
Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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So, I posted the request journals on here, Inkbunny and Furaffinity.

This is the ONLY request I got from them and this is what he wanted.

Dragon is https://werewolfslash.sofurry.com

Shark is www.furaffinity.net/user/nerian


The yellow dragon sighed softly as he continued to trek along the dusty road. Standing as tall as a horse anthro, he was muscled all over. His arms spoke of strength along with the sword slung across his back between his folded up wings. Said limbs were yellow like his scales along the muscled bones, while the webbing was a deep red color.

His chest was bare, showing his pectorals and his abs, which pointed seductively down into his loincloth, a black cloth that was stiffer than normal and a belt with rings to unclasp it. Along his back and down his thick tail were red stripes, seemingly darker than his wing membranes.

Digitigrade feet were on the dragon, his claws black with a short, stubby claw on the insides of his feet. They flowed into his legs, powerful things that would let him take flight.

His maw opened and closed in a slight yawn, his purple tongue flashing against the white teeth as his yellow muzzle closed. Stripes ran from his nostrils over his eyes like eyebrows, red in color like the rest of his markings, black horns jutting out a little behind where they slanted around. His greenish yellow eyes shown brilliantly in the sun light.

Tyr Hurricane glanced at the sun and saw it slowly sinking into the land, signaling day's end. Sighing once more, he knew he'd have to make camp. His gaze began to sweep across both sides of the road, looking for an off-the-path camp site to spend the night.

It seemed luck was on his side, as he mounted the next hill. Two stakes were driven high into the ground, some space between them. This marked a trail that led to a campsite. The only downside was bandits would prey upon those at such marked campsites, but the dragon was confident that whatever came up he could handle if need be.

Descending the hill and turning onto the small path, the yellow scaly went through a thicket of trees, winding his way around the trunks as the path went on. Soon, the trees cleared into a circle clearing, a pit for firewood set in the middle with a few logs for comfort. Glancing around, the dragon noticed another pack setting down propped up on a log, a sleeping roll as well as a few common tools showing around the large pack.

Propping his sword on a log opposite of the pack, he tilted his head as he heard a dull roaring as well as the common sound of water flowing. Small waterfall and a river, just what Tyr was wanting. Heading for the waterfall, the sounds shifted to some rustling as well. Curious, the winged lizard walked into a smaller clearing around a pond, which the waterfall poured into.

Turning his gaze, he found the rear end of a shark wearing brown trousers. A light blush flooded his yellow cheeks before the shark stood and turned around. The shark's blue eyes widened a bit as he looked at the dragon as well. His eyes roaming, the dragon could take in the slightly chubby form of the shark, his skin a deep, dark grey color except running down his neck and assumingly chest. His tail's underside was the same color as his neck, a brighter, stormy gray. His digitigrade feet had three toes with claws.

Fins stuck out of the shark's head near where it connected to his neck and on his back, his tail fin split in two. Scars and burns decorated his arms and face, a nose ring jingling as the shark breathes softly.

"Oh, ah, sorry about that mate, didn't see ya there." A hand came up to scratch as his dark grey skin as a rucksack lightly dipped to the side in front of his apron. The dragon nodded as he spoke, "'Tis alright, didn't know anyone else would be here."

"Yea, many blacksmiths don't travel like I do." Sticking out a hand, he offered, "Borley." Taking said hand, the winged lizard shook it with an utterance of "Tyr."

Looking off into the distance, the shark whistled and muttered, "Damn" as he turned back and picked up a pickaxe. Grinning, he walked off and said, "Come on back to camp, night's almost here."

Tyr sighted softly to himself. He would have to bathe later it seemed. It would be rude to just ignore the offer of company back so he walked next to the shark. Curious, he asked, "What's in the bag?"

Turning his head some, Borley stated, "Iron ore, as well as some other things. Need it for a project."


"Yea, I make metal artwork."

"Maybe someday I can see some of them."

"They are around in a few places." After that, the two just walked silently to the camp.

Back at the camp, Tyr sat down with a sigh. Leaning against the log, he looked at his companion as the shark went about storing his things in the pack. Borley took out a bottle and set it on the ground before tying the bag back up and leaning against his log. Grinning, he opened said bottle with a pop before taking a swing of it.

"What are you drinking there?"

"Just some wine." The shark held the bottle out towards the dragon. "Want some?"

Grinning, Tyr shifted until he sat next to the shark and took the bottle. Bringing it to his lips he took a gulp and cough lightly at the strong burn in his throat. Handing it back, he grinned wider. "That's some good stuff."

"Should be, was expensive." Borley took another gulp from the bottle. The two passed the wine back and forth, talking aimlessly about whatever they decided to speak of. Late into the night, after the wine had run out, the two passed out near the logs.

A groan came from a pair of yellow lips as the dragon woke up in a slight daze. His head pounded and his vision was a bit blurry. Sitting up, Tyr nearly fell over from how much worse things became. Gripping the log, he stood up on shaky legs. Looking around, he noticed that his shark companion was nowhere to be seen. Belching some, the yellow winged lizard starting picking his way to the waterfall to dunk himself into the pool.

As he walked closer, he started hearing soft sounds and a new smell hit his nostrils. Curiosity peaked in his inebriated state, he started to follow the new smell and sounds. Breaking free of the forest into the clearing, he looked at where the sounds came from and his eyes bugged as well as his jaw dropping.

Borley laid on his side, completely naked as he softly grunted and moaned. His chest was fully storm grey as was most of his erect member, the head only brightening to a soft pink. The shark's balls lightly moved as the clawed hand moved along the shorter than average, but thick length while small balls poked out on both sides of his dick, four in a row down each side of the shaft. His other hand, however, was hidden behind the balls, moving back and forth in what Tyr could only think of as fingering his own tailhole.

All the blood that wasn't in the dragon's head immediately rushed into his groin. He felt his shaft harden in his slit before it slid the lips apart and pushed forward into his loincloth. The tip brushed the fabric and the yellow winged lizard bit his lip to stifle a moan. The fabric bugled as the cock angled up and pushed the waistband out. Panting softly, a yellow scaled hand pushed the black loincloth beneath the throbbing purple cock before grabbing the arousal and stroking to the shark.

Pre oozed from the tip of Tyr's pointed shaft, lubricating his member for easier stroking as he watched Borley masturbate. The soft moans from the shark made the dragon wish they were louder and caused by his ridged cock and not clawed fingers. How he wished to feel the shark's soft innards as he pushed his knot in and seeded those depths. Shivering lightly in the cold, the dragon shifted slightly, moving a leg back and snapping a twig.

The dragon froze as Borley opened his blue eyes and spotted him. "T-Tyr?!" The shark sat up, both hands covering his arousal as the long tail curled around and added more covering to the gray crotch. "Th-this isn't, uh, what i mean is, I can explain!" The shark blushed deeply as his breath was ragged.

Tyr swallowed the lump in his throat, the alcohol and his own lust clouding his mind as he let go of his cock and used both hands to unbuckle the rings to his loincloth. Letting the black cloth fall to the forest floor, the dragon walked over towards the shark, whose cheeks grew redder as he watched the purple shaft bob with each step. Upon reaching the shark, Tyr squatted down. Borley's lip quivered some as he whispered, "Tyr?" The dragon was too far gone though. Rushing forward, golden hand grabbed the dark gray shoulders as his golden lips found the gray ones. A moment of surprise when Borley parted his lips was the chance Tyr had. Shoving his purple tongue into the shark's throat, the dragon kissed the other hard and passionately. He felt a tongue rub against his as a moan resounded in the shark's muzzle, hands rubbing along his chest.

Tyr pulled back, his tongue hanging out as his chest heaved. Borley let out a soft whimper as his clawed hands lightly rubbed the scaly chest. Those hands pushed until the dragon sat on his rear, stretching his legs out as he leaned back on his arms. He tensed as the shark followed, kissing and licking his chest before shifting down to his stomach. The dragon held his breath as the shark moved even lower.

A sharp intake of breath followed after Borley's hot breath rushed over the winged lizard's shaft, which twitched and brought out a drop of pre. Tyr watched the shark's eyes follow the pre as it leaked down his shaft before the dragon leaned his head back and moaned. Borley had just lapped his pre up and he felt the coldness of a metal ball. Gods above, it was bringing all his pleasure points to rarely used heights!

The tongue rose up Tyr's dick before it was removed and reapplied close to his bulb, where a paw came up and gripped it. Shuddering, the dragon let out moans and light hisses at Borley's actions. Watching the shark, he went rigid when the other took his tip into their grey muzzle. The metal ball pressed right into his cum slit and it was all Tyr could do to not blow his load then and there. His claws ripped into the ground as he staved off orgasm.

Luckily, Borley pulled back and gave the dragon a feral grin. The shark moved lower, pressing his snout between the dragon's cheeks and tail. The yellow winged lizard couldn't help but gasp as a wet appendage licked his sensitive hole. Shivering, he watched the shark rear back and run his paws down his own chest. The hand came to grip his dick and lightly stroke it, giving Tyr a show. Smirking himself, the dragon raised a hand and beckoned with a claw, grabbing his own base and shaking his dick.

Not needing to be told twice, the shark descended on the dragon's cock again. This time, Tyr's eyes widened as he gasped, his paws gripping the shark's head in a firm grip. Borley had just eaten half his cock in one go and Tyr pushed him further down. Claws gripped the dragon's hips as the shark began to bob his head, his tongue snaking around and pressing the chilled round ore onto the hot cock.

Tyr's mouth hung open, tongue lolled out to the side while his eyes glazed over and appeared vacant. The dragon hadn't known this type of pleasure in a long time. As Borley moved up and down his shaft, sucking and licking from bulb to head, the shark sometimes let his teeth lightly scrape the purple skin. It caused shudders to run up the dragon's spine, each pushing near orgasmic pleasure into him. Each time, the dragon shut it down before he came.

It wasn't long before the gold winged lizard grabbed the water denizen's head and pried him off his dick. The shark licked his lips of the pre and spit that had arrived there as he asked, "What's the deal, mate?"

The dragon licked his own lips this time. "Turn around and lift that tail."

Realization dawned on the shark as his grin spread wide. Turning around, the shark stayed on his hands and knees, looking back as he lifted his tail and it drooped to one side. The dragon got on his knees as the shark slowly shook his ass from side to side. Growling, Tyr barely restrained instinct to take the shark as he pleased and grabbed both cheeks, leaning forward to let his tongue press against the lighter colored tailhole.

The shark tensed under the dragon's paws, making him grip the gray cheeks harder as he shoved his tongue into the hole. A gasp was heard followed by moaning as the dragon's long purple tongue lapped the pink insides of the shark. Tyr's nose was right against the dragon's tail, smelling the earthy scent as it drove his libido higher. Shifting, he got up and pressed his cock's tip to the tailhole.

"Ah, fuck!" Borley replied after Tyr had shoved his cock into the soft insides. He moaned himself as the shark spasmed around his member, already feeling close but not wanting to end this yet. Both panted hard before Borley nodded softly. The dragon pulled his hips back some before plunging his cock even deeper into his companion. Every time Tyr went deeper, the shark's tail gave a slight twitch, signally pain.

It wasn't long before golden scales pressed against gray cheeks. Waiting, Tyr felt somewhat accomplished to be fully inside the tight warmth of the shark male. With another nod from the shark, he let go of Borley's hips, grabbing the tail in front of him. Holding it to his chest, the yellow winged lizard pulled his hips back until his cock tip was all that was in before entering just as slowly. He repeated the pattern, leaking pre into the dry hole to lube it for a harder mating.

Tyr wasn't the only one wanting this sexual encounter either. "Don't tease mate, fuck me!" The dragon was only too happy to oblige, plunging his hard arousal faster into the shark. The dragon's companion shifted around, leaning on one arm as he reached back to grab his cock and stroke. Moans were drawn from the shark's muzzle as Tyr shifted around before a gasping moan with "Fffffuuuuccckkkkk" punctuated the air. The golden scaled dragon just smirked as he found Borley's pleasure spot.

Moving the tail aside with one arm, the winged lizard leant forward and wrapped his arms around the shark's chest as best he could. He went in harder and deeper, relinquishing speed for power. Borley moaned deeply, biting his lip as the dragon rested his head between the shark's head and shoulder. His insides clenched tightly around Tyr's cock, milking more pre from the member as the bulb got bigger at the base. Clearly, neither would last long after their previous foreplay and fun.

The dragon began to grind his knot on the shark's tailhole, eliciting grunts and clenching from the shark. Borley wasn't use to knots it seemed. Try slid his paw over the shark's toned chest and slightly chubby middle to entwine his fingers with the shark's on the pierced cock. He stroked the smaller-compared-to-his cock while putting pressure on Borely's tailhole with his inflated bulb. With a sllllicking wet pop, Tyr's knot popped in and got even bigger.

The shark was the first to finish, after the knot got in. Throwing his head back, Borley let out a roar to rival any dragon's as his cock pulsed and shot his seed onto the ground. Both paws stopped stroking the cock and gripped it tight, as Tyr himself hit his own stride. The shark's spasming ass was too much with the added sensitivity of his knot and he let out his own bellowing roar as he climaxed deep in Borley.

Both stayed there, panting as they came down from their starburst highs. The shark began to shake as Tyr laid atop him. Rumbling deep in his chest, the dragon, still tied to his lover, fell on his side and spooned the tired shark. His paw came up to rub the shark's chest as he himself slid his eyes shut and fell asleep.

It was hours later when the sunlight hit the pool of water and the dragon's eyelids. The roused dragon grabbed his head as it felt like hammers were using the inside of his head as an anvil. Realizing that his metaphor brought on thoughts of Borley, the yellow scaled winged lizard opened his eyes to slits to see if the shark was anywhere in sight. Sighing, Tyr picked himself up onto his arms and legs and proceeded into the pool.

Submerged in the cool water woke up the dragon some as he started wash himself as best he could of the semen on his hand and groin, even coaxing his cock out to wash it. Walking back onto shore, the dripping wet dragon went over to where he dispatched his loincloth as he strode his way back towards the camp, mulling the thoughts of what happened in his mind.

Shuffling was heard by Tyr as he looked up from his feet and thoughts to once again, see the back end of Borley. Brown trousers hung loosely on the shark's frame and the dragon's cheeks suffused with warmth. Clearing his throat, the shark stood and turned towards the dragon.

Blood was evident in the shark's cheeks as he cough into his hand. "Soooooo, mate..."

Even more red liquid found it's way into the dragon's cheeks as the word mate brought up their coupling in the middle of the night. Scratching the back of his head, he spoke out. "Yea, last night..."

"I...enjoyed it."

"M-me too."

"Hey." Tyr looked directly at Borley's blue eyes with his yellow-green ones. "I'm heading south from here. If you're heading that way, would you like a companion?"

"I'd like that." Putting on his loincloth, not that it was needed for much, the dragon grabbed his sword and swung it into it's sheath between his wings. Looking over, the shark had packed his bag and carried his pickax on his shoulder. Grinning at each other, they started to walk back to the main road.

"Hey Tyr?"


"Just so you know, what happened last night makes us friends with benefits."

Tyr just smirked.


Breathy moans and pleased hisses escaped the dragon's muzzle as he panted. Laying on his back, one paw was entangled into the bedsheets of the inn's bed as the other furiously jacked his cock. His knot was formed and he was close, just as Borley was close after practically jackhammering the dragon between his legs.

It had bothered Tyr somewhat to know that Borley's cock was pierced in their couplings on the road. It was so rare and unusual that the dragon just had to know what it was like. He had asked the shark a few times but Borley always turned him down. Regardless, the dragon would twirl them with his tongue when he sucked on the shark's cock in their foreplay and wonder. When they had secured a room at the inn and started their heated make out session, he had blurted out that he wanted the shark in him, the first time he had asked in the heat of the moment.

The shark relented and after a bit of rimming and sucking each other, the dragon laid back and let the shark penetrate him. By the gods themselves, it was amazing to feel that cock in him! Sure, it wasn't the longest he'd taken, but it had girth and those metal balls were divine. The cool touch and the smooth roundness that rubbed his insides drove the dragon mad.

Letting out a quivering moan, the dragon shot his seed up and out onto his chest and belly. Borley shoved himself into Tyr a few more times before holding himself there as he shot his own cum into the winged lizard's golden ass, groaning as he did so. Both panted into the air as they gazed at each other, grinning lightly.

"Fuck Borley, that was great."

"I'm glad you talked me into this."

"Me too." Tyr laid back and sighed, letting his eyes drift shut. He felt himself being turned over and an arm drape around him as he lightly backed into the shark's chest. Fire and water always seemed to create steam it appeared.