SoulSilver Encounters - Luminare Eevee

Story by SoulRedFox on SoFurry

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#5 of SoulSilver Encounters

SoulSilver Encounters - Luminare Eevee

Renard shifted into his Vulpix form and leapt forwards, bracing for an attack.

Luminare, his Eevee, battered and broken, looked up and watched as the Onix came in for the finishing blow. He then saw Renard land as a Vulpix infront of him and take the hit for him.

He watched in admiration as his master grunted and fought back, protecting him from further harm.

Luminare snuggled up to Renard. He felt safe and secure with him.

"What er, what are you doing?" Renard asked the little Eevee.

"Snuggling up to my master," He giggled. "Now I'm going to kiss him." He did just that and kissed the Vulpix right on the lips. He blushed and giggled afterwards.

Renard smiled. "Someone is friendly tonight," He said licking him on the cheek. "Still swooning over that battle earlier?"

"It's a big deal for me," Luminare replied hugging his master. "No one's taken a hit for me like that before."

Renard stroked his back. "It was nothing, really." He replied.

He realised then that Luminare's tail was between his legs. He licked him on the cheek to see what he would do next. Renard was rewarded with a lick back and an Eevee tail rubbing his sheath.

"Are all of you like this?" Renard asked him with a grin. "Always up for sex?"

"I'm just repaying my master for his kindness," Luminare replied in a lustful tone.

Renard grinned and moved a paw down his back, murring softly as he felt his soft fur and as he heard Luminare coo softly, then he rubbed his furry rear. He grinned as he heard Luminare's coos turn to little whimpers and as he humped his own tail that was now between the both of them. He moved his other paw down to his hip and rubbed it gently.

"Someone's enjoying this," Renard murmured softly, noting Luminare's erection rubbing through his tail against his own. "Good boy..." He murmured again to him.

Luminare suddenly stopped and got off Renard. By now Renard knew what he was going to do. Luminare walked around to Renard's groin to display his recessiveness. He gasped as he gazed at the alpha's member. He wasn't expecting him to be this big.

He wasted no time in pleasing his master. He licked his master's member from the base to the tip a few times, getting a few moans of approval from above. He placed a paw at the base, behind where the knot was and another above the knot and began to rub his master. He scooted forwards a bit and wrapped his mouth around his master's rod, sucking what he could fit in his mouth and rubbing what he couldn't.

Renard moaned softly and stroked his Eevee's neck with his hind paws. He humped the little mouth softly as the Eevee's tongue flicked over the tip of his cock.

Luminare stopped as his felt his master maw humping him. He knew what his master wanted. Stopping his blow job he climbed up the Vulpix and smiled at his confused expression. He used his tail to get the warm fire type rod in place. He took a deep breath and pushed himself down onto it.

Renard gasped and grabbed the Eevee's hips. He held him steady and helped to pull him down, making the Eevee grunt and gasp as he felt more of his master fill him. Renard closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure while he held the little male, who whimpered and whined a little.

"Someone is very grateful," Renard murmured. "You ok to ride?"

"Mmm-mmm..." He squeaked. "You can drill me next time, Master." And with that, placing his forepaws on Renard's chest and hind paws on the ground, either side of his waist, he began to slowly ride his master.

Renard murred, rubbing the Eevee's hips and leaning his head back to moan as he was ridden. He gently thrust upward into Luminare's tight hole, hearing him yelp in surprise.

Luminare closed his eyes and began to moan softly as he took more of the Vulpix rod with each thrust. He grabbed his master's chest fur and began to ride him faster. He murred when he felt Renard grip his hips to help pull him down and push him off.

"Oooh, Lumi..." Renard panted. "Keep going boy... keep going..."

Luminare needed no encouragement but he received it when Renard snaked a tail around and wrapped it around his member, which then began to rub it up and down, giving the Eevee double stimulation, making him whine and moan louder. He began to buck his hips wildly.

"Ma-Master," He panted. "Oh, Master."

Renard looked up at him and grinned at the arousing sight before him. A little Eevee, eyes closed in pleasure, panting and moaning his name, bucking his hips onto his maleness, it was all he could do to not roll over and finish the job. He laid back and continued to enjoy the tight tailpipe squeezing his cock with each pump.

Luminare gasped suddenly and cried out, shooting spurts of cum onto Renard's belly fur. The contraction of his orgasm made him inadvertently squeeze his rectum to almost-painful tightness. He continued to hump weakly.

The Vulpix grabbed his hips tighter and began to slam him down onto himself, gasping in pleasure each time 'til he thrust one last time before calling out and shooting his load into his male, coating his walls with his warm seed.

Luminare collapsed, panting onto Renard. He began to lick his own cum off of him while his master panted and groaned.

"Good boy," Renard murred to him as he pet him. "Good boy." He cuddled him and licked his head. He waited 'til the Eevee finished his clean-up. Once he had, Luminare, still panting, nuzzled into Renard's chest and sighed happily. He closed his eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Renard smiled and stroked him softly, eventually falling asleep too.