T.H.O.Z; A Legends Return

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#1 of T.H.O.Z

((Legal Info: If you are not 18+ do not read this story due to graphic nature and because the birds and the bees are involved! Zato, Sin Dragons, Other Characters in this story are © Zato=Myself. And I hope you all like.

P.S. I am sorry if the quality is not up to par with my others, even though that is already low. I have been rather depressed this week and I have tried to write through all that so I could keep to my promise, even though I am right there on the deadline I believe. Once again I am truly, truly sorry I did not keep to it. I was truly hoping to have this done by Monday, but that was out of the question.

Anyways...once again, please enjoy, and at least I think I turned it from such dark settings like my first Story Series! ^.=.^;; ))

Five hundred years flew past the world without most even noticing it. The years were mainly peaceful, uneventful, and the only things of any notice that happened were of political nature. The years had shown the nature of all beings to want to coexist in the world. Dragons talked with humans, who talked with the wolf tribes, who talk with the lizard folk, who talked to the avians, who talked to the mer-folk. Peace would truly hold strong here in the new world, or the rather loose name given to it, The Age Of Peace And Harmony.

Of course, there were those who did not want to Co-mingle with the other races and stayed with their own kind, it was rather commonplace since most relied on their own races over the others. Though, settlements were starting to raise up that allowed all races to live there, go about their daily lives with the others, and even allowed different races to mate with each other, though this new one was highly argued as most believed all bloodlines should stay true.

Out of all the areas affected by these changes, the Dragon Kingdom was hit the hardest. A lot of changes had begun to take place after the Book Of Zato was read to the populace and they took most of it to heart, if not all of it. The huge kingdom had once again shrunk, but by most standards (and placement) it was still the same size. The houses were torn down and replaced with smaller ones, four new ones taking the place of one old one. But, it was needed, since all went around anthro instead of feral, and those that could not change their shape were allowed to keep their homes. However, in an unknown move, the ferals or Ancients had somehow taken most of the authority, since all anthros respected the Ancients before any anthro.

The second biggest felt change was that of power. The Dragon Elders had been changed into the Dragon Council, now consisting of twelve members. And the arrangement of power had gained some new rules and laws. The Guardians had utmost power, but all of their moves had to be approved by half of the council and the council held more power then the king. However, the council would not step in, nor would the Guardians, unless it was a dire matter. Though, even with the additions, four seats stayed constant. Pink as the head of the Guardians, Ruby as second-in-command, Veon as Tactician Specialist Guardian, and King Godaris. No one seen any need to replace Godaris, he was a great king, however after the Demon Dragon events he had driven himself to breed far more, siring over fifty hatchlings in the first hundred years. It seemed the lost of his son held him hard even after all that time, even though he still fought each day with a smile and a wing wave.

Even through the years, centuries, eras, had been good to them. The darkest held secret of the Council was still present in their minds. Constantly thinking of new ways to guard him from getting out, stopping him should he get out, and of course trying to revive him to his old self. The council wished, almost as much as his mates, to bring him back. Though the choice to kill him was always on their minds, such a dangerous soul alive and so close to the kingdom, what would everyone think if the news got out? What if someone released him....


The sun rose as lazily as ever over the kingdom and reflected off of each and every gem lined in the buildings and streets, quickly illuminating the kingdom and waking those that still slept. However, this day, no one slept, as evident as a lightning storm as the entire populace was marching its way towards the castle courtyard due to a message sent through out the kingdom late the previous day. Of course, no one would complain of such a thing, nor did anyone dally. Every dragon there moved as quickly and as orderly as they could, save for the whelpings and hatchlings, and only random pauses from the anthros as they made way for the wingless ferals and occasional wyvern.

In this wide crowd two dragons seem to stand out like a coal in a river of gold. In the river of bright scale colors, two dark armored dragons moved through them. Each one in a heavy set of armor and a spear resting at the ready on their shoulders, two red slits showing through their steel helmets. What made them stand out even more was the large cage being dragged behind them, chains firmly wrapped around their tails. Stark white with black drapes with blue trims and ancient symbols along the sides, why would they be bringing such a thing to the courtyard? Maybe it was a festival?

"Grave! Grave Sagara I know that is you!"

The dragon on the right turned to his right and nearly died of shock as he witnessed a feral dragoness pouncing him and dropping him to the ground, easily twice his size.

"Oy! Rose, my love! You are pinning me! I need to get this cargo to the courtyard before the king makes his speech!"

Rose slowly let off of him and watched as he stood back up and dusted off his armor, now clearly ceremonial due to its heavy markings and near spotless condition. Though, she would rather him be naked, such as herself. Golden scales and tan belly scales for the world to see, and any part she did not want anyone to see, she made sure they didn't.

"Oh fine...make sure to get home tonight! I'm in heat if you hadn't noticed!"

She let out a huff and stormed off down the street with many an onlooker as Grave simply hung his head, thankful that his helmet was blocking the huge blush on his cheeks.

"My my Grave..."

"Stifle it Junior!"

"Its Sin now, remember?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

A faint chuckle sounded from the cage they were pulling along and they both shot glances back before ignoring it, knowing what it was, and continued on their way. Mother and the higher ups would kill them if they didn't get this to the courtyard on time, but it was hard enough to do so with all of these people in the way!


Loud bangs and the sound of metal hitting metal rang out from a basement room of the castle, smoke funneling out through a small opening above the door and lead away through ventilation holes. It was clear it was a smithy from the sign and from the noises sounding out, but why would someone build a smithy in the basement of the castle?

A seven or so foot tall shape appeared at the spiral staircase and made it's way to the old wooden door, not really bothering to stifle its footfall. Though, it would have been extremely difficult wearing about a hundred, if not two hundred, pounds of armor. Tail, wings, head, every inch of its armor covered in red armor with pink trims and a cherry blossom design along the entire shape.

"Mother! Are you in there?!"

The rather harmonious voice rang out as she began to knock on the door, awaiting an answer from the person she knew to be on the other side.

"Aditi? Yeah! Come on in!"

She pushed the door open and listened to that annoying creak before a huge blanket of smoke slammed into her, thankful to the magic on her armor that allowed her to breath normally, but blind right now.

"Just finishing up a few things before the ceremony..."

"Mother, you've been in here for a week straight."

Aditi began to fan the air with her wings to try and air it out faster and thankfully it worked. In a few strong flaps she had the smoke cleared up enough to she her mother standing over an anvil with a large, unknown weapon, resting on it. The weapon was a behemoth! It had to be taller then her! And it was clear the shock of the weapon was evident, cause her mother noticed her expression, even through the armor she wore.

"Come now Aditi...I've shown you the Zanbatou in the past."

She moved around the anvil and dusted off the robe she was wearing, giggling at her daughter. It was a large weapon, but it still weighed as much as a normal sword. Though, she had made some improvements on it. The blade was now more custom, seven foot long and only about a foot and a half wide with a wave like pattern on the edge, resembling the humans flameberge , yet the waves were more pointed and it didn't have that weird handle on the blade. And of course, the four foot handle made it custom in its own right, plus a few hidden changes.

"Yes, you have mother. Yet the times you showed me I just thought it was because I was a hatchling! Now that I see it as a teenager, I can not believe it is still bigger then me!"

"Oh you are...what do the humans use...preteen. Anyways, look to the other stuff here as well my daughter."

She did so, always obeying her mother, and looked around the gem laden room. Normal round room, large furnace in it, and...armor along the wall? She made her way to the armor and trailed a claw over it, she knew this armor well. Black...black as her fathers scales, blue trim, cherry blossom pattern with the old Dragon Elder markings on it. Her fathers remade armor, it must have taken mother a long time to remake this armor. Yet, she made adjustments to it as well. Spikes on the shoulders and shins, small spikes sticking out from the knuckles on the gauntlets and the left gauntlet looked like it had a shield embedded into it.

"Yeah...even though he wasn't himself...I thought he looked sexy in spiked armor. Though, unlike the Zanbatou, no one could undo the weight of it. Heavy armor...look at the wing and tail platings."

Her mother pointed her claw in front of her face to the other wall and Aditi looked and let out a gasp. The armor that would wrap around his wings were opened and spread like they were on his wings, spikes along the bottom and a long blade running along the top, with flexible but resistant mithril, or whatever the elves called it, that would wrap around the membrane. And the tail plates had a long spike on each of them with a curved sword at the end. She had really worked on these. Each piece was well forged, reflected light with an eerie glare, the light wisps of all the enchantments felt when you were near it.

"We hope that armor will allow us to control your father...took a long time and a lot of resources to find the people that helped Ragna make the control spell...and we hope our dragon magic will make it powerful enough to control the demon...least til we find a method to get rid of the demon."

Aditi trailed her claws over the mithril chain mail and let out a low purr, she had always loved how her mother mixed heavy armor with light armor, reason she wore the armor she was wearing. A perfect blend of heavy and light, with even bits of leather, yet it could stand up to the hardest of blows. Though, she took her attention away from all that to look right to her mother, not believing her stupitiy right now.

"The demon told us his name! Why not try that...exorsism....exorsyim..."

"It's Exorcism, my love."


"Because he would not be stupid enough to simply tell us his name like that. It was a false name, and if we were to ask again, he would probably either say another or the same thing. And love, The Demon Dragon spell is made in such a way that something like that will not work."

"Mother! I..."

She hung her head and folded her wings around her chest, lowering down onto her rear and hugging her knees to her chest while allowing her armor to meld into her scales, showing her to be nude under it, but blocking the sight of any prying eyes. Bright pink scales with blue tiger stripes over her form and those glowing neon yellow slits, black filling in the rest of her eyes, a trait from her father. And her mother simply hugged against her daughter and gave a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Come now hunny...he will be back one day...you will get to meet the real him. The one most of the kingdom fell in love with and the one who still holds my heart, as well your other mothers."

Aditi couldn't help but giggle softly to her mother before returning the hug and the kiss.

"Now...put your armor back on. It's time."

As if they had been waiting for her cue, the kingdoms horn rang out through the entire kingdom. The horn had the sound of five dragons roaring, yet the roar was based upon the roar of the gods and goddess' so it flew through the entire kingdom without losing its strength, and would probably be heard at the nearest human kingdom, some seven days travel on foot.

"Alright mother."

With that said, she snapped her armor back on and made her way back up the stairs as her mother looked to the armor and weapon she had spent the last week forging, customizing, enchanting, polishing. Would all this hard work pay off? Was the word of the two Ice Dragons true? Was he back to his old self? Why was Godaris so sure himself after he ventured to the cave and checked himself?


The cage that was being dragged through the kingdom now stood at the center of the courtyard with all of the populace around it, looking to it and muttering out their own opinions as to its contents. Some thought treasure, some thought human and dragon rebels, yet it was far too small to hold more then four of either. Some even thought it was just some new fancy war weapon that they had been building ever since their last war, yet...war weapons normally didn't have Grave and Sin guarding it.

"Sin! Grave! It's about time you got this here!"

Both of them, as well as a good chunk of the crowd, look to Godaris as he made his way to them. His scales brightly polished, almost reflecting, and his ice blue eyes staring at the cage. And the royal clothes he now wore consisted of his own colors, white and blue. White cape, tunic, leggings, and a weird little crown that looked like it belonged on the base of a weapon attached to his horns, or well slide onto them.

Both of them bowed to him and lowered their wings low in respect, before raising and giving a nod. Sure, it wasn't their fault, but the respect put into them from their mothers commanded that they never show disrespect of someone who was higher then themselves. Even though they were both taller then Godaris' anthro form, which they joked about all the time.

"Yes my king. The crowd slowed us down a bit, but we didn't not try to rush through them nor go along the routes you told us not to. We stuck to the main kingdom road. Please forgive us."

Godaris couldn't help but give a good chuckle at that as he moved to them and gave them each a pat to their shoulders.

"You need not worry of it my boys. I would not have cared should this.."item" took a week to get here, as long as it did so. It is quite important to us."

The mumbles and whispers of the crowd picked up once again as Grave and Sin looked to each other in confusion, just what had they been ordered to retrieve? It was just a cage left in a field with a person in it, as far as they knew. Why would someone of great importance be in a cage, let alone in a cage left in a wide open field near rebels?

"Now now...we just wait for your mothers..."

The sound of heavy wing beats sounded out, drawing everyones attention to the sky as they seen the easily spotted form of Ruby. Her flying posture had...fallen so her flight was always messy, yet this one was horrible. It looked like she was fighting herself to stay in the air and when she touched down, the sound of her claws screeching along the floor caused many to cover their ears. She had fallen apart in a lot of aspects of her life for unknown reason, but it was just getting worse and worse...no one knew what it was, and she never said anything.

Her red scales were coated in filth of every shape and form. The smell coming from her was just horrendous, how could she stand that smell? It smelt like death was coming from her, probably was. Filth was only one thing wrong about her. Her claws were cracked and broken, membrane on her wings destroyed yet still able for flight, teeth...no one even wanted to look to them, and worst of all, she had gotten rather...big with just how lazy she was now, so...there was probably more filth then they could even see, and being feral...well...there was a lot of it. So many backed away from her as she made her way next to the cage.

"Ah...Ruby...so glad of you to join us..."


She stumbled her way past them and smacked the cage with her tail, growling lightly at it as it had caused her to leave her normal hideaway. She could have stayed, but Pink had been persistent in having her attend this god-awful event. All she wanted to do anymore was rest on her gold and treasures, she didn't want nor have anything to do in life anymore. Training had become stale and boring, flying was a chore. Hell, she had put on weight and could care less about losing it, unlike her sisters! Before her train of thought got even deeper, it was derailed. The sound of another set of wingbeats rang out and she looked to the sky only to spot her green scaled feral sister.

Unlike her, Veon was pristine. Her scales shown in flight, the sun gleaming off of them and her wing beats were strong and she easily carried her weight, she even put on a little show before giving a graceful landing. Jewerly rattling as she did so, and her perfectly cared for claws tapping the floor with each step. Tail and wings moving gracefully in time with each of them.

"Ah! Veon! It's been far too long!"

"Aye, it has King Godaris."

She gave a glowing smile and nuzzled against him as he happily returned it, gently hugging around her muzzle as he did so. She gave him a little lick after the nuzzle ended and made her way to her sister, sitting on the other side of the cage and looking to her with a rather rude snuffle of her nose.

"My sister...you could have at least cleaned before coming here...you smell like a war..."

"Shut it Veon..."

She did so, rather happily at that, Ruby's breath carried an even worse smell then her body. Soon after that, they both once again looked to the sky as multiple wing beats sounded out. Feral Pink and their daughter Aditi coming into view as they did. Both heavily armored, but that was normal for the both of them, yet they stayed formal by not having their helmets on.

Their landing rang out much louder then the others and everyone bowed to Pink as she landed, only to tell them to rise soon after. She did not like how they did that, it was rather annoying and she felt so rude for it.

"Ah! The final members of the party!"

Godaris chuckled and gave both Pink and Aditi a nuzzle, to which the girls returned, before they moved over to their sisters and mothers, once again copying the tradition of sitting on the other side of the cage away from Ruby. They truly did not want to be mean, but she did smell horrible. There was truly no way to describe just how awful the smell was. Most would rather be buried under hundreds of rotting corpses then smell her, yet not that many voiced their opinions. She was still a member of the Guardians after all, and even if she was lazy, she did remember how to fight.

"Alright...now no need for speeches is my speech, this event is rather extraordinary!"

He spoke aloud and with every ounce of authority he had. He had to make sure no one would soon break out in some riot, or rebel against him for this decision.

"Many of you know of our old Guardian Zato, who was born a demon dragon! How he fought it for years upon years! He conquered it at one time, however, in the end the will of the humans upon us is as evil as Evil itself! For in the end, he succumbed to his demon and we all thought he was lost! However! Our Guardian is here amongst us today!"

Of course this sent many heads twirling, looking every which way, scanning the sky and the ground for him. Zato was not Zato, at least as they thought, so him here could any mean bad news. However, no one attacked, no signs of battle, nothing. Only the loud laughter of their king.

"You all look to the wrong areas! He is here!"

Godaris gripped the drape over the cage and tore it off with all his strength to reveal the form of Zato, standing there with his wings around him like a cloak and his eyes closed. Many wished to attack, and from the looks of it, his mates wanted to tackle him in a hug, Ruby having a look of such pure happiness on her face that many thought she had been replaced with another.

"Why...hello everyone. How have you all been?"

Pink took a few steps toward the cage and nearly jumped out of her scales as his head shot to look to her and his eyes snapped open, the neon blue and green slits greeting her with the normal black in the rest of his eyes. He was back!

"Love..h-how...did you?"

"That's a tale for another time.....could someone please let me out now? I've been locked up for long enough, I would think at least."

Godaris moved up and simply hit the side of the cage, the door slowly swinging open from the impact and he could only laugh at Zatos expression.

"Its been unlocked the entire time, the drape was the only thing holding it shut."

A lot of dragons backed away as Zato stepped from the cage and cracked his head side to side and allowed his wings to open and spread out fully, multiple snaps and pops sounding from them since they had not been fully open for a long, long time.

"My...I forgot just how the wind felt as it passed over your wings..."

His wings snapped down and he was in the air, soaring for the first time in centuries. Of course this spectacle sent the guards to ready positions, yet Godaris simply had them stand down as he pointed up to their Guardian as he begin to weave and sway between the buildings. Showing to a lot, that he was truly himself again. What demon would do that? That realization sent everyone into cheers, causing Zato to stop and float over them all and laugh, as well as allow a bright blush to come to his cheeks.


He was tackled out of the air and slammed onto the ground as Pink locked him in a hug and locked him in such a kiss that many looked away, fearing something more would come of it. Though, they knew two more of those kisses were coming, one he would probably regret. And they were right, cause Veon was soon over him and locked in a kiss, before Ruby did. To which a lot of onlookers laughed too, seeing Zatos face, yet he still returned the kiss before jumping back onto his legs.

"By the gods---"

He was cut off as he returned to the ground, only now it was his kids on top of him and all their arms locked around his chest, which was now rather skinny due to no exercise during his imprisonment.

"Grave...Sin...Aditi...how good it is to finally hold you three."

He returned the hug as best he could around the three and folded his wings down around them, the cheers and laughs drowned out as he gave them each a nuzzle. They were all on his mind, second only to his mates, during the entire time the demon was in control of him. He could not help but worry for their safety incase the day the demon found a way out of the cave and once again attacked, since his previous attempt was an utter embarrassment.

"My kids...gods I never thought I would have any."

The three of them laughed before they moved away, knowing he was speaking before they jumped him. However, they could not contain it, they had wanted to be with their father since the day they had read about him, heard the stories, seen the old time globes. It was just...unbelievable to have him back, clearly their mothers were thinking the same.

"Sorry about cutting you off father, continue.

Zato couldn't help but laugh at that and nodded, seems Pink really took her time raising them and teaching them everything about respect, honor, and the like.

"It's fine. Now...Ruby....you..."

He looked around and seen that she was gone, everyone only laughing at him once again. She had flown off some time ago after the second pounce on him and she was most likely getting reacquainted with the bath chambers of the castle, or trying to lose her weight as quickly as she could. Thank the gods if it was the first.

"Alright........that's a first...."

He rubbed over the back of his head as he suddenly felt a pair of claws wrap around his waist and soon after cloth resting there, forcing him to look down and see that he now wore a bright blue loincloth, though it was nearly completely see through. Maybe a little obscure, if any.

"Alright......dress codes now?"

He looked to Pink and Veon as they both nodded, only chuckling out to that. He remembered in one of Pinks few visits that she had given the idea to this new..."Council" and they were thinking it over, but he did not think they would go through with it. Dress codes did feel more for humans instead of dragons, yet, in one visit from Pink she had mentioned about the other species following around some of the dragoness' and a few attempts on them for rape, but most knew a dragoness was far more fierce then a male, so no rapes ever did happen.

"Aye...dress codes..."

He looked back after that and looked to Sin as he backed away and bowed, easily able to tell he was embarrassed at having to dress his own father.

"So our dress code is wearing see through loincloths..?"

"Males wear whatever they want, those are the lowest on the list...females must have nethers and breasts covered by some means, save for ferals who can not cover their neithers and have no breasts."

"Alright...you all are going to have to explain to me all the news rules thrown in here, I know a lot are from me...but I feel completely and utterly lost here."

This sent all of the onlookers into a riot of laughter, leaving a rather embarrassed Zato to take the brunt of it and simply look to his mates, mainly to Pink who of course was laughing as well. She had done so much while he was gone, he just couldn't believe she was still so relaxed and normal. He had a LOT of catching up to do.


"I can not believe he is truly in control of himself again...It's amazing. Two demons beaten, life so horrible survived...how is he doing it?"

A stark white dragoness spoke to a few others around her while looking into a small pool of water while resting on a large bed, easily handling her weight since she was twice the size of Zato in his own feral, yet her voice sounded that of an angel. One of the others, a dark purple dragoness with light blue spots here and there, peered into the pool as well and giggled.

"He's a fine specimen of our children isn't he? Scars make him stand out so much from the others, and he's as gentle as a human saint. Oh if only we could bring him here, I'd have my-"

"Star! Silence yourself! That's-"

"Oh hush Whisper, you know you would too. By the gods, we'd have any of the males down there, he has just proven himself of our favor and blessings!"


"See! I was right!"

The third dragoness, a mixture of sea blue and dark blue moved her head and peered into the well and her voice soon joined the others, almost as quiet as a whisper of wind but still heard by all as if she was standing next to your ear no matter how far away you were.

"Girls, we would, as would our guest. He is one of the few dragons to ever earn the possibility of our favor. The last one passed away before we could do anything, and the others here can do no such thing to ease our pains."

Whisper turned her head to look to the blue dragoness and glared at her.

"Just how do you expect to get him up here Breeze? We can't exactly go trotting down there and tell him "Oh...we'd like for you to come here!" Do you think he'd be so gullible to just come and not bring five battalions with him?!"

"Whisper, for once I wish you'd speak as your name suggests...and do not speak so harshly about your own sister."

Breeze lightly hung her head and gently rolled onto her side before she suddenly folded her wings down around herself. The pain they spoke of was one she had the worst, seeing as she never had the chance to ever quench it. So...she did not know what it felt like, but her body craved it heavily.

It was simply put, heat. They were some of the cursed ones, as they said all the timed, and was almost always in heat. They were ancient breeder's from the first war with the humans and ancient magic was put onto them so their bodies would always enter heat once done with laying and their bodies had recovered. Of course, they were the first three...so the gods thought it amusing or something to make them immortal and grant them access to their territories, but the gods could not give them what they needed since they were "Pure" save for two.

"I still do not know to call this a curse or blessing...."

Whisper hung her head and then looked to her sister.

"Forgive me for shouting Breeze...you know how it effects me...it's been nearly four hundred years..."

"I know my sister...."

"But you have still been the worst off....in life you never had the chance...and you have not accepted any of the males we have gotten."

"Sister, it is fine-"

"I got an idea!"

Both of them looked to star as she jumped up and giggled happily, dancing a bit as best a feral could.

"We make it seem we are in trouble! Three dragoness' caught by the orcs! He'd come quickly to that!"

Both just gave soft blinks before bursting out into laughter, causing Star to blush a bright crimson.

"And just how do we get the message TO him?"

Star gave a wide grin before moving along Whispers side, trailing her tail and wing over her sister and cooing as she watched her shiver and grip into the bed she rested on at her sisters blunt teasing, oh by the gods she needed a male.

"Remember dear sister, you are allowed to venture into the world of mortals, as long as you disguise yourself. You can rush a letter to him and slip it into his room, therefore giving him the word."

Whisper thought it over for a few moments before coughing to their side caused both of them to look to Breeze.

"You know his thoughts and how he is will not allow him to mate with any other besides his mates."

"Oh trust me my dear sister, he will."


"Zato! You are not even back for three hours and you begin training again! Why not spend time with us?!"

Veon and Pink glared at him from off to the side of the training grounds and simply watched their mate begin his old routine right after returning to them. He would always do this before. First he would he train for five hours, bathe at the kingdom bathing pool, then the rest of the day was free game for whatever he wanted, however he could normally return to training.

"You'll get your time my loves!"

He stopped his training now and smiled over them, a pure loving smile that they had not seen and truly melted upon seeing it. He could only laugh to that as he laid the bo-staff he was training with on the ground before giving himself a shake, getting some of the beads of sweat off of his scales. Most would think that dragons didn't sweat, but they did. Everyone had skin underneath scales, fur, shells.

"Look! I am skin and bones! I have not trained in ages! My legs actually popped when I first stood up!"

Zato kicked the staff right back into his claws and instantly went back into his rhythm of thrusts, swings, and twirls while constantly adjusting the weight of the staff. He, of course, was exaggerating about being skin and bones. His muscle mass nor strength had dwindled during his imprisonment, he was still as he was before. Well-muscled, and as the girls had said multiple times, thankfully not overly so.

A strange whistling sound came to his ear and he quickly twisted to the side and blocked a dagger that was sent flying at him, embedding it in the base of the safe with the point poking right between his eyes.

"You've gotten slow hun..."

All of them looked to Ruby and gasped. She was still big, yet she looked so much...healthier now. Her scales were polished clean, eyes lit up, and wings happily shivering behind her. And she had taken to her old raptoress form, save with the addition of the wings which both Pink and her did.

"Well...Ruby my love, glad of you to join me. Come...let us train together. You've seem to have gotten lazy in my absence as well as disloyal."

He smiled to her now as she simply hung her head low, both Pink and Veon giving her shocked expressions. They knew she had fallen apart during his absence, but enough to break such an honored rule among dragons?

"Do not worry about it Ruby, It is fine. I would have preferred you kept that rule in your life though."

He spoke with a loving tone but all seen how his slits became narrow, yet none could tell if it was from concentration from training or from anger and no one would question which it was.

"Come Ruby! Attack!"

He spun and knocked the staff with his tail and sent that dagger flying right back at Ruby. To which she still showed she had some of her speed and quickly dodged it before charging her mate, only to clash daggers to staff soon after with a crowd now forming. A spectacle they had not seen in some time was now taking place and none would miss it.


"Huy Da Noi Verty.....Huy Da Noi Verty.....Huy Dad Noi Verty.....by the gods!"

Aditi slammed her head into her bed and growled out heavily. She was happy to have her father back, yes, but by the gods he was completely in her mind now and she could not train her magic! She wanted to do so much with him that she had not been able too yet he was training, or well from the news dueling with her mother, but she wanted to talk to him and spend time with him!

"Aye Adi...we all do..."

She jumped and spun around with a sword grasped in her claw as she looked dead into Sins eyes, Grave right behind him. It took her a minute before calming down and she let out a sigh, to which her brothers laughed at, she was always the paranoid one.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

They both made their way into her room and sat down onto her bed with their tails resting on top of each other. Aditi took the space between them and twirled her tail around theirs, a sign of comforting each other that they had formed as hatchlings.

"We are hatchlings that hatched at exactly the same time and second, we know each others thoughts more so then twins. We are a very rare occurrence!"

Both Sin and Aditi giggled to Grave as they mimicked their old teacher back when they were learning about Dragon Mating and Birth, to which they passed with flying colors.

"Ah...Mrs. Whidetail. She was truly a bitch dragoness, was she not?"

Now it was Graves turn to laugh at Aditi and Sin saying the exact same thing, before Sin took over.

"And she thought she could tell us of our own father....force us to read books about him during her mating class...thinking we were so dim-witted that we didn't know all that he has done without even realizing it."

The laughter died with that as it became serious, each of them nodding to the words before throwing in their own opinion. To which Aditi was the first.

"Thinking we did not gain his Honor, Respect, Dignity...Loyalty....all of his values. That bitch forgot one crucible thing that he said. Do not seek respect from those who you have not shown respect to, or else you are asking for disrespect and ridicule."

Now it was Graves turn and his words were not voiced, but motioned. He stood and moved over to the wall were a picture of him stood. He stood on a cliff with a spear embedded deep into his chest, one of many bloody ferals taking the picture. Yet with his armor and the sheer presence he held, he was the first you looked at.

"Aye Grave...Mortally wounded and he still commanded the soldiers and continued to let out his booming roars..."

Grave only nodded to his sister as he lightly trailed a claw over the small emblem of the dragoness that had painted the picture, one Angelus, who had supposably served under him in the army and was one of his personal attendants. Though most of the young ones did not believe it due to a few things.

One, in the picture he had his wings, which were spread as wide as he could get them to increase his presence, when the books say he lost them. Two, she was no where in this picture, yet many others the young ones spoke too were, specially their mothers, who stood by their fathers side in the painting. Third, the most damning, was that she was no where in the kingdom and from rumors had long since abandoned the dragons.

"We should go see what he is up to...aye?"


"Damn right!"

With that, they all grabbed their weapons and bolted out of the room, just as a thundering clash sounded out and the earth shook, causing each to tumble down and stare quizzically at each other before regaining their feet as quickly as possible and took off towards the origin, which looked to the be training grounds since a large cloud of smoke hung thickly over the area.


Coughs and hacks sounded out through the fog of dust and dirt as shape after shape stumbled into cleaner air. Each of them covered in some form of ground, be it bits of rubble, dirt, or wood. A fact that was clearly made was that no one was hurt, only dizzy from the large explosion of sound and light.

"By the gods Pink! You did not need to resort to that!"

Zato stumbled out now and fell onto his rear just as the cloud was starting to disperse. His ears ringing and his sight gone from the funny little spell his mate thought would fit into their training. She had said it was some form of deterrent...or something like that, that one could use to end a fight without either side suffering loses.

"Well I did warn you when I said it would be like a White Explosion!"

Pink now stumbled out with Ruby and Veon on her tail, each clearly dizzy and stumbling about before planting themselves next to him. Once they did they simply looked to each other before letting out a long, loud laugh soon joined in by the crowd, to which only grew in volume as the guards and Godaris came to investigate. It was funny truly, such a strong explosion was just a deterrent? Wonder what else she had learned...

"Father! Mothers!"

Everyone looked to Aditi as she bolted past most of the crowd and slide to a stop near them, dropping to her knees and quickly looking each of them over. To which Grave and Sin quickly joined in after catching up, only to notice their parents were fine, just...naked.


Zato simply looked down and laughed as her heard his mates cover themselves with their wings, him just sitting there before simply placing the tip of his tail over his slit.


He couldn't believe in some seven hundred years dragons, of all races, had become so concerned about being nude! The only clothes they wore in the past was simply jewelry and maybe a large clothe now and then if they wished to be impressionable!

"Everyone is alright...correct?"

Zato, Pink, Veon, Ruby and the rest of the crowd all nodded to Aditi as Godaris came up beside them and patted Zato on the shoulder, earning another chuckle from him.

"Not even back for a day and you bring the past back! We have not seen Pink do something like that for some time!"

He grinned now as he felt her smack his back, chuckling to the hit and knew she was blushing right now.

"Aye....How I've missed having such fun and not smelling sex and mildew!"

Godaris gave a tilt of his head before remembering the two positioned at the cave and only laughed before patting his shoulder.

"Well...Im glad your back to your old routine so quickly...anyways...I was on my way here to wonder if you would mind doing another match with me in the arena? It has been some time since a fight was held there and-"

He was cut off as Zato rose and let out another hearty laugh, moving his tail back behind him to sway around as he grinned to Godaris.

"Oh, that sounds wonderful! But this time we fight with weapons born to us! No ramming! My horns took forever to grow back to their full length!"

"Aye...makes two of us..."

Godaris rubbed over his horns before nodding to the acceptance of the challenge, to which he quickly bolted off to prepare, showing he meant tonight was to be the time of the duel.

"Well...he wants to get this done now..."

Zato couldn't help but laugh to Godaris impatience but he came to live with that in the past, however, there was one thing he had to do before the duel. And it required the assistance of Pink.

"Pink...meet me in our room in about an hour, everyone else...please leave us be for now."

Veon, Ruby, and the children all nodded before he was off in the air, with a rather blushed locked Pink standing there with everyone giggling at her, knowing what was coming.


An hour came and went rather quickly with Pinks mind occupied with the thoughts of what her mate wanted to do. She did think of mating, yet he rarely did such a thing in the past, so was he truly going to do that now? She felt a blush come to her cheeks as she thought to herself and looked to the door in front of her. It was just a wooden door with an emblem of a two dragons holding a gold shield with a single cheery blossom in the center of it, marking it as their room, and her mate was on the other side.

She took a deep breath and gripped the door handle, though as she did, the door simply slide open and she blushed even more before making her way inside of her room. First time in nearly eight hundred years she was blushing so brightly, but she could not help it!

-Keep your mind clear Pink...it's only....by the gods..."

Her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as she look around the room. The normally blank and empty room now had black candles alight with blue flames, cherry blossoms thrown on the floor and the curtains drawn shut in such a way that most of the light was blocked out, yet enough came to through to help the candles illuminate the room. Some would think it messy, yet she thought it was beautiful. However, the most confusing aspect of it all, was that her mate was no where to be seen.


She took a few steps into the room and felt the door shut behind her before a pair of strong arms gently hugged around her in her arm, to which she sunk into her skin and purred, knowing whose arms they were. No words were spoken, just Zato pulling Pink back so her back was pressed against his chest and his wings slowly moved down to wrap around her with his tail twirling around an ankle.

This embrace stayed for what felt like forever before she suddenly felt her turned around and her mates maw pressed flush against her own, locked in a deep and passionate kiss that she happily accepted and murred heavily into it as her body relaxed. This is one thing she missed so damned much, no matter what, he was always so gentle, so caring. It was one aspect of him she knew would never change, or so she hoped.

Now the kiss was the one that held for a long time before he pulled his head back and looked right into her half lidded and loving eyes, matching every ounce in her own stare. If there was any doubt of this being her mate, it was gone now. There was no way a demon could act like this, not in a million years.


She was cut off as he placed a claw to her lips before she was suddenly lifted into his arms and he carried her to the bed. This was something new to her, but she loved it none the less. The only time he had carried her like this when she was hurt, but here he was.

"Pink...I want you to stay quiet during this all....please....I have a lot to make up for...."


She was silenced with his tail tip now before she was gently laid down on the bed and before she could even twitch, his claws was to her belly. He made slow, firm passes over her belly. A personal hatred in herself, she undeniably loved having her belly rubbed. Which was evident as her body loosened and relaxed for the first time in years, and she just laid there sprawled out in the nude.

This continued for some time before she felt his claw moved up between her breasts and a shiver ran up her spine as he went over her neck and then along the underside of her maw before going back down the same path he just traveled. Yet, this time, his claw ventured lower and lower until she felt it run over her thighs and then move to her inner thighs and up near her heat, shuddering hard now. He had never teased her before and truly, she was loving every second of it.

"My little raptoress likes being teased...."

She looked at him now as he held a small smile, before she planted her head back onto the bed and let out a long gasp, two claws suddenly pressed deep into her vent and her claws tore into the bed. It took her by surprise, but gods she loved it. Before she even got use to them, they were gone, and she couldn't stifle the deep growl that began to emit from her as she lifted her head back up and began to pant, looking to her mate as he put both claws in his maws and suckled the juices off, murring heavily out to her as she blushed knowing what he was doing now.

"Still as delightful as ever my dear Pink..."

She watched as his tail raised up high and gently pressed against her chest until she was laying on her back again, before those two claws returned to her cunny and he began to tease her. Each rubbing along the outside of her now dripping and clenching vent while his other claw began to rub over her neck.

She couldn't help but begin to thrust her hips and moan aloud as he did this. It had been so long since she had been touched, she didn't even let Veon and Ruby do it when they decided they would pelase each other to ease the tension of heat. So the feeling of her insides tightening came fast and she could feel herself on the edge of a climax, but just as she was about to hit, he stopped and both claws were now on her, holding her down as she squirmed and twitched, so damn close! She would have called him so many named, but she knew he was up to something.

And just as soon as he had put his claws on her shoulders, she felt the move and they were gone as well as his presence next to her on the bed. Yet, before she could even lift her head to investigate, she felt his long, slender tongue run over her cunny and flick over her clit, sending her hips into the air as a long groan came from her throat and her claws sunk back into the bed.

The same thing came to her vent each minute or so, one lick with her clit being flicked by the forked end of his tongue, each pronge squeezing her swollen bud that caused her to growl out in pleasure. He was keeping her right on the edge. Why was he teasing her in such a way? She was going mad! However, before she could truly get mad at him she felt something that caused both of her legs to tightly grip his head. He had sent the entire length of his tongue deep her her and was licking directly over her g-spot, slamming her over the edge and finally bringing about her first climax in ages. Her whole body quaked and her thighs squeezed with unbelievable strength around his head and her juices rushed out of her like a flood, but his tongue continued to work inside of her and kept her climax going and going, and he was drinking down each mouthful of her nectar happily and from the purring emitting from him, he was enjoying his drink.

After about a minute or two, she couldn't think to count, she felt her climax edge off and she finally loosened her hold on her mates head. Allowed him to move his head back and she just looked down at him with heavy pants as he licked maw clean with a satisfied smile on his face. She would have probably laughed right now, but her body was in a state of pure bliss, so she only laid there. Though, she was soon happy she did as she watched him rise and seen his length staring right at her. She had truly forgotten what it looked like.

Thirteen inches of dragon pride with a neon blue spiral down the length, one end vanish into his slit and the other stopping at the opening. Yet, the only thing that ever scared her about it was the ridges. It had thirteen ridges along the top and bottom with barbs around the pointed head. The only reason she was scared of it was because since the last time she mated with him, she found that the ridges locked whenever he came now and the head of his shaft was always in her womb when he did cum. So it hurt whenever they moved. She truly did miss the times they were all fleshy and didn't lock up like that, but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it.

"Now...my love, I will claim you as mine once again."

She wanted to say something yet the feeling on the head of his length sliding into her sliding into her silenced her and soon she felt the barbs slide in, before the ridges began to slide in. Each one marking an inch of meat, and each inch and pop she shivered. She already felt another climax building up and he wasn't even half way in yet!

She knew he was taking his time for both showing his love to her, and to be gentle. But by the gods she wished he would just slam into her right now. After what felt like forever, she finally felt his hips meet hers and she knew he was hilted inside of her, which caused her muscles to clench tightly around him and she wrapped her legs around his waist, before he felt him begin to pull out of her. She hated that empty feeling as he pulled out, but she knew what was coming. And when just the head of his cock remained inside of her, she felt him push right back into her before he set into his rhythm straight away. Slow, deep, passionate thrusts as his claws worked her breasts, squeezing, kneading and tweaking her nipples, pinching every now and then that caused her back to arc.

It had been so long and she could tell he was enjoying this nearly as much as her because his thrusts soon picked up and the pleasure was quickly becoming too much for her and with her vent still senstivie from her earlier climax, she knew she would hit long before him. She could already feel that burning pressure building up inside of her and she did all she could think of to fight it back and hold on longer, but she did not expect him to do something he had never done before. He leaned down and locked his jaws around her neck and bite down hard, yet it was not a bite that could kill her, she knew it was nearly a mating bite and this caused a reaction she did not expect as well. Her body went limp and she completely submitted to him as he began to thrust hard and fast, skyrocketing her over another climax. Her back arced high and a loud roar emitting from her throat with a jet of flame as her mate began to take her like never before.

She didn't know what or why he did the bite but by the gods glorious names she loved it. She could feel him licking the blood from the wound and more run down her neck and she wrapped her arms around his back and sunk her claws into his back as he continued to ram into her through her climax. It was one of the most powerful climaxes she had ever had before and it lasted longer then her first. It just rocked through her and she soon felt him slam and embedded himself in her womb before the ridges and barbs hardened and locked himself inside of her, before his hot, glorious dragon seed began to fill her womb as he unlocked his jaw from her neck and let out a roar twice as loud as any she had ever heard before and a pure blue jet of flame up to the roof of the room.

Both of their bodies shook as their climaxes edged off and he collapsed on top of her, panting hard and louder and in tune with her own. They were too exhausted right now to even nuzzle, yet she seen his loving smiled and smiled right back to him. She hadn't told him, but today was the first day of her heat. He just might be getting some more...


"Mother? Father?"

Zato couldn't help but let out a weak chuckle to his mate as she just looked to him with a blush.

"Come in Aditi."

They both looked to the door as she walked in and spun around to close the door before she turned and instantly lit up with a blush, hiding her head behind a wing as both of them just laughed at her as best they could right now.

"What is it you want my daughter?"

"Umm......I was hoping to spend time with Father....and a letter came for him...."

"A letter?"

"Umm...yes...I will leave it on the table near the door....I'll come back later."

She sat the letter down quickly and bolted out the door before they could mutter a word and they just looked to each other and laughed before sharing another love filled kiss before they hugged around each and Zato drew the blanket of them with his tail.

"I love you so much Zato....it's so wonderful to have you back....eep!"

She shook as he turned over and laid on his back so she would not have to deal with his weight, and much preferring to protect her in her arms and wings like this.

"And I love you Pink....now let us rest..."

She gave a little nod before she fell into the first peace-filled sleep she had in years as he laid there under her with his eyes locked onto the roof of the room. He used magic to blow out every candle and close the blinds as he thought to himself.

-Am I truly myself....I awoke one day in control of myself again...that was two months ago....is the demon just sleeping...dormant inside of me? Will he take control again of me again? What happens if I am around them....-

He looked to Pink and lightly trailed a claw over where he bit onto her neck, silently cursing himself as he did. His touch, as soft as a feather, caused her to tense in evident pain and he sighed heavily at that. He did do that, but he did not think he did it so hard. There were some aspects about himself that did not feel normal. Some things felt...off. He had never teased when mating before...a sudden urge had told him to do it. Maybe his mind just wanted to try something new to increase her pleasure? She didn't seem to mind when he did it, she did clearly enjoy it, so maybe it wasn't a bad thing.

He looked back up to the roof and sighed once again. He had to get away from here, even though he had just came back, he had to get away from here. At least until he found out if he was in control of himself or not. A week, a month...a year? Just somewhere to go and so he could think clearly, somewhere peaceful. He needed to know if he was truly himself or the demon inside of him was playing a cruel, cruel trick. It's final.

-Tomorrow night, when the others are asleep, I will leave. I will gather my armor and weapon and leave with nothing else. No word, nothing. I will just leave. Sure they will come looking for me, but I know I am still faster then most of the troops here. Even those new, harder training scouts. I will head toward the Orc territories. They would not search there from what I've heard, we have very little diplomatic presence there and they still attack dragons on sight. Will be the perfect place to go to hide, then I will search from there.-

He looked back down to Pink and he could not help but feel guilt heavily come into him. He had truly just returned. They were all so happy to see him. Maybe he should...no, I can not stay longer! I have to get out of here before that damned demon tries something! There is no use if I end up killing her or someone else! That damned demon is probably using me until he feels the time is right to come back and get another attempt at destroying the kingdom.

He sighed once again and trailed his claw over wound on her neck and sighed, he would have healed it away by now so she would not have that god awful scar, but he had not been able to use healing magic for some time. Don't know what had happened, one night the two guard dragoness' thought it funny to poke him with their spears and he ended up getting multiple, barely anything, stab wounds yet he could not even heal the smallest of them. And he was feeling slower as of late, like earlier with Rubys dagger. Years ago he would have heard that thing coming far before he did. It almost hit him, it was lucky he turned in time. He was surprised no one else had noticed it.

-Maybe I was just lucky no one seen me....It's final, tomorrow night, Im leaving the kingdom. For everyones sake.

Even though he knew he was going to leave, he could not help but worry how Pink and the other two would take to his departure. They would certainly be the ones to hunt him down the longest and hardest, using every single means at their disposal to find him. However, he knew most of their plans, and he knew how to elude them...he hoped. He just couldn't chance the demon doing something. It was the biggest subject on his mind. He would hide in the deepest, darkest ocean if he had too! He was not going to hurt anyone again!

Even as he thought of this all, his claws continued to rub over Pinks neck and back, soothing her in her sleep. And even though he could not hear, she kept muttering out his name and how happy she was to have him back in her arms. She had been so depressed while he was gone, there was no way she could bear losing him again.

Her dreams were the most peaceful she had ever had. Once again dreaming of Zato, Ruby, Veon, and herself all raising their kids and letting them roam around the plains in front of the kingdom walls. The only downfall to it was the fact their were scouts, knights, and dragoons protecting them. As well as a few other Guardians. Though, in her dream, she was more concerned about holding on Zato, just hugging around his waist as he watched his kids before eventually joining them in their fun and rough housing with them. Letting them dog pile on him, playfully tackling them, spinning them around and carrying them as he flew like he normally did.

There was no way she was going to lose him again...no mortal, immortal, or god could tear him from her arms. She would challenge The God Drake himself if she had to protect him! She would not lose him again!

To be continued.