Walking with the Wolf: Part 1

Story by Aerak on SoFurry

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Walking with the Wolf

Peter was your typically 20 year old gay furry. He was brought up a Catholic. During his early teens, he started having doubts of the church. He noticed that he just didn't really fit in, and that a lot of the views in mainstream Christianity didn't fit with his own. Peter knew that he was gay from age 15, and he had absolutely no moral doubts whatsoever about it. In random conversations at the church between his parents and other religious folk, the topic of homosexuals did come up from time to time; each occasion being marked by names, such as evil and satanic, filthy, and even inhuman. It really hurt Peter, not to be able to argue the point that gays were people too, not to be looked on as just nameless faggots.

When Peter was 17 he discovered ''furry''. The idea just seemed to fit, and soon his small notebook computer which his father had bought him a year earlier, was filled with furry artwork. Peter began to do some researching into animal totems and Native American beliefs and found them to be a very good match for him in contrast to Catholicism. Very soon he discovered within himself that he shared a very special bond with the wolf, and began to realize that throughout his childhood and into adulthood, he had always held pictures of wolves somewhat sacred, and oftentimes when looking at them a tear would come to his eye. Also around this time, he started growing his hair out. His previous hairstyle that had been with him all his life was replaced by straight, brown hair that stopped an inch below his shoulders.

By the time he was 19, Peter was involved in many ''furry'' events and had many ''furiends'', infact, all of his friends were furs. He was still living with his parents, but had begun his own eBay business of trading and selling computer hardware. Also around this time he developed a deep relationship with a local furry, two years younger than himself, who lived coincidentally only a few blocks away. The two of them became boyfriends and began spending more and more time together. There was hardly a time when they were apart, which Peter's mother and father started to pickup on, that and his lack of interest in girls. One night, his parents decided to confront him on the issue. They asked him if he was gay and he responded proudly that he was, and to Peter's surprise, his parents were okay with it, well, okay might be a little bit strong, but they weren't kicking him out, and they told him that he wouldn't be treated any different and that they still loved him. However, that's not what happened.

Peter's parents tried to convert him back to ''the path of light'' every chance given to them, and since he lived under their roof, it awarded them quite a lot of chances. His parents' lack of understanding was very upsetting to Peter. And whenever Chance, Peter's boyfriend, came over, Peter's parents kept an ever watchful eye on the two, insuring that they had no time alone to themselves, insuring that they couldn't commit more of a sin than they already were.

At this point, Peter decided that he had to move out, that he couldn't put up with his parents lack of faith in him any longer. He was always quiet about his financial situation, always kept it private from his parents, and as it was, Peter had a pretty large bank account thanks to his business. By the age of 20, he had bought a house of his own and was living very happily in it. Chance was unable to live with him just yet; his parents demanded that he stay with them until he completed high school. Peter patiently waited for his love to be able to live with him; Chance spent a good deal of time after school at his house as it was. Peter always looked forward to Fridays; Chance's parents were much more understanding to the whole ''gay'' issue, and allowed Chance to sleep over at Peter's house every Friday night.

Thursday nights Peter always went to sleep very quickly from the time his head landed on his pillow, because he knew that the next night he wouldn't be alone.

It was night time, and Peter was leaning against a large oak tree, in a clearing amongst many other trees. He was looking up at the stars above him, recalling childhood stories of the constellations. His eye caught the constellation Sirius, and he gazed at it almost hypnotically, the stars in that constellation appearing much brighter now than the other stars in the sky. Suddenly there was a blinding burst of light that ended almost as soon as it began. Peter had instinctively looked towards the ground, covering his eyes. He now lowered his arm and blinked several times, regaining his vision. His eyes eventually came into focus and he was a bit surprised. There was a white wolf standing infront of him, which seemed to soak up the moonlight and was radiating a white glow.

''Don't be afraid'', the wolf said calmly, trying to be reassuring in her intentions. ''I'm your guardian spirit, Luna if you prefer''.

Peter was sitting against the tree almost motionless, and very slowly he began to relax again. ''Can I touch you?'', he asked curiously. Luna walked over and sat down beside him, looking him in the eyes; she was almost as big as he was. Slowly, cautiously, Peter raised his arm and let his hand come to rest on Luna's head. Luna raised her head, touching the tip of her nose to Peter's arm, nuzzling it slightly. Peter moved his hand down the back of Luna's neck and rubbed there. Her fur was soft as silk. She got up and moved even closer to Peter, so that she was sitting down right beside him. She now faced the same direction as him and was gazing at the forest beyond them. He kept petting her, beginning to wonder about the purpose Luna's visit.

''I suppose you're wondering why I'm visiting you tonight'', Luna inquired, turning her face towards Peter. He nodded to her slightly and stopped the petting, letting his hand rest on her side. ''I'm here to tell you that you've been selected for something really special; something that you've dreamed about for a long time, though you may not know it''. She paused for a minute, gazing up at the stars and then returning her attention to Peter. ''Peter? Do you know how for the past month you've awakened every morning reluctantly, and have had the feeling that you were a better place but really couldn't remember it?'' Peter sighed, looking at the ground below him.

''Yes. I know that feeling all too well''. He looked at Luna, his eyes glistening. ''Can you tell me?''. She nodded at him.

''You've been in another dimension, and you've been learning things that will soon be useful to you''.

''Why can't I remember any of it'', Peter asked.

''Don't worry dear'', Luna said compassionately as she began to nuzzle Peter's cheek. ''You'll remember when the time comes'', she got up and walked infront or him and touched her nose to his in a show of affection. ''And remember hon, don't be afraid of what's to come, and be sure to poke your head out once in awhile.'' She moved and leaned her head forward so that her cheek was pressed firmly against Peter's. ''Please forgive me'', she paused, ''this is going to hurt a bit''.

Before Peter had time to question the meaning of what she had said, his entire body was paralyzed with a horrific pain. He screamed out in agony, feeling as if his whole body was being torn apart. He heard a series of popping noises that resembled the sound that came from him cracking his knuckles. He pressed his back firmly against the trunk of the tree, and shut his eyes tightly.

Day 1

Peter opened his eyes, gasping for air, and to his surprise, he was staring at the sunlit ceiling of his room. He took in a long breath of air and breathed out slowly, trying to calm himself. He had been dreaming.

He sat up and yawned, closing his eyes and stretching both arms up above him. Then Peter moved so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed and leaned forward so that his hands were resting on his thighs, his face angled down at the white carpet beneath him. Slowly he lifted his eyelids and the world around him gradually came into focus. He sat like that for several minutes, his body waiting for his mind to wake up. Eventually he regained full consciousness, and a very odd feeling came over him as he was looking down at his legs and his heart skipped a beat. He leaned back a bit and sat up straight.

''It can't be'', he said aloud and slightly out of breath. He lifted his hands up and brought them closer to his face so that he could examine them better with his eyes. The hands that he was familiar with, that were his from the day he was born were replaced by paws. They were covered in white fur, black pads on each palm, with smaller pads on his thumb and figure tips. Peter held his left paw with his right, running his thumb over the black pad on the palm, curling his fingers and examining the dark brown claws that had replaced his fingernails. ''Wow'', he exclaimed almost silently.

He now lifted his left arm and rubbed up and down, getting new sensations from the fur, which from examining he figured was about one inch in length. He stopped rubbing now and took both paws and brought them up anxiously, curiously to his face. He touched the tip of his nose which was about six inches beyond where his nose once rested. He twitched it several times, chuckling to himself, and then ran his paws along the side of his newly acquired muzzle. At this point his eyes started to tear up uncontrollably. He was in a state of pure happiness and bewilderment. His breathing became erratic. He opened his muzzle, and tried to say something, finding himself speechless in his joy; the fur on his cheeks becoming very damp. Finally he managed a few words, taking a deep breath. ''Oh my god''.

The realization was sinking in; this wasn't a dream, and if it was a dream, Peter never wanted it to end.

He leaned forward again and put his weight on his foot paws, pushing himself up from the bed. He stood for a moment, wobbling slightly since the area that his feet took up was cut in half. There was a large mirror in the corner of his room next to his closet. Peter took one step towards it and fell forward, landing on the floor.

''Heh, ouch'', Peter chuckled. ''This is gonna take some getting used to''. He pushed himself back up, regaining his footing and then, with more luck this time, walked over to the mirror and stood in front of it, admiring his new body. ''Wow'', he paused, turning around and glancing over his shoulder at his backside, ''this is amazing''. He was covered from head to toe in that same brilliant white fur that the wolf in his dream possessed. He turned around so that once again he was facing the mirror, and he couldn't help but focus his eyes on the other changes to his anatomy. He looked away from the mirror and down to his furry crotch, examining his sheath and rubbing it curiously, pushing his thumb inside and feeling the tip of his member hiding within. Next he reached behind him and gently grabbed his tail and curled it around his waist, as much as possible so that he could get a better look at it. The fur on his tail was obviously much longer than anywhere else on his body, being atleast five inches from what he could tell. He let go of it and noticed that he began to wag it from side to side, almost instinctively. He smiled proudly.

''This is so cool'', he said as he stretched his arms up over his head, catching a whiff of himself. ''Errr'', he quickly shut his eyes and covered his nose impulsively. He reopened his eyes and took his paw away from his nose. ''Yikes'', he exclaimed, scrunching up his face. ''I need to take a shower''

Peter stepped into the shower. He closed the curtain behind him and turned on the water, adjusting it for a nice, firm spray. Peter closed his eyes and murred softly. Who knew that something as simple as fur could change everyday sensations so much. It was amazing; Peter had taken showers nearly everyday of his life, but now the sensations it brought were completely different. Instead of the water just dripping off immediately, it stayed with him and soaked into his fur. The warm water enveloped him and stayed with him, bringing much more warmth and comfort than what he was used to. As he was standing there in his contentment, his nose twitched and he started to become aware of a smell that he was very familiar with. Wet dog. He grabbed the bar of soap and began to lather it into his fur, making sure to get every spot on his body. Then he rinsed everything off and sniffed his arms and front paws, making sure that the smell was no longer clinging to him, and stood there and relaxed for several more minutes. Finally, he turned the water off and reached outside the curtain and grabbed a towel; beginning to wipe himself dry. To Peter's surprise, the towel became damp very quickly, and he wasn't nearly dry yet. He reached for another towel, and soon that one too became damp. He grabbed another towel and that towel was very soon damp as well, however, after blotting himself with this towel, he was finally dry. He opened the curtain all the way and stepped out of the shower.

Looking in the mirror, he saw that his fur was a mess, and reached over next to the sink and grabbed his hair brush and began grooming himself. Once he was happy with his appearance, he set the brush down and picked up his toothbrush. He opened his muzzle and raised his eyebrows a bit, looking at himself in the mirror and angling his face side to side. ''Hmm'' I have a lot of teeth now. He counted each one of them. 42 teeth, wow! After counting them all and examining them closely, he began brushing, taking extra care not to miss any.

While Peter was brushing, his mind slowly started to contemplate how the public might react to his new body, after all, most people are not accustom to seeing wolf-men walking around. As he thought more on this subject, it began to scare him. People fear what they don't understand; it's just human nature. In Peter's dreams, going out into public as a real life ''furry'' was always associated with pride and joy, and now that it was real, he wondered what it would really be like. Soon his mind began wandering even further, indulging his fears even more. What if the government finds out? Will I be abducted and imprisoned, poked and prodded in a lab somewhere?

Peter returned to his room and got dressed. He decided to relax; that he was letting his imagination get the best of him. Besides, Chance would be over at 3:00 and the thought of surprising him far outweighed his silly fears of government abductions.

He opened up the sock drawer to his dresser, sat down on the edge of his bed and was starting to put on his socks when he came to a realization. 'What am I doing? This will never work'. It had just occurred to him that now that his feet had been transfigured into paws, it was impossible for him to wear socks, shoes too for that matter. He folded up the socks and put them back in the drawer, and then he walked downstairs.

After eating breakfast he curled up on the couch with his laptop in the living room. The living room was very large, and very inviting. When Peter was originally designing it, he had decided to go with mostly earthy tones, which made the living room feel a lot more warm and intimate. There were pictures on every wall; drawings that he and Chance had commissioned.

Peter decided in this moment to take a short vacation from work, given the very recent events, and instead chose to indulge and enjoy himself. In his right paw he held a small digital camera, which with the press of a button turned on. He then extended his arm all the way and twisted the camera around, angling it to take his picture. He didn't know how long this dream would last and had decided to take a photograph, just incase.

His pictures started out innocent enough but as he was taking pictures, the thought of his own naked body began to arouse him. He started out by undoing his pants and pulling them and his boxers down around his thighs, exposing his sheath, the tip of his member was already beginning to slip out in response to his excitement. He set his camera beside him and ran his paws under his shirt, feeling his claws run across his chest; enjoying every second of it. As he slipped his shirt over his head, his cock was already fully erect. He grinned to himself. He was well endowed as a human, as a wolf, he was huge. He snapped a few more pictures of himself and then looked through them on the camera's tiny lcd panel. He then set the camera aside and gripped his member tightly with both paws, eliciting a deep moan from within him. He could begin to feel the knot at the base of his member beginning to expand. The feeling was driving him crazy. He got up and sat down on the floor, his back against the side of the couch. Peter lifted his legs above him, and grinned again... this outta be fun. He slid his muzzle slowly around the tip of his cock, almost effortlessly and brought his member further in his muzzle, reaching down all the way, just above the knot. His paws at the same time found other things to play with. One paw had was gripping his tail, which he moved out of the way, lightly running a claw around the pucker of his ass, causing him to shiver in pleasure as his head bobbed up and down. The pleasure was building up all too quickly and he sped up his pace, feeling his climax grow imminent. Quickly, he snuck his finger on his tailhole and pressed firmly, pushing as much of his finger in him as possible as he hit his orgasm. He felt his prostate press tightly against his finger, felt it pulse as wave after wave of warm cum shot out from the tip of his member into his mouth. It quickly overcame him, and Peter found himself unable to keep up with the endless waves of his seed. He swallowed as much of it as he could, but it still overwhelmed him, spilling out from his muzzle as he forced his finger deeper in him, in rhythm with his prostate's pulse.

Finally it was over. He pulled his finger from his ass and curled up on the floor panting, out of breath. After a few minutes, he got up. It was still quite awhile before Chance would be coming over. Peter looked down at himself, down at his matted fur around his chest and tummy. ''I need to take another shower''

After the shower, he went back to the living room and uploaded the pictures to his computer. He logged on to fap and uploaded his pictures there:

'These are just some pictures I took of myself today. It seemed that I've become a wolf...NO THIS IS NOT A JOKE. Doubt any of you will believe me on this, but nevertheless, bask in my sex =P'

Within minutes he'd gotten all sorts of lovely responses, ranging from ''You stole these photomorphs. You're such a loser'' to ''Show us video of you getting raped by tentacles''.

After many playful online antics, and after much relaxing and just generally being lazy, it was finally nearing the time when Chance would be over. Peter peeked cautiously out the window, patiently waiting for his love to arrive, wondering what he'd think about the transformation and how much it would startle him. Peter wasn't too worried though, afterall, Chance was a furry too.

Finally, after what felt like hours of waiting covertly by the window, Chance finally showed up. His short blonde hair was glistening in the sun as he walked up to the house. As Chance opened the door, Peter stood just out of sight.

''Hey hon?''

''Yes love'', responded Chance.

''I've got kind of a surprise for you, but you have to promise not to be scared''

Chance chuckled as he set his backpack down beside him and took off his shoes, ''Did you try baking something in the oven again''?

''Sorry, guess again''

''Will I like this surprise''?

''Possibly...'', giggled Peter, ''Hey hon, can you close your eyes for me''?

Chance did as he was told, and Peter carefully stepped out from hiding and approached his love. He moved in close and hugged Chance tightly, letting his soft, furry paws run up and down his back. A smile crept across Chance's face and he too wrapped his arms around his mate's body.

''Mmmm, you're all furry'', he said as he rubbed his cheek against Peter's, his eyes still closed. ''Finished your fursuit''?

Peter chuckled, ''Nope... open your eyes''

Slowly, Chance opened his eyes and as he did, he started to become extremely giddy. His heart was racing in his chest, a large smile quickly spreading across his face. His emotions couldn't be more apparent. His eyes began to get all watery and he hugged Peter close once again, closing his eyes momentarily. ''Thank you god'', he said through his panting, almost at a whisper.

The two of them hugged each other for about five minutes, though to Peter and Chance, those five minutes seemed to drift by almost instantly. Finally Chance broke the hug and stood infront of Peter, with a hand on each side of his muzzle.

''This is like a dream'', Chance paused for a moment, examining Peter's new form, as Peter lifted a paw and gently stroked Chance's cheek, Chance tilting his head against the soft caress of his mate. ''How'd you do this... how'd you become so soft and fluffy and snuggly, and god your sexy''

Peter chuckled, ''You mean I wasn't snuggly and sexy before''

Chance giggled and shook his head, ''You know what I meant you silly wuff. Now tell me your secret. Spill it wolfy''

Peter laughed and shrugged, running a paw down the back of his head and rubbing his neck, ''I had this dream, only it felt completely real. I talked to a wolf and she turned me into a furry''.

''That's so unfair'', pouted Chance as he walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch. ''How come you get to be all cute and fluffy? There's gotta be some reason for all this; people don't just become actual furries every day''.

Peter sat down beside his mate and leaned against him; Chance putting his arm around him. Peter sighed happily at his mate's embrace. ''She said something about me being chosen for something'', he paused, ''about me being special somehow''

Chance slid his hand under Peter's shirt, running his fingers through the fur and rubbing Peter's belly softly. ''Can I be special too'', Chance asked with a grin.

Peter smiled affectionately, ''You're special to me''

Chance ran his hands all over Peters stomach and chest and held him close, ''Aww, I love you you sweet wuff''

''I love you too hon...'', Peter paused and chuckled, looking down at the hand that had slipped underneath his boxers. ''Someone's being naughty''

Chance grinned, ''I'm not being naughty. I was just curious whether you had a sheath or not''. As he was saying this his hand came to rest on Peter's furry sheath, where he gripped it tightly and rubbed up it's length. Chance leaned over to get a better view as his other hand began undoing Peter's pants. Peter helped and slipped them off, kicking them beside the couch on the floor, he arced his back and panted, giving out a low moan as he pulled his boxers down around his legs. ''Looks like you've got one. Guess that means I'll need to coax your member out of hiding'', he said as he began pumping Peter's sheath.

Peter gasped and moaned loudly, the tip of his cock emerging, spilling pre on his stomach fur. ''I thought.. you said that.. you weren't being naughty''

Chance smiled and giggled, now curled up on his side next to his new wolf toy. ''Yeah, I'm a terrible liar'', he said as he rapidly began taking off his own pants and throwing them aside, revealing his 7 inch cock, already rock hard with all the thoughts running through his mind. ''Hey Pete?'', he grinned coyly, ''Will you mount me''?

Peter grinned evilly in response, and Chance quickly got up off the couch and knelt on his hands and knees. Peter got up off the couch and knelt down behind his mate, taking a whiff of Chance's strong musk, the sent was stronger than ever. ''Somebody's eager'', Peter chuckled, ''Aren't you usually the dominant one''?

''But I've never had a big wolfy cock in...'', Chance's thought was cut short the sensation of Peter's tongue prodding at his tailhole, causing him to moan loudly. The canine's long tongue invading his inner walls was like nothing he'd felt before. Peter pulled his tongue out and took a long sniff of his mate's rear, closing his eyes, feeling almost intoxicated by it. He finally took a hold of his cock and pressed the tip against Chance's pucker, pausing for a moment.

''Should I go easy on you or...?''

''Be as rough as you'd like'', responded Chance; just what Peter wanted to hear. He pressed his member tightly against the tailhole, and slowly, with much more effort than he was used to, it began to slide in. Slowly Chance's ass swallowed the monster wolf cock. When it was about 2 inches in, Peter felt Chance's body tense up.

''Wow'', began Chance, panting. ''You really are a big wolf now, aren't you''

''Heh, you okay'', asked the wolf. Chance nodded in response, and Peter continued to bury his member in his mate. Inch after inch slid in. Chance was beginning to wonder just how far in Peter was; he'd never been penetrated this deep before.

Finally, everything except the knot was inside him. Peter slowly began pulling his member out, and just when it was almost out, he quickly forced it back in, sending a shockwave of both pain and pleasure through Chance's body, making his hands slip out from under him. He shut his eyes tightly, as his mate continued pounding his body.

Peter began speeding up the pace, his new wolf cock bringing new pleasures... the sensitivity was driving him crazy. He soon lost himself in the feeling, and his animal side emerged, having it's way with Chance's body. Chance's insides ached from the relentless pounding that his mate was giving him, and yet at the same time, the pleasure was building. Every time Peter thrusted his cock in him, he was almost lifted off the floor, now pressing his hands against the side of the couch.

Peter suddenly and without any warning to Chance, thrusted forward, sending his entire member, knot and all, into Chance. The pain of the final intrusion was extrodinary, but the pressure against his prostate made him instantly hit his orgasm. He sprayed his seed out with an enormous force, getting it all over the side of the couch. Peter was also climaxing inside of him. Chance's stomach was suddenly warm, and he felt very full... he could feel his mate's cum dribbling out of him and running down his leg.

Finally the two collapsed and rolled on their sides, panting heavily, still tied together.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies and cuddling in the living room. Peter had cooked up some frozen pizzas, and the two of them enjoyed a quiet evening. And when it got late, the two headed up to the bedroom. Peter wrapped his arms around Chance and held him close.

''Gnight sweet wuff'', said Chance sleepily. ''I hope I wake up like you''. It didn't take Chance very long to fall asleep, but Peter remained awake, snuggling his mate and praying that Chance's wish would come true.

To be continued.