A Truant Forever More

Story by Felix9 on SoFurry

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#5 of Random Lemons

A quick story of love at first sight between a boy and a strange, beautiful dolphin girl.

I know I have other projects I should be working on but I had to write this short lemon...

This began as a dream I had. It made ABSOLUTELY no sense whatsoever and I do wish the real dream could have continued as it does in this story... You see... I woke from the dream just as I found myself in the same bed as her! Curse you whatever woke me at 1 am for no reason!

Anyway... I couldn't stop thinking about the dolphin girl in my dream. It was so vivid I could swear I had really seen and touched her. In an effort to either dream again or to just clear my head I had to write this scenario out. So please forgive me for the detour from my expected contributions and enjoy this loving lemon.

Perhaps I'll detail the dream in a future journal, but trust me, this story has a lot of weird things cut from the actual dream because they had no relation whatsoever to anything. The only coherent "plot" the dream had is what is presented. Oh and one more thing, they are of age despite the young tone. I had no intention of this seeming to be an underage thing.

So! I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment. I do enjoy discussion questions and criticisms so long as they aren't simply abhorrent. If you're a dream psychiatrist/psychologist and you want an interesting subject well apparently I'm your guy! Haha! If you had suggestions for additions, perhaps continuations, or even wanted to discuss what might actually have been going on behind the scenes please feel free to express your thoughts. Heck if you want to write an add on yourself feel free! As I said this was a quicky I had no real forethought into.

Take care everyone and as I said, I enjoy comments. :)

"Doctor, I caught this young man skipping class. As you know the punishment for truants is to be put to work here." The teacher said with authority as she held me by the arm.

"I sure don't feel like a doctor after how tight my last patient was." he grumbled as he came from a door behind the desk while dawning a white lab coat. The rather round man picked up a clip board and adjusted his glasses as he read. "Alright I think we have someone for you. Follow me." The doctor said, seeming almost uninterested in my "punishment." The teacher released me and after making sure I followed the doctor into the next room she whirled on one foot and hurried back to her class.

I really didn't even know why I was here! It was still early in the year. I had forgotten my schedule and couldn't remember what class I had after English let out. When I finally remembered it was science and we had a guest speaker I couldn't recall where the classroom was. After wandering the halls for what must have been at least ten minutes I remembered it was in the new annex. By then it was too late, for as I turned from looking into another class room I found an angry teacher tapping her foot...

The next thing I knew we were in the office waiting for the doctor I now followed. In the back room there were curtains pulled around various parts of the room. "Here we are. For various reasons my patients require sex. This is Phina; you'll be with her today." The doctor said with an out of place indifference. I was about to question him when he yanked back a curtain to reveal a dolphin morph girl! Our eyes met for a moment before we both looked away, embarrassed about the situation.

I was mortified. How was I supposed to just have sex with some random stranger? Hell, despite being a hormone crazed teenager I had never actually had sex! And here I was being told to give my virginity to someone I had just met. Was this my punishment? A circumstance forcing me to live with a moral conflict for the rest of my life? My mind raced as my heart started to beat faster. I couldn't deny the girl was quite cute... I had always loved dolphins but I never dreamed such a creature existed. My gaze drifted back to her face as she continued to fiddle and avoid looking at me for a moment more. Her skin was quite beautiful as she moved, catching the light in so many ways. The sides and top of her head appeared as blue green, iridescent water that faded to a brighter, yellow color at the back and a smooth blue gray on her face, neck and front. Before I could really look at her closer though she hopped off the table she'd been sitting on and started after the doctor as he left. It was then that I noticed she was a good foot shorter than me; a petite girl to say the least. I followed as she started to round the corner of the curtain. She looked back, catching me admiring the smooth, arching and swooping pattern of her yellow back. She gave a soft giggle and an adorably shy smile as she disappeared. I couldn't help blushing as I followed and for the first time since learning of this punishment, began to feel a bit excited about it.

"Ok here you are. Take as long as you want with her." The doctor said as he scanned and wrote on his clipboard again after leading us to another small room. Phina had moved to sit on the far bed in a row of four. The beds were empty but there were no dividers at all between them! The only thing was another curtain that pulled around all four. The doctor made no move to leave either as I took a step towards Phina, who sat facing away, fiddling a bit shyly in the dim light.

Once more confusion and irritation irked me. Did she truly want to do this? Who was I to force her, and what was with this perverted doctor? "E-excuse me? Can we do this somewhere more private?" I asked in a low voice as though I was doing something terribly wrong, though I wasn't sure who would be around judging us. For the first time the doctor looked over his glasses at me. His expression was one of annoyance and impatience.

"Fine..." He grumbled and went over to the bed beside Phina and grabbed the curtain. He dragged it with a sharp clattering of the fasteners until the four beds were surrounded then left the room and closed the door.

Finally alone, I looked around again. Phina had gotten under the dark blue cover on the bed and covered herself completely. I stepped closer and a bit reluctantly began to remove my clothing. My hands trembled as I dropped my T-shirt to the cold floor and started to pull down my pants. The lump in the covers made no move except the soft up and down of the dolphin girl's breathing. I couldn't help smiling as I noticed the blanket behind her head would move with her exhale. So she more than likely had a blow hole like normal dolphins. Not knowing what else to do I stepped out of the last of my clothing and gingerly slipped under the single cover on the bed.

By now my excitement had turned to a nervous dread. I had never done anything like this before and certainly not with such an intriguing and beautiful creature. Never the less, my pride was quite stiff between my legs as I settled into the bed. With the cover draped entirely over our forms I felt Phina shift and I could just make out our outlines in the muted light. I wondered if she had done this with anyone else. She seemed just as uncomfortable as I was as she lay on her back, mirroring my own rigid posture. Was she waiting for me? What should I do and how might I ease her worries?

With quick shallow breaths I decided to make the first move. Gently I moved my right hand to touch her. As my fingers brushed her skin she stiffened for a moment with an ever so soft "Shree" sound. I felt terrible for the poor girl but I pressed my touch further. Gently, I set my hand on the side of her belly and kept still for a long moment. When I stopped I felt her release the breath she'd frozen with my touch. I felt her inhale again and shiver softly. Her skin was so smooth and soft I wondered if she had a strand of hair on her entire body. The thought drew another, more inappropriate thought to my mind, making my maleness twitch in an eagerness to find out...

And yet I couldn't bring myself to simply initiate the act and finish it quickly. My heart ached as I felt Phina shiver again with another long breath. In an effort to comfort her I moved my still hand again, rubbing gently down her side until I found the bed, and her own hand tightly gripping the blanket below. Again I marveled at her flawlessly smooth skin as I rested my hand on hers. It wasn't long before I felt her grip loosen. Her long deep breaths and shivers lessened. I smiled softly as I shifted my head towards her. I was glad I could comfort her. Maybe we just had to stay here like this for a while. Obviously she didn't need this. It must be a punishment for her too somehow. Maybe if she knew I wouldn't simply take advantage of her she could find it in her to relax. I felt her shift as well. Her eyes glinting just a little under the blanket as she stared back at me. Her beak was longer than my nose, but I found it rather cute, and I wondered if she could kiss with it. The thought made me blush, but not as much as when her hand slowly turned to intertwine her fingers with mine.

I found that her digits were at least partially webbed, but it wasn't hard at all to hold her warm hand in mine. I rubbed my thumb soothingly over her own. I don't know what I expected to happen, or what I thought she would think but she moved once again. In a bed barely big enough for the two of us to lay flat she cuddled closer! I shifted, a bit shy of the affection and yet comforted by it as well. Her free hand slid under the covers and came to rest on my bare chest. Once more I felt the warmth of her skin on mine, but it didn't stop there. She pressed her smooth belly and modest breasts against me as well!

Now it was my turn to shiver and freeze as she seemed to dispel any thoughts she didn't want any part of this. She made another noise as her beak slowly nuzzled against my neck until her head lay perfectly in the crook between my chin and shoulder. This time, it was a pleasant churr. Her beak buzzed softly against my neck as she settled. I smiled as I started to breathe again. She was so sweet to return my comfort. I hummed softly as I shifted to return her affection. Rolling to my side, I kept our hands held tightly together between us but brought my other to embrace her. Hugging her gently to me, making extra sure not to seem like I was trapping her, I returned her affections. Once more I felt the little creature shiver with my touch. Her muscles tensed and she clung to me tightly as I held her. This time however, she let out another pleasant chortle.

I could feel the muscles in her face flex and I hoped she was smiling. The way her hand on my chest began to rub and slip around to my back to embrace me it sure felt like she was enjoying the touch. My own free hand roamed over her smooth yellow tinted back, roaming up to the back of her head where I cradled her in our embrace. A swift rush of air passed over my fingers, making me chuckle as I found her blow hole. I teased a finger around it and felt her give a chirping giggle as she once more clung tightly to me.

Our moment of adoration was unfortunately doomed to be short lived... In an effort to snuggle closer to each other, Phina's legs shifted to intertwine with my own. My breath caught in my throat as she rubbed her thigh against my still hard member. I dared not make a move, fearing her affections turning to ice once more. I was more than surprised though when she pressed closer, touching me with a new and more intense warmth on my own larger thigh. As she continued I began to relax into her touch, though my cheeks burned knowing full well what this new sensation was...

Gently I ran my hand to the side of Phina's face as I leaned back from her cuddles. Even in the dim light our eyes met. Her's, soft black pools that seemed filled with a new affection, and my own blue wells, filled with concern and uncertainty. "Are you sure?" I asked gently, rubbing my thumb over her cheek. Her own hand slipped quickly from my back and tugged the cover from over our heads before lying gently on my hand. I could clearly see the loving smile she wore as she spoke for the first time.

"Yeah." She answered, her pronunciation emphasizing the letters all wrong with her tendency to squeak and whistle. Never the less I understood without issue. She gave another chirping giggle seeing my cheeks redden and pulled her body close to mine for reassurance. I could hardly believe she was so willing now, but any thought I had that she might have been playing me seemed absolutely absurd. Her touch was so tender, her warmth and cuddles were genuine. I didn't know how but I could feel it quite clearly.

My heart raced as we continued to squirm against each other. Our hands finally released the other as we started to explore each other in earnest. Her hands seemed fascinated with my back and with my hair, while my own found a soft swell on her back and lower, the thick protrusion of her muscular tail. Her sounds began to grow more frequent as I ran my fingers over her body, admiring the silken feel of her entire form and circling around every non human feature I found, few though they were. When I ran my hand down the top of her tail base though I felt her shiver again and heard her breathe catch. Her legs tensed around mine, pressing her feminine warmth against me and rubbing a slick liquid against my skin. The eagerness between my legs twitched at the realization, begging me to take her, to let it feel her warmth surrounding it, but I was simple mesmerized by the fact that I was pleasing her. I hugged her tightly, continuing to stroke what I could reach of her tail and making her give her cute yees and churrs of what I assumed to be pleasure. Her breaths continued to come in gasps rushing from her blow hole, her arms shook as she clung to me until she squeaked and gave a long shrill whistle.

Clinging tightly to me her hips jerked, pressing her warm sex against my thigh as she seemed to wet herself. Gingerly, I stroked her tail base and cradled her head where she seemed to love resting against my neck. She shivered and tensed and I could see the tinge of iridescent green in her face had grown more brilliant. I chuckled at how cute it was she was flushed in embarrassment.

It wasn't long before her breaths began to slow and she started to squirm once again. My leg was slick with her fluids, letting her rub easily against me as she dared to find my gaze. I smiled knowing she was shy and embarrassed once more, but I moved only to encourage her. I leaned towards the smaller creature and pressed my lips against the tip of her beak. While not as pronounced as a true dolphin, it was still a bit longer than my nose, and yet she seemed to catch on with no hesitation. She returned my gesture eagerly, pressing her rostrum against my lips and churring in delight. Her body seemed eager to continue as the warmth in her neathers began to return with every kiss I gave. I failed to notice though her new found curiosity...

It was my turn to tense this time as in the throes of a passionate kiss her sweet fingers gently stroked across my maleness. I had become quite eager myself and I felt my own slick juices ease the passage of her hand. I blushed realizing I had probably smeared my own wetness against her flawless stomach in our previous throws. I moaned deeply as she quickly found the spots that made me shiver and tense, but it seemed she wanted something more than to simple let me return the favor she'd given my leg.

With both of us left gasping for breath Phina pulled from our affectionate kisses and gave me an adorable smile. She shifted to roll me to my back and spying my hands laying idle as I let her lay atop me she took my right in her left. With only her whistling churrs of pleasure laced in her breath she guided my hand to her belly. I began to take the hint as she held my fingers against her. She tensed and shivered almost like my first touch, except this time, it wasn't a surprise, nor was it as forward. I chided myself inwardly for being so stupid as to reach directly for her vulnerable belly first. I moaned softly and pleasantly as I rubbed at her toned belly. She was in amazing shape and yet I could feel the soft give to her form. She rewarded me with several more whistles and yees of pleasure, but I dared not stray until she began to urge me lower...

There was a new warmth under my fingers as I drew nearer to her treasure. I found the slickness of her climax first before the stiff, swollen folds of her sex came under my touch. My fingers trembled touching a girl for the first time. I couldn't help looking down, watching as her hand shook just slightly as it left me to explore her most private place. Deftly, my fingers slid down her slit. Moisture clung to and trailed from my digits as she gave a long pleasant shree with my touch. Her femininity was so tight and strong as I slid my fingers along her skin I wondered where her opening actually was. Growing bolder, I pressed a finger down the cleft of her folds, rubbing gently and lovingly, enjoying the pleasured shrieks and chirps she gave. I was quite surprised though when as I repeated my action she quite suddenly took me inside her!

Phina gasped sharply as she squealed. Her body shook atop me as my finger was suddenly surrounded in her warm, squeezing walls. I was amazed at how much movement there was inside her. It was really true what they said about dolphins! My face burned as I started to explore this new frontier. I pressed my finger against her undulating walls, each time getting a sharp chirp of bliss. My hand was quickly soaked in her body's lubricant as I seemed to be driving her to another climax. Before I could feel her body quake around my digit though she pressed a hand to my arm. I met her gaze, a sultry look that shyly asked if I would give her more than just a finger. I could hardly say no to such a beautiful face...

Reluctantly I slowly pulled my finger from her depths. Her walls didn't seem to want me to go either but the quivering creature above me knew there was more to come. Not caring about the mess we might make I placed my hands on Phina's hips. Her thick tail quivered and flexed, trying to stay still but having long discarded the covers that once shrouded us. Shifting beneath her and helping to move my lover into position I pressed my member against the warmth of her belly. She gasped as I did, feeling my stiff sex throb against her body. I could feel the cleft of her treasure at the base of my shaft, sliding along with each eager shift of our hips. With Phina gasping and cuddling against my chest once more I pulled her hips up so that my tip rested at her entrance. I knew now I could not force her. She would let me take her if and when she wished. Anticipation welled within me. I desperately desired to feel her tunnel around my eagerness. She took a few short gasps before I felt myself plunge swiftly into her body! I gasped and grunted while Phina shrieked in bliss!

Phina's walls quivered and squeezed around my throbbing shaft. The two of us gasped and panted together, each clinging to the other and simply writhing amidst our throws of ecstasy. Thanks to Phina's extraordinary anatomy neither of us really had to move. I tensed and jerked as her walls rhythmically stroked and tugged at my entire length. My hands shakily rubbed at Phina's soft skin, pressing at the base of her tail and rubbing at her little neck. It was the most wonderful feeling I had ever experienced. I reveled in the loving embrace we shared as our peaks drew near. Phina's walls began to quiver, losing some of their expertise as she edged ever closer. Of course my body couldn't stand to lose even one single touch and I thrust my hips just a little, pressing my tip deeper into her warm embrace, making her squeak each time. What felt like an eternity was probably less than a minute for us inexperienced lovers, but I wouldn't have traded a second for anything in the world. I couldn't withstand the strong wet tugs of Phina's walls forever, and surprising even myself I jerked, my legs reaching up and wrapping around both hers and her strong tail! Phina gave a shrill whistle and I felt her entire body shake against me. Pressing her head to my neck she quivered and convulsed. Her tail flexed hard against my legs but that only served to thrust our neathers closer together. Her walls squeezed and milked at my length, drawing from me the best orgasm I ever had and quite possibly ever would. My shaft surged against her body's tight grip, loosing wave after wave of warm seed against her deepest depths. In turn, I could feel the slick trail of her fluids leaking from our union, warm at first but cooling as it ran across my skin to soak the bed beneath. It was all I could do to hold tightly the beautiful creature I had shared this moment with. Her body was magical as she seemed to strive to keep me at the peak of pleasure, though I'm sure she was prolonging her own bliss as well.

In perfect unison our pleasure began to ebb away. My legs felt weak as I released Phina's lower extremities. My shaft remained stiff and leaking in the waning spasms of her embrace. Much to my enjoyment Phina still clung to me as we lay as one on the bed. Her breaths were swift but slowing as she nuzzled and wiggled against me. With trembling arms I embraced her and held her tight. My first lover, and quite honestly, my first love. I craned my neck as I rubbed her shoulder, giving her a tender kiss on the top of her head. I guessed she enjoyed the attention because she whistled softly and snuggled her beak against my neck once more. It was heaven just being there with her and we must have lay there for twice as long as we actually spent making love, foreplay included...

I didn't know what lay ahead for me as I lay there with Phina, but whatever did, I thought maybe I should start skipping more classes...