the no longer tragic love song of destiny part5

Story by taniscry on SoFurry

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#5 of inuyasha and kagome.

ok people i've updated this chapter so its a bit longer and hopefully a little better written. as always these characters are not my property but the story is, also i will be posting more often now that things are settled down a bit. stay tuned for more and enjoy! also this story is posted under bi only because of mild masturbation, dont blame me thats just the way the mods like it anyways Enjoy!!!

A month had passed since kagome had received the ken-raiga from totosai. Her skills with the demon bow were greatly improving, until she began to notice that it was becoming harder to concentrate on the target, and when inuyasha began to comment on it she would lose her temper and scream "SIT BOY!" and storm off, leaving inuyasha 2 feet underground.

Stranger feelings had begun to stir in her. her appetite had almost doubled and her period had stopped. When she missed her period, she immediately knew... she was pregnant. She didn't want the rest of the group to find out so to keep inuyasha off the scent she pricked her finger and put a few drops of blood inside of herself, otherwise inuyasha would notice something was different. Inuyasha had noticed kagomes new appetite though and had even begun to notice other things changing about kagome, her breasts were getting bigger and her tail had acquired a fine sheen, and just seeing this made him want her. the rest of the group weren't as oblivious to these changes as kagome would have liked either.

miroku was the first to comment on kagomes breasts, to which he received a slap on the face and a curt, "The only breasts your supposed to be looking at, Miroku, are MINE" look from sango.

a week had passed since that point, and inuyasha was getting slightly agitated. Kagome did not wish to make love and whenever he even began to broach the subject, kagome gave him a look that purely said, "Keep talking and you die". Inuyasha was looking for any reason why she was being so distant with him.

"Maybe I need a bath", he thought to himself, sniffing his kimono "guess it wouldn't hurt" he thought with a sour look on his face. He left early the next morning, before the sun crested the mountains, leaving a quickly scribbled note next to kagome.

As inuyasha ran to the hot springs he smelled something... peculiar, and he wanted to find out what it was. He began to track the scent, following it at a run for a good ten minutes before he burst into a secluded grove completely hidden by hanging plants and ivy. What he saw he would remember for all time, the whole grove was filled with flowers, but not just any flowers, these flowers had blue stems with black, red, and violet petals. He had found a Dis'e'tant grove. as inuyasha walked among the flowers the scent of the petals crushing under his feet quickly began to make him feel light headed, his vision blurred before he fell on his back panting. It was then that he noticed his kimono had become rather tight in the front and he suddenly had the strange need to be out of his clothes. Soon after, inuyasha was laying nude, his erection slowly dissipating as he pondered what had triggered the sudden reaction.

it was then that he remembered something he had overheard a long time ago,


"The Dis'e'tant is an extremely rare flower, I had the fortune of finding one a long time ago, its said that the scent of the petals when crushed act as an aphrodisiac, but if you eat the petals they do different things, black petals will make you hornier than a dog in heat, the red ones increase stamina, but the violet petals will......".

(end flashback)

All this went through his mind in a flash, and after remembering what the flowers were and did, he wanted to put it to the test. He picked a Dis'e'tant and crushed one of the petals between his fingers, letting the aroma wash over him. Just as he was about to give up he felt dizzy again and when his vision stopped swimming was astonished to see that his cock was standing straight at attention.

"It really works!" he thought to himself "But now for the real test".

He picked a red petal from the stem and crossing his fingers popped it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed, the taste was bitter if not just plain rancid. he sat there waiting for what seemed like hours but was really just a few minutes, when he suddenly felt his pulse begin to quicken, his muscles started to bulge slightly. Inuyasha gasped as he watched his body begin to reshape itself, where he had little muscle before, he now had a toned fit body and his claws were slightly thicker.

"Show me a demon now and I'll show you ribbons" he said to himself, admiring his new frame.

After a short while he began eyeing the violet petal on the Dis'e'tant he was holding, every alarm bell in his head went off as he thought about it but it was no use, he was going to find out even if it killed him. He slowly pulled the petal from the stalk and ate it.

It was the worst thing he had ever tasted, it was bitter, rancid, sour and a million other disgusting things in those few seconds he chewed it before swallowing with a grimace. He waited, for about fifteen minutes, before he noticed an itching sensation on his cock. He quickly looked down, seeing his cock growing thicker. by the time it was done it was almost as big as shippos arm, remembering kagome and his bath at the hot springs, he started to laugh as he got dressed hurriedly, chuckling softly the whole time while stuffing a Dis'e'tant inside his kimono and, marking this spot in his memory for later, ran off hoping he wasn't late.


when kagome woke, the sun was just beginning to crest the hills, she toyed with the idea of going back to sleep, remembering the dream she had. inuyasha was therewith a little boy and girl, kagome knew they were hers and inuyashas children. their son had black hair with a silver streak on one side, while there daughter had vice versa, silver like inuyashas with a streak of black on the left side.

"But, it was just a dream" she thought to herself, a little sadly. "I need to tell him, I won't be able to hide it forever." Then she noticed the note he left for her, it read:

"Kagome, went to the hot springs, meet me here when you wake up."

after reading it, kagome decided to tell him there. she packed a few things and sat next to her sleeping bag trying to decide how to tell him. by the time she had gotten dressed the others were starting to wake up. not wanting to explain to the others where she was going, kagome set off before they noticed her.

it was easy going for kagome, lately inuyasha had let himself get extra ripe smelling, so following which way he went was a peice of cake for her. it wasn't untill she stumbled upon the grove that she noticed inuyasha's scent had dissapeared. What she saw took her breath away, all the flowers had a strange assortment of petals that she had never seen before. as she walked through the grove her head began to swim and her vision blurred, when her head stopped swimming she noticed her panties were soaked in the front, as she reached down she realized that her cunt was sopping wet. curious as to how this could have happened she sat down to think, crushing more of the flowers as she went. when her head stopped spinning again she felt her juices running down her inner thighs, it was then she realized that the flower acted as an aphrodisiac.

before Kagome knew what she was doing she began pulling off her panties, wanting more than anything to pleasure herself in ways that she hadn't been in weeks. slowly bringing her fingers down to her swollen clit, she gasped in shock never feeling such pleasure before from simple touching. she slowly began circling her fingers around her clit, becoming lost in the sensations. the pleasure continued to build and before she knew it she was shoving a finger into her driping cunt, pumping it in and out faster and faster, soon she had inserted a second digit, so lost in her own world of pleasure, untill she came, screaming into the grove her pleasures. as she slowly slipped her soaked digits from her cunt, relishing in the afterglow she remembered her meeting with inuyasha.

"oh no, there's no way he's not going to notice the smell, and with the way I have been acting he's gonna think I'm not interested anymore, how did I get myself into this mess. I should at least grab a couple of these flowers and see what inuyasha thinks of them", she thought to herself with an evil grin. she quickly pulled her panties back on and grabbed a few of the flowers to show them to inuyasha, before setting off for the hot springs.


inuyasha got to the hotsprings just before the sun had finished rising over the mountains, quickly disrobing he jumped into the water letting the warmth craddle him. after a few minutes scrubbing he felt better and after a few whiffs decided he smelled better than he did earlier. "I hope kagome comes soon, i cant wait to show her my new physique" he thought to himself, admiring his new frame again for the second time since earlier that morning. "well i should probably wash my kimono as well, no point in smelling nice if my clothes stink" he thought as he walked over to to edge of the water, grabing his kimono he remembered the dis'e'tant in the inside pocket, he gingerly pulled it out not wanting to harm the delicate petals, before setting it on the rock where his kimono had been.


by the time kagome reached the hotsprings the sun was shining brightly in the sky above. as she approached the edge of the forest around the hotsprings she heard inyasha, peering around the tree she was standing behind, she watched him for a time as he washed his kimono, untill she noticed something different about him but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. finally she came out of the trees while inuyasha was turned around laying his kimono out on the rocks to dry. she silently walked over to him, making sure not to make a sound. when inuyasha smelled her she was right behind him.

"aahhh, kagome i... uhhh... i washed" he said proudly, blushing a little bit before smelling himself again just to be sure he smelled ok.

kagome giggled when she scared him, and giggled even more when he smelled himself. "inuyasha, i need to tell you something... its important and i dont know how to say this" she said quickly, before realising what was different about him. he was more muscular, and his cock was thicker. it was then that she realised just how long it had been since she had last seen him nude, and she blushed, realising he was waiting for her to finish what she was saying. "inuyasha... i'm... i... uhh" steeling herself "Inuyasha, I'm pregnant" she said quickly turning around not wanting him to see her cry.

inuyasha was dumbstruck, he just stood there till he could finally process what kagome had told him, then he realised that he was going to be a father. "kagome" he said rushing over to her " why are you crying? this is the best news of my life! im going to be a father, how long have you known?" he asked holding her close to him.

"about a month now, just after we got back from totosai's. i didn't want to tell you, because i was afraid of what might happen if i did" she said crying. "i just didnt want you to leave, like my father did when my mother got pregnant with my brother" she said looking into his eyes, relaxing as she finaly processed all of what inuyasha had said to her. "are you really happy that im pregnant" she asked, looking into his eyes, he didnt need to respond, she saw the love in his eyes and she melted in his arms, finaly able to tell someone else what had been bothering her. remembering the changes she saw from inuyasha "inuyasha what happened to you? you look so different, and well another part of you is bigger than i remember" she asked with hint of longing in her voice.

"well, to be honest i dont think you will believe me even if i tell you, but here goes. i found a grove of rare flowers called Dis'e'tants, but thats not the good news, these flowers have almost magical properties, they can change you if you eat the petals, i ate a red petal and a violet one and well, look for yourself" he said, backing away before turning around to show kagome his new body.

kagomes jaw dropped when she saw the difference, and when she saw his cock up close her eyes bulged, "it's huge and, and his balls are bigger too!" she thought to herself as she started to drool. feeling her cunt start to moisten, she slowly approached him before grasping his hands in hers and kissed him passionately, feeling his member hardening below.

inuyasha saw kagomes reaction when she looked at his body, and when she kissed him all his fears were gone they stood like that for minutes, untill she broke the kiss, in a flash, he pulled her clothes off and carried her into the water, letting the warmth envelop them before pulling her close to him before brushing his lips against hers, letting his hands softly travel down her body. "take me inuyasha" she moaned "i need it so bad". hearing this he lifted her up bringing his tool level with her entrance before slowly lowering her down, eliciting a moan from kagome as his cock pushed through her swollen lips. "oh god inuyasha, its so big, oh god" she wimpered as she drooled on his shoulder shuddering from sheer pleasure.

"kagome i love you so much" he said just before thrusting his massive tool deep into her, "i will never leave you or our child" he said as he pulled his cock out till only the tip was inside her before thrusting it back in.

"inuyasha i love you so much, oh god its huge, please just fuck me" she said as he pushed back into her. after hearing this he slowly picked up his pace, pistoning his cock into her faster and faster with each thrust. within minutes sweat began rolling down their bodies, glistening in the morning sun, untill diging her claws into inuyashas back, kagome came screaming her orgasm for the world to hear. as her claws dug into his back inuyasha felt his balls tighten before shooting thick ropes of cum inside of her. he stood there panting, as they both enjoyed the afterglow. after a few minutes he lowered them back into the water, letting the heat relax their tired bodies. they stayed that way for a time untill they both realised that they were no longer alone.

to be continued...