Sometimes Dead is Better Chapter 1

Story by Torella on SoFurry

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#1 of Sometimes Dead is Better

hey Guys. This is my first story. Uhm, If your under the age of 18, yadda yadda. Yet this Technically has no real yiffy description in it (well alittle..) It is alittle gory and evil. So Yeh, This is a part of a :P Series. This is Chapter 1.

Sometimes Dead is Better

His Shaking hand moved down to grip the dark, shadow embraced steel. The Longsword his father gave him. Simplest sword of these types you can make, and pretty much it can be made from the shit run-off of the shit-run off metal from the furnace.

"Aaaand Hit" His master growled, His hand gliding up and out in an air piercing swing and flick, striking down the shadowy figure of a dummy, The only light upon it being the burning metal shining a reflection from the moon. Its funny actually. How-

"Light, said to be of a greater good can be any mans demise" The farmiliar hiss murmered to his student followed by a coupled laugh, then a cold seriousness.

Adhes looked up to his master, a grin on his face as the tip of his sword took grip into the ground beneath it. Standing in his idle to await further command. He gained praise.

"Good, Good." His master gave, turning to face away from his student, hands linked formally behind his back. The dark man wore pure leather, Older of the old forms, With a fine stitching about the wrists, ankles and tail on a creepily formal suit. A blood red material coated beyond from his wrists to white gloves, and ankles to black cold shoes.

Adhes smiled and bowed his head in appreciation.

"Thank you sir" He replied, before his master whipped around with an easily brought on anger burnt on his face.

"But it wasn't GOOD enough, Adhes!" The tall evil roared, pacing to the boy furiously with a raise of his hand and a flinch from the meek male. No hit tore down on Adhes as his master stood before him, Breathing in sharply before exhaling with one of his signature swings in mood, back to a calm formality.

"For the assignment you and nineteen other of my men will be performing, You and a few others will need a treatment done. We'll be destroying one of our closest, Well, Ex-closest townships. It has turned betrayal on us and you. Being that you have had some what of a connection there." Adhes' eyes widened quickly as anxiety and fear struck him

" Besides my boy, I've heard from a few rumors You are the greatest in an art not unfarmiliar to any man, And the process of your treatment requires your unconsciousness. "

Adhes moved back fast, stumbling quickly as he turned his head in a rush to only smash right into a dark wall before him. Eyes fuzzing out of focus and his head ringing, he saw a magic barrier, No wall. He sighed shakily before passing out "Fuck".

The boy awoke many hours later in a strong daze. He screamed for the first time in his life as he pulled away from a hard wooden bed. Well, More of a table that stood upright. He hit the wall behind him gently, hands gripping the cold stone, breathing fast. He looked about the fire lit room, eyes blurring with every movement. Everything he could see was in a slight tinge of purple, and when he glanced down his body felt numb. His hands and feet were, were terrible, long black claws. And to his shock something weighed terribly heavily just above his buttocks. He looked behind him to search for the odd feeling when he gained sight of a massive, spiked and black appendage. A tail. His head traveled to stare blurrily into the huge pointed claw on the tip of his new ‘arm'. He cried out and pushed back further as a male entered. It was his master. At this time he remembered the words of his master before this fearful transaction took place and his anus stung painfully when he gained conscious awareness of what happened to him. His master approached and the boy could barely move. He squeeked as his master gripped his hand with a surprising softness, before gripping gently at Adhes' groin and smirking, giving it a gentle rub the boy squeeked gently and was released, panting and closing his eyes with a scared grunt.

"W-What's happened?" Adhes stuttered

"You've been transformed for now. Demonic. So you obey me without hesitation and you are far stronger." His Master said with a sickening tone before walking to the door.

"This is terrible! What else did you do to me?! My Ass!" Adhes Yelled.

"Come" His master growled, and Adhes seemed to click somewhere. His eyes blurred with the purple tint stronger, head pulsing with a gentle pleasure as he nodded slowly out of his own control and scampered like a pup to his master. He seemed to move faster and had a surprising urge to move on all fours. To get faster.

Everything before the fight was hazy. None of the 20 men except the master could barely see, hear or remember anything. Only when they arrived to an already burning serenade for them of a town sign which took the flames hungrily. Like a crazed teen would take sex. ‘Welcome to Yarndale' It said. What a cliché name.. Yet, It got its name from what was produced here. Yarn.. Cotton.. and Warriors. Adhes hopped out of the cart they moved within, smiling blindly to his master who gave him an idle pat to the rump before growling.

"Go boy, Kill."

Adhes felt the wonderful shiver throughout his body and the purple pulse, and sprinted madly as if he were running from death. And in some ways this was true..

He killed many a man and child, A slash to her throat, a stab to his skull, The little girl. Completely gutted. Service with a smile they always say. And for Adhes this is no exception. Blood was smeared over most of Adhes' body. He loved to tingling feeling of his almost naked body coated with the blood of woman and child. Heck, The Death of towns was his Dinner and the rape of a boy is a nice dessert. After the hypnotized warrior was finished pushing his seed deep to the young boy's gut he cut up the boy and kept on moving, He lept toward the only standing thing to the town, The church. Ironic. He smashed the door wildly with a hollow laugh and jumped forward with over excitement, mouth open wide. Arms outstretched his eyes widened and a pain struck his chest. He kept moving down the golden spear monument which a priest shakily held to, falling to the ground with the gold metal stinging through his chest. His eyes became slowly clear and the demon looked up to the fearful priest who held his death in his hands. Claws shaking and gripping the pole, he lost all strength. He looked up once more to see a terror-stricken man who was shockingly farmiliar, staring at Adhes in pure horror as the demon's life was delivered to so called ‘god'.

"Father." Adhes spat in a tone of gladness, and with a vomiting bout of blood, his eyes blackened and faded.

And there it is guys! Thanks, Dont forget to comment. I want critisism... And Ideas for my next story e_e I already have ideas but i want MOAR. Sorry for the lack of sex and the blackout. You see Im working on writing smut but I just can't do it good. Im a serious Fantasy writer :P