Casting Call

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?I've never written a story that focused on footpaws before, trying something new, enjoy!

Quinn looked down at his clipboard and sighed. 30 interviews he had to get through today, and he'd finally just finished the last one. Each one had been a headache in itself, with a strung up bitchy mother saying anything they could to make their child seem like an A-list actor. It was always this way when recruiting kids for a role though, even a 30 second commercial like this. He scratched his paws through his tussled chestnut head fur and sighed, tugging neurotically on his ears looking down at his desk. Strewn all about were the dozens and dozens of glossy 8 by 10's featuring young cubs and pups, all wearing swim trucks or tight Speedos as they posed on a warm sunlit beach or in front of a drop cloth poorly disguised as a warm sunlit beach.

Some of them posed quite seductively, showing the tops of their rumps or the obvious outlines of their young sheathes, and frankly Quinn found it shocking that some parents would be willing to exploit their children like this. His long weasel tail twitched behind his chair. Some of them sure looked nice though, with their bare soft furred chests and slender boyish legs exposed, their soft furry paws pressing gently into the sand that slid between their toes. Quinn's heart beat a bit faster as he started to feel a swell in his groin. Just as his paw began to wander slowly down to his crotch, the intercom on his desk crackled to life.

"Mister West, there's one more interview here for you." the voice of his secretary bemoaned.

Quinn grumbled and dropped his paw down on the desk. "Tell them it's too late, interviews are closed for the day." he replied, sounding annoyed.

"That's what I told them Mister West, but she insisted that... excuse me, ma'am, you can't go in there, ma'am!" his secretary's voice escalated as the weasel's office door swung open and a hurried looking golden retriever woman bustled into his office wearing a tacky pastel colored pants suit and waving her cell phone and equally hideous purse about like her tail was on fire.

"Mister West I'm so terribly sorry to arrive so late but you simply must interview my boy you see he's so incredibly talented and perfect for this role and we missed the train you see because some nut brained squirrel who works for the transit authority wrongly accused my dear boy and I of skipping the turnstile which is simply not true you see so we had to taxi all the way here and goodness you know how the surface roads are in this town and..." she rambled on like the disclaimer text at the end of a diet pill commercial.

"Ma'am, ma'am, I'm sorry interviews are..." Quinn interrupted her tirade when he thought he could find end of a sentence, only to be interrupted right back. The weasel laid his ears down in annoyance, picking up his phone as he got ready to call for security.

"Oh Mister West please you must you simply must I have his portfolio right here and hes ever so talented I just know he'll do a good job for you!" the woman said, rummaging through her purse and practically throwing a set of poorly shot Polaroids at the man. The few that landed face up on his desk showed a bright smiling golden retriever pup, maybe 8 or 9 years old, swinging on a playground and playing with a soccer ball in his bare paws. The woman had been so conflagrant he barely noticed the tiny young dog standing in her shadow. Annoyed as he was, the pup did give him a moment of pause. His bright brown eyes caught a glint of sun coming through his office window, and the way the edge of his mouth curled up into a smile made the old weasel's heart thump a bit harder. His headfur was short and lightly tussled, with a well groomed silky golden tail wagging happily behind him.

The weasel shook his head and looked back down at the photos. "Ma'am I'm sorry, I already have dozens of qualified candidates for this role, and besides, this interview is for a swimsuit ad. Do you have any photos of your son in swimwear?" Quinn said, picking the boy's photos back up and waving them in the air.

"Swimwear! Goodness I hadn't thought oh but of course! If you'd just allow me to hurry down to my car I have a camera and a swimsuit for him you see I'll just be a moment and Jeffy can keep you company then we'll take the photos right here and..." she continued to ramble as she hurried back out the office door, leaving the handsome young pup behind in his office.

The whole episode happened in a matter of seconds and Quinn felt incredibly flustered, unsure what to do with the retriever boy standing in his office. "Well, Jeff is it?" he sighed, looking at the pup and sitting back down in his chair. "Have you ever acted before?"

The boy smiled at him, trotting over to the chair opposite his desk and climbing onto it, kneeling with his footpaws off the back of the chair so he would seem taller. "Uh huh! I've even been in movies before, but my mom said it was time to branch out into more accessible media." Jeff said, sounding like a repeating parrot. He nodded and smiled at the older weasel, then unexpectedly reached down at started to pull off his shirt.

"Jeff, what... what are you?" Quinn blushed a bit as the boy removed his top, glancing around nervously but finding it very difficult to avert his gaze from Jeff's soft golden furred chest and slender belly.

"This is a swimsuit commercial, right?" he replied casually, stepping down off the chair and starting to unbutton his pants.

"Well yes, b...but, normally we just have photos and... are you even wearing a swimsuit?" the weasel started to fumble over his words as his face grew ever more crimson. His question was shortly answered as the boy dropped his shorts to the ground, leaving nothing but the soft prepubescent bulge of his sheath to hide his boyhood. Quinn was at a total loss for words, just staring at the boy as his brain began to catch up with his body. Jeff stepped closer as the weasel's heart and groin began to pound, climbing up across his desk and sitting to face the older man, his footpaws hanging off against Quinn's lap and his legs spread to show off his tight furry balls.

"You can touch me if you want." Jeff smiled and pushed his floppy golden ear back with his paw.

"Jeff, this is really not how..." Quinn sat frozen in his chair, trying to defuse the situation.

"It's okay Mister West, I've been in lots of movies, like I said." the boy smiled and arched his back, flexing the small tight muscles in his abs. "Besides I know you want to." Jeff winked at him, rubbing the soft pads of his footpaw against the large bulge in the weasel's slacks.

Quinn gulped, his paws were shaking, but he slowly reached up and wrapped them gently around Jeff's bare hips. His fur was so soft and warm, and the puppy let out a small coo of appreciation as he rubbed his fingers up the boy's sides.

"You're... very beautiful Jeffy." the weasel managed to say, looking the pup in his bright brown eyes.

"Hehe, thank you Mister West." Jeff giggled, squirming affectionately as the weasel ran his paws down the pups legs and around to his inner thighs. The bright red tip of his puppyhood was beginning to poke out the top of his sheath. It was so small and beautiful, the weasel could easily fit the boy's entire package in his muzzle, balls and all. The pup reciprocated the attention by continuing to rub his footpaw against the weasel's bulge tracing the length of his shaft between his two largest toes and pressing softly against Quinn's balls with the large pad of his footpaw.

It came to the point where Quinn no longer cared about the risk or why this was happening, all he could think about was this pup's sweet tender body before him. He wanted to taste every inch of the boy, starting with that cute puppy stiffy. Quinn closed his eyes and leaned forward, wrapping his tongue around the underside of Jeff's ballsack and licking all the way up to his head, pushing back the fur of the boy's sheath and sucking gently on his length.

Jeff twitched and gasped, slowly grinding his hips forward as he gave gently thrusts against the older fur's muzzle. Somehow he'd also managed to undo the button of Quinn's pants, beginning to slide the fabric down with his toes, quickly repeating with the weasel's undershorts as he pressed his largest toe against the head of Quinn's erect manhood.

"Oooh puppy, you're so damn sexy." Quinn moaned as he continued to bury his face in the boy's groin, starting to have his exposed cock stroked up and down by the young pup's skilled footpaws.

"You're sexy too mister! You make me feel so good!" Jeff said softly, sounding again like he was repeating something or reading from a script.

Quinn couldn't really care about the pup's line delivery right now, all he cared about was the sweet taste of the pup's young boyhood, feeling it pulse against his tongue as his own manhood throbbed between the boy's toes. He could feel himself getting close, quickening his breathing and thrusting his hips against Jeff's footpaw. Apparently the boy could sense what was happening too as he began to slow the strokes of his footpaw.

"If you hire me, do you think we can share a dressing room?" Jeff asked, stroking the weasel's ears with his paws.

If you hire me? Was this all a ploy for the job? Oh what the fuck, he was so stupid, of course this was a ploy for the job. Like any sexy pup would just get naked and throw himself at you for the heck of it. Quinn let out a soft moan as Jeff squeezed his cock between his toes, rubbing his large furry balls with the other footpaw. Hell, the boy's mother probably put him up to it. This was a new low. Taking sexy swimsuit photos of your underage son is one thing, but actually pimping him out like a street whore? That was... that was... oh fuck that was hot. Glen shivered in pleasure, thinking about having the beautiful golden retriever pup all alone in his dressing room, 69'ing with the cub and learning how to explore his tight warm tailhole.

"Oh fuck, you're hired." he said, licking up the boy's belly and rubbing his balls with both paws. He kissed Jeff's soft furry chest passionately and quickly, working his way up the boy's neck and cheek. Jeff quickly resumed his ministrations on the weasel's throbbing manhood, stroking his footpaw up and down rapidly, teasing the head with his soft pink paw pads before sliding back down and rubbing every ridge and vein.

"Oh thank you Mister West, I know I'll do a good job for..." Jeff began happily, but became muffled as Quinn pushed his own muzzle against the boys lips, lapping at the inside of his mouth with a long agile tongue. Jeff let out a soft moan of pleasure, skipping a beat with his footpaw as he was taken by surprise. Quinn kissed him long and hard, moaning in pleasure as he felt Jeff's tongue wrestle back against his. The pleasure was so overwhelming it felt like his cock was on fire, and moments later he groaned and tensed, still locked muzzles with the boy as his cock erupted in release, shooting ribbons of cum as the boy placed his footpaw over the head of Quinn's cock, catching the load against the soft pads of his footpaw and dripping heavily between his toes.

Quinn broke slowly from the kiss, a trail of saliva leading between them that finally broke as Jeff smiled and flopped his ears. The pup looked back at Quinn and wagged his tail happily, looking down at his messy footpaw as he turned his leg and brought the paw up closer to his muzzle, beginning to lick himself clean. Quinn shivered again as he watched the pup's soft pink tongue lick the cum off his own footpaw. Beautiful, eager, flexible, and sexy as hell. He may not be the best actor, but this kid was perfect for one kind of job.

"Hehe, thank you for hiring me, mister." Jeff said as he hopped down off the desk. He walked around to the other side, slowly leaning over to pick up his clothes as he lifted his tail and showed his rump off to the weasel. The pup's tight pink tailhole perfectly visible between his taut round cheeks. Jeff began to slowly get dressed as Quinn zipped up his fly. The weasel did his best to clean up or hide any stains from his incredible orgasm as the pup pulled out a cell phone and sent a quick text message.

As if on command, his chatterbox of a mother came back through the office door flailing her phone and tacky purse just as before. "Oh bother I couldn't find the swimsuit and camera I'm ever so sorry for wasting your time Mister West although I do hope you'll consider my Jeffy in the future for other..."

"He got the job." Quinn interrupted before she had time to ramble any further.

The woman rather obviously feigned surprise, "Oh he did that's splendid ever so splendid I'm just delighted to hear that I..."

Quinn rolled his eyes at the woman and jotted down some quick instructions on his notepad, tearing it off and handing it to the woman. "The shoot is tomorrow at Studio 14. Jeff should arrive at least 3 hours early for rehearsals. We'll call you when he needs to be picked up."

"Splendid just lovely ever so lovely thank you again Mister West my Jeffy will see you tomorrow morning and you'll have lots and lots of time to rehearse I'm ever so looking forward to seeing my boy on television and..." she rambled on as she walked right back into the hall, her beautiful young son trailing behind. Jeff turned and gave the weasel a wink before he disappeared out the door.

Hah, rehearsals. Who does rehearsals for a 30-second swimsuit ad?

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