Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 23.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#23 of Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire

Wolfie Steel. ©

Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. ©

Written by Vinnie Van Daz.

A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story.

Wolfie Steel : Vinnie Van Daz ©

Wolverine Steel : Proudfur ©

Linkin Doberman : Linkin Doberman ©

Todd Styles : Flipp_HaVok_13 ©

Commander Michael T Nash : Wolf Pup ©

Matt Bond : kashito91 ©

Hammy: Hammy ©

Loboron: Loboron ©

Douglas Darkfang: Carnifex ©


As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!

Chapter 23.

Three emotional canines, sat upon a leather couch, trying to get a handle on what had just taken place. In Loboron's case, he had suddenly gone from feeling sad and all alone, to the feeling of belonging, love and warmth. As for Tony and I, I'm pretty sure that we were both thinking the very same thing, namely, 'Oh my god, we have a son'.

Both Tony and I knew when we agreed to Loboron's adoption, that there would be many hurdles along the way, but we also knew, that the rewards and long term benefits, would make it all worth while. I look at Loboron, our new son, and suddenly got the urge to spend some money, but I knew that first, Loboron would want to see and spend some time in his brand new bedroom, so without further ado, Tony and I led the lad up to his new room.

"Now then Loboron, son, Tony and I have just decorated your new room, however, we weren't sure on what you would like, so if you want to make any changes, just say so, and they will be done".

Tony opened the door to Loboron's newly decorated room and the three of us entered, the room was sparse to say the least, the walls having been painted in a light pastel blue colour, the bed resided in the back left corner of the room, next to which stood a brand new dresser made from the best oak. To the left of the room door was another door, which led into a walk in closet and through into a newly refurbished bathroom.

Loboron's eyes went out on stalks.

"Dad, just how many people will use this closet and bathroom?"

The question from one so innocent made me chuckle, but I gave him my answer, which forced his eyes wider than ever.

"There will be only one furson using this room, and that furson, is you my son. In short, you will have complete privacy as and when you need it, oh and by the way, if we step into the closet, you will notice another hidden doorway, at least it will be hidden when your closet is full, go ahead, open it".

With some trepidation, Loboron opened the door, and was amazed to find a completely empty room.

"This room, son, will become your techno room, so your TV, Hi-Fi, PC, and whatever games consoles you get, will live in here. Now at the moment it is empty, so Tony and I will leave you alone for a while, so that you can explore your new room. Once your done exploring, get yourself showered and re-clothed and meet us back in the living room, then my young son, the fun really begins, four furs will hit the town and hit it hard".

Loboron looks at me confused.

"'Er dad, I'm not going against you, but you said four furs, and I count only three, you, me and Tony".

"Ah yes, a very astute lad you are, but you see son, before we leave the front gates, there will be four, you, me Tony, and Senior Linkin Doberman".

Loboron's jaw dropped to the floor, as he was still unable to believe that he was even remotely connected to such a powerful fur as Senior Linkin Doberman.

"Dad, Senior Doberman will not want to meet with me, I'm just an orphaned pup, who up until now, was all alone".

Loboron seemed to slip into a toddler like state, he put his thumb claw into his muzzle and began to suck on it as a baby would, suddenly, we were all surprised by a deep, booming, Argentinian voice, that Tony and I knew all to well.

"An orphaned pup you may be young Loboron, but you now have two of the coolest parents around, sure they are not your real parents, but if I know anything about these two fine furs it's this, I know for a fact that they will love you as much as I'm sure your real parents did, and as for me not wanting to meet you, think about this, I am a very rich fur, I could just send my donation to the orphanage with either Wolfie, Matt or Wolverine, but I choose to bring the donation in person, because I want to meet the kids, kids like you, believe it or not, meeting you here at my estate, has humbled me no end, now, I've got a piece of plastic in my wallet that hasn't seen the light of day for quite a while, I guess that today is as good a day to get myself reacquainted with it".

Loboron suddenly found a deep beaming smile, one which filled Linkin, Tony and I full of joy, then without warning, Loboron dashed back into his new room, closing the door for his privacy. Linkin, Tony and I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, I open the refrigerator and take out three ice cold sodas, handing one to Senior Doberman and another to Tony and retaining one for myself.

Two hours later, Loboron makes his entrance, and we all head out to my car to make the journey into town, we drive past the orphanage and Loboron sees some of the kids that were making his life hell, sat outside on a wall looking very sad and depressed, they look up as I drive past and see Loboron, looking oh so happy in the back of my Range Rover, they see that he is sat right next to one of the richest furs in the world, Senior Linkin Doberman, their heads now bow in shame, and we continue our journey.

Once in town, we make our first priority the clothing stores, we spend nearly five hours just on Loboron's new clothes alone, then we hit one of the most expensive restaurants in London, on Senior Doberman's orders of course, then with lunch finally out of the way, we continue the rest of our shopping journey.

Just before we head into an electrical store, I seize my chance and give Tony's butt a good squeeze, whilst trying to make sure that Loboron would not see, Tony let's out a slight yip, which causes both Loboron and Senior Doberman to look around. Tony makes up an excuse.

"Sorry about that, I tripped on an uneven paving slab".

I was not sure whether or not Loboron had fallen for the excuse, but I knew for a fact that Senior Doberman hadn't, he gave a slight smile, a smile that said 'I know what you two just did but I will say nothing'.

It is now 7 pm, the shopping trip is now complete, four very tired canines are heading home, the trunk of my car can take no more, it is full with packages of various shapes and sizes, the packages have also spilled out into the passenger compartment of the car, resting on the laps of three worn out canines. I look in my rear view mirror and see a sight that warms my very soul, the sight of Loboron laying his head against Senior Doberman's chest, fast asleep, and Linkin's head resting against the rear headrest, also fast asleep. I turn to look at Tony, though he is not asleep, I know that it will not be long before sleep takes hold of him, I whisper to Tony.

"Tony, take a look at that, our son and the founder of Dobersoft, our son, sleeping against Senior Doberman, as though he is just another fur, and Senior Doberman allowing him to do it. Looking at them now, you could almost be fooled into thinking that Loboron had been with us for years!".

We arrive back at the main house, I stop the car and get out, I head towards the rear doors and quietly open it, I gently remove our sons head from Linkin's chest, whilst Tony wakes the sleeping Doberman from his slumber. I remove Loboron's seat belt and gently lift him out from the car and head to the passengers door, Tony opens the door and I gently place our son in his lap, once everything is done, I get back into the drivers seat and we complete the five minute journey back to our own house.

Once at the house, I again get out of the car and head to the passengers door, and again very gently, I lift our sleeping son from my mates lap, once I have our son secure in my arms, Tony gets out and heads to open the front door, with the door now open, I slowly head into the house, and head straight for Loboron's new room.

I enter the room and slowly head over to his bed, using my tail, I pull the covers back and lower him onto the bed, I know make the realisation that Loboron is still fully clothed, I could undress him and let him sleep comfortably, but what if he should wake whilst I'm undressing him, would he think that I was trying to molest him and take flight?, I realised that I couldn't take that risk, so I just removed his shoes, then pulled the covers up over him, I then take a chance and place a small kiss on his forehead, then I turn and leave the room.

I head back downstairs and head out to the car, I put the car back into the security of the parking garage, alowing me to leave everything in the trunk, to be collected the next morning.

I head back into the house and find Tony out for the count on one of the couches, I gently lift my mate and head to our own bedroom, I slowly remove Tony's clothes and place him in bed, then I remove my own clothes and slip between the sheets next to him. Within seconds, I am fast asleep too, but I was happy, not only do I have one of the most gorgeous dogs for a mate, we now have a son, we now have a family.

My sleepy thoughts drift back to my childhood, my brother, Wolverine, our abusive and now dead father, Hero, our also dead mother Kera, then meeting with Hammy who helps save my life, then meeting Vinnie Van Daz and his friends, who save my life again, then to the day that I lost those friends only to find new ones in the shape of Senior Linkin Doberman and Tony and finally here and now, my partner Tony and our new son Loboron.