."

"G-glace?" He cried out in alarm, bending forwards to stare at his cock. But his look of shock turned to a slow spreading grin across his muzzle. "Oh dear, little sister," he said with a good bit of humour in his voice along with the growing arousal as to what he knew he had to do with it now.

"What? How can you be so calm? Look at it, it looks...well it smells...I dunno," the Umbreon trailed off as her instincts pulled the female to do something with it.

"Its okay sister," Hielo purred as he righted himself, his cock bouncing beneath him as he stepped up to her. "That bulge is called a knot, I heard father talk about it before. That my dear sign that I am ready to mate with you."

"R-ready?" She stammered out, she thought he had been ready all along. She couldn't think, she wasn't sure what was to happen next but all she knew is that she wanted something inside of her.

"I could tell you dear sister would be better to show you," Hielo said in his breathy, serene voice as he licked at her muzzle before rounding to her rear.

Tumma looked round with wide, red eyes. Her heart was beating so fast in her little chest with what she knew was coming now, and what she had to do as ingrained instinct took over her body. "That's it, raise your tail like a good mate," Hielo said encouragingly to her. He had since the start of this abandoned all sense of right and wrong, he loved his sister more than anything and her words had made more sense than something that was unknown to them both. If breeding her would make them both happy and carry on their bloodline what was the harm?

"Hielo...please," her voice snapped him from his own heating thoughts. Striding up to her, he look in his sisters quivering back end, the desperately wet, fluffy labia and the look of intense need in her eyes.

"Brother, please...please breed me," her pleading voice cut into him. He could keep up the tease no more. Stepping over her body, his front paws just in front of her furred front shoulders he stuck his muzzle into her ear and licked, sending a thrill down her and a needy push against her brothers blue breeding tool.

"You really need this don't you my sweet sister? Very well, I'll be all too happy to be your mate and breed you full of our kits," he moaned into her before taking another step forward, just keeping his cock out of her before with a powerful thrust, he buried the tip into her puffy folds.

A twin "Eon" escaped their muzzles as his tip slipped in, her puffy labia kissing his shaft wetly like another pair of lips. "Ngh, b-brother...that feels so incredible. Deeper please!" She cried out, thrusting her hips into him, sliding the cock in about another inch, sighing in relief to finally have her heated tunnel filled with what she desired more than anything in the world.

"E-Eager little kit aren't you?" Hielo panted as he felt himself sink deeper into her. "Right, she wants it she's got it," he thought, the electric feeling driving his mind into breeding mode.

Step by agonizing step, he pushed more and more into her until his front paws could rest on the Umbreon's dark furred shoulders. "Oh, Breeeee! Your so deep in me, it feels like it is where you belong, deep inside me, breeding me full of Eevees!" She moaned, rocking into him.

His breath coming out in hot pants, he didn't know why they hadn't done this before. She felt so right, her cunny wrapped round him, her vaginal walls squeezing him, wanting to milk. Her body wanted him, not just her mind and so did he now. "My sweet sister...I can't wait to see you give birth to our young," he panted, lapping her dark head, running over her ears that got her tilting her head to meet his tongue.

Angling, they locked muzzles, kissing heatedly. They tasted similar to each other, and yet so different at the same time with the way they had evolved differently.

Pulling his hips backwards, he thrust back into her, feeling as he withdrew that her muscles would grip and squeeze, as if reluctant to let him go each time only to slide back in harder with each and every thrust.

"Ahh, b-brother! I want you in, I want you all in!" Tumma cried out as she broke their feral kiss, her body was starting to drive her wild as more and more moisture spilled out from her passage each time he withdrew. She could feel that lovely lump at his base smack into her walls, teasing the clitoris that had now grown intensely sensitive and large with her bodies demand. "BRREEEEOOOOOOONN!" She cried out loud, her voice echoing off around the ruin walls as she felt herself climax, jets of her cum squirting from around her brothers embedded cock.

A sudden instinct told him to press hard forward, that now was the best time to knot her, tie with her and breed her full. Pushing with a grit of teeth into her spasaming pussy, he felt his knot spread her wide, feeling her grow even wetter and hotter as he slowly forced his way inside until he popped in. "Glaaaaaa!" He moaned out in a deep, throaty tone, feeling themselves connected so intimately was beyond anything he could have imagined. His tip flared, his pouch tightened and he fired shot after shot deep within her.

Shaking from the pleasure, his hips became a blur as he gave short, fast, hard humps into her, feeling her milk him for all he could give, pretty sure they were going to be seeing some its by the end of the year.

He felt his sister give out under him, her head laying down on the ruins floor with a thin line of drool spilling out of her muzzle from the toll the mating had taken on her young body. "Eon...Glaceon..." Hielo panted as he came down before managing to disentangle himself from her. Still knotted to her, he lay down beside her, hearing her moan as his knot tugged in a most pleasing way. "Sister...dear sweet sister...are you okay?" He panted to her, his own vision becoming a little hazy with such a drain on his energies such a mating took out of him.

"Breeeeeeeeh," she moaned in sheer bliss. "Brother...I am better then ever before...thank you," she mumbled happily, her eyes closing shut to sleep her orgasm off, rear twitching as small spurts continued to fill her, making sure she was bred.

"Yes...sister," he panted, laying his head next to her. "We are a mated couple now, and I think I too wanted this. We are now as one."

Still knotted together, they fell asleep among the shelter of the ancient ruins, unaware of a secret blessing they had as Mew flew on by, pausing just before the pair as if giving them its blessing.


"I'm beginning to question my new masters intelligence," the Persian Pokemon griped as the trio ambled on their way towards their original destination.

"Be careful what you say about Saleen, mongrel!" Roxan said in a deadly tone. "It was thanks to her that those two Pokemon were saved. She is far too good for you!"

"Yeah? Well toots, if she was so good then why did she not take the good Pokemon and get the one bound to be a headache huh?"

Their human trainer ceased her walk with a deep sigh at hearing her two Pokemon bickering in their language again. "Roxan, Serith, please stop fighting otherwise you will have to go back into your Pokeballs!" the pretty trainer said in a serious tone, glaring at them both as they meekly turned away from each other. "You two will just have to learn to get along," she said, shaking her head in exasperation.

Slumping down, she called a break to their march, resting her back against he tree as her two Pokemon laid dutifully at each side. Reaching both hands out, she scratched their heads absent-mindedly. "You know, I feel some force is challenging me right now. What are the chances we come across two Pokemon in dire peril and wind up with a pay-off? If not for that plume of smoke we saw passing those ruins by, who knows what would have happened?"

The human shuddered at the thought of the two mated Pokemon being massacred by the pack, her Liepard gave a soft call and nuzzled into her stomach in affectionate comfort. "Well, least I got a new Pokemon out of it, though will have to have him fixed up at the next centre we come across before I can release him. Those two were out for blood for some reason and I wish I knew why."


Epilogue: a year later...

Two small brown heads poked out from the vast ruins, noses curiously twitching and dark eyes bright with curiosity, their cute, long ears tilting this way and that as their bushy tails wagged excitedly. Today was the day they would be given permission to venture from the ruins that had become their home. "Veeeeee!" one cried out impatiently, running back inside to head butt its mother whilst the other tugged on its fathers teal coloured dangles.

"Bree! Stop that," the Umbreon muttered in her sleep before she was butted again. "I'm up, what?" She growled crossly with their mischievous antics.

"Glaaaaaa," her mate yawned next to her as the handsome Glaceon stretched and yawned. "I think they are impatient to get going Tumma," he said with a small laugh, tugging his dangle away from his playful kits muzzle.

"You did say after all mother," the kit that had been tormenting the beautiful Umbreon said with a sulky look in the little brown Eevee's eyes.

"That I did, but with you two it is so hard to get any sleep," she said with a hardly stifled yawn before getting up to her paws.

With a pair of excited squeaks, the two fluffy bundles ran off ahead of them in hardly contained excitement.

The sibling couple had successfully given birth to a pair of beautiful Eevee's, both female. The slightly larger Eevee they had named Thrissa, who tended to be more of a physical type in personality. The other who was smaller but more spunky they named Fioah who seemed to run circles round her larger sister when she was in the mood.

Bursting out of the ruins, the three kits seemed remarkably fast for their short, stumpy legs. "Wait you two, what did I say about sticking close by?!" Tumma cried out as she ran hard after them, but her brother and mate behind her seemed unconcerned.

"They'll be fine dear sister, they are our kits after all," Hielo said with a chuckle as he came up from behind Tumma, nuzzling into her short furred neck to calm her down.

A squeak from their kits caused Tumma's ears to prick up, seeing one of her kits running back towards her tear eyed and with a slightly swollen, red nose and the larger of the two giving a little hiss at the bushes they had been investigating before retreating to join her sister under their parents protection.

"That's what you get for poking your nose somewhere without being careful," Tumma sighed, licking at the kits sore nose before receiving an affectionate nuzzle back and then returned to pouncing and playing with her sister.

"See dear brother?" Tumma said in a gentle tone of loving as she watched her young play. "I told you there was nothing to worry about. Our kits are both beautiful and healthy"

Laughing, Hielo groomed his sisters neck and then trailed down to her shoulder blades before they both crossed necks. "That you did, and this time in our family, I know things will work out right."