True Love is Having High Standards (Illustrated)

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Here is the special Valentine's slot for Demon_Wolf just in time for that special day that is so quickly falling upon us! I hope you like the final product <3

Thanks to Spazybuns for the art! Check him out here or on FA (

"Ding-Dooong!" The doorbell chirped once with a drawn out second note before going silent again. Inside the apartment, Lilith looked up from a book. Both eyebrows knit together and her pink dot of a nose wrinkled slightly and furrowed her forehead with thought. "Who could that be?"

She leaned forward, setting the book down on the smooth surface of a shiny coffee table before standing to stretch. Both hands reached above her head, grabbing with light-furred fingers at the air while her back arched with a soft yawn to spark her mind after a slow morning reading in the sunlight streaming through a nearby window. Briefly, while her eyes shut in mid-stretch, she imagined opening the door to find her wolf standing on the welcome matt, having returned after a long month apart. A soft sigh finished her movement with a melancholy tone, "As if..." Then, she headed across the carpeted floor.

The door swung open in a single, fluid movement, but Lilith's paw didn't gently catch it like usual and it instead thudded into the wall behind. In the hallway, centered over the welcome matt just as she'd imagined, stood a tall wolf with thick, steel gray fur coating the angle of his jaw and disappearing down beneath the neckline of a dark shirt, pulled up to show his biceps. His eyes just stared at her, unwavering while he too drank in the sight in front of him.

He'd forgotten how beautiful the delicate feline truly was. She wore dark pants that hugged the slender shape of her thighs tapering down to her ankles where he saw the soft, smokey gray of her paws peeking out. Her tail danced behind, a celebrating serpent of fur with the lightened tip leading the way. The rest of her fur darkened into a black shade, but those light patches all seemed like she'd just borrowed some of his fur to wear as socks and gloves. Beneath the sweep of midnight-black bangs over her forehead, her bright emerald eyes glinted up at him. Her lip had dropped slightly, caught in a state of shock at his sudden appearance. Usually, her shock might come when faced with the size of a group going out. Crowds made her nervous, unsettled. She's been labeled shy, timid, and held the title for the quietest friend, but William understood. Seeing William, Lilith felt her usual anxiety melt away.

From his side, he'd been labeled a loner or grumpy. His face fell into a serious look of contemplation, giving him the appearance of being roughed at the edges or surrounded in a cloudy foul mood, but Lilith let some sun in, she understood he'd never experienced a bad mood at her side- not even once.

"She is so beautiful..." He thought to himself, almost sighing with the rush of comfort he felt returning to her, but then his lips broke into a small grin. His hands, cradling a small bundle, lifted up so that the feline's attention fell to see the book balanced between his palms. A large box wrapped around it, loosely tied on just the cover so that once she was looking, he could open the book. There, on the creamy surface of the title page just beneath the neat font: "Clockwork Princess" ran the sloppy scrawl of a signature, "To Lilith, a princess in her own. Signed, Cassandra Clare."

"A signed book?" Her words came out in a faint voice, more a breath. For a moment, William's heart faltered. Had he gotten the wrong one? Misremembered what her favorite novel was? Did she already owned a signed one? His eyebrows knit into a crumble of dark fur before the feline leapt forward. A gasp puffed into his neck while arms tightened around him in a final realization of all that was happening: "That's my favorite book!"

A long feeling of relief washed over him, the tension of the gift suddenly disappearing to leave just the gush of emotions. For a month, he'd been without this presence in front of him. For a month, he hadn't felt the way her small body fit right up against his like a shrunken puzzle piece. He hadn't felt the tickle of her whiskers poking through his fur or the pressure of her small bosom pressed squishing into his chest. He hadn't heard the soft, tinkling melody of her voice or the faint gush of her breathing. Lilith, thinking the same things, clung to the reminder of how his strong arms hugged around her lower back and pressed her up and into him. She ached to feel again how, with the height difference, his breath would skittered across the top of her head and muse her hair until he leaned down and she felt the warmth of his exhale slide down to her neck. She felt every individual finger, pressing and hugging her in tighter, closer. She felt how much he clung to the hug too. They both felt the other, clinging, silently wondering if it could be real. The feline trembled in the hug, every second of lonesomeness and missing him to the point of aching flooded into her body once more.

Tugging him backwards into the apartment, the door swung back closed. They bumped into a candy heart wreath on the wall, set up in casual decoration of this very day, a day she'd thought would be spent with books and tea on the couch before a long-awaited Skype-session. Instead, they decoration clattered to the floor, a forgotten element as she tugged her wolf into a squeezing, clutching embrace. A wreath didn't matter when she had the real meaning of Valentine's Day, the real reason to celebrate it right in front of her. Fingers curled tighter, herding him backwards while creating as little distance between their bodies as possible.

"I've missed you so much," William murmured and curled two arms around the smaller girl on they had backed up enough to close the door. He cupped her lower back, pulling her flush to him so he felt her warmth again enveloping him entirely. His breath washed over the point of her ears before he leaned down further, nuzzling his slender muzzle into her neck to kiss the line of her jaw.

"I missed you more." Soft, fleeting kisses jumped from his cheek down his neck, meeting his collarbone and then wandering back to his ears. "I missed you every second, William, every moment." Her arms clung to him. Her small body practically scaled the larger wolf as they stumbled in one unit further into the living room. The backs of legs hit the couch's side, they tipped back onto the cushions without separating.

"I'm here, baby. I'm right here." William kissed her ear again, lightly suckling the tip before he nipped the sensitive skin and smiled over her hair. She tangled her fingers into his shirt, using it to pull him closer to her. Her slender legs curled on either side of his waist, rocking her hips into his lap. Her head tipped back, letting a rough feline tongue find the smooth surface of a canine's in a long, deep french kiss. Their voices silenced and just the scuffled of their bodies pressing, clutching onto one another filled the room.

Finally pulling back with a hoarse pant, Lilith tugged the male's shirt. Her petite fingers dove down to the hem, found it, and wriggled it up over his stomach. Inch by inch, his toned stomach came into view. Short, lush gray fur coated the small nubs of his abdominals, stacked together in a pack of muscle. Gently, her nails glided through his pelt, petting up the length of his torso while she guided the t-shirt up over his head and dropped it over the arm of the couch. He shivered under her touch, soft and gentle though with enough pressure he felt her impatience, her need.

"Mmm, your turn, little kitty." His much larger paws groped down the side of her hips before fingers glided gently beneath the fabric of her t-shirt. A shiver ran down her spine while his touch trekked gingerly up beneath her top and exposed the downy fluff of her stomach to the open air. Her breath caught, watching the wolf lean down over her stomach to kiss up the center as though drawing a line up the length of her body.

As her shirt draped over top of his, William looked down at the feline again. Her eyes were bright, watching him with an unwavering show of their emerald shine while her hair fell off of her face. The bangs were mused from their tangling and rumbled to the side of her forehead. Her cheeks, though covered in the dark black silk of her fur, were warm beneath a cupping palm from the blush hidden underneath her coat. The heat of her blush continued down her neck, but then the heat wafting out from between her thighs grabbed his attention.

The lump of coal at the end of his muzzle, his nose, twitched with the scent of her in the air. The faint earthy musk danced in a cloud around them while she leaned up and started to kiss down his neck. Light, butterfly-esque pecks led down the slope of his throat before his arms guided her back with the grip on her hips. "I want to look at you." He whispered, licking her ear playfully, sitting back to take in the sight of the feline with the lace of her shelf bra edged along the mound of her breasts. Soft, velvety fur coated the swell of her cleavage where it filled the dainty bra and then thinned down her stomach to the thin layer that led into her waistband.

"Mm!" The girl's blush showed through her fur, a warm, pink glow from beneath the fur. "You're staring!"

William chuckled, showing the faint points of his fangs at the side of his muzzle. "I have a lot of looking to make up. I haven't gotten to see this..." His words faltered and his hand gestured over her chest, "this beautiful sight, in a whole month!" Then, he leaned in close and teased the fur of her neck up with quick, darting nibbles while fingers dove into her stomach with evil intent.

A crying burst of laughter left her lips and her hips shuddered with a sudden burst of laughter. "You're tickling me! Stop!" She cried, grabbing from his arms while he kissed along her neck, soaking up the sound of her tinkling, bell-like laugh. When his fingers calmed, he nuzzled up the side of her shoulder to kiss right at the base of her neck. "Mmm and that music, I haven't heard that in a month either."

A playful smile tweaked onto the shy girl's lips, though with William, her shyness was no barrier. "Sounds like you have a lot of things to make up-" Then, her eyelashes swept down in a small wink. The wolf growled faintly, pulling her back to his chest as their lips mashed into each other, drinking down kisses as though they'd escaped the dessert.

Urgent, impatient fingers worked over their lover's sides, sliding down to re-memorize the fall of their hips, the way their legs connected into their pelvis. Paws pressed down over stomachs and re-found the tenderest, mildly ticklish places that made their kisses waver with breathy giggles trapped between their lips. Legs twisted and tangled together, finding the pattern that let them fit snug like two pieces of a pretzel as they lay lengthwise up the couch. They re-found the rhythm of breathing to let their kisses run without pause and re-mapped the geography of the other's torso, but their fingers had fallen into the explorers spirit. Just the upper portion of a landmass was not enough, and fingertips started to drift beneath the waistline.

Gentle groping worked the wolf up, pulling him so that smaller, slender hips could grind up to him so he grunted into their lips embrace. Her fingers squeezed over the bulge of his cock, trapped inside a denim prison. At the same time, heat washed out from the girl's crotch. Her scent had thickened into a haze of arousal. She breathed in his rich, manly musk while her softer, sweeter scent wove into it, mingling their need in the air.

With a sudden tug, impatient fingers popped open the button on the wolf's slacks, shucking them open so that the thin front of his boxers could strain with his tip jutting out against them. Wriggling and shifting, he helped the feline strip down his pants, but then William focused on maintaining their matching wardrobe. He curled his hands beneath her ass, groping the soft, clothed flesh of her bottom. She mewled against his lips, grinding harder with the play on her sensitive ass. Then, fingers dipped underneath the waistband and began to peel the clothing down. Her pants rolled away from the tight lace of her panties, exposing her long, furred legs while she leaned up, hunched forward to keep their lips paired together. When William broke away to tug her pants the last inch off her ankles, he smiled widely.

Lilith had a dazed, needy expression in her eyes. An entire month had left a hole, a need that longed to be fulfilled. Her chest heaved with panting, hoarse breath while her hips were pressed forward, eagerly inviting him to keep going.

Instead, William kissed her forehead and started to unravel the thick red ribbon from her book, left nearly forgotten on the coffee table."I have one more surprise for you, but no peeking-" Then, the ribbon wrapped around her head, settled over her eyes so the room went dark. Just eyes fluttered for a second and a mixture of excitement and confusion washed over her. She felt his fingers worked down her body, caressing over the soft fur of her sides before scooping her up in a bridal style and rocking her into his sturdy chest. "No peeking," He reminded before she listened to his footfalls down the hallway.

"So, the bedroom," Lilith identified feeling a spark race down her spine, excitement building. Once he laid her out on the bed, no longer touching her she lacked any reference to what he was doing or planning. For a long beat, she lay blind feeling a rush of thrilling excitement at her blindness and the rosy comfort of trusting the wolf completely so that the blindfold brought no anxiety.

Then, she felt his fingers wandered over the lace of her bra. She felt his tracing from her sides forward, finding the small front-facing clasp between her breasts that rose and fell with every wavering breath she took. Slowly, the brassiere fell open, exposing her chest. William's breath puffed out softly, the only sound in the room as he stared down at her. Her breasts, pert and small, rounded out from her chest with the small nub of a nipple on top of each already hard and begging for attention.

However much they silently begged with their throbbing pinkness, William continued down. His thumbs curled into the thin bands on either side of her panties and tugged, slowly, and peeled them along the length of her legs. One by one, he lifted her toes out from the garment until the feline lay out completely nude.

Her lithe, slender body stretched slightly beneath the caressing coolness of the air on her bare fur. Knowing William hovered above, watching her, the blindfolded Lilith stretched her arms up and lifted her breasts with a bounce, pulling her stomach taunt, and faintly tipped her hips up. Her soft lower lips puffed with their swollen needed and glistened with her wetness, and when she shifted, the little nub of her impatient clit peeked out from between the petals of her flower. She waited to feel his touch tracing her slit or the tip finding its mark, but instead the softness of his lips pressed into her forehead in a tender kiss. Then, each temple dotted with another smooch. Down to her nose, his lips went while they traced out her faint, connecting the dots of his starting points with more tiny kisses. When he reached her ear, lightly pecking the tip, he crooned in a whisper, "Do you know what your second gift is?"

She giggled. The soft, bouncing of his lips from place to place tickled. Her head felt airy with the romance. Finally, Valentine's Day felt like more than a way to sell candy. She felt swept up in a gesture. Smiling briefly against her neck, she she could envision the grin even blinded, he continued. His lips went up her arms, licking the sensitive patch of her inner wrist and nipping the ticklish spot beneath her armpit. Cupping her wrist in one hand, he kissed each fingertip till she giggled and curled them against his lips. Her breath puffed out in airy clouds, light and expectant as though she held her breath. Moving in, she felt his mouth seek out the center of her stomach. A kiss pecked the middle before he moved up. Gingerly, he traced the underside of a breast with the tip of his tongue till she quivered against the bed. Her breath wavered again, warbling in the air with a little mewl, but William didn't rush. He let the clock tick behind his head, silently spinning through half an hour while his lips roamed to her other arm and bathed her second hand in gentle pecks and then he faintly kissed her her nipple. The single second his lips let down on her breasts, he suctioned around the little nub and she gasped. Every muscle felt tense, every second pushing her closer to breaking and begging him to stop teasing.

Then, a hand suddenly cupped her cheek with the pulse of his warm palm. "I'm giving you a kiss for every moment I was gone to make up for all the kisses I could have given you." Then, his lips pressed back into her own- finally finding their way home. This time, when they pressed together in the passionate tangle of lips, William's fingers grazed down the girl's thighs and hovered dangerously close to her sex.

In fact, his fingertips grazed the skin where her thighs met her crotch, but didn't move any closer until the girl beneath groaned with a wave of impatience. At last, his fingers cupped around the mound of her sex. Her heat prickled beneath his palm and glistening droplets of her excitement leaked out down the curve of his fingers. However, when tardily sated her longing for his touch to move lower, his lips began to pull back. Then, following their lead, his body peeled back to leave no part of them touching. She could only feel his presence above her on the bed, and then heat wafting against her sex with a soft exhale. A tingling rush of anticipation came with the grazing warmth of his breath dancing over her sensitive skin. The heat sent little shivers down her spine once the cooler air of the room washed up in place of his heat. Then, she waited blindly for more, seconds passed and she felt impatience and anticipation mounting before a tongue tip lightly lowered to her slippery slit and traced up through her lower lips to her clit where he kissed it softly.

"A-ah! William! I am so sensitive!" She warned, hoping he'd take this as 'be gentle' or 'stop teasing' but instead, he remained mercilessly teasing. Her lips circle around the puffy nub of her clit, slowly starting to suckle around it while the tip of his tongue traced around the bead-like shape. She gasped. Her eyes fluttered beneath the smooth fabric of the blindfold. For a second, the feline felt as though losing her sight temporarily only made his teasing more powerful- like her senses had adjusted already to the blindfold.


His tongue shifted and broke the suction of her lips to start back towards her entrance, flicking the tip into her before starting to delve into the girl's pink folds. Two hands slid onto her thighs, rubbing and massaging while he started to work his tongue deeper. Her moans shifted up higher in pitch, squeaking in the air while her breathing stiffened into hoarse gasps. Sliding his hands up, he gripped onto her small, pert ass and lifted her sex to his lips. His tongue delved deeper, grinding into the patchy flesh of her g-spot while her breathing hitched. Her moan broke into a full-blown cry. For a second, she teetered at the edge. Her orgasm loomed in front of her, just out of reach. She felt his hands groping her ass, massaging the sensitive flesh while his lips suckled against her leaking juices, tongue working deep inside, and his nose even nudged into her clit encouragingly.

"Oh! Oh!" Every second bumped her closer, her body shivered. Whimpers slipped from her lips, desperate and pleading sounds. "OH! OH!" Then, suddenly it stopped. William slid out and away from her sex and his hands instead unraveled the bow of her blindfold so she could see the smirking grin on his face. "I have one last gift."

She blinked, feeling her body calm faintly so that she could breath in without it hitching. "What else could you give me?" She questioned with a smile though her eyes suggested she certainly wanted one thing to sate the desire boiling through her body.

"The last gift is just me; a wolf who loves you with all his heart."

A beat pulsed through the room entire silent excitement for Lilith's audible breathing, then she launched herself onto the wolf. Her lithe legs curled around his waist and small fingers gripped either cheek. "And for you," Lilith breathed in a husky, breathless tone against a triangular, steel-gray ear before grinding to the male's lap. Her fingers dipped lowered, finding what she wanted. Her soft, guiding hands brought his tip to her sex so that her liquid excitement drooled down it's sides, leaking onto him in glistening streaks. "For you all I have is a very, extremely, positively horny feline." Then, she lowered over his lap.

In unison, they moaned. William moaned for the sudden heat and tightness that gripped around him. He could feel the tightness that seemed to accumulate over a month so that this first moment, this hot vice-like clench down on his cock felt like the first he'd ever felt. Lilith moaned for the sudden girth and stretch that worked her over him. Gravity tugged her down before her hips began to wriggle and grind down to meet him. Sharp nails dug into his shoulders momentarily. The feline shivered over the larger wolf's lap, feeling the warmth, the realness of him with a fresh wave of dizzying need. Then, she slumped into him so her lips could sneak against his ear, "And I love you too."

Eagerly, the girl started to bounce over his lap. Finally, after over an hour of his slow, building foreplay she regained control and her impatience ran the show. Quick, bouncing motions worked her over his lap and filled the room with the wet, lewd slap of their hips together. Strong hands gripped her sides, helping her up with every motion, but the feline needed no assistance - pure need would have driven her on tirelessly just fine.

"G-gosh, William. You feel amazing. It's like... the first time all over again." She gasped, clutching onto his shoulders till he felt the faint pricking of her claws in her clutching. His own hands squeezed tight as her own commentary had her squeeze tighter, hugging her tunnel around his pulsating length.

"Nggh... I assure you, that sensation is mutual. You're so... tight." He grunted, pushing himself deeper into her by meeting her downward motions with his own upwards bucks. The tip pierced deep into her, hitting the sensitive patch of her g-spot with every entry and dragging out to the tip before every repeat.

"A-ah William, nothing compares to having the real you.." She whimpered, voice a tight mewl while she rocked over his lap. He throbbed inside her, responding to the tightening grip of her sex and he flexed beneath her hands. His breath washed against her fur, making it dance in the wind of the exhale. After thirty days of him gone, finally he felt real once again.

Sloppy, leaking juices coated his lap. Precum started to squirt into the girl, only to add to the wanton noises in the room. William bit his lip, already feeling his own orgasm building. It'd been a month since a true release, since this right here with the girl milking his cock with her own crippling want, to be wanted so badly... He shuddered, waiting. He leaned back, slowing his helping thrusts just enough he wouldn't blow. He walked the feline who, for the moment, remained lost in her own pleasure.

Her ears were folded back, flattening to her head and twitching with a rippling sensation each time he hit her g-spot. The little shiver accompanied a tight clench around his cock and a gaspy whimper that puffed out of her parted lips. He could see the faintest white of her teeth poking out around her full lips. She bit at one of them, tugging on it while her fingers clutched to him. Her back arched, grinding her clit up to him. Noticing, one hand dipped down so his thumb could begin rubbing her, circling steadily around the fleshy button.

"Oooh!" Her mewl caught him off guard. Every inch of her body stiffened. From being at a point of high pleasure, she jumped to maximum. Her body shook. Her juices seemed to double where they leaked out around his cock. Her clit though, suddenly a prisoner beneath his unwavering attention, pulsed with the power of a natural disaster.

Suddenly, bright green eyes caught his own. Her body shuddered hard over his lap. He noticed the way her breath broke and hitched with every hoarse gulp of the air. He could feel her tunnel, tight and spasming in little bursts. Her hips were starting to wobble, not from tiredness but from the hard shuddering that wracked her body. Her fingernails now left crescents beneath his fur. Her toenails curled into the sheets hard enough he could faintly hear the fabric straining and her scent, William's nostrils flared with a greedy breath filled with the girl's feminine musk. He could smell her need to the point of tasting her flavor on his tongue. From her own perspective, Lilith didn't so much as look as she felt William. Her hands spread over his chest and shoulders, feeling the hidden power their in his muscles beneath the fur. Her hips rocked against him, feeling the natural rhythm of their bodies coming together, crashing into one another like the ocean to the beach. Her hair fell into her face when he'd rock up hard enough to roll her forward slightly and faintly, like a ghost, his fingers would sweep up and tuck it back again before caressing down her face. A mixture of passion, power, and tenderness worked in the wolf that set her off like fireworks.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" She blurted finally, whimpering a long strain of desire as she finished, biting her lip with a needy expression. William bobbed his head, gripping her hips and hunching forward to rock her into his chest so he supported her. His hips started to pound upwards. His thumb didn't hesitate. Then, in her ear, he murmured in a low voice. "Cum, my love. Cum with me. I want to see you shake. I want to cum together..." His own voice broke, suddenly too husky to form words.

The thick girth of the male's knot bumped into her sex, just kissing her lips with its inflating girth before he began to thrust harder, pushing the knot halfway in and pulling back. Her pussy clenched, squeezing tight in anticipation of the thick girth. She felt a shudder race down her spine, she wanted that knot. Her hips rocked to him powerfully, catching him partway through his own stroke upwards. The knot pushed up to her lower lips, spreading them wide before with a wet pop! it pushed inside. A hot gasp exploded into his neck. Her sex tightened around the new girth. Then, a sharp hiss escaped in prequel to an echoing, warbling wail before she came.

She came in a gush, and her heat and grip fired off William's own canons. Thick, gooey sprays of cum splashed into her with rope after rope stretching across her inner walls, hanging streamers of his orgasm. Together, they moaned their first explosive sound and quieted down to lingering whimpers while they trickled and leaked their last droplets. Then, with the soft, hazy glow of finish, they sighed out together in a single, shared exhale.

For a long moment, neither broke the silence that surrounded their quiet shifting. William carefully eased them back till the downy pillows cushioned his head and Lilith's head nestled against his shoulder. He felt every puff of air until she started to calm. She listened to the pulsating beats of his heart as they slowed to a faint thumping inside his chest.

"That was amazing..." Lilith finally whispered, nuzzling her chin into the wolf's shoulder while peeking her green eyes up to see his own darker pair. William could still feel her sex, squeezing occasionally around him and dribbling with a mess of cum. Plus, her entire body lay limp over top of him, pleasured to the point of utter relaxation.

"Just remember, this isn't the new standard for sex. Today's a special occasion," he cautioned, half-worrying that he'd suddenly set the bar too high, though he was mostly just joking. The feline instantly grinned before leaning up to playfully lick his nose with her sandpapery tongue:

"Silly wolf, the standards are already high; you're always this good."

True Love is Having High Standards (Illustrated)

"Ding-Dooong!" The doorbell chirped once with a drawn out second note before going silent again. Inside the apartment, Lilith looked up from a book. Both eyebrows knit together and her pink dot of a nose wrinkled slightly and furrowed her forehead with...

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