Starfox: The Reunion pt1+2

Story by SainxKrystal on SoFurry

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Coneria city capital. It has been a long day for sain and he came home to relax, jump on his bed, and dose off to sleep. Two hours have passed and Krystal has come into the room to wake sain up.

"Sain..." she said nudging him softly.

"Sain..." she said nudging him again. Annoyed Krystal grabbed a loudspeaker. "Sain..." she said while turning it on.

"Wake up!" she yelled in his ear. "Gahh!" sain said falling out of his bed. "What the hell was that for?" he replied holding his ear.

"Well nudging you wasn't getting me anywhere, so just used the loudspeaker you bought at the soccer game." She replied smiling. "Ow..." sain replied still holding his ear.

"Hey how about we go out to eat lunch, I'll pay." She said helping sain on the bed.

"That sounds nice." He replied lying up. Krystal giggled then kissed sain on the check.

"Alright now let's get dressed." Krystal said walking over to her dresser to pull out an outfit.

Meanwhile at Wang's café. "So what's the real reason you woke me up Krystal?" Sain asked drinking a cup of jasmine tea.

"This." Krystal replied putting a letter on the table. "Hmm..... I wonder what it says?" he said opening it. He began reading it out loud. "Hey you two, how've you been? This is peppy just wondering if you could come to a little get-together me and crew are having today on the ship, we'd really love to see you there." Sain folded the letter then put it back on the table.

"So what do you say Krystal, should we go?" he asked. "I say we go, it'll be fun to get out of the house for a while." she said getting up from the table. "For once in a while, I agree with you." Sain happily said leaving a tip for the waiter and the both of them began heading home.

"I do wonder what everyone else have been up to." The tiger said packing his clothes. Krystal walked in the room with two bags of her own then threw them on the floor.

"Sain how do you feel about staying for a few weeks?" she asked walking over to her dresser. "It doesn't matter to me, it'll be nice to spend some time with everyone, I do miss them." He said looking a little sad.

"Aw... don't look so down sain." The blue fox said rubbing the tiger's back. "If you ask me, it'll be like going to a party." She added.

"You have a point; I'll go and get the arwing started." Sain said picking up his bag and exiting the room and walking to the hangar. Krystal still packing clothes looked up on the dresser and saw a picture. She examined it to see a photo of fox in the center, sain on the left, and Krystal on the right. Falco stood behind sain and fox, slippy in front, peppy stood behind Krystal and fox. Krystal began shedding tears of joy.

"Those were some good times." She said holding the picture close. "Krystal you ready yet?" sain shouted from the hangar. "I'll be there in a sec." she replied putting the picture back on the dresser then zipping up her bag. Krystal headed to the hangar with her bag on her back. "You sure you got everything?" sain asked.

"Of course I do." She said putting her bag in the back then sat in the back seat. "Ok, now that we're set let's go." Sain eagerly said opening the hangar doors. As soon as the doors opened all the way, the arwing bolted out faster than a streak of lightning. "Something tells me that this day is going to be very interesting." Sain thought to himself.


PT 2.............

Meanwhile on the starfox ship. "quiet down.... i think i hear him." peppy said. "everyone get down." wispered falco. Falco's fingers began making a countdown motion. "3...2...1..." the main doors then opened. "Suprise!" shouted everyone.

Sain gasped. "for me, aw.... you shouldn't have." he said turning red. "Did you happen to see anyone else?" peppy asked. " yeah I saw a couple more ships not to far from where me and krystal were on our way here." Sain answered laying his bag down on the floor. A loud noise was soon then heard.

"Come on you two get down." peppy said pointing to a nearby table. The main doors opened again. "Suprise!" everyone shouted.

"uh.....whats going on here?" fox asked looking suprised. "Its a celebration." sain said grabbing fox's arm. "Come on join the party, let loose, have some fun." krystal said grabbing fox's other arm.

"Did you miss us fox?" she asked softly. "yes, yes i did." he answered. krystal giggled for a moment. "Well, lets take our bags to our rooms then shall we?" Sain said letting go of fox's arm.

"Oh, i just remeberded, during our time apart, I met someone really intresting." fox said with krystal still holding his other arm. The main doors opened and there stood a lovely figure.

" sorry I'm a bit late guys. I just wanted to make sure i had everything and who are you." the female voice said turing her eyes to krystal. "Krystal, nice to meet you." she said letting go of fox's arm. "sweet name,mine's mina." she replied shaking krystal's hand.

"And who might this be?" mina asked looking at the tiger that stood next to fox. " I'm Sain." he said extending his hand. " Hmm.......intresting." mina said shaking his hand.

"Everyone meet mina." fox said introducing her to the crew. "she's beautiful." both sain and krystal said looking at the tigress. " I'll help her with her bags." krystal said picking up mina's bag. "No, that's alright, I'll carry my own." mina replied.

"Peppy, where's mina gonna stay?" Krystal asked. "She could stay in you room if you don't mind." he replied. "No, i don't mind, I might just sleep with sain tonight, or Icould stay in my room with her, if that's ok with you mina?" "

I don't mind at all." mina answered. "Well, i'm going to my room to change out of these clothes and into something more comfortable, you wanna come with me mina?" she asked picking up her bag. "Sure, I could use a shower anyways." mina answered. The two began walking down the hallyway where the living quarters were.