Alessandra's Journal- part 1

Story by Serafoxxy on SoFurry

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#1 of Alessandra's Journal

A large collection of OC fiction featuring one of my non-furred characters Alessandra DuMourier

The lovely and luscious Alessa DuMourier here, pleased to meet your acquaintance. I apologize that you have stumbled into my lair in such a state of disarray, but since you're here anyway perhaps I might be of some help to you. The pages contained here are the exclusive tales of my exploits, a journal of sorts if you will, after all a woman such as myself can hardly leave her notorious, delicious and entertaining legacy to the history books.

Allow me to introduce myself properly, of course with the understanding that well, nothing spoken here will leave the walls of this place, after all, t'would be dangerous for such an outlaw to lay bare all her secrets at once now wouldn't it?

I wasn't always the lovely creature you see before you, oh no my friends, you probably recognize this face better from those pesky wanted posters that seem to turn up all over the land from coast to coast and everywhere in between, after all, 10,000 gold pieces is quite the bounty especially for a girl like me. But I digress, we're not quite to that point in this particular story yet, so let's go back a little further shall we?

Now as you know, our time has been a time of great advancements, from airships to clockworks that power almost everything we use. Well, it's on one of those exquisite airships that my story truly begins.

The gorgeous ship was called the Artemis, one of the most advanced and powerful ships of her time. Piloted by the mysterious and handsome rogue Sven. Now, in the interests of telling the story the way it truly happened, yes, I will admit I found him charming in his way, part of the reason I got caught up in this whole misadventure to begin with. Something about those eyes, the way they always held the promise of an adventure yet to be discovered, drew me in like a fish on line. Sorry, got sidetracked there for a minute. Anyway, it was summer when I joined up with the crew of the Artemis, a small town adventurer always looking for the next treasure hunt. How foolish I truly was.

I learned very quickly that Sven and his crew were...unconventional in the jobs that they accepted. I guess what I'm hinting at is, we would do anything for money, ethical or not. I guess that's how I started down this path in the first place. I mean the pay was great and I got all the adventure I could handle, but sometimes our methods, not to mention the missions themselves, were less that ethical.

I mean, I remember my first adventure with those guys, I'm not proud of it, but I suppose if it's part of my story it deserves to be told, at least before the historians edit all the good parts out of it.

You see Sven had a knack for acquiring things. If you needed something found and weren't quite so picky about how it happened, Sven was your guy. We would leave the ship in teams, usually 2 or 3 teams of about 3 or 4 people, I learned quicker than most that smaller teams move faster and are less noticeable than say 2 teams of 10 people could ever be.

So this one time, either the first or second time I'd been out with a team, they all sort of blend together after awhile, we ended up in this ruined fortress of some kind, don't ask me where or what it was, it's been so long now I don't recall. But me and the other members of my team were checking out what could only really be called the dungeon of this place, creepy as hell, I swear if you didn't know better you'd think the ghosts of whoever they kept down there were watching you the whole time. Anyway, we're stumbling through this wreck, half blind from the dark and suddenly there's a scream, I mean a gut wrenching, worst sound you have heard in your life scream. So of course we all go running towards the sound, hoping we won't find one of our crewmates injured or dying. All of us that is except Sven, he'd gone off to find whatever it was we were here for, because that's what Sven does. Now I'm not implying that my dear friend and ex-captain is well..a heartless bastard, I merely mean to reinforce the point that he was a man of...singular ambition and driving focus, I mean I'm sure if he'd been the only one down there, then he would have helped, but he knew the rest of us heard it too.

Anyway, we all dash through this dark creepy place, following the screams that are ringing off the stone walls. Finally we find out where they're coming from, Rocket, the elf girl who was on Sven's team had been attacked. I guess she must have fallen behind or stumbled around the wrong corner in the dark but we catch up and she's trapped, this huge...thing, had her from behind, looking like it meant to rip the poor elf's head off or something.

Well of course, we weren't having any of that, not today. Everyone's hand flew to their weapons, and this my friends, is where I shine. I'm a quick draw, everyone knows that, but I'm also an expert marksman, my hand hit my pistol before anyone else could even move, my gun flying free of my belt like it moved at lightspeed. My silver eyes took in my opponent, a split second decision the only thing stopping my crewmate from certain death. An inch off target either way and I'd strike the poor girl, I had to be sure. I swear, wherever Sven was he heard that shot, the beast dropping the girl as I opened up a hole right between its eyes. The creature was dead before it knew what hit it.

From that point on it was hard to find someone who didn't want me on their team, I guess I got addicted to the adrenaline rush after all. I started taking riskier and riskier missions, and that's when things got rough for me.

But that my friends, is a tale for another time.